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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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mine started working again ... matchmaking i mean.

so weird. *shrug*

tried logging in with my US account a couple times just to see what would happen, not consistant, but it did work the 1st time.

but yeh i can play online again. woop


I tried to ease into the map packs by buying the first one (Facility, something else). It never came up as a choice (I only played competitively). That must mean everybody who buys any maps bought the new maps. Looks like I'll have to buy the Siege bundle as well.

Are there any really good vids on youtube to show somebody the multiplayer? Specifically, stuff that shows off the aspects which set it apart from other competitive multiplayer shooters - traversal, epic pulldowns, Navarro pelvic thrusts, etc.


slider said:
Just purchased the DLC only to get a not enough room on the HDD message. Rubbish. So I've ordered a 500gb. Haven't really played U2 much online so when the upgrade arrives I'll go at it. Hard.

Of course this depends on me not screwing up the HDD exchange. :|

I've heard that some games have comp ability issues with 500gig drives; you might want to check taht out.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Precisely what settings are you guys using in the cinema mode to get screen shots like that? Or are you doing some photoshop stuff after? All of my screens look like a bucket of ass. :lol


deepbrown said:
Can I play? :/ I haven't played for months

Sure thing buddy. You'll still kick my ass... : (

Zen said:
I've heard that some games have comp ability issues with 500gig drives; you might want to check taht out.

Whoa, for real?

FAKE EDIT: A quick Google suggests the drive I've ordered is ok (if it is a data transfer issue...)
Mooreberg said:
Precisely what settings are you guys using in the cinema mode to get screen shots like that? Or are you doing some photoshop stuff after? All of my screens look like a bucket of ass. :lol

Just press start and go to tweaks and you'll have all kinds of options. You can mess with the field of vision, intensify or soften the lighting, change the hue etc.

For the silhouette shots, I just lower a lighting setting (forget what its called) and crank up the sun intensity setting.

Here are some others I've created.






What a horrible bunch of matches tonight. So much lag, people dropping or rage-quitting, and then we get fucking farmed.

Oh, and fuck the Facility! Fucking imbalanced piece of shit Plunder map.


Guys came home tonight to find my playstation 3 and all my games stolen. Ugh....

So if you see anyone logged in as me it's probably not me.


master15 said:
Guys came home tonight to find my playstation 3 and all my games stolen. Ugh....

So if you see anyone logged in as me it's probably not me.

Don't forget to call your credit card company if you have it activated on the PS3.


Dude, MoonsaultSlayer, those are pretty f'kn excellent!

JustHadToJoin said:
Hey Arne

just out of curiosity, why did you guys make the characters lean forward when standing in multiplayer?

The characters all have several postures depending on their state within the game, you can see those in machinima mode. Postures like basically walking, running, stealth...

In the case of the characters, since it's always "run" for them in MP, the posture is the according active run type posture.

master15 said:
Guys came home tonight to find my playstation 3 and all my games stolen. Ugh....

So if you see anyone logged in as me it's probably not me.

oh no :(


master15 said:
Guys came home tonight to find my playstation 3 and all my games stolen. Ugh....

So if you see anyone logged in as me it's probably not me.
I'd recommend going to PSN's page and changing your password. If someone tries to boot up your PS3 they at least won't be able to hijack your account that way.


master15 said:
Guys came home tonight to find my playstation 3 and all my games stolen. Ugh....

So if you see anyone logged in as me it's probably not me.

Fuck man :( That sucks. Hope you have insurance and can get your shit back
Good luck


Wowbagger said:
What a horrible bunch of matches tonight. So much lag, people dropping or rage-quitting, and then we get fucking farmed.

Oh, and fuck the Facility! Fucking imbalanced piece of shit Plunder map.
We could have made them pay for farming us! We almost scored twice when it was 3vs5, after you and Pwon quit.


Good games last night.

Really dug that final Plunder game in High Rise, where Fizard dropped, yet we still beat those guys one down.
They were so distracted by their farming, we turned our output to 11 with three great consecutive captures. :]


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Patched the game to 1.07 after people started to tell me "B-B-BUT IT'S FIXED NOW!"

Played a few rounds, and it seems my major complaint about 1.05/1.06 is gone. People are... *gasp* MOVING AROUND THE GODDAMN MAP NOW. *faints*

So good job, Naughty Dog. That's one complaint gone. (Though I still want 1.04's health system back)

However: Not being able to play the multiplayer offline (even if it's splitscreen or LAN) is :(. Makes me wonder how useful the $5 DLC will be down the road/years.

Oh and no Antagonist model choice in Co-Op Arena is :(

Siege kinda blows, as does the Museum map. High-rise is pretty good, kinda miss other shooters having "pits of deaths" platforming/rocket jumping maps a la Q3A.

Summery: Patch 1.07 has caused people to move around the map now (GOOD THING, as the game isn't "broken" anymore). Making me sort-of want to play the game again between bouts of Bad Company 2. Siege isn't worth the $5 I spent on it and I don't really care about the models. So meh. :|


If I beat this game in hard mode, would I get the gold trophy for normal mode?

or do I have to beat the each mode to get the trophy?


last night, killthee and i had the most epic 2v5 plunder match. we barely lost 2-1 captures. killthee was a machine. some of the best 20 minutes i've wasted on a videogame.


slider said:
Sure thing buddy. You'll still kick my ass... : (

Whoa, for real?

FAKE EDIT: A quick Google suggests the drive I've ordered is ok (if it is a data transfer issue...)

Good to know! It would suck if you bought that drive and had it crap out on you.


Played some awesome co-op games with W0Wbaggr and cbs11aliens earlier. Got my crushing trophy. :D

However, it's kind of dumb that you don't get the co-op trophy for hard difficulty when you beat the missions in crushing. :p


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Facism said:
last night, killthee and i had the most epic 2v5 plunder match. we barely lost 2-1 captures. killthee was a machine. some of the best 20 minutes i've wasted on a videogame.
That match was so fucking awesome :D I can't remember the last time I had so much fun in U2 MP. I'm positive we would have won had I not equipped half loaded :lol


arne, when is asia (region 3, singapore, hong kong etc etc) getting the siege DLC?

it still isn't out yet over here and it's been a week now. has it been sent to sony asia for certification and just waiting for the asian PSN monkey to hit the go button or what?


Rewrite said:
If that's you in your avatar, arne...What the hell happened to you?

haha, it is. hockey injury. i broke a couple of teeth. (and likely avoided far more serious injury as I took a skate to the helmet)
all my fault really - i wear a half shield and no mouthguard, so it was a matter of time.

and in the process found myself a new profile/avatar picture.

Psykotik said:
arne, when is asia (region 3, singapore, hong kong etc etc) getting the siege DLC?

it still isn't out yet over here and it's been a week now. has it been sent to sony asia for certification and just waiting for the asian PSN monkey to hit the go button or what?

just mentioned this on twitter and our forums today. looks like i'll likely make a quick note about it tomorrow on the blog.

It'll be available May 7. some unforeseen technical issues came up which caused the delay. Japan went on time, but the other Asia PSN stores did not.


Killthee said:
That match was so fucking awesome :D I can't remember the last time I had so much fun in U2 MP. I'm positive we would have won had I not equipped half loaded :lol

We had the treasure right outside our crate 2 times in that match. Each time, i got cheesed by shitty enemy spawns :lol

Fix can't come soon enough for those.

vs robot is that a pun?


VsRobot said:
Stop saying faggot on your mic, guys. You know who you are. It really bums me out.

Was it you? You were going off this morning, saying things I never thought I'd hear from you. Of course, half of it was probably my imagination.

Also, I'm sick of shitty spawns winning a close game for a team in Plunder. We were playing on Ice Cave and it was 4 to 4. They grabbed the treasure the second it spawned and got it into the snow base. We managed to get there and wipe them out before dying ourselves as soon as that final guy dropped. Guess where each team spawned? Yep, they spawned right near the treasure an we spawned across the damned map.


I just came up with what I think could be an interesting game mode. It's basically a variation of deathmatch and elimination. Each team would start with, let's say 25 points (5 points per player). Instead of scoring a point for killing someone on the other team each time you die you drop a treasure object (like the enemies in co-op) that would stay there until you respawn (it might be necessary to increase spawn times). If the other team picks up the treasure piece your team loses a point and they gain a point and your personal treasure count goes down by one. If someone on your team picks up the treasure you dropped or you respawn before an opponent can get it then you get that treasure back.

When you have no treasure you can't respawn. Any extra treasure your team gets from downed enemies goes to the person on the team with the least treasure (if you all have the same amount then it just goes to the person that picked it up), so if you're out of the game and one of your teammates secures a treasure or two you're back in.

It's a essentially a tug-of-war mode. I think it could encourage more teamwork, less camping and could be interesting to play. I'm sure there's all sorts of logistic reasons why it wouldn't work, but it came to me suddenly while I was in the shower just now so I decided to post it up.

On a mostly unrelated note: I'm surprised that the cash for getting kills in elimination games was never increased. Since there's fewer kills to go around and fewer chances to earn medals I think kills should be worth anywhere from $800 to $1500.


Nice, Yeef. it sorta reminds me of Uncharted Dodgeball.

BTW, props to Naughty Dog for finally fixing the tie game issue in Elimination. I always hated when we'd have all five members alive and the last guy on the other team would be hiding in some insane spot or glitching for 2 minutes and it would end up as a tied round.


Irish said:
BTW, props to Naughty Dog for finally fixing the tie game issue in Elimination. I always hated when we'd have all five members alive and the last guy on the other team would be hiding in some insane spot or glitching for 2 minutes and it would end up as a tied round.

That's been fixed for a while. When I brought it up in the chatroom, someone claimed it has always worked this way. :/


Not as deep as he thinks
arne said:
haha, it is. hockey injury. i broke a couple of teeth. (and likely avoided far more serious injury as I took a skate to the helmet)
all my fault really - i wear a half shield and no mouthguard, so it was a matter of time.

and in the process found myself a new profile/avatar picture.
Damn that sucks, dude. You better be more cautious with these things! At least you got a new avatar out of it!

Dedication Through Light said:
I thought you make more money in Co-op Arena? Anyway, what is the highest round in survival?
Survival/Gold Rush go for 10 rounds. And you make more money in Gold Rush than you do in Survival.

Speaking of this though, I forgot to mention a little glitch that happened to me last week when playing Survival. I honestly don't know what triggered it, but here it goes:

The map was in The Flooded Ruins in like round 8. My health was VERY low (About to die) and I jumped towards a rocket that an enemy had launched, but it didn't kill me. However, once my character recovered...I noticed that I was completely invisible in the way that NO bullets or enemies could touch me/hurt me. I was able to shoot them and kill them. And speaking of shooting the enemies while being completely invisible to bullets, the aiming cursor would NOT appear at all. I managed to finish that round, but was later killed at the start of round 9 for the whole round. :lol


Wowbagger said:
That's been fixed for a while. When I brought it up in the chatroom, someone claimed it has always worked this way. :/

I swear I wrote that into the notes for a Title Update but I can't remember. I know one of the title updates had a provision to correct the tie decision in elimination.


Irish said:
Was it you? You were going off this morning, saying things I never thought I'd hear from you. Of course, half of it was probably my imagination.
Nope, I never use that word. I was assaulted once just for being friends with a gay person (rock to the face split my lip), and I'm very strongly pro-equal rights.
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