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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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No one's posted this?

arne said:

Not too long ago we submitted a set of PSN Avatars to supplement the few existing UNCHARTED ones that have been available for quite some time. We’ve just gotten word that the first of hopefully several sets of PSN Avatars has been approved for deployment on the PSN Store on Tuesday, May 25.

The PSN Avatars were created from renders we made from UNCHARTED 2 and include Nathan Drake, Elena Fisher, Victor Sullivan, Chloe Frazer, Jeff, Tenzin, Karl Schafer, Zoran Lazarevic, Harry Flynn, and an image of the Phurba dagger.

The Avatars will be available for $0.49 each or in two bundles of 5 Avatars for $1.49 per bundle. The bundle options that the PSN Team has created turns out to be a pretty good deal, adding up to a savings of nearly $1 compared to purchasing 5 avatars separately.

I only have US pricing at the moment, but the pricing in other regions will be similar to that of existing Avatars already available on the PSN Store.

I so wish the other Sony characters got avatars too... :(


Not as deep as he thinks
New avatars!? Fucking sweet news!

There was something weird tonight. For some reason, I couldn't join party invites nor could I create any. Had to reboot my PS3 and everything worked properly.

Edit: Oh NICE the avatars loaded up for me. They didn't appear when I posted my comment.

Sweet! I'll get the bundle!


I <3 NDI for continuing to inject life into U2.

Was talking about these very updates with CHRP last night.
- Of course there must be a melee only lab variation somewhere down the road.
- Love the avatars, probably won't be able to pass some there. On the other hand, where were these half a year ago?

I'm juggling three great games with little free time at the moment, but I'm always down for U2. I expect to bump into some of you this weekend, at the very least. :]
The Lab sounds like Mutation in L4D2.

Love that developers are starting to do this sort of stuff. I'll need to hop on and try it out, and take a break from RDR and SMG2.



UPDATE - Nothing to see here, sadly. While the page is indeed the series' official meinVZ portal, we've been told the Amundsen references were just PR folks getting into character, and not part of any marketing campaign for a future Uncharted product. Shame! For a bunch of advertising types, it was a pretty good stab at an Uncharted plotline!

yay kotaku


Not pure anymore!
Nick Laslett said:
I was thinking of suggesting UC2 as an online co-op game for my buddy and I to play. We played a lot of Resistance 2 co-op and Borderlands together.

There is a lot of additional co-op content now available for UC2. It would be great if someome could confirm some specifics.

Co-op Modes
Objective - Co-op campaign (3 scenarios)
Gold Rush - Retreive random spawning treasure (5 maps) + ?4 DLC Maps?
Survival - Survive 10 waves of enemies (5 maps) + ?4 DLC Maps?
Siege - Like Survival, but you have to hold specific territory (5 maps) + ?4 DLC maps?

During play on all co-op modes you earn points and cash to upgrade your character and weapons.

Maps for each mode
Objective - Nepal, The Sanctuary, The Village
Gold Rush - The Sanctuary, The Plaza, The Village, The Lost City, The Fort + ?The Flooded Ruins, The Facility, The High Rise, The Museum?
Survival - The Sanctuary, The Plaza, The Village, The Lost City, The Fort + ?The Flooded Ruins, The Facility, The High Rise, The Museum?
Siege - The Highrise, The Museum + The Sanctuary, The Plaza, The Village, The Lost City, The Fort

Maps on Disc
The Village, The Temple, The Ice Caves, The Lost City, The Train Wreck, The Plaza, The Sanctuary, The Fort

Paid DLC Maps
The Flooded Ruins, The Facility, The High Rise, The Museum

Please edit where I've made mistakes.
There's also The Temple map, but you can't use it in co-op arena though. I think it's the only map that you can't use in co-op arena. Not that I'm concerned, I hate that map with passions anyway.


bish gets all the credit :)
Didn't SA used to require you to stand still/not in cover? If not, it should (or be removed). People are really spamming the shit out of it hanging on edges on some of the tiered levels.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
jett said:

yay kotaku
Could be a leak coverup :p

Amundsen / Norway / Antarctica would make so much sense. It would center the story around an intriguing historical figure that hasn't been done to death in popular media. So far, they've been going for just that in both games. Second, since he disappeared on one of his expeditions, that would make for a perfect setup for the story to branch into the realm of fiction, just like they could do with Francis Drake and Marco Polo.


Ninja Theory Says Naughty Dog is the best developer in the world right now.

Tameem Antoniades, Chief Designer of fantasy action-adventure title Enslaved believes Naughty Dog's Uncharted 2: Among Theives is the best thing ever.

"I think Uncharted 2 set the template for what an action-adventure game should be," he said in an exclusive interview with Strategy Informer's Nick Akerman.

"We were working on the game two years before Uncharted 2 came out, and by that point it was too late," he went on to say.

"It wasn't like we were trying to copy them, our game's got a totally different story, different characters, focused more on melee combat, and a different setting. In terms of what we're trying to achieve, I think both the studio and I have the highest admiration for those guys. They're the best console developers in the world at the moment."



I'll probably be on tonight after work. (9ish EST). Galaxy 2 has a firm hold on me, but I think I can wait until next week to get the last 15 or so stars that I have left.


Double cash and the new game mode “The Lab” is now playable:


We just wanted to remind everyone that our inaugural weekend of “The Lab” starts TOMORROW, Friday, May 28 at 10:00 AM PDT (what time is that in my city) and will turn until Tuesday, June 1 at 10:00 AM PDT (what time is that in my city?).

Of course, over the same time, all matchmaking playlists will be under Double Cash Weekend during the same start and end times above, with an increased maximum cash per match limit of $150,000.

This weekend’s installment of “The Lab” Playlist series is 2 vs. 2 Team Deathmatch.
Parties are limited to two people only, obviously. We’ve set the match conditions to a 15 minute time limit and 25 kills. We also made sure to limit the active maps in “The Lab” Playlist this weekend to maps that are best suited for the small team size.

The maps active within “The Lab” Playlist are:
Ice Cave

We would love to get your thoughts about 2 vs. 2 Team Deathmatch after you’ve had a chance to play it – be sure to visit the 2 vs. 2 Team Deathmatch feedback and comments thread on the Naughty Dog community forums to let us know what you think.

Oh, and as we mentioned last week, you’ll want to pick a steady and reliable teammate to join you in all your 2 vs. 2 Team Deathmatch games this weekend…


I REEEEEAAAALLLLLLLLYYYYY despise this game now. I cant stand it any more. Its just frustrating as hell. 100's of hours put into this game and it's just frustrating now.


how come mr nothing? to me its alot less frustrating than it was before the patch, the only thing i complain is the abuse of SA but since im using evasion now it doesnt bother me :p when i get the negative boosters however its gonna be a pain again


JustHadToJoin said:
I swear, I never see situational awareness being used. Definitely not as much as you guys seem to.
What level are you? The game seems to matchmake based on the party leader's level in a party so we usually end up playing against people in the 50s. One time we let someone (can't remember who it was) that was only level 20-something be the party leader and every game we were matched up with people level 30 and below. It was a complete massacre. :(

Generally you can tell if people are using situational when you see the press up on the death cams. A lot of the time we run into people using the triple booster glitch so even if it says DTI is their booster they've got situational on as well.


Not as deep as he thinks
JustHadToJoin said:
I swear, I never see situational awareness being used. Definitely not as much as you guys seem to.
I see it all of the time. It's soooo annoying.

Double xp? FUCK yes. I can't wait to play later on tonight!

By the way, I don't know if it's been mentioned here...but whenever let's say I want to replay a single player chapter...it takes FOREVER to load. What gives? I don't remember the loading times taking this much to load a chapter back when I got the game last year....


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Melfice7 said:
triple booster what? level 60 only or something?
You can fool the game into letting you use three boosters at the same time if you equip the third booster at the last possible second in mm before the game starts.


Killthee said:
You can fool the game into letting you use three boosters at the same time if you equip the third booster at the last possible second in mm before the game starts.

fuck cheaters in the ass
Rewrite said:
By the way, I don't know if it's been mentioned here...but whenever let's say I want to replay a single player chapter...it takes FOREVER to load. What gives? I don't remember the loading times taking this much to load a chapter back when I got the game last year....

Im guessing the game does some kind of mystical loads during cutscenes, while going up ladders, and during other unskippable stuff so that when you finally play it is seamless. But if you just start one chapter, that mystical loading hasn't taken place, so it has to do it all at once again. Thats my best guess.


Played some 2 vs 2 TDM with Killthee earlier. The new mode isn't much fun. Even the smaller maps the mode is limited to are just too large for four players. Their size hurts the pacing, making games feel slow and boring. It's also too easy to camp -- with not enough people running around, distracting campers, it's harder to sneak up on them. Camping is especially annoying in the Village, with its two sniper nests and GL close below.

And it sucks when an enemy leaves and you're stuck playing hide and seek with the other for 20 minutes. 15 minutes would be more than enough, and number of kills needed to win badly needs to be reduced when the game turns into 2 vs 1.


Whatever ND is doing with the servers, they're making the game lag more than before, the dead body glitches and the delay deaths are getting pretty annoying now.


bish gets all the credit :)
the lab is terrible. I played 3 matches and in two of them, one person dropped. The other person just continued to camp for 20 mins. Melee only please.

fix the lag


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
alr1ghtstart said:
the lab is terrible. I played 3 matches and in two of them, one person dropped. The other person just continued to camp for 20 mins. Melee only please.

fix the lag
I want a 1 player Arena Mode. Please please please Arne, 1 player Arena Mode.
Seriously, what is up with this game lately? In almost every round, at least one person from each team leaves. I thought this was going to be fixed, but it's been like this for a while. I can't see how that many people can have bad connections. I played a bit of The Lab today, and it isn't my cup of tea. Especially when one person on your team or the other team drops.


Drake was listed as one of the top characters from the last 20 years in the newest Entertainment Weekly. He was there along with Nico Bellic, Laura Croft, and Kratos.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Lotan said:
Drake was listed as one of the top characters from the last 20 years in the newest Entertainment Weekly. He was there along with Nico Bellic, Laura Croft, and Kratos.

Nico? lol.
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