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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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well you're right, they barely make a difference at all. also, most of the good ones are unlocked very early. i think the idea behind perk based multiplayer is that you can only get better, which is fun


TheSeks said:
Ughhhhhhhhhhh. The day that's patched out of the game, is the day the game would be 20x better.
Or, they could give you evasion a lot earlier. SI abuse is ridiculous right now, and only relatively high level players can counter it. I use Evasion, and it's hilarious how easy it is to walk right up to a SI player who is just standing in one spot pushing up over and over.

SI is yet another aspect of the game tested and balanced for the old health that just doesn't work under the new system.

I personally love people using it because it gives them no advantage over me. I'd rather face a team of SI players than a team using DTI/FF. But I can never use anything in my top spot besides Evasion, which is a bummer.


Mt Heart Attack said:
Perks are not really that relevant in this game, you get all the best ones within the first, like, 15-20 levels, all that high levels get is perks that reduce their health and things like that.
The multiplayer is awesome, give it a try.
That is no longer true-- I imagine new players are currently getting fucked in half by people abusing sit. awareness. Not knowing the maps and going up against people who can see you through walls? Doesn't sound fun at all.
Yeah, I agree that perks ruin otherwise great online games. Classes with specialties unlocked from the get go is one thing... but rewarding good players with ways to make things easier for them is atrocious.

I can acquire situational awareness and become like them but I do not want to dampen the experience for myself or other players. Seeing players through walls? Really, ND? REALLY?! It's your first MP, so it's forgiven... for now.

Let's end this BS perk system in all games PLEASE.

EDIT: How far will this go? Reach level 80 and one kill kills all players on the other team? Level 60 in a racer slows down other players by 10%? I know I'm exaggerating but it's essentially what's going on here. Terrible.


Eh situational awareness is crap, you have to stand still and press up for it to work, and only works when there are enemies near you. I don't get the people that use it.
jett said:
Eh situational awareness is crap, you have to stand still and press up for it to work, and only works when there are enemies near you. I don't get the people that use it.

Depends on the map IMO. SA is amazing on maps like Ice Caves, Highrise and Flooded Ruins, but isn't very useful on maps like Fort, Village and Facility. It also like all "perks" is only useful in the hands of the user.
XxSlasherMcGirkxX said:
Depends on the map IMO. SA is amazing on maps like Ice Caves, Highrise and Flooded Ruins, but isn't very useful on maps like Fort, Village and Facility. It also like all "perks" is only useful in the hands of the user.

In the facilty is where I see it abused the most. Lots of areas someone could sit and wait safely while watching where they come from. Especially at the top of the stairs. I get so pissed when I'm taken by surprise by someone who shouldn't even have known I was coming. Retarded. I guess it's their reward for playing so much *rolls eyes*.


bish gets all the credit :)
jett said:
Eh situational awareness is crap, you have to stand still and press up for it to work, and only works when there are enemies near you. I don't get the people that use it.

It would be nice if you had to stand still upright for it to work, but you can hang on walls or in cover and it will still register. It probably wouldn't be as bad if you had to be standing/not in cover.

My god, the grenades are absolutely worthless. Because they were nerfed along with the BBQ radius, it's really not much fun to even attempt to use them anymore. I would love to see someone even get a connect 4 these days.
the campaign is sooooooo good, there's not even a need for multiplayer. I've passed it 5 times and I still want to play it more. FU naughty dog for somehow putting crack in the game that goes through the tv and into my brain. FUUUUUUUUU.


jett said:
Eh situational awareness is crap, you have to stand still and press up for it to work, and only works when there are enemies near you. I don't get the people that use it.
Stand in building with shotgun. Wait until someone gets by a door and then shotty them.

Corny tactic


I too just started the singleplayer a few days ago, I'm already almost done, at Chapter 22 currently. It has some of the most amazing set pieces I've ever experienced in a game, really great stuff. I still feel that the gunplay leaves a lot to be desired, but eh w/e.
I was thinking of suggesting UC2 as an online co-op game for my buddy and I to play. We played a lot of Resistance 2 co-op and Borderlands together.

There is a lot of additional co-op content now available for UC2. It would be great if someome could confirm some specifics.

Co-op Modes
Objective - Co-op campaign (3 scenarios)
Gold Rush - Retreive random spawning treasure (5 maps) + ?4 DLC Maps?
Survival - Survive 10 waves of enemies (5 maps) + ?4 DLC Maps?
Siege - Like Survival, but you have to hold specific territory (5 maps) + ?4 DLC maps?

During play on all co-op modes you earn points and cash to upgrade your character and weapons.

Maps for each mode
Objective - Nepal, The Sanctuary, The Village
Gold Rush - The Sanctuary, The Plaza, The Village, The Lost City, The Fort + ?The Flooded Ruins, The Facility, The High Rise, The Museum?
Survival - The Sanctuary, The Plaza, The Village, The Lost City, The Fort + ?The Flooded Ruins, The Facility, The High Rise, The Museum?
Siege - The Highrise, The Museum + The Sanctuary, The Plaza, The Village, The Lost City, The Fort

Maps on Disc
The Village, The Temple, The Ice Caves, The Lost City, The Train Wreck, The Plaza, The Sanctuary, The Fort

Paid DLC Maps
The Flooded Ruins, The Facility, The High Rise, The Museum

Please edit where I've made mistakes.


GGs guyz, we built this city.


Nick Laslett said:
Co-op stuff
All of the DLC maps (Fort, Facility, Flooded Ruins, Museum and High Rise) work in all co-op arena game types. Fort is not on-disc but is a free map that's part of the normal patches.
Kittonwy said:
GGs guyz, we built this city.
We built this city on ROCK AND ROLL!


Not as deep as he thinks
Jaroof said:
What's your PSN?
I don't think I've ever seen you online, or in the chat room.
I've played with just about everybody else who plays online in here :p
It's on my profile!

By the way, I forgot to comment about the great games I had with webcivilian and Bleach the other day. I had such a blast...couldn't stop laughing, kicking ass, getting my ass kicked, it was all good. The best part was that 3 vs. 3 match AND Siege Mode in The Fort. It was SO INTENSE. Please arne, make a crushing option for co-op arena.

Also: Relax, take a deep breath, RAGE, and LAG! :lol :lol

By the way, today I encountered a glitch when I was playing Gold Rush in The Museum tonight. An enemy was jumping down a building and I managed to kick him on time when he decided to jump down. However, doing that made my character like fly outside the map at such a rapid speed and all I just saw was a gray screen with the sound of being downed (the hearbeat). I couldn't hit the Home button on the PS3 controller nor could I move the camera. It basically froze my PS3! Never encountered it before.

Here's a shitty cellphone pic as proof:


It's a good thing I wasn't penalized!


Game is going platinum in the Euro zone starting 09 june !! Uncharted 2 , Ratchet ACiT & WWE SVR 2010 are the new titles to be added at the beginning of next month
Rewrite said:
It's on my profile!

By the way, I forgot to comment about the great games I had with webcivilian and Bleach the other day. I had such a blast...couldn't stop laughing, kicking ass, getting my ass kicked, it was all good. The best part was that 3 vs. 3 match AND Siege Mode in The Fort. It was SO INTENSE. Please arne, make a crushing option for co-op arena.

Also: Relax, take a deep breath, RAGE, and LAG! :lol :lol

By the way, today I encountered a glitch when I was playing Gold Rush in The Museum tonight. An enemy was jumping down a building and I managed to kick him on time when he decided to jump down. However, doing that made my character like fly outside the map at such a rapid speed and all I just saw was a gray screen with the sound of being downed (the hearbeat). I couldn't hit the Home button on the PS3 controller nor could I move the camera. It basically froze my PS3! Never encountered it before.

Here's a shitty cellphone pick as proof:


It's a good thing I wasn't penalized!

Yep it was great playing with you and Bleach as well. Had tons of fun :D


Neo Member
I have always loved Uncharted but never played online - I tried 1 round now im downloading all the DLC :D

If anyone wants to play the co-op or any online mode please hit me up

PSN: Deadbeatfish


jett said:
Eh situational awareness is crap, you have to stand still and press up for it to work, and only works when there are enemies near you. I don't get the people that use it.

I don't get why it's even in the game, it's kind of an unfair advantage, like, a major unfair advantage if used right.
ghostofsparta said:
Awww dude wtf! My copy of U2 all of a sudden doesn't work, it loads forever on the very first load screen, no scratches no nothing. What is this shit!
I've had that happen to me as well not too long ago. The dang dagger just turns and turns. I just waited a bit, turned off my PS3 via the button on my console. Turned the PS3 back on, and U2 loaded fine after that. I guess it's just some problem that occurs every now and again.



I don't think this has been mentioned yet even though I'm sure most people know about it: Ever since 1.04 when you're on the invite menu the game prevents you from doing anything so long as there are any notifications on your screen (X person logged in/out, Y person said this in Z chat room, "You received a message," etc.). It's a minor, but pretty annoying bug, especially now that I'm in 3 chat rooms instead of just one.


Have Arne and the gang dropped the support for this game or can we expect more patches/dlc in the near future?

I have money to throw at it forever :lol


Speculation is that there will be two more maps (possibly with some other content) and that will be the last of the DLC. That speculation mainly comes from that leaked Japanese DLC list that said the Siege pack would have 4 maps instead of two. There hasn't been any official word from Naughty Dog or Sony, but the list has been fairly accurate, so we'll see what happens.


bish gets all the credit :)
I hit $30M last night (which is about level 57.3), not even halfway to Level 60. I seriously don't understand how someone could be level 60 unless they play it 3 hours a day.


alr1ghtstart said:
I hit $30M last night (which is about level 57.3), not even halfway to Level 60. I seriously don't understand how someone could be level 60 unless they play it 3 hours a day.

Nah, some people have been making 50K/match a lot longer than the rest of us. You can make 50K+ every 15 minutes from level 1 on if you're good at Gold Rush in village. Do a lot of that until you get negative boosters, play a bunch during double-cash weekends, I can see how it's totally doable without "poop-socking".


Co-op farming is the best way to make cash if you just want to level up. Once you get to 58 though it doesn't really matter so much. All you're missing at that point is 2 skins (one of which sucks and is VERY similar to a DLC skin).

Salz01 said:
I almost wish they would stop making DLC now, (unless its Chloe skins) and just work on UC3.
They can do (and probably are doing) both. It's not like Arne is the only Naughty Dog employee.


Yeef said:
Co-op farming is the best way to make cash if you just want to level up. Once you get to 58 though it doesn't really matter so much. All you're missing at that point is 2 skins (one of which sucks and is VERY similar to a DLC skin).
Serious. The grind from 58 to 60 isn't worth it. I turned off all my negative boosters and just play for (gasp) fun.


GGs Webcivilian and Crush, too bad you guys left that last game, it was just me and another guy on the other team left and I went rage on him.


Rewrite said:
It's on my profile!

By the way, I forgot to comment about the great games I had with webcivilian and Bleach the other day. I had such a blast...couldn't stop laughing, kicking ass, getting my ass kicked, it was all good. The best part was that 3 vs. 3 match AND Siege Mode in The Fort. It was SO INTENSE. Please arne, make a crushing option for co-op arena.

Also: Relax, take a deep breath, RAGE, and LAG! :lol :lol

By the way, today I encountered a glitch when I was playing Gold Rush in The Museum tonight. An enemy was jumping down a building and I managed to kick him on time when he decided to jump down. However, doing that made my character like fly outside the map at such a rapid speed and all I just saw was a gray screen with the sound of being downed (the hearbeat). I couldn't hit the Home button on the PS3 controller nor could I move the camera. It basically froze my PS3! Never encountered it before.

Here's a shitty cellphone pic as proof:


It's a good thing I wasn't penalized!

You're supposed to catch yourself when you get blown off the map. Happened to me in the single player.



It was funny as hell cause the enemies had no clue where I was, but I could still shoot and throw grenades.
Don't know, if anyone posted this before, I'm on a german community site, similar to facebook, called studivz.net, there, I'm a fan of Nathan Drake, the laste weeks he posted about him in the Vatican and stuff about Roald Amundsen, the arctic explorer. Nathan found a book in the vaticans library about Amundsen, who found a city under the ice in the arctic. But he always tells that he can't talk much about it and that we will hear more soon. Teasing for E3?

Did this come up here? Because I've not read about it here til now.


berserk_ftw said:
Don't know, if anyone posted this before, I'm on a german community site, similar to facebook, called studivz.net, there, I'm a fan of Nathan Drake, the laste weeks he posted about him in the Vatican and stuff about Roald Amundsen, the arctic explorer. Nathan found a book in the vaticans library about Amundsen, who found a city under the ice in the arctic. But he always tells that he can't talk much about it and that we will hear more soon. Teasing for E3?

Did this come up here? Because I've not read about it here til now.
I don't know if it's been mentioned in this thread, but I've seen people talking about it in-game and in the chat.


berserk_ftw said:
Don't know, if anyone posted this before, I'm on a german community site, similar to facebook, called studivz.net, there, I'm a fan of Nathan Drake, the laste weeks he posted about him in the Vatican and stuff about Roald Amundsen, the arctic explorer. Nathan found a book in the vaticans library about Amundsen, who found a city under the ice in the arctic. But he always tells that he can't talk much about it and that we will hear more soon. Teasing for E3?

Did this come up here? Because I've not read about it here til now.
Who says this? Nathan Drake isn't a real person...


Not as deep as he thinks
JustHadToJoin said:
this community is strong man can't believe there is still play going on!
I'm not surprised since it's pretty fun. However I have been noticing a bit of a decline for me. I only have time to play at nights and I used to always pick up full games on Plunder, and these past few days I've had no luck. It's usually been 3 vs. 3 matches or I have to wait like 10 minutes (sometimes even longer) to pick up people. I hope it's only a temporary thing because the night community used to be strong! ;)

KRS7 said:
You're supposed to catch yourself when you get blown off the map. Happened to me in the single player.

It was funny as hell cause the enemies had no clue where I was, but I could still shoot and throw grenades.
:lol See, that's the thing...I couldn't see myself and I couldn't move. It just froze everything. Still funny though.


so a weird glitch happened to me in flooded ruins, i died right in the beginning and apparently after the respawn i was invisible to the enemies, i got angry msg's from some of them and i didnt know what was going on..

i saw the replay and found out that after that first death my char just stayed dead on a corner for the whole match :x but from my perspective everything was fine i was moving around killing people


Datwheezy said:
"The Lab" sounds awesome. Hopefuly it is implemented from the start in Uncharted 3 mp
Indeed it does. Surprised it hasn't been posted already, but I'll just blame Red Dead Redemption for that.


Introducing “The Lab” Playlist and Double Cash Weekend

Next weekend – May 28 to June 1 – we’re introducing a new playlist that will mix things up and maybe, possibly lead to updates or additions to the existing playlists in competitive Matchmaking. We’re calling this playlist “The Lab

We’ll be running “The Lab” Playlist roughly every other weekend for the foreseeable future.

During each weekend “The Lab” is active, we’ll be running a playlist featuring one or more custom-tuned gametype variations from the tons of variables we can tweak in our multiplayer gameplay settings.

We’ll also be hosting a new thread for every event on our Naughty Dog community forums to get your feedback and thoughts on each one of our “The Lab” events.

Here’s the current schedule and descriptions for the first three events in our “The Lab” Playlist series:

May 28 – June 1
2 vs. 2 Team Deathmatch

Grab a partner for this small- to medium-size map mow-down. You’ve got 15 minutes to rack up 25 kills, or more than the other team, to prove your small-team superiority. I’m going to recommend now that you’re going to want pick a reliable teammate you want to play with over the weekend…

June 11 – 14
Shotguns Only

We’re serving up short-range mayhem as all players and maps spawn with Moss-12 and Pistole only. Oh, and NO grenades.

June 25 – 28
Sniper Extermination

Two teams. Dragon Sniper rifles. One life per round. Best of 5 rounds takes the match win. Absolutely tense, totally tactical.

Keep track of future updates on “The Lab” including updated schedules through “The Lab” topic in our community forums or through “The Lab” blog keyword tag.

Of course, to commemorate the launch of “The Lab” Playlist program will be a Double Cash Weekend!

Starts: Friday, May 28, 10:00 AM PDT
Ends: Tuesday, June 1, 10:00 AM PDT
As with our previous Double Cash Weekend, the per match cash limit has also been raised to $150,000 maximum per match.


Not as deep as he thinks
That's pretty cool even if I have no interest in participating in some of the events. It's a great idea and I'm sure the community would appreciate something new and fresh to broaden up the fun factor in the game. I'm more excited about the double cash weekend. :D More of those, please!


Oh WTF. The Lab playlist sounds like a LOT of fun (not to mention the extra cash), but tonight's my last time on the PSN for 3 or so weeks... Headed home and then back to the motherland for a couple of weeks before coming back here for a co-op. Grr...
Oh yea double cash weekend! Can't wait. Really going to try hard to get to level 60. I'm 58 1/2 right now, but i hear it takes forever to go from 59-60.

I finally got my last protectorate medal for the trophy. Jeez what a pain in the ass. I dont know how many people know this but you cant get protectorate medals by killing people while holding the treasure, but if you hold the treasure get shot at, drop the treasure and then somehow manage yo kill your attacker it will count. This method really help me get the last five or so medals needed.
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