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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Yeef said:
If you're talking about "The Lab" then the US has had it since Thursday night. US hasn't gotten the 1.08 patch yet while Europe (accidentally) has.
You guys have it? Well how is it? I've heard complaints about the map sizes for 2v2 games, but other that I don't know a thing.


Not as deep as he thinks
Dedication Through Light said:
I aim to permanently use come get some, half loaded isn't that bad, why remove em after 60?
There's no point to equip them once you reach that level. If you don't really care about the cash leaderboards, there's really no use in getting a shitload of cash for every match that ends since you won't level up anymore. I guess you could still equip them for fun.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
catchabad0ne said:
Again, I am new to the PS3, but is this game supposed to tax the system so much? My PS3 seems to be accessing the disc constantly, and the machine is so loud when playing this game. MGS4 and Mirror's Edge were not like this at all.
It is normal that the game loads from the disc most of the time while you play, as it's streaming from it continuously - As you must have noticed, this game never presents you with a loading screen like the other two games you played do all the time - BUT if it's louder than during normal loading sequences in other games, then that could be a sign of something being wrong with your console.

Second, the game seems to have some problems visually, maybe it is my settings on the TV or PS3, I'm pretty stupid when it comes to this sort of thing. For example, the textures often times take a long time to load and pop in out of nowhere.
There's two main places in the game where this is 'supposed' to happen (which means it happens to everyone). First is the opening of the chapter 2, when Drake and Sully are walking through the forest. It should clear up by the time you get to control him. Second is the beginning of the chapter 4, right after the parachute jump. It should clear up a few seconds after you get to control Drake. If you're getting this problem a lot and beyond these two places, it could again mean that your disc drive is dying, or that the game disc is scratched or somehow otherwise damaged.

Also, mainly when outside in the jungle area, the TV seems to have scan lines (?) going vertically across the screen. Especially when moving the camera quickly.
Tearing. It's normal to happen in this game, (and there won't be any of it in the sequel).


Rewrite said:
There's no point to equip them once you reach that level. If you don't really care about the cash leaderboards, there's really no use in getting a shitload of cash for every match that ends since you won't level up anymore. I guess you could still equip them for fun.

Yeah, for fun. I don't think I'll ever remove "invalid". It's not fun playing without it anymore.


Not as deep as he thinks
womfalcs3 said:
Yeah, for fun. I don't think I'll ever remove "invalid". It's not fun playing without it anymore.
I always play with Invalid on ever since I unlocked that booster. Although it frustrates me in Plunder matches, it's worth it. I was so shocked when I unequipped it and noticed how many bullets I can take without dying...


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
mr_nothin said:
I hope they have a "back to normal" weekend for the Lab playlist.

I hope they have a "Sorry, we fucked the game up guys, here's no SA, health back to 1.04, slightly nerfed but useful grenades" playlist. That's the only fucking time I would go into the Lab and play the shit out of it, instead of out right completely ignoring it.

Also Veiled and Deposit on Plunder is crazy fun. Just go around spraying people. I died like 34 times in one match, but damn if it isn't crazy fun to get people with no assists on you. :lol

With all the talk about Invalid, I'm trying to get to level 52 to get that. But I don't know if I want to lower my health any more with the bullshit health lower they did in 1.05/1.06 (which they partially fixed in 1.07) :lol


Why are so few people playing today? You guys do know that double cash is on until tomorrow morning, right?

Fuck your barbecues!


GGs guyz, crush you shoulda joined us we were ballin'.


bish gets all the credit :)
I may be done with this due to the SA boosting. It completely breaks multiple game modes and I feel that I'm always at a disadvantage if I don't put evasion on.


bish gets all the credit :)
what isn't? Little kids stand in a corner and press up the whole time waiting for enemies that they can bumrush. Rinse/repeat. It takes no skill and completely fucks up multiple games (Pistole matches, Elimination.) It's like how DTI used to be x10.


Tonight in the other GAF group (Yeef, Fizarf, Seks, Treble) was some of the most fun I've had with this game. Lots of close matches, only one match with real bad lag, and I got to use my catchphrase a lot, including on Fizarf. :D Chasing Fiz over half the museum before finally yelling, "Fizarf, behind you!" and then owning him with a rocket is definitely one of the best moments I've had with the game. Evading Yeef's many attempts to BBQ me was also fun.

Also, 'gratz to BleachEX for hitting the top 100 on the money leaderboards!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Holy shit, yes.

Me #1 on Gold Rush last game during this 2x EXP weekend.

TheSeks Score: 457,555 Kills: 74 Deaths: 0 Downed: 3 Revives: 4 Headshots: 26

Headshotting people with the M942 + GAU + Grenades + Master Chef (the first time I've gotten that medal, actually) + 3x last-second captures = that score.

So awesome. The total team score was around... 1,168,050


Nearly level 52 because of that game. Now if only 2x EXP was still going for another hour, I could hit 52 within it. :(


Good games last night. Always fun playing with a full team. Also, lots of awesome team killings. :D Too bad double cash weekend is over.


I hope at least a few of you dudes will be on tonight, despite the fact that we're back to (*sigh*) the 50K cap. I'm only 15 million away from level X now... so close, and yet so far away. :D


The way double cash works, and has always worked, if you log on during double cash you keep getting double cash until you relog. The catch is that you can only play people playing the same version as you (which means other people that haven't relogged yet either) so the pool of players will get smaller and smaller and matchmaking will take forever.


Neo Member
I started playing again this weekend after being on an UC2 sabbatical since January. I forgot how much fun this game can be, but I certainly remembered pretty quickly how many trash-talking, corpse-humping, basement-dwelling, morons there are playing this game. That said, it was still a blast making a couple million and unlocking Invalid. And then I went right back to sucking. lol

Any suggestions for not getting killed so dang much while using Invalid? Or should I embrace my new approx 1:1 KDR?

Also, I'm relatively new to GAF. When do you guys/gals play? I'm in Atlanta, GA, USA - Eastern Daylight Time.

Edit: Oh! And the LAG! How could I forget about the lag?? So, in true GAF spirit... Arne! Fix this crap! :lol


VulcanVillain said:
I started playing again this weekend after being on an UC2 sabbatical since January. I forgot how much fun this game can be, but I certainly remembered pretty quickly how many trash-talking, corpse-humping, basement-dwelling, morons there are playing this game. That said, it was still a blast making a couple million and unlocking Invalid. And then I went right back to sucking. lol

Any suggestions for not getting killed so dang much while using Invalid? Or should I embrace my new approx 1:1 KDR?

Also, I'm relatively new to GAF. When do you guys/gals play? I'm in Atlanta, GA, USA - Eastern Daylight Time.

Edit: Oh! And the LAG! How could I forget about the lag?? So, in true GAF spirit... Arne! Fix this crap! :lol
There isn't really any trick to using invalid. It just forces you to play smarter and aim better. When/if you take it off after using it for a while you'll probably do a lot better than you did before you had it.

GAF parties are pretty spontaneous lately since there are other games to play, but you can generally find at least one person online to play with at any time of day. Baird, BleachEx and WowBaggr play pretty much everyday it seems like. Just get someone to send you an invite to the chat and you'll find people to play with.
just like down the irons, and just like huge radius grenades, now that you are complaining about situational awareness, they're going to change it so you now have to press up, down, R3 and O simultaneously to make it fairer to the others..


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Just got my second YLOD ;_;

I'll probably end up picking up a
slim somewhere down the line instead of sending it off to Sony for a refurb this time around.... : /

I blame KZ2! First one died in the middle of playing KZ2 and the second one started showing symptoms of the impending doom a couple of days ago when I started to play KZ2 again for the first time in months. I'll never finish that goddamn game :lol


bish gets all the credit :)
JustHadToJoin said:
just like down the irons, and just like huge radius grenades, now that you are complaining about situational awareness, they're going to change it so you now have to press up, down, R3 and O simultaneously to make it fairer to the others..

we tend to dislike things that require no skill to be successful. DTI is fine now.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
1.08 is up.

Um... yeah.

now that you are complaining about situational awareness, they're going to change it so you now have to press up, down, R3 and O simultaneously to make it fairer to the others..

Good. Maybe everyone and their mom would stop using a no skill perk and pick something else instead of hiding around a corner, tapping up at random intervals to catch those of us that don't feel like playing with Evasion on 24/7.

Seriously, how the hell did that get past ND's QA department? "DERP, wallhack perk! THAT'LL BE AWESOME AND BALANCED! YES SIR!"


I got accused of using DTI last night because I was out-shooting this guy constantly. I haven't used DTI since 1.04 so I can't say whether or not it's better these days, but I certainly haven't had as many of the bullshit around the corner deaths as I used to since it's been changed.

Situational Awareness is definitely a booster that should've never existed to begin with, but since it's there, yes, I do think it needs to be nerfed. There are a few ways they could do it that I'd be happy with. They could give it a cool-down period so that you could only use it once every x seconds. They could make it work only on people that have been spotted by teammates in the last x seconds (if I spot someone on my screen and someone else on my team is using situational they'd see his marker). They could give it its own animation so that instead of just tapping up for a split second you have to wait for a 3 second or so animation to finish before you can take any other actions. There are any number of ways to balance it without completely getting rid of it (Though that would be ideal).


Not as deep as he thinks
It's amazing how that booster became so widely used. Back in the old days, I never saw people playing with it that much, but now it's everywhere. I don't feel like buying the booster that makes you immune to it either so I just equip Come Get Some sometimes and just let myself be exposed to those bitches.

Regarding Down the Irons, I just don't like how it can shoot through fucking walls when you get into cover. I've never liked that aspect of the booster and it's very annoying. Besides that, I don't find a problem with it. It's the whole "I can shoot you while you take cover" thing. One of the reasons why I'll never buy that booster. I think I only have purchased all the negative ones, Sure Shot, and Treasure Bearer. Oh, and Deposit. That's it.


Rewrite said:
It's amazing how that booster became so widely used. Back in the old days, I never saw people playing with it that much, but now it's everywhere.
The thing is: before 1.05 if someone got the jump on you a skilled player could still out-maneuver the attacker and take them down and SA wasn't really much of a threat. With the reduced health it's much, much more difficult so now everyone uses it. What makes it even more annoying is that so many people use it as a 3rd booster.
Yeef said:
The thing is: before 1.05 if someone got the jump on you a skilled player could still out-maneuver the attacker and take them down and SA wasn't really much of a threat. With the reduced health it's much, much more difficult so now everyone uses it. What makes it even more annoying is that so many people use it as a 3rd booster.

Yea, I've tried to get back into it, but my lovely grenades were turned into rocks. I can adjust to the lowered health, but when I consistently toss grenades at feet, that should be a kill, not a flesh wound.

The wife still plays all the time though, she gets pissed at SA and the booster glitches (3rd Booster), She has a 1.7 kdr or something like that, but she wants a rollback to 1.04. Ah well, still a great game.

Equipping 3 boosters? wtf

It's terribly easy.


Yeef said:
The thing is: before 1.05 if someone got the jump on you a skilled player could still out-maneuver the attacker and take them down and SA wasn't really much of a threat. With the reduced health it's much, much more difficult so now everyone uses it. What makes it even more annoying is that so many people use it as a 3rd booster.

Has it been confirmed that 1.08 fixes this? Any other changes? Couldn't find any info on the patch on ND's site.

About SA: What if using it revealed your position? Then it would be more of an anti-camping tool. (Useful for locating enemies you know are camping your treasure room before barging in, fairly useless for camping in there yourself.)

Eh, I dunno. I'd rather it just didn't exist at all. I use Evasion exclusively now; it's too frustrating running into a team of SA whores without it.


Wowbagger said:
Has it been confirmed that 1.08 fixes this? Any other changes? Couldn't find any info on the patch on ND's site.
They haven't released any patch notes to my knowledge, but the consensus on the web seems to say it does fix the glitch.

I downloaded 1.08 and kept getting "error syncing player data" and as I sit here and reinstall the patches an idea popped into my head: If everyone from the normal GAF crew deleted their patches and re-patched only up to 1.04 would we be able to still play custom games together or would we just no be able to log on at all? I think that would be an interesting experiment and if it works we could have some great old-school matches.


Wowbagger said:
Has it been confirmed that 1.08 fixes this? Any other changes? Couldn't find any info on the patch on ND's site.

I've been overseas on vacation with the whole unexpected launch of the update stuffs. Should be up tomorrow I hope when I get back to the studio.


I keep getting "Error syncing player data" when I try to connect. I've already tried repatching and deleting Game Data and neither worked. The odd part is that I can log on just fine on any of my other PSN accounts on the same machine.

Fix this shit, Guerilla!


CartridgeBlower said:
This seems like it would be easy to fix, yet it's still happening. As great as UC2 is online, there's a few big mistakes they've made that really cramp the fun/fairness.

I almost feel like they felt the need to create mistakes just so they could find something to 'improve' over time. The MP was at its best when it first shipped. Down the Irons creating Bullseye-Tag (R:FoM) style long guns was the only real problem back in those days. It was also something that was discovered during the start of the second beta yet it wasn't fixed until this year (1.06). Of course, more problems were created through every patch.

Now, of course, we come to the current overpowered booster, Situational Awareness. It wasn't a problem until good ole 1.05. That's the patch that turned U2 MP into Uncharted 2: Among Campers by reducing the health drastically. The run and gun strategy that was used to outmanoeuver DtI/Fleet Foot became completely useless because you were dead after half a second in the open. Grenades became the only countertactic.

SA still wasn't used much because DTI was still broken. 1.06 came along then and finally fixed DTI and somewhat addressed the new health issue. However, in true Naughty Dog fashion, they made grenades completely useless and created a new monster- Situational Awareness, the camper's companion. Seeing as how the game had become less about outthinking your opponent and more about who spots who first, SA was/is unstoppable without wasting the better booster slot to combat it.

Also, the game gets laggier with each patch. :(

(I'm using the PS3 browser, so excuse the weird wordings.)


I just got back into U2 mp recently and I would like to play with you guys. Anyone mind adding me to their list? I play pretty much everyday. Tag is seventy5.
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