CartridgeBlower said:
This seems like it would be easy to fix, yet it's still happening. As great as UC2 is online, there's a few big mistakes they've made that really cramp the fun/fairness.
I almost feel like they felt the need to create mistakes just so they could find something to 'improve' over time. The MP was at its best when it first shipped. Down the Irons creating Bullseye-Tag (R:FoM) style long guns was the only real problem back in those days. It was also something that was discovered during the start of the second beta yet it wasn't fixed until this year (1.06). Of course, more problems were created through every patch.
Now, of course, we come to the current overpowered booster, Situational Awareness. It wasn't a problem until good ole 1.05. That's the patch that turned U2 MP into Uncharted 2: Among
Campers by reducing the health drastically. The run and gun strategy that was used to outmanoeuver DtI/Fleet Foot became completely useless because you were dead after half a second in the open. Grenades became the only countertactic.
SA still wasn't used much because DTI was still broken. 1.06 came along then and finally fixed DTI and somewhat addressed the new health issue. However, in true Naughty Dog fashion, they made grenades completely useless and created a new monster- Situational Awareness, the camper's companion. Seeing as how the game had become less about outthinking your opponent and more about who spots who first, SA was/is unstoppable without wasting the better booster slot to combat it.
Also, the game gets laggier with each patch.
(I'm using the PS3 browser, so excuse the weird wordings.)