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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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I'm house sitting this weekend and will have access to a PS3 for 3 days. I'll be hiring a couple of games.

So with my limited time, if I can only play one: Uncharted 1 or 2?

Keep in mind I won't be finishing it, so story won't really matter to me. I have a feeling I'd really enjoy both of them if I could use a KB and Mouse. A pad really cripples me in any game that involves moving and shooting at the same time.


Not as deep as he thinks
Well, I'd vote for Uncharted 2. I thought the controls were very good and I have no problem aiming at the enemies. I have problems aiming in FPS games, but with third person shooters, I have no beefs. And what's this about not being able to finish it? You'll finish 2 for sure. Also, you don't have to worry about moving while aiming if it troubles you that much. There's always a place to stay in cover. So cover, pop out, aim...and have a blast!
Rewrite said:
Well, I'd vote for Uncharted 2. I thought the controls were very good and I have no problem aiming at the enemies. I have problems aiming in FPS games, but with third person shooters, I have no beefs. And what's this about not being able to finish it? You'll finish 2 for sure. Also, you don't have to worry about moving while aiming if it troubles you that much. There's always a place to stay in cover. So cover, pop out, aim...and have a blast!

Do you aim with left stick or can you change it to left stick (I think it's called south paw)? Basically, I rocked with N64 FPS' no worries (and RE4, due to one stick aiming, on the left). But that was also just before being introduced to PC gaming. Now I can't use this right stick aiming bullshit.

I'm thinking Uncharted 2 and Heavy Rain. I was kind of interested in MGS4, but it sounds to convoluted for me to enjoy. I loved 1 back when I was still young, 2 was way weird but OK and I haven't even finished 3.

I won't be gaming the whole 3 days, screw that. But I'll find some time.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
wormstrangler said:
I'm thinking Uncharted 2 and Heavy Rain. I was kind of interested in MGS4, but it sounds to convoluted for me to enjoy. I loved 1 back when I was still young, 2 was way weird but OK and I haven't even finished 3.

I won't be gaming the whole 3 days, screw that. But I'll find some time.

Go finish Metal Gear Solid 3. May take a day but it's worth it to play the BEST GAME IN THE SERIES.

Then after that, play Uncharted 1, blow through it in 10-12 hours depending on how fast/slow you are. It's quite doable with a rental.

Go with Uncharted 2 after that. Takes a bit longer but the singleplayer is just as short.

Its inclusion in the game still shocks me. I have no idea who thought that would be a cool booster to have. ;(

I've futzed about with it when I first got it. It's range is extremely short, like one wall/floor down. Not really useful, UNTIL YOU GET A TEAM THAT HAS NOTHING BUT IT ON AND MICS.

How does we spread out and have the whole map locked down just by pressing up?

And yeah, I would like to use something than Evasion all the time, but everyone and their mom is using SA now. So fucking hell with that. :/


Not pure anymore!
TheSeks said:
And yeah, I would like to use something than Evasion all the time, but everyone and their mom is using SA now. So fucking hell with that. :/
Same here. I hate it when people use SA especially in elimination matches, that's CHEATING!

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
wormstrangler said:
Keep in mind I won't be finishing it, so story won't really matter to me. I have a feeling I'd really enjoy both of them if I could use a KB and Mouse. A pad really cripples me in any game that involves moving and shooting at the same time.
I can practically guarantee you that you wouldn't enjoy UC1/2 controlling your character with keyboard nearly as much. There's a lot of that nice analog fluidity when you can navigate him around with the analog stick that's completely lost when you have to control stuff with four keyboard keys. As for aiming, I found getting used to controller aiming pretty easy in every console shooter that has good aiming controls and mechanics.

This got me thinking though, how nice would it be if PS4 controller had one analog stick for the left thumb and a small-ish glass touchpad for the right thumb, for aiming and camera controls. A real next gen controller perfect for the 'hardcore' games like shooters and just about anything else really, AS WELL as for waggle games that require gestures and so on, all the while not making you have to flail with your arms around when you just want to sit down and focus on the game.


Yopis said:
Is this still worth getting into im onlu lvl 16 and have not played since dec? I kinda miss this game though.

I'd say yes. Last time i was online there were still plenty of low level players playing multiplayer.



Gametrailers gamers choice I GOTTA GOTY GOTY GOTY

Let's go motherfuckaz!


Neo Member
Yopis said:
Is this still worth getting into im onlu lvl 16 and have not played since dec? I kinda miss this game though.

Yeah what really sucks is when you're level 50 and stop playing in January. I sign in and get matched up with level 50 - 60 players and I'm getting destroyed. Still fun, but would be a lot more so without varying degrees of lag in seemingly every match, situational awareness whoring, and that damn pump taunt. I'm so tired of angry 13 year olds humping over my dead body. :lol
So about a week or two ago I posted my initial impressions of Uncharted 1. Just finished it the other day, and as I sit here waiting for Uncharted 2 to update 8 times and install on my PS3 I figure I'll post my final impressions as well.

Overall, I thought it was a very good game. My initial impressions were based around the first 4 or 5 chapters I think, and most of my issues with the game cleared up as it went along. My issues with screen tearing and pop-in pretty much disappeared as the game got further along...there was still some of both, but way less noticeable later on. The graphics in general seemed to get better and better the farther into the game I got.

For the most part, it felt like RE4 in HD, which is a very good thing. My main gripe was that there really weren't any puzzles, and the ones that were there were completely spelled out for you. Open the notebook, bam, there is your answer. I hoped for more adventure game staples, but it was mostly action through and through. That is my fault for not researching the game, I just knew it was a 'must play' PS3 game, and since I am new to the PS3 I bought it.

The action gameplay got a lot better as you got better guns. The initial guns took like 5 shots to kill the enemies and it was pretty ridiculous. As you get the shotguns and M4, the game gets a whole lot more fun to play. I thought the game nearly jumped the shark when the
started coming up through the ground, but I dealt with it. I really did not like at first how this game that, for the most part, attempts to be pretty realistic, decided all of a sudden to have these
undead Spanish mutants
show up in the last few chapters. My main problem with this is that the game was attempting to be realistic, which is why I assume we did not get any boss fights, and I was ok with that. Then when all that happened I was kind of pissed I never got any boss fights. I love me some boss fights.

My only other complaint with the gameplay was the QTE's. There was like 3 the whole game. Why even have them? They come out of nowhere, they are one button long...wtf? I died I think everytime because I was not expecting them in any way. Oh well. Dying in the game was no big deal, it loaded quick which was nice.

Finally, not the games fault, but again since it reminded me of RE4 so much, I really wished I could have used the Wii Remote (here come the flames I am sure) or even a GC controller. I actually hope they patch in Move support in the future and that it plays like RE4 Wii Edition. I know it is an unpopular opinion but I freaking hate the Dual Shock, the analogs make aiming such a pain. That is my fault and preference though, not the game's fault I know.

Overall, very satisfied with the game. Hope U2 is even better, which supposedly it is.

And I wrote all that, and U2 is still not installed. Woo! PS3 is really a love it/hate it system all at once.


Not pure anymore!
Platinum'ed UC1, wan't as hard as I though it would be. Chapter 5 (blue room) was brutal but other than that it was fun.
catchabad0ne said:
And I wrote all that, and U2 is still not installed. Woo! PS3 is really a love it/hate it system all at once.
Really? Didn't take that long for my bro-in-law, who recently got UC2 as well. But then again, we have a really fast internet so that might be the problem in your case!

Btw, don't you guys get patches and updates and other stuff on Wii? Is the online thing faster than PSN?
Inanna said:
Really? Didn't take that long for my bro-in-law, who recently got UC2 as well. But then again, we have a really fast internet so that might be the problem in your case!

Btw, don't you guys get patches and updates and other stuff on Wii? Is the online thing faster than PSN?

My internet is pretty fast, not lightning quick but pretty good...probably took 20 minutes for the 8 updates and the install.

I think there was a patch for Starfox 64 awhile back. Other than that, I've never seen a patch for anything on Wii. Get Firmware updates from time to time. My downloads on WiiWare and VC are super fast. Files are a lot smaller though I am sure.

Also, forgot to mention, I really do not like Nathan Drake. Really annoying character. Lots of ridiculous one-liners that are completely unnecessary. Elena was cool though, Sully was too. So far, 2 chapters down in U2 I really like Chloe as well.

As far as U2 goes, it doesn't have the same instant appeal as U1. Starts you off all beat up, game feels sluggish because of it. Then they throw you in the stealth level. Not fun. I just watched the cutscene and now I am in Borneo, so I'm hoping the pace picks up from here.


catchabad0ne said:
My internet is pretty fast, not lightning quick but pretty good...probably took 20 minutes for the 8 updates and the install.

I think there was a patch for Starfox 64 awhile back. Other than that, I've never seen a patch for anything on Wii. Get Firmware updates from time to time. My downloads on WiiWare and VC are super fast. Files are a lot smaller though I am sure.

Also, forgot to mention, I really do not like Nathan Drake. Really annoying character. Lots of ridiculous one-liners that are completely unnecessary. Elena was cool though, Sully was too. So far, 2 chapters down in U2 I really like Chloe as well.

As far as U2 goes, it doesn't have the same instant appeal as U1. Starts you off all beat up, game feels sluggish because of it. Then they throw you in the stealth level. Not fun. I just watched the cutscene and now I am in Borneo, so I'm hoping the pace picks up from here.

Once you're past the museum it really picks up, the museum lets you learn stealth which will help you for the rest of the game and in MP, the museum is pretty much a tutorial level.
Kittonwy said:
Once you're past the museum it really picks up, the museum lets you learn stealth which will help you for the rest of the game and in MP, the museum is pretty much a tutorial level.

Yeah it is a tutorial, but it wasn't very engaging or fun to play. Uncharted 1's tutorial was fun, running and jumping around the jungle and that temple. In general I just don't enjoy stealth games though. Hope there isn't too much of it the rest of the way. And I probably won't be touching the MP at all.

And I can't find the 4th charge to set in this little Borneo village. Aggravating. I'm running around in circles like an idiot. I never got stuck in U1. I suck. Edit: I really suck, found it. Don't know how I missed like 50 times.


Not pure anymore!
I liked the museum chapter. Using stealth was so much fun. During my hard and crushing playthroughs, I tried to use nothing but stealth! So satisfying when you clear an area without being spotted, or firing a gun. I also prefer the feel of guns in UC2 compared to UC1. And the melee combat is much better too

EDIT: And you should at least try co-op and co-op arena (survival + other modes). You'd definitely like it, no stealth just loads of shooting AI enemies.


catchabad0ne said:
Yeah it is a tutorial, but it wasn't very engaging or fun to play. Uncharted 1's tutorial was fun, running and jumping around the jungle and that temple. In general I just don't enjoy stealth games though. Hope there isn't too much of it the rest of the way. And I probably won't be touching the MP at all.

And I can't find the 4th charge to set in this little Borneo village. Aggravating. I'm running around in circles like an idiot. I never got stuck in U1. I suck. Edit: I really suck, found it. Don't know how I missed like 50 times.


There won't be any pure stealth sections after this, but stealth is really useful and fun, and really dynamic.
Inanna said:
EDIT: And you should at least try co-op and co-op arena (survival + other modes). You'd definitely like it, no stealth just loads of shooting AI enemies.

Yeah, I'll probably like it, but I don't have the time to play online multiplayer games. Plus my backlog is too big, I don't need to stall out playing the same game for an extended period of time. Though Co-op is appealing... I hate online deathmatch, but co-op would be pretty fun probably.

Kittonwy said:

There won't be any pure stealth sections after this, but stealth is really useful and fun.

I figured there really wouldn't be any more pure stealth sections. I mean, it is a pretty far departure from the Uncharted 1 gameplay. I'll use the stealth kills if the opportunity presents itself, but again, I don't really enjoy stealth sections in games.

Anyway, made it through Chapter 5 last night. Main complaint, too many cutscenes. I liked the first one because they were short and to the point, then got you right back in the action. This one they are a little more drawn out and less focused, trying to be humorous a little bit too much I think. At some point today I should be able to get back to the game.

It seems like the treasures are much harder to find this time, they are actually hidden a little bit. Also, like I mentioned earlier, U1 reminded me of RE4...this time they even got the little sparkly treasures in the trees and the walls for you to shoot down. The first one that was on the branch in Borneo I kept trying to climb up and get it, got kind of frustrated, then I said "wait a minute" and shot that shiny treasure out of the tree RE4 style.

Game is good, not better than the first one yet but I've got a long way to go.


From the Naughty Dog forums:

Welcome to week 2 of "The Lab" - Shotguns and Pistoles!

Hello everyone.

The 2nd lab has begun! The experimental gametype is shotguns and pistoles ONLY.
No grenades
No other weapons (including power weapons)
So get ready for some close quarters carnage!

Feedback, comments, thoughts, hate-mail for the current "The Lab" event -- Shotguns and Pistoles -- goes here:



Game Analyst said:
From the Naughty Dog forums:

Welcome to week 2 of "The Lab" - Shotguns and Pistoles!

Hello everyone.

The 2nd lab has begun! The experimental gametype is shotguns and pistoles ONLY.
No grenades
No other weapons (including power weapons)
So get ready for some close quarters carnage!

Feedback, comments, thoughts, hate-mail for the current "The Lab" event -- Shotguns and Pistoles -- goes here:


Get ready for people having SA on hiding around the corner lol. >:|


Game Analyst said:
From the Naughty Dog forums:

Welcome to week 2 of "The Lab" - Shotguns and Pistoles!

Hello everyone.

The 2nd lab has begun! The experimental gametype is shotguns and pistoles ONLY.
No grenades
No other weapons (including power weapons)
So get ready for some close quarters carnage!

Feedback, comments, thoughts, hate-mail for the current "The Lab" event -- Shotguns and Pistoles -- goes here:

I wouldnt even touch UC2 because of this week's "The Lab"


Game Analyst said:
From the Naughty Dog forums:

Welcome to week 2 of "The Lab" - Shotguns and Pistoles!

Hello everyone.

The 2nd lab has begun! The experimental gametype is shotguns and pistoles ONLY.
No grenades
No other weapons (including power weapons)
So get ready for some close quarters carnage!

Feedback, comments, thoughts, hate-mail for the current "The Lab" event -- Shotguns and Pistoles -- goes here:



Lord Error

Insane For Sony
catchabad0ne said:
And I wrote all that, and U2 is still not installed.
I know this is too late of a comment, but if you wanted to play single player only, you could have skipped the updates altogether. They only concern the multiplayer portion of the game.


msdstc said:
But DTI was there from the start. Also I don't think DTI makes much of a difference... at all.

I dunno I think on average I tend to get a substantial boost to my KD with DTI on, for 1 on 2 situations it makes a difference, I haven't used it for awhile now but it made it so easy to pick someone off from across the map with the AK.


Irish said:
Week 3 until forever better fucking be "Uncharted 2: Classic MP".
The announced the first three labs when they announced the lab, you fool!

2v2 Deathmatch
Shotguns only
Sniper-only elimination

What comes after that hasn't been announced yet
(Melee only plunder is what it SHOULD be if Naughty Dog has any class).
Finally got around to playing this awesome game.

Singleplayer is great, multiplayer is fucking awesome, especially co-op. I hope Naughty Dog keeps supporting this aspect of the game - its far, far better than I could have ever hoped.


Edit: To give a little more detail to why I love it so much:

* Controls are smooth, weapons each have their own unique feel to them, and all of them are accessible as hell. You don't need to really train for hours to be decent with each one - its more about what you do with them.
* You can jump (don't even start Kittonwy) but the standard jump is useless unless vaulting over cover or jumping from balconies and rooftops. So no bunny hopping fools.
* Matchmaking works, keeps most players between matches, and keeps things very simple. The extremely simple and clean UI lets you focus on the match at hand instead of wading through menus.
* Co-op objective missions are fun AND hard. They really do feel like your playing some hardcore campaign levels, even down to boss-like encounters. This beats MW2 spec-ops hands down.
* Saved films and photo-mode options are incredible.
* You only need two players to have a good time. I only have two other friends with PS3s so I can actually have fun with this as opposed to something like Resistance 2 co-op where you're screwed (mostly) with any less than 3 players.
* Money as a reward to unlock rewards in singleplayer, co-op AND multiplayer. Perfect.
* Using cover actually helps and gives you the edge over run and gunners. You just have to stay flexible and mobile.
* Melee is satisfying as all hell. Getting a solid dropkick on your foes, or swinging them headfirst into the side of a wall, or pulling them off an overhead position, etc. etc. Pure gold.

My only small gripe is I'd like to be able to play some of the modes and missions in co-op all by my lonesome. At least there is matchmaking for co-op.

Basically its a really well executed, complete package. Not what I expected in any way shape or form.


NullPointer said:
Finally got around to playing this awesome game.

Singleplayer is great, multiplayer is fucking awesome, especially co-op. I hope Naughty Dog keeps supporting this aspect of the game - its far, far better than I could have ever hoped.


Edit: To give a little more detail to why I love it so much:

* Controls are smooth, weapons each have their own unique feel to them, and all of them are accessible as hell. You don't need to really train for hours to be decent with each one - its more about what you do with them.
* You can jump (don't even start Kittonwy) but the standard jump is useless unless vaulting over cover or jumping from balconies and rooftops. So no bunny hopping fools.
* Matchmaking works, keeps most players between matches, and keeps things very simple. The extremely simple and clean UI lets you focus on the match at hand instead of wading through menus.
* Co-op objective missions are fun AND hard. They really do feel like your playing some hardcore campaign levels, even down to boss-like encounters. This beats MW2 spec-ops hands down.
* Saved films and photo-mode options are incredible.
* You only need two players to have a good time. I only have two other friends with PS3s so I can actually have fun with this as opposed to something like Resistance 2 co-op where you're screwed (mostly) with any less than 3 players.
* Money as a reward to unlock rewards in singleplayer, co-op AND multiplayer. Perfect.
* Using cover actually helps and gives you the edge over run and gunners. You just have to stay flexible and mobile.
* Melee is satisfying as all hell. Getting a solid dropkick on your foes, or swinging them headfirst into the side of a wall, or pulling them off an overhead position, etc. etc. Pure gold.

My only small gripe is I'd like to be able to play some of the modes and missions in co-op all by my lonesome. At least there is matchmaking for co-op.

Basically its a really well executed, complete package. Not what I expected in any way shape or form.
This is the one thing I've been wishing they'd add since launch. A leaderboard and solo survival/endless survival mode would be so fucking great. Sometimes it takes way too long to get a co-op mission going, I would pay $4.99 for them to add a "horde" mode as DLC if I could play it without having to wait for other people to join.

Also, meh on week 2 & 3 The Lab modes. Week 2 would be playable if there were no boosters (I'm looking at you, SA, you bitch), but week 3 is just going to be a camp fest, especially on Facility and The Sactuary.
Lord Error said:
I know this is too late of a comment, but if you wanted to play single player only, you could have skipped the updates altogether. They only concern the multiplayer portion of the game.

Wow. Really? Is this true with most games on PS3?
Seventy5 said:
This is the one thing I've been wishing they'd add since launch. A leaderboard and solo survival/endless survival mode would be so fucking great. Sometimes it takes way too long to get a co-op mission going, I would pay $4.99 for them to add a "horde" mode as DLC if I could play it without having to wait for other people to join.
Ahh so I'm not alone in my love for solo Horde mode action. There's just something so pure about the gameplay. Just you, your wits, and a fuckton of enemies to dispatch. Nothing extraneous. Good times :)

I could've easily missed this entire mode because my buddies didn't own the game. That would've been a crying shame. But like I said, I'm thankful that matchmaking exists for it, so I was at least able to see what co-op played like with some randoms.

To Naughty Dog: If you keep making co-op DLC I'll keep buying it. Cheers.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
catchabad0ne said:
Wow. Really? Is this true with most games on PS3?
Not with all of them, but in case of UC2 it is. First Uncharted has for example received an update that has added trophies to single player campaign.

catchabad0ne said:
As far as U2 goes, it doesn't have the same instant appeal as U1.
Maybe to you, but I thought first level in UC2 was ridiculously well executed. The animation was so incredibly done that you could almost feel the character being physically hurt, and the whole snow scenery was better done than in any game before or after, pure eye candy.
Sooo, I just got this one. Yeah. I tried the solo demo and was pretty hyped. But, since I do not want to pay games full price, I just waited for it to get platiniumed (who doubted it will ?) and I got the standard version sealed for 20 bucks ( a store I konw sells standard games the same price as platiniums when released).

I was not dissapointed. The game delivers. Yeah, it's scripted as hell, but this can be a good thing ! Particularly in this kind of action games. I'm not too far, I just passed the collapsing building + helicopter thing, and Wow. Great animatons, great dubs. Damn good game. The feeling and athmosphere is unbilievable. I love the palette, so colorfull !

Anyway, very good game.
Shotguns only = clusterfuck. Most of the time it's 50/50. Thanks to the auto aim, it doesn't require any effort! Just attack head-on with your fingers crossed!

Unless you have an advantage (attack from behind). Your best bet is to stick together in a group and cover a general area of the map. I'd ask "why?", but...what's the point? It's called the lab for a reason I guess...


Not as deep as he thinks
I haven't played for two days, but that's because I've been playing Rock Band 2 and with the recent announcement of Rock Band 3...well it's hard to but Rock Band 2 down. ;) I haven't been burned out of the game yet (co-op wise) since my PSN buddy and me always play every night and it's always so much fun.

So the new mode from The Lab is shotguns only? No thanks. I can't stand shotgunners. Just run up to the person and shoot to get an easy ass kill. Not my type of thing. It's worse when it's in Plunder matches in The Village. It's abuse. I don't have that much problems with the shotgun in other maps with the exception of The Village since they always spawn very quickly and are available at the team's spawn point.


CrushDance said:
So I've noticed many of us don't play that often anymore? Why's that? I only ever see Bleach and Kitton once in a blue moon :(

Robot is on, fizarf plays, so does broken, we usually can get a 5 man party going. >:|


Not pure anymore!
Shotguns suck ass!

I want melee only mode for MP, a friend suggested grenades and melee only, but I dunno about grenades.

Oh yeah, Solo Survival/Horde mode would be awesomeness! Make it happen ND!


yes, that talented of a member
sorry if this has been posted, but i have a 3d tv and i've been playing pain and the motorstorm demo in 3d and all i can think about is how i want uncharted 2 in 3d.
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