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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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CrushDance said:
So I've noticed many of us don't play that often anymore? Why's that? I only ever see Bleach and Kitton once in a blue moon :(

I've been going out during the night, so I haven't been on as much.. :p
But, if I'm ever to not go out, you can bet that I'll be on :)


LTTP: I finally got my hands on this game, and I have mixed feelings. The game looked better, and sounded just as good (music, sound, and especially voice acting). But as far as the story and gameplay go, for some reason I just didn't get the same excitement or feel the same love for UC2 as I did for the first. Maybe cause it wasn't "new" to me anymore? Still a fantastic game, though. One of my favorites this generation, just under Uncharted: DF.

Starting to delve into the online... it's surprisingly a lot of fun. I really like the co-op game that's like GoW's Horde Mode. It's great. :D


jett said:

You don't count because you aren't on my friends list at the moment. :( :p

I'd love to play but I've been super busy lately. I wonder if AJ ever fixed his infinite loading problem.


jett said:

Oh yeah Jett too.
Lord Error said:
Maybe to you, but I thought first level in UC2 was ridiculously well executed. The animation was so incredibly done that you could almost feel the character being physically hurt, and the whole snow scenery was better done than in any game before or after, pure eye candy.

Yeah, to me. I'm not claiming to speak for everyone.

It was well executed, and it was gorgeous, but it doesn't make it very fun to play. Could definitely feel the pain though with the great animation and all that.

Anyway, just had a marathon session. Up to Chapter 18 I think. Still a great game, but like the other guy a few posts up, it just doesn't feel as fun as U1. Don't get me wrong, it is great fun, but playing through the first one last week was utterly compelling and I never really wanted to stop. With U2 I want to see what comes next and I'm having fun, but it doesn't have the same feeling as the first one. Maybe I just played them too close together. How many Chapters is U2 anyway?
GGs tonight guyz. Shotty only was fun. The reduced auto aim made it frustrating sometimes, plus a little lag. Is it just me or does jumping while firing the pistole not work as good as it use to?


Blindfire/hipfire in general hasn't worked very well for quite some time. I feel like I have to have the target slightly to the right of the reticule to score any hits a lot of the time.


Screwed out of my very first ninja medal at the last second. Fffffffff....

The battery in my controller died and my kitteh ate my cord so I have to charge on a dock, so I am missing out on what are sure to be epic Gaf-only games in the public playlists. Fffffffff....

So fucking depressed at the moment. /wrist


Kittonwy said:
Robot is on, fizarf plays, so does broken, we usually can get a 5 man party going. >:|
I've been playing daily for a while now-- RDR ain't grabbing me and nothin' else I wan to play comes out 'til Crackdown 2 in July.


We only played a couple more matches after you left. We played a match against a bunch of Mexicans on High Rise and the lag was horrendous. A dude pulled me down not only from 5 football fields away, but also around a corner.

I finally got Come Get Some. It's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be, but I have to consciously change my playstyle. Normally when I move around I try to take routes that keep me hidden, but that's pretty pointless now.

VsRobot said:
I've been playing daily for a while now-- RDR ain't grabbing me and nothin' else I wan to play comes out 'til Crackdown 2 in July.
You should be playing Mario Galaxy 2!


Yeef said:
We played a match against a bunch of Mexicans on High Rise and the lag was horrendous. A dude pulled me down not only from 5 football fields away, but also around a corner.

hate sounding like an elitist or something but every game should have some kind of connection test before letting you joining the matchmaking server, if you fail the test (like your ping or upload bandwidth is too messed up or you got some Mexican torrent downloading in the background) you will still able to play the game, but only with the rest of players that don't meet the minimum requirements, it's so unfair when this guy with some 1993 Internet connection ruins the game for everyone else.


Not pure anymore!
mr_chun said:
LTTP: I finally got my hands on this game, and I have mixed feelings. The game looked better, and sounded just as good (music, sound, and especially voice acting). But as far as the story and gameplay go, for some reason I just didn't get the same excitement or feel the same love for UC2 as I did for the first. Maybe cause it wasn't "new" to me anymore? Still a fantastic game, though. One of my favorites this generation, just under Uncharted: DF.
I don't get this! You and the other guy are the only people that I've heard say this too, so it comes as a shock to me! How can anyone like DF better than UC2? I recently replayed UC: DF and after playing UC2 extensively (MP), it just shows how rough (and I mean really rough!) around the edges that game actually is gameplay + (to some extent) graphics wise. Guns sounded like toys in the first game (huge pet peeve), stealth/melee sucked, etc. The story in the second game is more thought out/fleshed out which is a very good thing in my opinion. People don't like improvements in their games? News to me..
Inanna said:
I don't get this! You and the other guy are the only people that I've heard say this too, so it comes as a shock to me! How can anyone like DF better than UC2? I recently replayed UC: DF and after playing UC2 extensively (MP), it just shows how rough (and I mean really rough!) around the edges that game actually is gameplay + (to some extent) graphics wise. Guns sounded like toys in the first game (huge pet peeve), stealth/melee sucked, etc. The story in the second game is more thought out/fleshed out which is a very good thing in my opinion. People don't like improvements in their games? News to me..

Melee in U1 did suck, the game didn't look or sound as good, but to me there is something about DF that is more compelling and more fun. It is hard to put in words. I have yet to beat U2 yet though so we will see. I think the levels were thought out a little better and the action set-pieces played out better. I don't know, it is hard to put into words. I think U1 starts with a bang and just keeps going from there, while U2 starts slow and picks up big time. I am definitely liking it more and more as I go.
The Train, Tibet and that snowy temple
level were all fantastic so I can definitely see U2 keeping up that pace and me thinking it is a better game when I get through with it. We will see.


I think I'm in love with the Shotguns Only matchtype. It seems like it's the only fair mode. (I would have prefered the SAS over the Moss though.)


Irish said:
I think I'm in love with the Shotguns Only matchtype. It seems like it's the only fair mode. (I would have prefered the SAS over the Moss though.)
They should've had the SAS as a pick up where the power weapons normally spawn.

Getting melee kills in shotgun only matches is incredibly satisfying. Especially when I have glass jaw on and the other guy doesn't.


Shotgun mode is great for fans of CQC. Got tons of triples because people like to run straight at you-- side by sidestepping and trying to get an angle means their shot has a higher chance of missing while mine is right under their chin.

Got my Tripled trophy which was nice.


I played this game for the first time in a while today. Shotgun mode is actually pretty good. I just turned Evasion on in case people were being lame. For some reason I stunk on the Village today. My only bad games were there (one shotgun, one regular deathmatch). It was nice playing this again.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
VsRobot said:
Got my Tripled trophy which was nice.


*envy turns to hate*

Edit: Wow, this playlist (LAB) sucks shit. MM won't find any fucking games despite backing in and out at least five times every ten minutes and the shotgun AND pistole blindfire isn't registering for shit.

Oh how I wish we have 1.04 and better hit-detection~


Inanna said:
I don't get this! You and the other guy are the only people that I've heard say this too, so it comes as a shock to me! How can anyone like DF better than UC2? I recently replayed UC: DF and after playing UC2 extensively (MP), it just shows how rough (and I mean really rough!) around the edges that game actually is gameplay + (to some extent) graphics wise. Guns sounded like toys in the first game (huge pet peeve), stealth/melee sucked, etc. The story in the second game is more thought out/fleshed out which is a very good thing in my opinion. People don't like improvements in their games? News to me..
I kinda explained it in my first post... I noted that pretty much everything has improved, I just didn't like it as much. It wasn't 'new' to me anymore, and therefore lacked the magic that the first one had, cause at the time that I played DF, I'd never played anything like it before. It just felt like more of the same.

If I was reviewing the games, I would definitely rate UC2 higher than DF, as all technical aspects are better (graphics, music, sound, AI, etc.). But if I had to choose one single player campaign as my favorite, I'd probably pick DF.


Not pure anymore!
mr_chun said:
I kinda explained it in my first post... I noted that pretty much everything has improved, I just didn't like it as much. It wasn't 'new' to me anymore, and therefore lacked the magic that the first one had, cause at the time that I played DF, I'd never played anything like it before. It just felt like more of the same.

If I was reviewing the games, I would definitely rate UC2 higher than DF, as all technical aspects are better (graphics, music, sound, AI, etc.). But if I had to choose one single player campaign as my favorite, I'd probably pick DF.
I don't think it was "more of the same", though. UC: DF had nothing like Nepal, and the snow levels. Those levels feel almost like they're from a totally different game. I also prefer UC2 because there's so much variety in locations compared to UC: DF. But it was a sequel and sequels tend to share similarities with previous games, that doesn't make them bad or uninteresting. I liked DF myself but I wasn't a HUGE fan, plus I hated second jetski chapter. UC2 felt very different and fresh to me, that game was almost perfect. If only they could get rid of the lag from MP, UC2 would be perfect!

Sorry, I'll just shut up now. Its just shocking to me that someone would dislike UC2 and actually prefer UC1 over it. :|

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I only just got DSL at home so am playing U2 multiplayer for the first time! If anyone wants to add me to their list, PSN tag is toydragoninblue


Inanna said:
I don't think it was "more of the same", though. UC: DF had nothing like Nepal, and the snow levels. Those levels feel almost like they're from a totally different game. I also prefer UC2 because there's so much variety in locations compared to UC: DF. But it was a sequel and sequels tend to share similarities with previous games, that doesn't make them bad or uninteresting. I liked DF myself but I wasn't a HUGE fan, plus I hated second jetski chapter. UC2 felt very different and fresh to me, that game was almost perfect. If only they could get rid of the lag from MP, UC2 would be perfect!

Sorry, I'll just shut up now. Its just shocking to me that someone would dislike UC2 and actually prefer UC1 over it. :|

I also prefer Drake's Fortune. It doesn't have the same variety in locations but actually feels like it's happening in a lost, mysterious place. In Uncharted 2 you're travelling around the world after a treasure, which is fun in a different way.

I don't like that the combat in Uncharted 2 is very scripted, reminds me of Call of Duty a lot. And I'm not talking about the scripted sequences (like buildings falling down with you in it) but most of the time if you don't kill enemies "the right way" you will die. In Drake's Fortune you had more freedom to approach things as the battles took place in more open, arena-like locations. U2 added things like infinite respawning enemies and weapons that don't run out of bullets, which I hate.

I still very much loved Uncharted 2. It's just that, while Drake's Fortune is probably my favorite game this generation, Uncharted 2 is not even my favorite game that came out in 2009 (it's in the top 5!).


bish gets all the credit :)
The Lab is atrocious when someone is lagging. So far I'm having fun with it, but it's so easily exploitable that it couldn't be a normal mode.


Massa said:
I also prefer Drake's Fortune. It doesn't have the same variety in locations but actually feels like it's happening in a lost, mysterious place. In Uncharted 2 you're travelling around the world after a treasure, which is fun in a different way.

I don't like that the combat in Uncharted 2 is very scripted, reminds me of Call of Duty a lot. And I'm not talking about the scripted sequences (like buildings falling down with you in it) but most of the time if you don't kill enemies "the right way" you will die. In Drake's Fortune you had more freedom to approach things as the battles took place in more open, arena-like locations. U2 added things like infinite respawning enemies and weapons that don't run out of bullets, which I hate.

I still very much loved Uncharted 2. It's just that, while Drake's Fortune is probably my favorite game this generation, Uncharted 2 is not even my favorite game that came out in 2009 (it's in the top 5!).

If anything Uncharted 2's combat has more scenarios where the player has more combat options than Drake's Fortune, stealth is better integrated in Uncharted 2, and it is NOTHING like Call of Duty. What infinite respawning enemies are you talking about, other than the grenade launcher on the truck and the AA gun on the train, most weapons do run out of bullets, even stationary turrets.


I am kinda sad that my 8 month journey ends and returning back to home next week but also kinda happy cuz i will have a chance to play Uncharted 2 finally! I had avoided all kind of spoilers since its release!!!!


Kittonwy said:
If anything Uncharted 2's combat has more scenarios where the player has more combat options than Drake's Fortune, stealth is better integrated in Uncharted 2, and it is NOTHING like Call of Duty. What infinite respawning enemies are you talking about, other than the grenade launcher on the truck and the AA gun on the train, most weapons do run out of bullets, even stationary turrets.

One instance is this room:

Enemies and ammo will spawn indefinitely until you kill the ones spawning from the left. Took me quite a few minutes of accumulating kills to realize that. If you went left (like in the picture) instead of right you'd probably never notice it.

And the way this game is comparable to Call of Duty is that it will throw a lot of shit at you (helicopters, enemies with rocket launchers, bullet sponges enemies with the GAU, etc) and in those situations you either follow a very specific path or you're immediately dead. In comparison, a lot of the combat in Drake's Fortune happens in a large box with waves of regular enemies that carry regular weapons, giving you the opportunity to use different strategies to take them out. It was very much like coop arena in Uncharted 2.
Lord Error said:
I can practically guarantee you that you wouldn't enjoy UC1/2 controlling your character with keyboard nearly as much. There's a lot of that nice analog fluidity when you can navigate him around with the analog stick that's completely lost when you have to control stuff with four keyboard keys.

I can practically guarantee you that I would enjoy it just as much, if not more than I have been on the PS3 controller. Having said that, I am really enjoying the game and have managed to kind of get my stick aiming down to progress to the 22nd chapter on normal. I should finish tonight.


Inanna said:
I don't get this! You and the other guy are the only people that I've heard say this too, so it comes as a shock to me! How can anyone like DF better than UC2? I recently replayed UC: DF and after playing UC2 extensively (MP), it just shows how rough (and I mean really rough!) around the edges that game actually is gameplay + (to some extent) graphics wise. Guns sounded like toys in the first game (huge pet peeve), stealth/melee sucked, etc. The story in the second game is more thought out/fleshed out which is a very good thing in my opinion. People don't like improvements in their games? News to me..

No it didn´t D:

Brutal combo 4 life!

I liked the story in DF better than the one in AT, too much jumping around between locals. I liked the "being trapped on an island" thing going in on the first.
I played this for the first time over the weekend and I was glued to the TV. I beat the single player portion in one sitting, Something I haven't done that once this gen. Thanks Naughty Dog for a game that hooks you in from the moment you start.
Some of you need to relax. Why can't someone prefer one to the other? That one guy did say that everything was better in 2 but he prefered 1. Take it easy.

I, too, prefer U: DF because of it's atmosphere and location. More Sully helps too and after all... it is the premiere game in the series so it's bound to hold a bigger place in some people's hearts.

None of you have a series you're interested in where you prefer an older part to a newer part? Really?

To be clear, there is NOTHING wrong with U2 at all.


Inanna said:
Sorry, I'll just shut up now. Its just shocking to me that someone would dislike UC2 and actually prefer UC1 over it. :|
lol, I never said that I disliked UC2. In fact, I even said that it was one of my favorite games from this generation. :lol

Binabik15 said:
I liked the story in DF better than the one in AT, too much jumping around between locals. I liked the "being trapped on an island" thing going in on the first.
This I can agree with. It's like, UC2 was really focused on 'big'. The environments were huge. The scale of the exploration was huge. Which was cool, for sure. It made for some breath-taking visual moments. But I liked how DF was contained- everything was happening in that one area- so I developed a familiarity and comfort with the location, and I felt a stronger pull towards the characters cause we were 'trapped' there together.

MoonsaultSlayer said:
Some of you need to relax. Why can't someone prefer one to the other? That one guy did say that everything was better in 2 but he prefered 1. Take it easy.
Haha, thank you. :D


I've always said that Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is my favorite of the two (and my favorite game from this gen by far).

Uncharted: DF was a huge surprise to me and completely changed my expectations for AAA games. I used to be somewhat of a Tomb Raider fanboy--I adored Legend--but despite really, really wanting to, I could never get into Tomb Raider: Underworld. The camera, the traversal, the encounter design--all of it in Underworld paled in comparison to the Uncharted games.

I expected Uncharted 2 to be one of the best games ever made from the day it was announced, and it met my expectations. Playing DF for the first time felt like a revelation, which, unfair as it is, Among Thieves just couldn't replicate.


A lot of the combat scenarios in UC1 were much better than UC2 in terms of intensity and the ingenuity you had to use to conquer them.

I mean the most memorable parts of UC1 for me in terms of gameplay were the tough fights like the crash site, water room, monastary courtyard fights, and inside the church. It's a lot crazier when you have 4 sniper rifles pointed at you, with two grenade launcher enemies and shotguners coming at you that don't move like snails like the ones UC2 had.

But I found UC2 the better game in almost every other way possible.


Wowbagger said:
Eh, I thought it was kinda fun. Might as well have been pistole only, though.
I've gotten many Tripleds with shotgun while they tried to pistole me.

I wouldn't want it to be a permanent variation, but it's enough fun for a weekend.


Wowbagger said:
Well, they obviously need to learn how to aim. :cool:
How to strafe*

The game does all the aiming for you with those guns, but for some reason it does a terrible job if you attack someone head-on.
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