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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Couldn't get on with my main account, so I played with one of my other accounts. Running around at level 1 with no boosters and completely destroying the opposition feels good.


Not as deep as he thinks
That's weird that it didn't let you. I just got the update today and I had no problems going online. I don't even think I got the "live syncing data". I did however get that yesterday without the update.

And I seriously did not know people can equip three boosters. That's crazy. Naughty Dog better fix it!


I made an extremely limited amount of space on my friend's list, and I'm happy to invite folks to the chat, so friend request me if you're interested. My PSN is the same as my GAF account.


Rewrite said:
That's weird that it didn't let you. I just got the update today and I had no problems going online. I don't even think I got the "live syncing data". I did however get that yesterday without the update.

And I seriously did not know people can equip three boosters. That's crazy. Naughty Dog better fix it!
I did it once by accident like a long time ago. I thought it was hilarious but wasn't able to do it since because, well, to put it bluntly, I have a conscience.


Some loser today changed his tag to [GAF] after playing with me and Everlong in a match, which always bugs me because I assume the person is just being a dick. The fact that he threw a random grenade a me, followed me around like a lost puppy, and finally TKed me with a rocket launcher confirmed my initial impressions.

I hate people.


VsRobot said:
Some loser today changed his tag to [GAF] after playing with me and Everlong in a match, which always bugs me because I assume the person is just being a dick. The fact that he threw a random grenade a me, followed me around like a lost puppy, and finally TKed me with a rocket launcher confirmed my initial impressions.

I hate people.
I wish that were me. Randoms get all the luck!

But seriously, just roll with other gaffers, you know that. If some asshole tries to grief we'd all dogpile on him.


Not as deep as he thinks
It's worse when it happens in co-op since you die for the WHOLE round. I can't stand the people that join a co-op game, kill you in the very first round and quit afterwards. Hell, even if they don't kill you, the fact that they quit in the first round is just a dumb move to me. Why bother trying to join a game if you're going to quit? It's a waste of everyone's time and the worst part is that the match doesn't continue...it ends for everyone even if the other person playing with you is willing to play. It's not like in deathmatch where the match continues if there's quitters.

mr_nothin said:
Shotgunners have no say so in the matter!
I am missing The Lab. I don't know, there's just something amazing about two on two games and totally winning either by a large margin or by the skin of your teeth. I didn't enjoy some rounds in The Lab, yes, but I had fun in quite a bit of rounds before The Lab was taken off. Must say as well, that I love that your level is now next to your name in-game if you are Level 60.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
VsRobot said:
I made an extremely limited amount of space on my friend's list, and I'm happy to invite folks to the chat, so friend request me if you're interested. My PSN is the same as my GAF account.

VS don't love me no more. :(

*Wait, I'm still on your list: Nevermind~*

I hate people.

It's why I don't use a clan tag for this game. Or if I do, it's joke clan tags with the rest of you.

But I've become increasingly annoyed by Uncharted 2's public community. It's either:

-SA no-skill assholes
-MM putting me with low levels (10-30) while the other team is made of level roman numerals (50+)
- 13 year old teamkillers in co-op public games, idlers (thereby making the co-op session pointless), or quitters of the first round.

Too much bullshit, which is why rolling with GAF on the game is fun (until we get put in a game where there is like level 50+'s that'll wreck my shit hard and you guys continue to play with them for two-five rounds) for me over dealing with 13 year olds (how I wish U2 was rated M, but that would mean more 13 year olds playing it. *sigh*)


Well, we encountered a pretty weird glitch the other night. Fizarf's lifeforce was transferred into the mannequin body of a player on the other team. I call it a mannequin because the body never respawned so the other team just kept throwing grenades at their teammate and it killed Fizarf repeatedly. The rest of our team could kill him as well by attacking that mannequin body. Of course, I could still see Fizarf in his actual skin on my screen. I didn't think to kill him in his 'runaround' body, so I'm not sure what that would have done.
So, I just installed 1.08 after maybe a month from the last time I played the game, and it's pretty much refusing to move on from the Phurba dagger loading screen. The dagger's been spinning for almost 10 minutes now. I thought it was odd the first time so I tried to quit the game and the PS3 restarted, but this time I'm letting it sit and it's just going on forever... is this a known issue? Should I just delete the game data (and redownload all the patches... ugh)? :\


Revolutionary said:
So, I just installed 1.08 after maybe a month from the last time I played the game, and it's pretty much refusing to move on from the Phurba dagger loading screen. The dagger's been spinning for almost 10 minutes now. I thought it was odd the first time so I tried to quit the game and the PS3 restarted, but this time I'm letting it sit and it's just going on forever... is this a known issue? Should I just delete the game data (and redownload all the patches... ugh)? :\

Don't delete the game data, why is it everytime anyone runs into a problem the first thing someone does is delete the game data? Just eject your disc, put it back in, it will restart the console, don't turn the power button off at the back, don't delete your game saves.


Revolutionary said:
So, I just installed 1.08 after maybe a month from the last time I played the game, and it's pretty much refusing to move on from the Phurba dagger loading screen. The dagger's been spinning for almost 10 minutes now. I thought it was odd the first time so I tried to quit the game and the PS3 restarted, but this time I'm letting it sit and it's just going on forever... is this a known issue? Should I just delete the game data (and redownload all the patches... ugh)? :\
Same thing happened to me two days ago but restarting the ps3 fixed it for me.
Kittonwy said:
Don't delete the game data, why is it everytime anyone runs into a problem the first thing someone does is delete the game data? Just eject your disc, put it back in, it will restart the console, don't turn the power button off at the back, don't delete your game saves.
I've done that, Kitton. I did that after the first 5 minutes of spinning. The second time I gave it 10, and now it's up to 5ish again... it's just not loading. The reason I'm going to resort to deleting the game data is because it's possible (is it?) something got corrupted in the download/install process... shit, I don't know. I just want to play my Uncharted 2. :(

Also, I'm not deleting the saves, just the game data... unless the saves are stored in the game data for some reason. :| It wouldn't be too big of a deal, either way. I don't mind playing through the game again. :lol

EDIT: Yeaahh, nothing's working. For kicks I decided to run it without any updates (offline) and it worked fine. This blows. I guess I'll be waiting for 1.09.



TheSeks said:
VS don't love me no more. :(

*Wait, I'm still on your list: Nevermind~*

I would never delete you--it's hilarious when you start raging in the chat. :D Except when you rage at me. :(


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
VsRobot said:
I would never delete you--it's hilarious when you start raging in the chat. :D Except when you rage at me. :(


What the hell is up with the game glitching the hell out on you if you suddenly die by a grenade in respawning?

VSRobot (Grenade icon) TheSeks

(My screen is flashing/seizing with my model idle standing around + other players able to move/so the game is still on)


I mean, shit, I fucking respawned on your grenade. I respawn, the game glitches out and then RESPAWNS ME again. What?

Also the in-game XMB/Cross-game text chat has been lagging the game for me at times. WTF?
So I turned my PS3 on again and decided to give it another try and it passes the phurba dagger... what the fuck?
So my PS3 just didn't feel like playing Uncharted 2 earlier? :|


Good games tonight. :]
We can still carry a streak of perfect Plunder games.

New glitch for the evening: my invite counter at -2 when I first joined in.



Incredibly Naive
So my cousin and I have been playing again finally, but honestly I'm about to give up again. I dunno if it's just extreme bad luck, but the amount of laggers I've faced this past day is ridiculous. I'm literally sitting behind cover getting shot, through walls, and it's not a bullet bending DTI type deal, it's seconds late... not to mention the shotgun like spray of bullets coming from machine guns and killing me in one hit. I dunno if anyone else is dealing with this, but it's ridiculous.


msdstc said:
So my cousin and I have been playing again finally, but honestly I'm about to give up again. I dunno if it's just extreme bad luck, but the amount of laggers I've faced this past day is ridiculous. I'm literally sitting behind cover getting shot, through walls, and it's not a bullet bending DTI type deal, it's seconds late... not to mention the shotgun like spray of bullets coming from machine guns and killing me in one hit. I dunno if anyone else is dealing with this, but it's ridiculous.
Yeah, the lag over the last couple of weeks has been insanely bad. The worst instance I had I killed a guy walked from the bottom to the top of the wet spawn on temple and then died from his AK once I reached the top. I saved that match just so I can document the bullshit.


jett said:
yea awesome games.

:lol at the glitcher in highrise, we all just kept pumping at him in the next game.
Yeah, homeboy was terrible once he couldn't glitch out of the geometry!


Incredibly Naive
Yeef said:
Yeah, the lag over the last couple of weeks has been insanely bad. The worst instance I had I killed a guy walked from the bottom to the top of the wet spawn on temple and then died from his AK once I reached the top. I saved that match just so I can document the bullshit.

I just don't understand, literally every round I've played has had some form of lag, and like I said, not just a spike or a minor thing. It's people standing long after they die, it's a flury of bullets shooting in an attempt to catch up, it's me getting shot behind cover. I'm also dieing from grenades that apparently are there, we just can't see them. Was it the patch? I'm so far removed from the game at this point I just can't tell.


msdstc said:
I just don't understand, literally every round I've played has had some form of lag, and like I said, not just a spike or a minor thing. It's people standing long after they die, it's a flury of bullets shooting in an attempt to catch up, it's me getting shot behind cover. I'm also dieing from grenades that apparently are there, we just can't see them. Was it the patch? I'm so far removed from the game at this point I just can't tell.

The lag is close to insufferable. Every game that I've been in has some of the most atrocious lag. I stand still for most of the match, people skipping around, bullets not registering. It's bullshit.


Not pure anymore!
Okay, I can't find UC1 OT, so I'm going to ask my question here. Why is that I can do "weapon select" on harder difficulties that I haven't completed yet? I'm going for Platinum, I've got every other trophy, except for Hard and Crushing. It's my first time on hard difficulty if I use weapon select, would I still be able to get the Hard trophy?


Inanna said:
Okay, I can't find UC1 OT, so I'm going to ask my question here. Why is that I can do "weapon select" on harder difficulties that I haven't completed yet? I'm going for Platinum, I've got every other trophy, except for Hard and Crushing. It's my first time on hard difficulty if I use weapon select, would I still be able to get the Hard trophy?

No, if you use cheats at anytime during your playthrough you will not get the Charted! trophpies.


Not pure anymore!
Ah, makes sense. Good thing I didn't do it, I was tempted to restock my ammo when I ran into crazy spaniard monsters. Thanks for answering!

Another question, I heard that you can earn extra points for completing UC1. But I can't figure out how to check for UC1 trophies within UC2...help?

EDIT: Never mind, figured it out


Sorry bout the huge wait up for me just now guys. I was trying to sneak in a few games while my wife paid bills online, while waiting I was watching tv and she ended up getting caught up in kate plus 8 :\

Sorry bout the inconvenience.

psn is f1nestone


Not pure anymore!
alr1ghtstart said:
okay, fix for SA. Completely copy Spot and Mark from KZ2.
They do need to fix SA, not sure if Spot&Mark would work for UC2 though. But anything to fix it!! I'd like to use other boosters other than Evasion all the damn time. Especially during Elimination/death matches.


Sorry to bring up an old issue, but did Naughty Dog ever release a patch to fix the problem when playing in "just scan" or "full pixel" mode were it would sometimes display a purple square in the corner of the screen or the black bars that appear when pressing up on the d-pad wouldn't stretch right to the edges of the screen?

This link below is of a post someone made about the issue last year with some images showing what it looks like.


If it's still there, what are the chances of Naughty Dog ever fixing this now? Bioshock on PS3 had a similar issue in the demo were white bars appeared at the edge of the screen during some cutscenes, but I think I heard that they released a patch in the full game that fixed it.

I was wanting to replay this again sometime soon, but would like to have seen this issue fixed before starting another playthrough. When I last checked earlier this year the problem still seemed to be there.


I'd be in the dick
Don said:
Sorry to bring up an old issue, but did Naughty Dog ever release a patch to fix the problem when playing in "just scan" or "full pixel" mode were it would sometimes display a purple square in the corner of the screen or the black bars that appear when pressing up on the d-pad wouldn't stretch right to the edges of the screen?

This link below is of a post someone made about the issue last year with some images showing what it looks like.


If it's still there, what are the chances of Naughty Dog ever fixing this now? Bioshock on PS3 had a similar issue in the demo were white bars appeared at the edge of the screen during some cutscenes, but I think I heard that they released a patch in the full game that fixed it.

I was wanting to replay this again sometime soon, but would like to have seen this issue fixed before starting another playthrough. When I last checked earlier this year the problem still seemed to be there.
They patched it. There's still a little bit of some of that stuff that shows up very briefly in much smaller ways but you'll hardly notice it at all now. It drove me crazy my first time through.


Really? I was pretty sure I still noticed it when i played it last. Maybe I skipped past installing the patch or something.

Glad they fixed it anyway. I think I will start another playthrough once im done with Red Dead and GoW3. It was annoying having to set my TV to overscan in my first playthrough.

Thanks for the replies.


Not as deep as he thinks
lastinline said:
After playing today, Situational Awareness must die. That is all.

Its inclusion in the game still shocks me. I have no idea who thought that would be a cool booster to have. ;(
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