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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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ND's forum doesn't like Opera. Whatever you do, if using Opera, do not click Preview! Lost my whole fucking post. Then after retyping and posting I realized I wanted to edit, but the damn options menu wouldn't pop up; I was just brought back to the top of the page. ARRRGH.

Edit: Oh, and it likes to merge my paragraphs. Just lovely.


Just finished the game but didn't even touched the MP yet.
Is it really good? I liked Gears, so... more or less like that? And, is the community still active?


felipepl said:
Just finished the game but didn't even touched the MP yet.
Is it really good? I liked Gears, so... more or less like that? And, is the community still active?
yes its very active still
GGs tonight guyz. Finally made it to lvl 57. I'd play all through double cash weekend if I could. :mad: Might keep the half loaded/rapid hands combo on till I can use fatty drake. Speaking of MP skins ,I can't wait till those world cup skins are gone. I want my Winter Chloe back... :(


Somnium986 said:
GGs tonight guyz. Finally made it to lvl 57. I'd play all through double cash weekend if I could. :mad: Might keep the half loaded/rapid hands combo on till I can use fatty drake. Speaking of MP skins ,I can't wait till those world cup skins are gone. I want my Winter Chloe back... :(

I was using the spain uniform which I think made me far too visible.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Wowbagger said:
They should take another stab at the new rank icons too. The black X is much cooler looking and easier to read than the pink XI that I'm now stuck with. I realize the icons have to be of a certain size, but we could at least have gotten unique colours. I don't want to be mistaken for some 50ish noob, dammit!

That + new boosters.

Anything after 50 (with the exception of BoH, which are love/hate with people) is all downhill. Whoopie, new skins! and raising the cap didn't really chance this.

I still use the default heist Flynn/Drake (well, near default. Level 5-10?), don't really use any of the others. Right now skeletons trying to get that stupid stealth kill (WHY THE HELL DOES THIS NOT COUNT IN ALL MODES LIKE TRICKY? Why doesn't triple do this either? Why doesn't BBQ? SO STUPID, this would be a simple patch to fix. And less a headache to do) trophy. Which is going to take me forever, so I'm going to be Marco Polo and Kahhhhhhhhhn forever.


Unconfirmed Member
Kittonwy said:
I was using the spain uniform which I think made me far too visible.
Netherlands jersey is the worst in regards to that, except when inside the interiors of The Facility.

Anyways, gg tonight Team "Brrr Herp Derp Derp Herp" :lol


Hmph... We had CHRP with PERP earlier. 'cause you know that boy be perpetratin' and shit.

Er... disregard that. Anyway, I think I've finally come to accept U2 as it is now. I mean, I was playing with my brother today and he never got to experience the MP when it was still good, yet he was still enjoying himself. I guess the secret is to pretend that the good Uncharted never existed.


Lackmus said:
yeah, now when they raised the lv cap, they should problably make us lv up faster.
One of the things they are looking at with regards to reworking the leveling system is making medals/kills worth more when you hit a certain level (i.e. 60) and raising the per-match cap for those players.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Rikyfree said:
Now and forever! All the peons will bow before the majesty that is BRRR HERP DERP HERP DERP!

Surely you mean "DERP DERP BRRR HERP HERP" :lol

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I was thinking of replaying the game using exclusively (well not against helicopters and such) a tranq gun. A Metal Gear style playthrough :-D Has anyone tried this, how difficult it is?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
alr1ghtstart said:
well there is no tranq gun, so good luck with that.
I was almost 100% sure you could unlock it after you complete the game, just like any other weapon that you used during the game.


Yeah, you can unlock it as a bonus weapon. I've never bothered trying it against non-standard guys, but I'm not sure it'd do anything against the armored guys, Draza and Laz.


I haven't tried using the tranq gun in another level even though I bought it for unlocking. I'll have to try that. Not sure how that would go against tougher enemies.

I'm kind of surprised there isn't a jungle level map for multiplayer either from UC1 or Bornea. I guess it might be tough to design enough structures to make it work or something. I think it's doable though. Would be cool. I hope they do another DLC pack, but I really don't think they will.
Has anyone been getting really messed up spawns lately? Kept spawning near other players, for a good chunk of the games I played today. I thought this had been fixed. :/ The lag was pretty bad for me today as well. :(
Irish said:
Hmph... We had CHRP with PERP earlier. 'cause you know that boy be perpetratin' and shit.

Er... disregard that. Anyway, I think I've finally come to accept U2 as it is now. I mean, I was playing with my brother today and he never got to experience the MP when it was still good, yet he was still enjoying himself. I guess the secret is to pretend that the good Uncharted never existed.

Something I simply can't do. I'll admit that I made the game less fun for myself by being obsessed with leveling. By the time I stopped and just began to enjoy it they started dicking with the health requirements (ie:making the game suck). After all the DLC has been released and they are still treating players like guinea pigs, the game is still no fun, has even more of a grind and there are still spawn problems and lag and glitchers?

Just let this game die.


you know, i LOVE this game ..but ..it has by far and away the WORST match making i've ever seen in a game.

it just randomly works one day ..then doesn't the next i mean what the fuck...

seems co-op and seige etc are fine ..but if i try to enter ranked matches ... it searchs for optimal games for about ten seconds, then closed, then ANY ..then just fails.

but thing is .. it'll do that ..then poof, one day will just start working, and was just fine untill the most recent patch .. and then fucked again.

seriously odd shit.

and no, it's not my connection, my ps3 is wired, and on a very decent adsl line.

i don't have a single problem with ANY other game, period.



Rewrite said:
Omfg. People found a way to glitch outside the map in High Rise. :|

Yeah, A guy on my team was doing that at the weekend. I seriously have to wonder to what extent these people go to just to cheat, I mean if they put that amount of effort in to actually practising playing the game they could be decent.

Le sigh..


Holy Fuck, how bad are people that play this game?

I'm rollin' with Invalid and Half Loaded, but every fuckin game I finish with more kills than my entire fucking team.

SA + Fleet foot

Down the irons + Keep firing

and they're still SHIT!

uuurrggh :(


sun-drop said:
and that kinda goes with the fact the most problems i see are trying to get into ranked matches ...most likely the popular game type ..most load ..

ND sort your shit out man ..

Nah, Ranked and Objectives are both pretty empty playlists. The others are usually pretty full though.

Also, I'm beginning to think ND should have had an actual dog handle the MP patches instead of the MP team. The dog wouldn't have been able to do anything which is way better than the MP team's practice of breaking the game more with every patch.


CozMick said:
Holy Fuck, how bad are people that play this game?

I'm rollin' with Invalid and Half Loaded, but every fuckin game I finish with more kills than my entire fucking team.

SA + Fleet foot

Down the irons + Keep firing

and they're still SHIT!

uuurrggh :(
Boosters do not equal skill my friend. I guess that is why some people need to use 2 all the time. I personally don't anymore because I already hit 60 and nothing in the new levels is worth PL'ing to. Imagine the rape that would ensue if you used 2 positive ones!


How on earth can I, with half health and half ammo get more kills than these people?

Are they really that bad?

It just boggles my mind, seriously. :lol

Deathmatch btw.

Edit : Oh well, I guess that's what I get for playing with randoms.

Onwards to level 55 :p


Not as deep as he thinks
I love the multiplayer. I seriously do (I play every day), but god damn there's a lot of aspects of it that are pissing me off. Nothing but fucking campers in Plunder. Stupid situational awareness.

Make it so that the person who carries it for the longest gets the most points/cash. This is so ridiculous. I wish you guys can see this god damn bullshit if you haven't experienced it yet. Nothing is worse than being on a team that doesn't give a shit if your treasure is within fucking reach of the treasure box. God.


My biggest "What the Fuck!" in this game is Elimination.

Why oh why, do you get less cash for kills in this game-mode? shouldn't it be at least double compared to DM?

I would play it religiously if the cash was meaningful to my rank :(

Just doesn't make sense.


Neo Member
Somnium986 said:
GGs tonight guyz. Well those who bothered to stay that is. xP
Had some hilarious matches. xD

Yeah. Had a great time even tough lag and sa-using were in full force in most of the matches we played. Even managed to get a couple of perfects.
Lets just be honest with each other, we don't like playing this game, we like playing with each other. this game online sucks and gets worse by the day, but we've put so much effort into it that we cant simply stop now, especially with all of our friends still playing it. Seriously, read through the Modern Warfare 2 thread and this thread(or the chat room), there are more complaints HERE. Spawns suck, leveling sucks, rewards suck, matchmaking sucks, lag sucks, mutual kills wtf suck, but gaf is good.


JustHadToJoin said:
Lets just be honest with each other, we don't like playing this game, we like playing with each other. this game online sucks and gets worse by the day, but we've put so much effort into it that we cant simply stop now, especially with all of our friends still playing it. Seriously, read through the Modern Warfare 2 thread and this thread(or the chat room), there are more complaints HERE. Spawns suck, leveling sucks, rewards suck, matchmaking sucks, lag sucks, mutual kills wtf suck, but gaf is good.

Wrong, game is still awesome, I still enjoy playing with gaf against randoms.


Irish said:
Nah, Ranked and Objectives are both pretty empty playlists. The others are usually pretty full though.

Also, I'm beginning to think ND should have had an actual dog handle the MP patches instead of the MP team. The dog wouldn't have been able to do anything which is way better than the MP team's practice of breaking the game more with every patch.

They should have an actual cat handle the MP patches instead since the cat is smarter than both.
I have been playing the SP for the first time ever (I have owned the game since last december though) for the first time ever. Prettay great!



JustHadToJoin said:
Lets just be honest with each other, we don't like playing this game, we like playing with each other. this game online sucks and gets worse by the day, but we've put so much effort into it that we cant simply stop now, especially with all of our friends still playing it. Seriously, read through the Modern Warfare 2 thread and this thread(or the chat room), there are more complaints HERE. Spawns suck, leveling sucks, rewards suck, matchmaking sucks, lag sucks, mutual kills wtf suck, but gaf is good.

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