Animal said:Lots of fun playing with you guys today. I was AnimalK12.
I will be on a bit later for a big night of MP.
Oh that was you? So thats why I felt I had seen that name here before :lol
Animal said:Lots of fun playing with you guys today. I was AnimalK12.
I will be on a bit later for a big night of MP.
yes its very active stillfelipepl said:Just finished the game but didn't even touched the MP yet.
Is it really good? I liked Gears, so... more or less like that? And, is the community still active?
Somnium986 said:GGs tonight guyz. Finally made it to lvl 57. I'd play all through double cash weekend if I could.Might keep the half loaded/rapid hands combo on till I can use fatty drake. Speaking of MP skins ,I can't wait till those world cup skins are gone. I want my Winter Chloe back...
Wowbagger said:They should take another stab at the new rank icons too. The black X is much cooler looking and easier to read than the pink XI that I'm now stuck with. I realize the icons have to be of a certain size, but we could at least have gotten unique colours. I don't want to be mistaken for some 50ish noob, dammit!
Netherlands jersey is the worst in regards to that, except when inside the interiors of The Facility.Kittonwy said:I was using the spain uniform which I think made me far too visible.![]()
That is our battle call and it is the best battle call ever!Datwheezy said:"Brrr Herp Derp Derp Herp" :lol
Now and forever! All the peons will bow before the majesty that is BRRR HERP DERP HERP DERP!Yeef said:That is our battle call and it is the best battle call ever!
alr1ghtstart said:double cash should just be left on permanently. It still takes a long ass time to level up.
One of the things they are looking at with regards to reworking the leveling system is making medals/kills worth more when you hit a certain level (i.e. 60) and raising the per-match cap for those players.Lackmus said:yeah, now when they raised the lv cap, they should problably make us lv up faster.
Rikyfree said:Now and forever! All the peons will bow before the majesty that is BRRR HERP DERP HERP DERP!
CrushDance said:</3 You guys broke my heart ;_;
alr1ghtstart said:well there is no tranq gun, so good luck with that.
I was almost 100% sure you could unlock it after you complete the game, just like any other weapon that you used during the game.alr1ghtstart said:well there is no tranq gun, so good luck with that.
uh yes there is, right in the beginning. you can use the cheat menu to unlock it for the whole gamealr1ghtstart said:well there is no tranq gun, so good luck with that.
Irish said:Hmph... We had CHRP with PERP earlier. 'cause you know that boy be perpetratin' and shit.
Er... disregard that. Anyway, I think I've finally come to accept U2 as it is now. I mean, I was playing with my brother today and he never got to experience the MP when it was still good, yet he was still enjoying himself. I guess the secret is to pretend that the good Uncharted never existed.
Yeah, A guy on my team was doing that at the weekend. I seriously have to wonder to what extent these people go to just to cheat, I mean if they put that amount of effort in to actually practising playing the game they could be decent.Rewrite said:Omfg. People found a way to glitch outside the map in High Rise. :|
sun-drop said:and that kinda goes with the fact the most problems i see are trying to get into ranked matches ...most likely the popular game type ..most load ..
ND sort your shit out man ..
Boosters do not equal skill my friend. I guess that is why some people need to use 2 all the time. I personally don't anymore because I already hit 60 and nothing in the new levels is worth PL'ing to. Imagine the rape that would ensue if you used 2 positive ones!CozMick said:Holy Fuck, how bad are people that play this game?
I'm rollin' with Invalid and Half Loaded, but every fuckin game I finish with more kills than my entire fucking team.
SA + Fleet foot
Down the irons + Keep firing
and they're still SHIT!
Somnium986 said:GGs tonight guyz. Well those who bothered to stay that is. xP
Had some hilarious matches. xD
JustHadToJoin said:Lets just be honest with each other, we don't like playing this game, we like playing with each other. this game online sucks and gets worse by the day, but we've put so much effort into it that we cant simply stop now, especially with all of our friends still playing it. Seriously, read through the Modern Warfare 2 thread and this thread(or the chat room), there are more complaints HERE. Spawns suck, leveling sucks, rewards suck, matchmaking sucks, lag sucks, mutual kills wtf suck, but gaf is good.
Irish said:Nah, Ranked and Objectives are both pretty empty playlists. The others are usually pretty full though.
Also, I'm beginning to think ND should have had an actual dog handle the MP patches instead of the MP team. The dog wouldn't have been able to do anything which is way better than the MP team's practice of breaking the game more with every patch.
JustHadToJoin said:Lets just be honest with each other, we don't like playing this game, we like playing with each other. this game online sucks and gets worse by the day, but we've put so much effort into it that we cant simply stop now, especially with all of our friends still playing it. Seriously, read through the Modern Warfare 2 thread and this thread(or the chat room), there are more complaints HERE. Spawns suck, leveling sucks, rewards suck, matchmaking sucks, lag sucks, mutual kills wtf suck, but gaf is good.
how about in every possible wayDries said:Just beat Uncharted 1. Loved it. Can't imagine how 2 is going to top this.