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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Good news: I got 3 BBQs in a single match!

Bad news: none of them counted because the first set of DLC trophies are poorly designed and have arbitrary restrictions.

Ruining the grenades/propane tanks is by far the worst change ND made to this game. I don't mind the health, and I like the medals popping up in center screen/high ranks floating by name, and the balance changes they made to accomodate the new health have been mostly for the better. But goddamn do I miss my grenades. :(


I don't know what was going on tonight, but the lag was much, much worse than normal (which is pretty bad to begin with). The only consolation for how annoying it was is that we played a deathmatch where I went 23-10.


Yes, it was quite entertaining. I only wish I 'got laid every night' like that five-year-old kid claimed he did.

Also, CJ, you really need to stop smoking that weed and get a job so you, your wife, and your kids can finally move out of your mother's basement.
Irish said:
Yes, it was quite entertaining. I only wish I 'got laid every night' like that five-year-old kid claimed he did.

Also, CJ, you really need to stop smoking that weed and get a job so you, your wife, and your kids can finally move out of your mother's basement.

I know right! 12 year olds are so clever!


Oh, and to CHRP, vs, and jett..
Watch the recorded video of our rocket match at plaza and focus on my character.
At around 1:50, I die from hanging from a ledge ;_;
How does that happen?!


Dear ND, please consider putting the World Cup skins on the Store.

I don't think I could ever do without my England shirt :(



Jaroof said:
Oh, and to CHRP, vs, and jett..
Watch the recorded video of our rocket match at plaza and focus on my character.
At around 1:50, I die from hanging from a ledge ;_;
How does that happen?!
Haven't watched the video, but the area you grabbed is probably a spot that leads to an out-of-map glitch. There are a few suicide spots ND put in to try and prevent peeople from glitching.
So how long exactly do I have to look at these "Syncing livedata..." banners popping up before I can actually play the game online? Haven't played online since xmas...

edit: 12 minutes!

edit2: wow, i am kinda good in this game! 3 rounds, every round #1! I didn't remember the deathmatch being this easy, I didn't play the retail version very much (because of MW2...) but had shitload of fun with the MP beta!

are there any GAF tags?


PetriP-TNT said:
So how long exactly do I have to look at these "Syncing livedata..." banners popping up before I can actually play the game online? Haven't played online since xmas...

edit: 12 minutes!

edit2: wow, i am kinda good in this game! 3 rounds, every round #1! I didn't remember the deathmatch being this easy, I didn't play the retail version very much (because of MW2...) but had shitload of fun with the MP beta!

are there any GAF tags?
Just put GAF as your clan name.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
PetriP-TNT said:
So how long exactly do I have to look at these "Syncing livedata..." banners popping up before I can actually play the game online? Haven't played online since xmas...

edit: 12 minutes!

edit2: wow, i am kinda good in this game! 3 rounds, every round #1! I didn't remember the deathmatch being this easy, I didn't play the retail version very much (because of MW2...) but had shitload of fun with the MP beta!

are there any GAF tags?
Took me like 20 minutes :lol
I was getting irritated because after the 2 hour update last night...my modem died (Im blaming the modem dying on U2!!!) then that today :lol

Oh well first game in and I was 2nd overall and other team had groups. I need to try to get one with some GAFers one time again.
SuperSonic1305 said:
It's summer time and I DEMAND bathing suit skins.

Wifey still plays, and has complained that there are only 3 female skins.

Hawaiian Shirt Sully
Two piece Chloe/Elena
Sunburned Flynn w/Shades
Shorts only Draza (dockers)
Open Shirt/Shorts Drake
PetriP-TNT said:
So how long exactly do I have to look at these "Syncing livedata..." banners popping up before I can actually play the game online? Haven't played online since xmas...

edit: 12 minutes!

edit2: wow, i am kinda good in this game! 3 rounds, every round #1! I didn't remember the deathmatch being this easy, I didn't play the retail version very much (because of MW2...) but had shitload of fun with the MP beta!

are there any GAF tags?

I jumped back in two nights ago after being gone for two months. LiveSyncing update took about 25 minutes for me.

I was worried that I was going to suck up the joint when I came back, but I've either tied for or had the lead in kills every match I've played thus far.

My tag is ROFL. For no good reason other than that being what I do when people rage after I pistol-whip them in the back of the head.


I played this game exclusively since double cash weekend started.

Now that it's over, I tried continuing the other games I was playing prior and I realized I don't want to play any of them.

All I want to play is Uncharted 2. God I love this game.


Not as deep as he thinks
Boombloxer said:
Wifey still plays, and has complained that there are only 3 female skins.

Hawaiian Shirt Sully
Two piece Chloe/Elena
Sunburned Flynn w/Shades
Shorts only Draza (dockers)
Open Shirt/Shorts Drake
100% signed.
Boombloxer said:
Wifey still plays, and has complained that there are only 3 female skins.

Hawaiian Shirt Sully
Two piece Chloe/Elena
Sunburned Flynn w/Shades
Shorts only Draza (dockers)
Open Shirt/Shorts Drake
I'd also like cartoon drake, and all the SP skins we don't have in MP. Can't believe we can't play as, Sir Francis Drake. D:
Oh, and mummified Francis Drake, from Drakes Fortune. No... more... skeletons.......... plz.:D


Not as deep as he thinks
Yes, no more fucking skeletons. They're the worst fucking things ever. It feels so lifeless not having characters that don't grunt, say witty shit, etc. during multiplayer matches.


arne said:
have you tried the PlayStation.com forums or other Lithium-based forums? Just wanted to check out if it's an issue with only our forums or perhaps with how Lithium's forums work.

Can't check with Opera at work, so I can't do this for myself.

Opera works fine with the playstation.com forums.
Things I'd like changed/added:

-When viewing the results of the last match in MP, I'd like to see the list of medals obtained as well as how much I made. It sucks when you get so many medals and you can't scroll upward after the match (as far as I know) and would love to see my awards whenevr I want after a match. I know i can view medals but that's different. I want THE list to show up on demand.


-Purchased MP skins available in SP.


CozMick said:
I'm giving you fair warning.


I kid you not.

I find myself doing that whenever I play a game now: I subconsciously compare what's before me to U2. This manifests itself in me muttering to myself how this and that was handled so much better by ND in U2.

Unbelievable. Well, actually, it's totally believable.

What I've noticed is that U2 is massively changing how games are developed and designed. Just look at the recent media release for inFamous 2. I'd say it's giving everyone a heavy U2 vibe. This isn't a bad thing - far from it. It does however show that developers realize ND has shown a new, better way to tackle the same old problem: how to make a game fun and memorable for everyone without sacrificing quality.

I want more games of the same calibre as U2. Sadly, I know this is an impossible task. Thus, if I can get even 2 games like U2 per year, I'd be ecstatic.
MoonsaultSlayer said:
Things I'd like changed/added:

-When viewing the results of the last match in MP, I'd like to see the list of medals obtained as well as how much I made. It sucks when you get so many medals and you can't scroll upward after the match (as far as I know) and would love to see my awards whenevr I want after a match. I know i can view medals but that's different. I want THE list to show up on demand.


yes. I've been hoping they would notice this by now but they never, ever, eeeeeever seem to.


From the people who brough you Melee-only Elimination; the new U2 GAF sport:

Non-Lethal Gold Rush


That's right. Not even Chokers. You're caught, you're gone.
So awesome.



Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Bah. I rather play the GAF "Whore points for cash to get to Come Get Some faster" sport. :lol


Non-Lethal Gold Rush at the Plaza:



That is pretty damn fun.

Oh, and GG to everybody that participated in the GAF matches today. :)


Has there ever been any official reason given from ND why there isn't a photo mode in single player? Seems kind of strange. Is there a technical reason behind that? I would have loved to take a bunch of photos from the SP. Such a good looking game. Would have been a great way to advertise the awesome visuals.

ND, how about patching one in? What reason is holding back this feature?


Jaroof said:
Non-Lethal Gold Rush at the Plaza:


Have you been picking up some treasure from the soldiers that drop dead at a round's end?
Not enough revives there for that sole medal, hehe.

We found this variation to be lots of fun, it has its own dynamics.
Players position themselves to be receiving throws, very football like. Some of dodging against the chokers is hilarious, too.
At the same time, to put it in Ryan's words; "It sucks to see you run by while I'm being strangled to death".

VsRobot said:


Great games last night, U2 GAF. :]


Other than the GAF custom games -- which were full of awesome moments -- my best moment yesterday was final round of an Elimination game, down to 1vs1, and winning with a BBQ.

So exciting! I only need 6 more for the trophy, as I ended up with 4 last night.
Just had to drop in and say Im amazed by the lifespan of this Thread and its MP.

All thanks to the hardcore Naughty Dog workaholics working overtime to get things done.

P.S: I will join you guys soon :(


VsRobot said:
Other than the GAF custom games -- which were full of awesome moments -- my best moment yesterday was final round of an Elimination game, down to 1vs1, and winning with a BBQ.

So exciting! I only need 6 more for the trophy, as I ended up with 4 last night.
Was that the one in the village? If so, it wasn't 1 on 1.


You know, I was actually excited to play some U2 last night (rarely happens since 1.05), but I couldn't get in due to some weird connection errors. I'd be able to start a match, but after a minute or so, my character would just freeze and I'd see everyone else moving at a snail's pace. Really weird.

Anyway, I ended up starting inFamous (1st playthrough) instead and kept playing and playing and playing for 18 hours straight. Man, I love me some inFamous.
Okay, what the hell is going on with this game? When double cash weekend started, I was having some awesome games, virtually lag free. But for the past three days I keep getting put into laggy match after, laggy match. WTF!? Matchmaking is slow, and keeps pairing me up with people who aren't even in th same region. Every game there are at least five people with 3 to NO bars. I know this is happening to a lot of people here too so,WTF!
And yes I MAD!


That far-throwing treasure glitch is RUINING plunder, FIX IT STAT ND PLZ! I don't know what's gonna be the point of the plunder-only LAB tomorrow with this shit in place.
GGs tonight guyz. We were doing awesome for awhile... until or old friend lag showed up un-invited. Got destroyed last game. Camping and SA, are becoming common place now. Lot of people seem hell bent on ruining this game.

Still rolling with negative boosters . Glass Jaw is starting to get on my nerves though. Half Loaded isn't too bad. You really come to appreciate how many bullets you have when it's not equipped. :lol
Even if I suck I still get $30,000-$60,000+ a game. I'll endure any hard ship for Doughnut Drake!
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