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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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I have never been so upset at the outcome of a game...


oh well, i guess..got my 75K
Well, I got back into playing Uncharted 2 online last night. After some time away from it, I still say it's my favorite game ever. A glitcher on the map High Rise bummed me out, but besides that I loved playing. Even when I'm not doing good, I still enjoy Uncharted 2. Just, there isn't any way I'm ever getting to Level 80, haha.


Not as deep as he thinks
Foob said:
I have never been so upset at the outcome of a game...


oh well, i guess..got my 75K[/QUOTE]


You DON'T EVEN know.

I should post pictures of my Plunder scores. It's always ME scoring all the 5 points/4 while the rest of my team is out fucking killing people. And pictures won't even do it justice. You have to see the bullshit for yourself in a video.

But yeah. I've been in these types of situations such as yourself MANY times. It sucks so fucking badly. :lol

And fucking wow, that level 60 guy on your team. Fucking ugh...


Why aren't you sporting a GAF clan tag!? Oh hell naw!


Rikyfree said:
All good players at this game have been there. It's a big reason I only play with gaffers now.

You know, it's funny, I've gotten so used to playing solely with PSN-GAF and doing extremely badly, that I'm actually surprised when I play by myself and go 26-4 all night long. Playing in a group of great players actually makes everyone (other than CHRP) on the team seem like mediocre players.


KilgoreTrout said:
I miss you guys. <3

Maybe when I have internet again, I'll finally play a game or two. :lol

I'm looking forward to your return.

One of my fondest U2 memories was from one game where you started to rage through the teeny PSN masked voice making fun of one annoying as hell opponent.
I was laughing so hard, I couldn't keep my aiming straight. :]

Dammit, after so many rounds I finally played a deathmatch game where my K/D ratio was under 1 (8/9). Oh well, fixed that by going the next round 20/1.


So finally i got Uncharted 2!
The first one was my fav game so far till Demon's Souls released.
Anyway, i started to play an hour ago and i am in second level in Istanbul.
Wouw, i know this is not a super realistic game and stuff but when you see your own city in a game you cant stop comparing it with the reality. I kinda omgwtf is this when the guards started to speak Turkish with some American accent lol. And the guards yeah...dark skin color, almost Arabs and the level itself...Looks like some place from Prince of Persia..There is no tower like that in the main ottoman palace..Anyway these are not real issues with the game but kinda hard to swallow lol.
Btw i am playing on a Sd tv now i know its a big sin for a game like Uncharted 2 but the there are too many jaggies..Shouldnt be less jaggies on SD tv since it is not sharp and high res as a HDTV?
Eccocid said:
So finally i got Uncharted 2!
The first one was my fav game so far till Demon's Souls released.
Anyway, i started to play an hour ago and i am in second level in Istanbul.
Wouw, i know this is not a super realistic game and stuff but when you see your own city in a game you cant stop comparing it with the reality. I kinda omgwtf is this when the guards started to speak Turkish with some American accent lol. And the guards yeah...dark skin color, almost Arabs and the level itself...Looks like some place from Prince of Persia..There is no tower like that in the main ottoman palace..Anyway these are not real issues with the game but kinda hard to swallow lol.
Btw i am playing on a Sd tv now i know its a big sin for a game like Uncharted 2 but the there are too many jaggies..Shouldnt be less jaggies on SD tv since it is not sharp and high res as a HDTV?

I'm not from New York, nor do I know much about the city's layout AT ALL but I heard Spider-man 2's train sequence was based on a train that isn't even in New York... People take liberties to tell the story I guess.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
I'm not from New York, nor do I know much about the city's layout AT ALL but I heard Spider-man 2's train sequence was based on a train that isn't even in New York... People take liberties to tell the story I guess.
Yeah its just like a one min reaction then i forgot about it. Actually the voice acting for Turkish guards isnt that bad..some of the one liners sounds very forced but then i am not used to hear Turkish in a video game must be that i guess..


alr1ghtstart said:
his ginger hotness picture has been deleted as well.

I moved that one to the picture thread in OT, and my anti-haters rant was written in a moment of weakness which I immediately regretted. I am trying to not let things get to me so much. Doesn't help that I get private messages on PSN telling me the game sucks, @-replies on Twitter, people invade the chat room, etc., but they obviously care very deeply about letting me know that the game I love is garbage.

Obviously the fun I'm having is just imaginary.

I decided to ignore it rather than be "that guy" again. I'm a redhead, I have a temper. :D


Thanks to Wowbaggr, Treble, Everlong, Falthier and Jett for playing a grip of Elimination with me today to get me the last 14 wins for my trophy. Really nice to play with such helpful folk!

Now I have every Uncharted 2 trophy available! Now I"m imagining what new trophies they could add.

Ran into a ton of glitchers in the Elim playlist, mostly on Sanctuary at the hammer spawn. Sent one a note after I sent the video to Arne letting him know I sent it to Naughty Dog, he immediately sent me a message apologizing, then five minutes later another one, and then five minutes later another one. I took pity and told him I would pass his apologies along as well--not like he'd get banned or anything anyway, I only sent the video to try and hasten the fix.

Sucks that a map I used to love has become nigh-unplayable. Every time it came up today someone glitched on it, at least as far as I recall. Even had a guy using an old Fort glitch I thought was fixed, he didn't get any kills at all and really hurt his team, but it still sucked.


Not as deep as he thinks
PSN/This game's matchmaking must hate me so much because it always pairs me up with the worst fucking team mates ever in history every single time.

Fuck Situational Awareness once again. Fuck that shit back to hell.

Bring back Pistols only Plunder please. Regular plunder feels like complete trash now (as if it wasn't before).


Rikyfree said:
I think my ps3 died. I'm not sure if it overheated or it broke. Will try later on.

Good luck. I've had this happen as well.
If you need help with your options, let me know and I'll walk through what I've found.

OT: Been watching Emily Rose on Haven. She's definitely cute and while some of the sarcasm is genuinely funny, some of it needs to go. Overal, I think I've seen this show: Blonde agent played by the voice actress of an exclusive playstation game who is sent to investigate super natural events by her tall, bald, and mysterious black boss :D.

Last time I played UC2 online, High rise glitchers dampened my mood.


Uhm, is it normal that connecting to MP takes minutes to reach half the bar and flashes "synching live data" every couple of secs?

I wanted to get the trophy for a MP game earlier, but after three minutes or so "connecting" I gave up.
Binabik15 said:
Uhm, is it normal that connecting to MP takes minutes to reach half the bar and flashes "synching live data" every couple of secs?

I wanted to get the trophy for a MP game earlier, but after three minutes or so "connecting" I gave up.

Yeah, if you haven't connected in a while, that syncing could take up to 20 minutes.


We ran into a bunch of glitchers yesterday and it seems they all used the same method to get outside the playing area: hang from an edge, aim the pistol and rapidly change shoulder a few times, then climb up and you'll fall through the geometry.

A good spot to do this is near the GL in The Sanctuary:



You can also access this old spot in The Fort (sorry, didn't take a shot after he got in there):


I know I've at least also run into a player using this glitch to hide in one of the stone blocks in the customs house in The Flooded Ruins.


VsRobot said:
Doesn't help that I get private messages on PSN telling me the game sucks, @-replies on Twitter, people invade the chat room, etc., but they obviously care very deeply about letting me know that the game I love is garbage.


I'm just sorry to see you finally become an accepter. :( You know how much better it used to be though, so I guess that makes you alright in my books. Now, as soon as you start to say the game is better now, that is when we're through.


Um... so did I spot a typo within the game itself? If you access the ingame trophies page, the first one (the stealth kills one) has an 'of' instead of 'or' in between the words elimination and deathmatch. All the other trophy descriptions have an 'or' in he exact same place.


PetriP-TNT said:
Yeah, if you haven't connected in a while, that syncing could take up to 20 minutes.

Sounds awesome :/

My only platinum is for U: DF and I loved getting it, but waiting forever to do some online stuff I don´t really want to play just to 100% U2? I don´t think I love it that much.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Binabik15 said:
Sounds awesome :/

My only platinum is for U: DF and I loved getting it, but waiting forever to do some online stuff I don´t really want to play just to 100% U2? I don´t think I love it that much.

So... DON'T? The game gives you the platinum with the base trophy stuff. It doesn't REQUIRE the DLC trophies.

Go play a round of co-op, versus. and then forget the multiplayer mode as it's gone to shit and be better off with the second Uncharted's platinum.


Ok after waiting for like 10 minutes i can get in to online menu now(passed that Syncing Live screen)
But now i pick a game and wait in the lobby and cant find any players!... I waited for like 5 mins in every game mode but still couldnt connect to any other player? I have NAT 2 and can play any other game without any problem...


tak said:
Are there regular GAF games? If so, how would one join in the fun?

I have a few open spots on my friend's list, just shoot me a request on PSN (psn: vsrobot) and I'll invite ya'll to the chat. As parties cap at either 3 or 5, there is not always a spot available, but if you hang around someone will either drop or more people will join allowing a second (or third, or whatever) party to get started.


bish gets all the credit :)
I swear this game has some of the dumbest motherfuckers alive playing it. I actually got the objective playlist working, but my teammates acted like they had the same brain power as a salamander.


Rewrite did all of the scoring. Seems pretty common in plunder these days where most play it as a deathmatch instead of playing it as a plunder match. :/


I only play with GAF, so I can't really speak for randoms, but it's pretty common for one person to do most of the scoring. That doesn't mean the other members aren't helping.

Back in the 1.04 and earlier days we'd purposely have everyone on our team score once just to amuse ourselves, but with the way the game is these days it's not worth the risk.


Fun games tonight, I was totally bipolar. First half of the night, top of the scoreboard end of every match. Last half of the night, struggled just to be even.

Had a Sanctuary match where TWO guys kept jumping into the glitch spot above hammer.


Once in, they kept knocking each other off the ledge or whatever is down there, and it was child's play to kill them before they got there, but FFS.

Same assholes were glitching in Museum in a Turf War game which I think we might have won 50-0.

Welcome KanZolo, nice to meet you, GGs. Hope to see you again soon! I need to BBQ you at least once as, uh, hazing? Whatever, BBQs are fun. >.<


Man, I was freaking out last night for this game I was in. Treble was there too, but apparently he wasn't involved in it even though I thought it was.

Sanctuary. There were a lot of dumb things that happened that match, but the other team got really damn lucky early on. Three of us were respawning in the same location together (as it usually happens...), and my the time my skin has his right hand on the trigger of the AK on his back, there's A GOD DAMN GRENADE at our feet. A triple spawn kill. With a grenade. WTF.

I haven't gotten a chance to review the footage, but as far as I was concerned at the time, the grenade was just a random one, and it was COMPLETE BS. It's damn near impossible to spawn kill someone with a grenade, let alone three. Fuck.

Oh, and we lost that match too, not that it really matters.
im sure that once you examine the tape you will see that you spawned while your killer was looking directly at you, and he was smart enough to throw a quick grenade and accurate enough to place it. ive done it once, but i didnt get everyone. spawns suck, you know this
Someone explain me how the melee combat works? 90% of the time I ambush someone, shoot him & melee kill him the enemy gets a kill of me with one punch.


VsRobot said:
Welcome KanZolo, nice to meet you, GGs. Hope to see you again soon! I need to BBQ you at least once as, uh, hazing? Whatever, BBQs are fun. >.<
It felt good. Glad I finally got in a GAF game.
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