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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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alr1ghtstart said:
one pistol shot and a punch = death

I always assume lag caused me not to hear/see the one pistol shot when I instantly die from a melee attack. Of course, with Glass Jaw equipped sometimes you'll die from a melee attack from someone who is already dead.

Something Som is noticing, and I noticed when I ran GJ, is that a lot of people still melee first when they get surprised close-quarters. Against someone who knows how to steel-first (shoot + punch) they have no chance at all, but if you're running GJ they just got a free kill.

So, thanks all you suckers running GJ for training these scrubs to punch first, you're part of the reason I've started collecting so many "Big Brawls" medals. :D
I constantly get Big Brawl-medals but yeah, those simultanious deaths are kinda annoying. I gotta try that pistol+punch combo more often (compared to ak47+punch)
Just thought I'd try out the photo uploader and show a double tricky kill I got. I kind of wish that was a medal now. Also it's weird that the uploader isn't available for UK PSN accounts, I had to use my US account to do it.




They had been kind of camping there early on in the match and were even too preoccupied to notice my failed Pull Down.

SA has been driving me nuts lately. I'm sick of getting shotgunned at every turn by some asshole sitting in cover pressing up. And I'm still only level 48. I've got a million more to go before I get to give up a booster slot to avoid this crap.


I like combining Tricky with other medals-- very proud of my Tricky/Put Him Down and of course the always popular Tricky/Fly On The Wall. Last one I got was a jumping Pistole kill where I landed on the ledge homeboy was camping on. Don't know why it counted as a Tricky, as I was in the air when I killed him, but I'll take it. :D

Had an awesome Kick Off right where you got that double-Tricky.. I hit melee as I was jumping over the ledge, so I kicked him off and replaced him on the side in a single motion. :D

alr1ghtstart said:
yes, the meerkats must die.

Lol. X-ray vision meercats is a perfect description for these scrubs who can't play the game without pushing up every four steps.


Not as deep as he thinks
What's more disgusting is seeing fucking high level players 60-70 use Situational Awareness. Ugh. Cannot stand that bullshit booster.


Randomly ran into Rewrite in All Comp. today. That was amusing. :) Too bad we weren't at full-strength so we could have made a better impression.


Lab this weekend: grenades only ( everyone spawns with 99 grenades), no boosters, only Plaza, Sanctuary, Train Wreck, Village.


Not as deep as he thinks
I was shocked I ran into you guys tonight. I've never actually ran across with other GAFfers of all the time I've been playing this game, haha. There was this one time I ran into a lurker who has yet to have his account activated, though. Still, the matches were great and I had fun. That RPG only match was so fucking hilarious to me. Seeing all the bodies fly away like that kills me...especially that encounter I had with vsRobot where we couldn't kill each other by that ship. :lol :D
I hate matchmaking in general but U2 does take the crown... especially when there aren't that many players online (I guess approx. 10000 every hour?). I haven't gotten to play single basic match outside DM/Elim/Co-op because I just don't seem to find a match. I want to play plunder and all :/

It's weird how much I love the MP eventhough I constantly find new annoyances in it, especially with the netcode


JustHadToJoin said:
im sure that once you examine the tape you will see that you spawned while your killer was looking directly at you, and he was smart enough to throw a quick grenade and accurate enough to place it. ive done it once, but i didnt get everyone. spawns suck, you know this
False. I watched the replay.

About a minute into the match in the Lost City (not Sanctuary like I originally said), there's a guy just outside of the room where you originally spawn, aiming towards the waterfall with nobody remotely close to that area. I don't know if the grenade he threw was a timed guess at where people would spawn, or if it was just random, but either way it was freakin' ridiculous.


JustHadToJoin said:
on your replay no one was close, ill bet on his replay you guys had just spawned.

Yeah, your replay shows your POV, even when following a different player. If you were lagging, you won't get a recreation of his screen -- only what the game had transmitted to you. I'm positive that on the server you guys actually had spawned, but due to lag you hadn't actually spawned on your screen, which gave you no chance to dodge the grenade.

Still BS, but I doubt it was a miraculous random-grenade Tripled.


Not as deep as he thinks
Haha, I was about to ask why none of you guys were sporting the GAF clan tag, but alas...an explanation was given.


I haven't played well enough to feel worthy of the GAF tag since 1.05. Now, I just sport a simple 1.04 so I can keep on fighting the good fight.


Not as deep as he thinks
I did laugh when I saw your tag. :lol I doubt all the randoms you come across with know what your clan tag means.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Rewrite said:
I did laugh when I saw your tag. :lol I doubt all the randoms you come across with know what your clan tag means.

Randoms playing after the Golden Age is so sad. :( They don't know what they're missing. :(
With comic-con going on, it makes me sad that there's nothing Uncharted related happening this year like there was last year (and details of a new Lost season for that matter =[.... ).


ashfsfhisd why cant this game have the option to filter regions online? just played a match with japanese, americans, mexicans.. warpers everywhere


Ugh, working late tonight and the next few days. I signed on right as everyone I normally play with was signing off. I tried to recruit Rewrite, but he wasn't having it. (Somehow he was prioritizing "food" as being more important than Uncharted 2). I tried to play by myself, but that was, uh, not fun. Going up against a team of KDR freaks bunny hopping, FAL-camping, FF-dancing, etc. is bad in a group but as a solo player it's the least fun you can have with a controller in your hand.


Melfice7 said:
ashfsfhisd why cant this game have the option to filter regions online? just played a match with japanese, americans, mexicans.. warpers everywhere

The game will find a close match if possible, you can cancel out of matchmaking if it doesn't.


Not as deep as he thinks
VsRobot said:
Ugh, working late tonight and the next few days. I signed on right as everyone I normally play with was signing off. I tried to recruit Rewrite, but he wasn't having it. (Somehow he was prioritizing "food" as being more important than Uncharted 2). I tried to play by myself, but that was, uh, not fun. Going up against a team of KDR freaks bunny hopping, FAL-camping, FF-dancing, etc. is bad in a group but as a solo player it's the least fun you can have with a controller in your hand.
:lol :lol I'm dying here. I was starving! I hadn't eaten anything ever since I got out of work!

And yeah, welcome to playing with randoms. I deal with this bullshit every single day I play. Isn't it awesome? Don't even try Plunder. You'll rage. For real.


My hands...I think they're cramping from all the vibration. :lol

This is insane, the constantly shaking camera is extremely disorientating as well. Kinda fun. :p


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I can't play mp... the game is "connecting" and it's been hung up on the livesync for 40 mins. Finally connects and asks if I want to go to the store for DLC. I figure ok I'll look. Stuff is way too expensive for a game I barely play. Try to go back to the MP and now I can't connect at all. Getting an "model syncing" error over and over. Like 7 attempts now and I'm pretty annoyed.

Because I don't have the $$$ DLC, I can't connect? Ugh.

Edit: finally worked after 12 attempts and an hour of my life gone.


recklessmind said:
I can't play mp... the game is "connecting" and it's been hung up on the livesync for 40 mins. Finally connects and asks if I want to go to the store for DLC. I figure ok I'll look. Stuff is way too expensive for a game I barely play. Try to go back to the MP and now I can't connect at all. Getting an "model syncing" error over and over. Like 7 attempts now and I'm pretty annoyed.

Because I don't have the $$$ DLC, I can't connect? Ugh.

Edit: finally worked after 12 attempts and an hour of my life gone.

Yes it sux i spent lik 45 mins this week and connected to my first match! I thought it would be one time thing but then i tried to play online again today and again waited in the lobby for around 10 minutes looking for other players, it sux i dont think i will touch to it again.

Also i finished the game finally.
I loved the new characters and story but somehow i loved the last chapters of first game much more due to unexpected twist and turn and that tension you know where.
U2 didnt have the climatic ending of first game :( and yeah final boss was a joke again.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Eccocid said:
Yes it sux i spent lik 45 mins this week and connected to my first match! I thought it would be one time thing but then i tried to play online again today and again waited in the lobby for around 10 minutes looking for other players, it sux i dont think i will touch to it again.

Also i finished the game finally.
I loved the new characters and story but somehow i loved the last chapters of first game much more due to unexpected twist and turn and that tension you know where.
U2 didnt have the climatic ending of first game :( and yeah final boss was a joke again.

i still haven't beaten the final boss... :lol i'm right there, but i've been putting it off for months.

i want to finish and start a more difficult playthrough. maybe i will today since mp is so friggin absurdly designed: hurry up and wait, and wait some more. you spend more time in menus than playing the game. no thanks.


recklessmind said:
i still haven't beaten the final boss... :lol i'm right there, but i've been putting it off for months.

i want to finish and start a more difficult playthrough. maybe i will today since mp is so friggin absurdly designed: hurry up and wait, and wait some more. you spend more time in menus than playing the game. no thanks.

Well i took down the final boss in my first try! i died a lot of times before the boss tho with those guys ya know who! they raped me! I was playing in Normal, now planning to replay in hard to get remaining treasures and trophies.
gun fights in Uncharted games never gets boring, i really love how they give you a nice open area with lots of places to take cover and different opportunities to take down guys. when i run and gun i always think like "oh shit i could kill that guy from jumping there too!"


Lab would be more fun with the old grenades. No reason to play tactically with (essentially) unlimited ammo.

Great games tonight. Had a nice groove growing and ended up getting streams in a bunch of matches, including a match on highrise where I think I picked up both the Hammer and the Pistole every time they spawned. Pistole I tried for but only grabbed the hammer so much because the enemies kept camping up there, and I would go clean
'em out, and the the hammer would spawn.


1.08 > 1.04

Well, I'm glad I got that out in the open, hated bottling it all up. :lol

There is simply nothing I would want back from 1.04!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
CozMick said:
1.08 > 1.04

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol No. Get out.

CozMick said:
There is simply nothing I would want back from 1.04!

Okay, so you want the game to be "islands of cover with maps that don't really support this type of play. Grenades that are pop-rocks and cola in your stomach, and don't kill" and "health so low that lag ruins the gameplay." (Sup diving into cover with black-white only for the game to register someone hitting you during the dive to cover and kill you despite the fact your game-side you were in cover for a good twenty seconds and starting to regen)

Okay, bro. Thanks for letting us know you have no idea what you're talking about.


TheSeks said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol No. Get out.

Okay, bro. Thanks for letting us know you have no idea what you're talking about.

Wow, the hostility towards people that claim the current multiplayer is better than <1.04 is quite disturbing. :lol

Grenades were nuclear warheads.

Every bullet in the FAL was a laser guided missile.

Slight lag made everyone a full magazine bullet sponge.

A player within 20yrds of cover had no worries of dying.

Down the Irons, LOL!

You may not agree with this but a cover based shooter this is not as long as the Pistole/SPAS have this amount of ridiculous sticky-aim.

Apart from the apparent out of map glitches this game is now nigh on perfect.
CozMick said:
Wow, the hostility towards people that claim the current multiplayer is better than <1.04 is quite disturbing. :lol

Grenades were nuclear warheads.

Every bullet in the FAL was a laser guided missile.

Slight lag made everyone a full magazine bullet sponge.

A player within 20yrds of cover had no worries of dying.

Down the Irons, LOL!

You may not agree with this but a cover based shooter this is not as long as the Pistole/SPAS have this amount of ridiculous sticky-aim.

Apart from the apparent out of map glitches this game is now nigh on perfect.

Are you saying this isn't a cover shooter because of the shotty? Those weapons are not meant for cover fire and should be the way they are.

I prefered the original MP simply because it seperated those who an play and those who can't. But I guess I can see why ND would want to implement a neutralizer for the casuals to have fun as well. Lower the health and now everyone dies. The cover system is broken because it's only useful if you're camping. Man, it was so great when at the moment you were taking fire, you rolled into cover with your adrenaline pumping. Now, once you're hit, you're dead unless the guy on the other end can't aim for shit.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
Are you saying this isn't a cover shooter because of the shotty? Those weapons are not meant for cover fire and should be the way they are.

The cover works, I see no problem there when the lag is minimal.

Getting shot while in cover happens in every game not just post 1.08 Uncharted 2 :p

But with the shotties as they are people are never scared to run in guns blazing because the game will do the aiming for them.

This stops the game from being a "true"
cover shooter.

I have friends who love and loathe post 1.08, I guess you can't please everyone.


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
ok i think i saw a level 64 what the fuck is going on:lol ? oh and new Grenades sucks ass Chinese firecrackers are more dangerous than this shit
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