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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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snap0212 said:
What? Are you serious? :lol

Why go crazy over that 1 aspect when they pretty much drool over everything else in that review. Again great score.

My only issue was why do they want free roaming in a game designed as a linear story mode. Thats like saying i wish Gran turismo had crash mode ala burnout.
A GT review hasn't failed this much since their review of Elite Beat Agents in which almost all of the footage of them playing was on Easy mode and yet they were still horrible at it :lol

ACE 1991

beast786 said:
Why go crazy over that 1 aspect when they pretty much drool over everything else in that review. Again great score.

My only issue was why do they want free roaming in a game designed as a linear story mode. Thats like saying i wish Gran turismo had crash mode ala burnout.

Yup. They didn't knock games like gears of war on this.


I think the 9.3 is a great score.. but they way they complemented the game was kind of funny. The complements make it seem like a 10/10 but then they fault it for the same thing they complement.
McLovin said:
I think the 9.3 is a great score.. but they way they complemented the game was kind of funny. The complements make it seem like a 10/10 but then they fault it for the same thing they complement.

Sometimes something can be a double edged sword.

Example: Games with simple/accessible controls. It's easy to pick up and have fun but might not have enough depth to keep you interested for long.

I seriously doubt their complaints took many points away from the score though, but my biggest complain about the review is actually from the originality comment.


Shining Sunshine said:
"They took every game design possible from CoD4 and Gears of War 2!" - LameTrailers
Really? I didn't know that GeoW allowed you to use hanging cover, climb things, and use stealth kills and pull guys off ledges. Interesting...


Worships the porcelain goddess
Fimbulvetr said:
Sometimes something can be a double edged sword.

Example: Games with simple/accessible controls. It's easy to pick up and have fun but might not have enough depth to keep you interested for long.

I seriously doubt their complaints took many points away from the score though, but my biggest complain about the review is actually from the originality comment.

I actually looked at the score breakdown. Design scored an 8.9. So...yeah, it did. That and probably the sneaking sections. I chuckled since that reminded me of the goofy "Violence in Games/Uncharted" thread where people thought there should be other ways to approach sections in the game, ala stealth. Turns out stealth sections are probably the worst part of the game with review comments on it boiling down to "Less mandatory sneaking, more shooting fools."

But yeah. Linearity, sneaking and "unoriginality" didn't help the score in GT's eyes.
Kintaro said:
I actually looked at the score breakdown. Design scored an 8.9. So...yeah, it did. That and probably the sneaking sections. I chuckled since that reminded me of the goofy "Violence in Games/Uncharted" thread where people thought there should be other ways to approach sections in the game, ala stealth. Turns out stealth sections are probably the worst part of the game with review comments on it boiling down to "Less mandatory sneaking, more shooting fools."

But yeah. Linearity, sneaking and "unoriginality" didn't help the score in GT's eyes.

the linearity argument is strange...I mean the norm is linearity in games...Gears, resistance, ratchet and clank, RE5 are all pretty much hyper linear games...as much as uncharted, but they don't seem to get the same flack...none of those were particularly original either and they weren't hit with that argument much. I suppose this when people look at the individual mechanics and don't consider the whole...
The Gamestrailers review claimed that Uncharted 2 has 'moronic enemy AI', but I'm hesitant to accept this, because they said the same thing about Uncharted 1, and that game has better than average enemy AI.
I watched the review and I'm not sure why anyone would be upset about it, they had a couple of strange critiques, but they admitted it was the best looking console game and that every PS3 owner should buy it. What else are they supposed to say?


Worships the porcelain goddess
theignoramus said:
The Gamestrailers review claimed that Uncharted 2 has 'moronic enemy AI', but I'm hesitant to accept this, because they said the same thing about Uncharted 1, and that game has better than average enemy AI.
I watched the review and I'm not sure why anyone would be upset about it, they had a couple of strange critiques, but they admitted it was the best looking console game and that every PS3 owner should buy it. What else are they supposed to say?

Again. No one is upset. See the bolded? We're trying to figure out why those critiques would be made in the first place.


Yeah complaints about "Linearity" as such just feel so weak. Just wait til GT gets hold of Heavy Rain. :D Look 9.3 is still a good score. Is the score justified when comparing it to other scores given out to so called 'Triple A' games this gen? We'll find out soon enough. My guess, probably not.
theignoramus said:
The Gamestrailers review claimed that Uncharted 2 has 'moronic enemy AI', but I'm hesitant to accept this, because they said the same thing about Uncharted 1, and that game has better than average enemy AI.
I watched the review and I'm not sure why anyone would be upset about it, they had a couple of strange critiques, but they admitted it was the best looking console game and that every PS3 owner should buy it. What else are they supposed to say?
Yeah, they pick out one single part in the game where they think is a bug, and then use that to slam everything about A.I. and ignore all the awesome combat A.I. in the game.

Seriously, having played Gold Rush, they must be joking. The A.I. is intense smart.


wait wait wait Uncharted 2 has mediocre AI ??? the original Uncharted had impressive AI in crushing, enemies flanking you and saving their collective asses. downgrade? wtf??


I have no doubt that Uncharted 2 is going to be an amazing game and can't wait til Oct. 13. It just pains me as a gamer who loves lots of games on all consoles to come in this thread to get hyped about U2 and have to see other great games(esp. Gears) get trashed. It just seems very immature but then again this is the internet.
Lince said:
wait wait wait Uncharted 2 has mediocre AI ??? the original Uncharted had impressive AI in crushing, enemies flanking you and saving their collective asses. downgrade? wtf??

That's what GT is claiming, but they said that about the first one and it turned out to be absolute bullshit.


Felium Defensor
Lince said:
wait wait wait Uncharted 2 has mediocre AI ??? the original Uncharted had impressive AI in crushing, enemies flanking you and saving their collective asses. downgrade? wtf??
It's GT dude...wait till you play the game yourself and judge for yourself. If they said the same thing about the first one, then I'm not even remotely worried cause the first game had better AI than most games in that time frame. Also, how many other credible sites mentioned AI as a negative point in their reviews with U2?

Edit: beaten somewhat by dude with the worst avy. WTF man. lol


Lince said:
wait wait wait Uncharted 2 has mediocre AI ??? the original Uncharted had impressive AI in crushing, enemies flanking you and saving their collective asses. downgrade? wtf??
They were probably playing the game on Easy.

The first game had excellent A.I. on Crushing. I'm sure it's going to be exactly the same in U2.


Worships the porcelain goddess
In the end, it doesn't matter. Two more weeks and life will be good. Then I'll have lovely UC2 multiplayer...which will last me until Modern Warfare 2 (an Invisible Walls nugget of funny). =P


Speaking of enemy A.I. (and difficulty) - is anyone planning on playing Among Thieves on 'hard' during their first playthrough? I definitely will, as I did the same with Drake's Fortune.
Hyphen said:
Speaking of enemy A.I. (and difficulty) - is anyone planning on playing Among Thieves on 'hard' during their first playthrough? I definitely will, as I did the same with Drake's Fortune.

I never like playing games in hard first, even if I find the game extremely easy on normal mode.


Hyphen said:
Speaking of enemy A.I. (and difficulty) - is anyone planning on playing Among Thieves on 'hard' during their first playthrough? I definitely will, as I did the same with Drake's Fortune.

I'm thinking seriously about it.


The AI comment was directed at the sneaking sections. It's weird to see people bashing a review they didn't even watch.


zoukka said:
The AI comment was directed at the sneaking sections. It's weird to see people bashing a review they didn't even watch.

I can confirm that the AI is pretty damn oblivious during the sneaking. At least on normal, anyway


I am not Max
Hyphen said:
Speaking of enemy A.I. (and difficulty) - is anyone planning on playing Among Thieves on 'hard' during their first playthrough? I definitely will, as I did the same with Drake's Fortune.
I probably will be, until I get really frustrated and switch to normal, heh.


Lince said:
wait wait wait Uncharted 2 has mediocre AI ??? the original Uncharted had impressive AI in crushing, enemies flanking you and saving their collective asses. downgrade? wtf??

I've only watched a few GT reviews, and even in that small sampling I've heard them say some pretty stupid things about AI. GT would not be the place I'd go to get info on AI.
Yeah, Drake's Fortune had amazing AI: flanking, aggressive and accurate enemies. One minor complaint I could direct towards de AI is that the enemies would always hover near explosive barrels, but of course that's a design choice. Wouldn't be any fun to make barrels explode if you're not going to kill anybody with the explosion. :D

Among Thieves (from what I've played in the co-op beta) seems to have even more aggressive AI. I can't say for certain that the enemies are smarter this time (limited time with the beta and most of my time playing competitive matches), but the added repertoire of moves (melee attacks, using shields, chokeholds, etc) is definitely an improvement. I did notice one time (while playing the co-op mission on hard) that one enemy was just standing still behind me while I was brawling with another. I ended up dying anyway, but I just thought he should have been shooting at me or at least trying to put me in a chokehold. It just happened that one time. Maybe that was a bug or something, because those guys will usually take any chance they get to snap your neck.

On a somewhat related note, I always hated how in Drake's Fortune your enemies would slide into cover but AFAIK Drake couldn't pull that move. It seemed odd. I think it's the same for Among Thieves, and while not a big deal, I still wonder why. Tapping circle while running would result in a roll, pressing it would result in a slide. Hell, it would be awesome if Drake could shoot while sliding, the animation for sliding is already there, with the punch-in-the-balls-while-sliding.
JSnake said:
I can confirm that the AI is pretty damn oblivious during the sneaking. At least on normal, anyway
Oh, that's too bad. Hmm... Well, I usually play on hard the first time, but I believe that the AI should be at the top of its game on every difficulty level. The only things that should be tweaked per level (again, in my opinion) are enemy rate of fire, damage (from bullets, grenades, melee attacks, etc) and probably ammo supply. That way, even if you're playing on easy you get to experience the enemy AI routines; and should allow you to be more daring/sloppy if you want, but still get the thrill of the battle. :D

JSnake said:
You can definitely slide into cover
Oh, awesomesauce, thanks! Also: SPOILURZ :p Hahaha!
Hyphen said:
Speaking of enemy A.I. (and difficulty) - is anyone planning on playing Among Thieves on 'hard' during their first playthrough? I definitely will, as I did the same with Drake's Fortune.

Yup. Did the same in UDF as well. Can't wait. I run the risk of having my friends beat it before me when they play it on Normal lol.


zoukka said:
I'm not defending that shit site, but shut the fuck up seriously.

I guarantee you'd NEVER speak to me that way in person. Enjoy the security of the internet, keyboard toughguy. I guess this is the first time you've been able to mouth off without getting stuffed into a locker or have your head shoved into a toilet, so enjoy it I guess.
Will you guys just let it go? 9.3 is really good score, despite Gametrailers somewhat transparent effort to drag it down as much as possible.

If it really bothers you, then do yourself a favour and ignore the site.


FunkyPajamas said:
On a somewhat related note, I always hated how in Drake's Fortune your enemies would slide into cover but AFAIK Drake couldn't pull that move. It seemed odd. I think it's the same for Among Thieves, and while not a big deal, I still wonder why. Tapping circle while running would result in a roll, pressing it would result in a slide. Hell, it would be awesome if Drake could shoot while sliding, the animation for sliding is already there, with the punch-in-the-balls-while-sliding.

You can definitely slide into cover
Anyone know if Gamestop recent called about the order? I got a call from Gamestop but for some reason they haven't been able to leave messages. Only upcoming game I have ordered there is Uncharted 2, so I assume it was something about it.

Also, is the ship date the 13th or release date 13th? basically, can I play this on Tuesday?


AKS said:
I guarantee you'd NEVER speak to me that way in person. Enjoy the security of the internet, keyboard toughguy. I guess this is the first time you've been able to mouth off without getting stuffed into a locker or have your head shoved into a toilet, so enjoy it I guess.



helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
FunkyPajamas said:
On a somewhat related note, I always hated how in Drake's Fortune your enemies would slide into cover but AFAIK Drake couldn't pull that move. It seemed odd. I think it's the same for Among Thieves, and while not a big deal, I still wonder why. Tapping circle while running would result in a roll, pressing it would result in a slide. Hell, it would be awesome if Drake could shoot while sliding, the animation for sliding is already there, with the punch-in-the-balls-while-sliding.
Slide into cover is contextual sensitive. You have to press the cover button far enough from the actual object that you can't just attach yourself to it, yet close enough to it that the slide animation will throw you into cover. Make a custom game and run towards an object while pressing circle till you get the hang of it. I'm pretty sure the same holds true for Drake's Fortune.

Linkzg said:
Also, is the ship date the 13th or release date 13th? basically, can I play this on Tuesday?
13th is the release date.
Killthee said:
Slide into cover is contextual sensitive. You have to press the cover button far enough from the actual object that you can't just attach yourself to it, yet close enough to it that the slide animation will throw you into cover. Make a custom game and run towards an object while pressing circle till you get the hang of it. I'm pretty sure the same holds true for Drake's Fortune.
Oh, I didn't know that, thanks for the heads up. :D I'm going to try that later today. Every character has the same array of moves, right? I mean, when playing co-op: Drake, Sully, Chloe; they can all pull the same moves, I guess, correct?
AKS said:
I guarantee you'd NEVER speak to me that way in person. Enjoy the security of the internet, keyboard toughguy. I guess this is the first time you've been able to mouth off without getting stuffed into a locker or have your head shoved into a toilet, so enjoy it I guess.

Hello pot, I'd like to introduce you to kettle.
I was glad when I saw that there were only two online Trophies in the game, but given the current state of the Matchmaking they might end up being the hardest ones to get anyway:lol

I've pretty much given up on it until the full game (or until they patch the Beta). I've tried leaving and re-entering and there doesn't seem to be much of an effect (and I'm always petrified that I'll quit just before it finds me some players). I can hold out less than two weeks for the full game, and now that the spoilers are starting to fly a media blackout might be the best choice anyway.


JSnake said:
I can confirm that the AI is pretty damn oblivious during the sneaking. At least on normal, anyway

It looks to be intentional, in that instance. To give the player a larger room for error.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
FunkyPajamas said:
Oh, I didn't know that, thanks for the heads up. :D I'm going to try that later today. Every character has the same array of moves, right? I mean, when playing co-op: Drake, Sully, Chloe; they can all pull the same moves, I guess, correct?


AKS said:
I guarantee you'd NEVER speak to me that way in person. Enjoy the security of the internet, keyboard toughguy. I guess this is the first time you've been able to mouth off without getting stuffed into a locker or have your head shoved into a toilet, so enjoy it I guess.
:lol :lol

Damn, I tried to play the beta/demo last night and it said servers were down for maintenance. :( This is the only time I'll get to enjoy U2 till probably Christmas (as a gift) or unless I finally get work soon.

There won't be a single player demo, will there?


Hyphen said:
Speaking of enemy A.I. (and difficulty) - is anyone planning on playing Among Thieves on 'hard' during their first playthrough? I definitely will, as I did the same with Drake's Fortune.

definitely, did it with drakes fortune too and when im done ill jump to crushing right away :D

i feel most games this gen are a bit dumbed down in difficulty so i always start on hard
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