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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Man this game can get really intense and fun when both teams are balanced.

pme thing though... I SUCK with machine guns... i will go ahead and blame it on lag though... ANYTIME i need to aim.. i will hit a guy 10 times in the head.. and he will not die.. Then i run behind a wall to reload.. and i see a bullet fly past the wall.. and boom.. i'm dead.


bish gets all the credit :)



bish gets all the credit :)
Fimbulvetr said:
I still don't know whether or not this guy is a parody, and it kinda scares me.

Dude is a troll. I loved his Killzone 2 vids. Just check out the comments sections for some laughs.


Elpresedor :lol @ when he starts talking about R1 v R2 lol

Just so happens i was in uncharted last night with some gaffers and randomly one guy says.. Resitance 1 was MUCH better than Resistance 2 lol
Just another comment on the gametrailers review. I usually don't mind spoilers and always check out the gametrailers reviews because they're articulate and usually fair. But did they literallu have to post cutscenes of plot-twists? I don't mind spoiling the feel of levels and stuff but spoiling the story? What a dick move and unnecessary, i hope they retract it and edit it.


kazuma_pt said:
1601 Cloverfield Boulevard
Suite 6000 North
Santa Monica, CA 90404
United States

Heh, I used to basically live down the street from there. Now I'm down the street from Bethesda Softworks.
alr1ghtstart said:
Dude is a troll. I loved his Killzone 2 vids. Just check out the comments sections for some laughs.

Holy shit wow, the guy is a fanboy magnet.:lol

SolidSnakex said:
With all the cardboard he has around the room you can't tell that he's just joking around?

Fanboys on all sides have kinda gotten to the point where some people actually believe that stuff. Or at least believe stuff that's just as stupid.

I haven't checked out to many of the guy's videos yet but, bookmarked.


Incredibly Naive
methane47 said:
Elpresedor :lol @ when he starts talking about R1 v R2 lol

Just so happens i was in uncharted last night with some gaffers and randomly one guy says.. Resitance 1 was MUCH better than Resistance 2 lol

It's pretty true though, RFOM was my best online experience this gen, but UC2 looks to surpass that!:D


Urgh. I was playing through Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction before Uncharted 2 arrived and I put Ratchet on hold until I beat Uncharted 2. So I just loaded up my Ratchet save file, where I had just gotten to the ice world. It was just two days ago that my jaw was on the floor when I got to this level. Now, after playing through Uncharted 2, it's not nearly as impressive anymore.

You've ruined other games for me, Uncharted 2! ;______;


Messypandas said:
Just another comment on the gametrailers review. I usually don't mind spoilers and always check out the gametrailers reviews because they're articulate and usually fair. But did they literallu have to post cutscenes of plot-twists? I don't mind spoiling the feel of levels and stuff but spoiling the story? What a dick move and unnecessary, i hope they retract it and edit it.

Yeah, I showed my roommate that review today after watching it last night, and while I initially didn't notice that seemingly huge plot point they show, today I did and was a little miffed (and wondered how I missed it to begin with). I should know better, they do this pretty often.


This el pressador guy is probably a MS hired viral marketer. they're using reverse psychology to embarrass the playstation fanbase.

"Unparallel to NONE"..

agree with him, R1 > R2


methane47 said:
Man this game can get really intense and fun when both teams are balanced.

pme thing though... I SUCK with machine guns... i will go ahead and blame it on lag though... ANYTIME i need to aim.. i will hit a guy 10 times in the head.. and he will not die.. Then i run behind a wall to reload.. and i see a bullet fly past the wall.. and boom.. i'm dead.
YES...I HATE that! And dying 3 seconds later from a dead body melee'ing you is awesome too :|

Never try to roll when being shot at, your toes get shot..........Dont even think about going into cover if your screen is starting to get a little blurry.

And fighting auto-aim is a real bitch sometimes.


brandonh83 said:
Seems as if I should be glad that I didn't watch the GT review.

You should. While there are many minor spoilers that shouldn't bother people, there is one major one by my count
Harry Flynn turning on you, with what looks like Elena's cameraman dead on the ground
and one possibly major one
Lieutenant what's-his-name choking out Drake on the train and then getting shot and killed by an unknown assailant

Not worth watching just to see how great the game looks and hear what you likely already know.
JSnake said:
Horde mode basically I assume. I can't say for certain because the public doesn't have the game yet and so it's basically impossible to get a game going.
Better than horde mode because you are forced to be on the move all the time because it's also objective base. Constantly capturing the flag while surviving against the awesome enemy A.I. and types.
Shining Sunshine said:
Better than horde mode because you are forced to be on the move all the time because it's also objective base. Constantly capturing the flag while surviving against the awesome enemy A.I. and types.

Isn't that Coop Arena? I thought he was talking about Coop Survival


Once you guys play the game you'll realize that there aren't any spoilers in our review (GT). There definitely aren't any plot twists in it. Something significant happens in every cinema in the game (excellent pacing). We generally took the most innocent scenes for our review. We had to show SOMETHING to make our points. You'll see once you play it. If you watched the review don't think that the game is ruined for you. The stuff we showed you'll see coming from 100 miles away. We do think about this stuff when we put our reviews together.


RichardAM said:
Bit of both, trying to fit in with the crowd, you know?


There is a medical illness called self-bitchingimoanus. It is quite common in threads that contains a lot of bitchers and moaners. It is a socialogical disease that infects many forum members; people bitching and moaning about people who bitch and moan. The condition is made worst by subjects unaware that they themselves have become part of the same problem they bitch and moan about. This in turns produces more bitching and moaning. And there you have the life cycle of the self-bitchingimoanus pathogen.

The cure is not to bitch and moan about people who bitch and moan.

Fuck me I have just been infected because now I am bitching and moaning about people who likes to bitch and moan about bitchers and moaners.

Contagious shit this.


Gold Member
satterfield said:
Once you guys play the game you'll realize that there aren't any spoilers in our review (GT). There definitely aren't any plot twists in it. Something significant happens in every cinema in the game (excellent pacing). We generally took the most innocent scenes for our review. We had to show SOMETHING to make our points. You'll see once you play it. If you watched the review don't think that the game is ruined for you. The stuff we showed you'll see coming from 100 miles away. We do think about this stuff when we put our reviews together.

I'd point out that the Killzone 2 review shows
Templer being captured by Radec on board the New Sun,the murder of Evalyn Batton, and the detonation of the nuclear device within the first 2.5 minutes of a 9 minute review.
for absolutely no good reason.

I had to kick myself after watching the KZ2 review and I for one have to trust other people when they say that there are spoilers after seeing them before. I can't even bear to highlight what that one poster has blocked out above regarding a spoiler in the review. Suspicions of what might happen in the story as you play are entirely different than having it confirmed before you begin playing.
BigNastyCurve said:
So should I finish Uncharted first before getting this? *blush*
You don't need to, but everyone should, just to see how much U2 has improved over U1. (I can even tell just from telling the multiplayer that it is greatly improved!)


Just watched the GT review. A big fat "LOL" to those who didn't expect that spoiler to happen. Uncharted has many, many strong points, but having an original story is not one of them.
Messypandas said:
Just another comment on the gametrailers review. I usually don't mind spoilers and always check out the gametrailers reviews because they're articulate and usually fair. But did they literallu have to post cutscenes of plot-twists? I don't mind spoiling the feel of levels and stuff but spoiling the story? What a dick move and unnecessary, i hope they retract it and edit it.
Yeah, Gametrailers is notorious for doing this. Was the same with Halo 3, thank god for hbo.org warning people before they watched it.

2 weeks :D, very much looking forward to it.
Unfortunately my PS3 is at my parents right now. Only have a VGA monitor in my rented room (for 360 & PC), so no point in bringing it. Will have to play U2 whenever I'm home.
TheChaos said:
Just watched the GT review. A big fat "LOL" to those who didn't expect that spoiler to happen. Uncharted has many, many strong points, but having an original story is not one of them.
Goddamnit are the
back? For fuck's sake! That's the only part of U1 that made it absolutely hateful.


I can't get that zshare link with the alternative covers to work :(

Also, someone said something about giantbomb giving this 2/5? Where's the review? Can't find it. (and why no review links in the OP?)
TheChaos said:
Just watched the GT review. A big fat "LOL" to those who didn't expect that spoiler to happen. Uncharted has many, many strong points, but having an original story is not one of them.
There are no more original stories. Even Hollywood is in the dumps of writer's block.
Shining Sunshine said:
There are no more original stories. Even Hollywood is in the dumps of writer's block.
I'm going to feel sorry for movies and most stuff 100 years down the road. Originality will be utterly dead by then.
Minamu said:
I can't get that zshare link with the alternative covers to work :(

Also, someone said something about giantbomb giving this 2/5? Where's the review? Can't find it. (and why no review links in the OP?)

That was a fake/joke review, GiantBomb havent reviewed it yet.
Odious Tea said:
Goddamnit are the
back? For fuck's sake! That's the only part of U1 that made it absolutely hateful.
Hateful? They are
the original spanish crew, now infected with whatever biological super virus was in that coffin
. Or did you want to continue shooting more of the same mercs?

Or wait, don't tell me, you were scared of playing through that portion?
xenorevlis said:
Hateful? They are
the original spanish crew, now infected with whatever biological super virus was in that coffin
. Or did you want to continue shooting more of the same mercs?

Or wait, don't tell me, you were scared of playing through that portion?
No, I played it. Admittedly a while ago. I also hated every god forsaken second of it. Which was compounded by my loving of pretty much everything preceding that nonsense.
Odious Tea said:
No, I played it. Admittedly a while ago. I also hated every god forsaken second of it. Which was compounded by my loving of pretty much everything preceding that nonsense.

Well its not like it was completely out of left field. Its foreshadowed (and quite well too, IMO) a couple of times in the game until that point.
Shining Sunshine said:
There are no more original stories. Even Hollywood is in the dumps of writer's block.

There are tons of original stories...they just don't generally enter mainstream consciousness... Hollywood has been behind the curve in story telling for a long, long time....

Ploid 3.0

satterfield said:
Once you guys play the game you'll realize that there aren't any spoilers in our review (GT). There definitely aren't any plot twists in it. Something significant happens in every cinema in the game (excellent pacing). We generally took the most innocent scenes for our review. We had to show SOMETHING to make our points. You'll see once you play it. If you watched the review don't think that the game is ruined for you. The stuff we showed you'll see coming from 100 miles away. We do think about this stuff when we put our reviews together.

Oh ok, I had a feeling these two things were the big twists of the game. Now I'm looking forward to going through the SP again.
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