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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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moai said:
gt reviews are full of spoilers.....

We've all learned this already and it will never change. Its almost always better to listen to them than watch.

ALMOST always. You'll often even hear things you dont want to hear.

Ploid 3.0

And yea I'll stop watching GT reviews of story games, like Ratchet & Clank. Arcade, or sport like games are ok (GT5, Flower, Critter Crunch).
Odious Tea said:
No, I played it. Admittedly a while ago. I also hated every god forsaken second of it.
That is too bad, as it was probably one of the best things that happened to me just as I was getting tired of killing all those "pirates" over and over. Until then I had not really done much run-and-gun and once it had clicked my second play-through was so awesome :D

Dax01 said:
Dude, Ratchet and Clank has essentially evolved into an action-adventureRPG. It has character upgrades, weapon upgrades, armor upgrades, and a lot of story in the PS3 iterations.


Black Canada Mafia
I'm playing like crazy (I need lots of practice) if anyone wants to join in, just add me - PSN is same as GAF name.


hide your water-based mammals
xenorevlis said:
Dude, Ratchet and Clank has essentially evolved into an action-adventureRPG. It has character upgrades, weapon upgrades, armor upgrades, and a lot of story in the PS3 iterations.
I would say that's a good thing.


Ploid 3.0 said:
Ratchet's story is always awesome. Great comedy, and highly entertaining. Do you not know what game I'm talking about?
Yeah seriously. The writing in the Ratchet series has been top notch. Captain Qwark is a legend!


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!

:lol :lol :lol :lol


bish gets all the credit :)
saw these character bios on sony's press site
Character Bios
Nathan Drake bio
As a modern-day fortune-hunter, Drake operates within a rough, lawless world occupied by treasure-seekers, antiquities smugglers, con men and thieves. Unlike his associates, Drake is driven more by the historical intrigue and thrill of the hunt, than the promise of the treasure itself. He may or may not be a descendant of Sir Francis Drake, the great 16th-century explorer and privateer – but regardless of his lineage, Drake is gifted with a remarkable historical imagination and an uncanny ability to unravel mysteries from only the barest clues.
Although he’s smart and self-educated, Drake tends to conceal his intellectual side when dealing with the rogues gallery of dangerous individuals who haunt the gray-market underworld of the illegal antiquities trade. In his dubious line of work, Drake finds himself confronting everything from guerillas to drug traffickers, modern-day pirates, rival salvage companies, and frequently the law – so he’s had to learn how to handle himself in tight situations, whether it means guns, fists, charm, or the occasional hasty exit. In the end, Drake survives by his wits, tenacity and resourcefulness – and a dash of good old-fashioned luck.

Elena Fisher bio
Drake’s former companion, Elena has since graduated from tabloid reporter to a legitimate investigative journalist, and now tracks stories in some of the most dangerous and war-torn corners of the world. She’s as stubborn and tenacious as Drake is, and determined to such a degree that it is both her greatest virtue and her greatest fault.

Chloe Frazer bio
Drake’s current partner and romantic interest, Chloe is as tough and capable as she is beautiful. She’s equally comfortable in a gunfight or a fistfight – whatever the occasion demands. Chloe’s a good ally, but her moral compass is uncertain, and her reckless and impulsive nature makes her somewhat unpredictable.

Harry Flynn bio
A longtime friend and associate of Drake’s, Flynn operates within the same shady underworld of fortune hunters, smugglers and thieves that Drake inhabits. Flynn possesses a certain roguish charm, but he’s far more unscrupulous than Drake, and will take just about any job if the profit’s good – regardless of any moral or legal implications.

Victor Sullivan bio
A larger-than-life Hemingwayesque character, Sullivan is Drake’s partner, mentor and the closest thing he’s got to a father figure. He’s a seasoned adventurer, explorer and treasure hunter – the consummate con man in a world of con men – and knows just about everyone connected to the illicit antiquities trade.

Zoran Lazarevic’ bio
A rogue paramilitary leader and fugitive war criminal, notorious for committing unspeakable massacres and atrocities. Believed to have been killed in a bombing raid, Lazarevic survived (though he bears the scars of the attack), and now operates in the shadows as the leader of a secret terrorist society. Ice-cold and relentlessly ambitious, Lazarevic is an imposing figure with a ruthless intensity and a dark magnetism that’s both terrifying and hypnotic.

Karl Schäfer bio
The sole survivor of a failed expedition to the Himalayas in 1938, Schäfer has been living among the locals of a remote Tibetan village for seventy years. As a fellow explorer, Schäfer is able to provide critical information and guidance at a time when Drake needs it most.

Tenzin bio
A leader in his remote Tibetan village, Tenzin joins Drake halfway through his perilous journey. Their partnership is made awkward by the language barrier – Tenzin speaks only Tibetan, and Drake only English – forcing them to communicate largely through gesture. Despite this obstacle, Tenzin becomes one of Drake’s most trusted allies.


chaoticprout said:
So I hear this game is going to be real sick. Is it worth picking up the first one then playing this one, or just go straight to #2?
First one's only $30 now, so I say get it. Or at least rent it to play through it once.
chaoticprout said:
So I hear this game is going to be real sick. Is it worth picking up the first one then playing this one, or just go straight to #2?

The first one is not necessary to play the second one, however it sets up the 'free wheeling, treasure hunting, wisecracking, babe charming' world of Nathan Drake. The first one still holds up admirably 2 years after its release, and is a great game in its own right. It can now be found cheap as well, so there really is no downside to playing it.

My 2 cents.
chaoticprout said:
So I hear this game is going to be real sick. Is it worth picking up the first one then playing this one, or just go straight to #2?

It's definitely worth playing the first one because first of all it's a pretty great game and secondly it introduces you to the characters. It should be pretty cheap and you should have time to finish before the sequel is released if you have 8-10 free hours.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Almost done with the game. Have about an hour to go.

I never thought a game with such a simple premise and simple mechanics (no upgrades, purchasing, etc.) could be utterly fucking amazing. It goes to show that a game does not need to be stuffed full of useless features, combos, upgrades, money, etc. that aren't even required to complete a game.

It's just about making a truly compelling adventure game and making the gamer feel so deeply involved. I've spent nearly 10 hours playing the game since I got it yesterday, and part of that is because I really, really want to see what happens next and what the ending is all about.

I had the same sort of addiction with MGS4. Uncharted 2 is fucking brilliant.
AlphaSnake said:
Almost done with the game. Have about an hour to go.

I never thought a game with such a simple premise and simple mechanics (no upgrades, purchasing, etc.) could be utterly fucking amazing. It goes to show that a game does not need to be stuffed full of useless features, combos, upgrades, money, etc. that aren't even required to complete a game.

It's just about making a truly compelling adventure game and making the gamer feel so deeply involved. I've spent nearly 10 hours playing the game since I got it yesterday, and part of that is because I really, really want to see what happens next and what the ending is all about.

I had the same sort of addiction with MGS4. Uncharted 2 is fucking brilliant.

This is all I need to know. Hype Train ticket bought, next stop Uncharted 2.
AlphaSnake said:
Almost done with the game. Have about an hour to go.

I never thought a game with such a simple premise and simple mechanics (no upgrades, purchasing, etc.) could be utterly fucking amazing. It goes to show that a game does not need to be stuffed full of useless features, combos, upgrades, money, etc. that aren't even required to complete a game.

It's just about making a truly compelling adventure game and making the gamer feel so deeply involved. I've spent nearly 10 hours playing the game since I got it yesterday, and part of that is because I really, really want to see what happens next and what the ending is all about.

I had the same sort of addiction with MGS4. Uncharted 2 is fucking brilliant.

Yeah, you know...when asked to describe why Uncharted is so great, I'm hard-pressed to come up with concrete reasons. It doesn't sound like much on paper. But all I gotta do is watch like 30 seconds of footage and I realize that it's "pretty much that."
Minamu said:
I can't get that zshare link with the alternative covers to work :(

Also, someone said something about giantbomb giving this 2/5? Where's the review? Can't find it. (and why no review links in the OP?)
No review links, because I'm more of a fan of GAF reviews. There's a Metacritic link for other reviews.

I just think they typically shit up a thread.

As for the Alternate Covers, I'll fix it as soon as I'm by my computer. :)
Hey Kilgore, for your description of the characters, are they from somewhere?

After watching many spoilers, one of them might not be correct, but I'm also assuming.
Shining Sunshine said:
Hey Kilgore, for your description of the characters, are they from somewhere?

After watching many spoilers, one of them might not be correct, but I'm also assuming.
I just wrote them myself. PM me with the problem, and I'll fix it.
AlphaSnake said:
Almost done with the game. Have about an hour to go.

I never thought a game with such a simple premise and simple mechanics (no upgrades, purchasing, etc.) could be utterly fucking amazing. It goes to show that a game does not need to be stuffed full of useless features, combos, upgrades, money, etc. that aren't even required to complete a game.

It's just about making a truly compelling adventure game and making the gamer feel so deeply involved. I've spent nearly 10 hours playing the game since I got it yesterday, and part of that is because I really, really want to see what happens next and what the ending is all about.

I had the same sort of addiction with MGS4. Uncharted 2 is fucking brilliant.

it just a matter of getting back to basic. you know where game is used to be fun to play.
Gaaaah, sorry for posting with no real focus, but I'm getting antsy / excited for Monday.

Does anyone know if they will be projecting Uncharted 2 at the sneak preview in 720p... or something HIGHER through multi-linking systems? :D


xenorevlis said:
Gaaaah, sorry for posting with no real focus, but I'm getting antsy / excited for Monday.

Does anyone know if they will be projecting Uncharted 2 at the sneak preview in 720p... or something HIGHER through multi-linking systems? :D

I'm guessing it'll be 720p assets upscaled to whatever the screens output at, or close to it. Would be amazed if Naughty Dog had some version with higher resolution assets ready for a showing like that.
LaneDS said:
I'm guessing it'll be 720p assets upscaled to whatever the screens output at, or close to it. Would be amazed if Naughty Dog had some version with higher resolution assets ready for a showing like that.
Er, shouldn't mention that sort of stuff, sorry. Basically, GT5 was shown running on a 4kprojector AT 4k resolution using 4 PS3 systems linked. I would LOVE to see the game like this, but have not gotten any sort of concrete message about it.


xenorevlis said:
One of the things that XMB 2.0 or whatever allowed was for developers to link systems like videocards and produce higher-resolution images (still dependent on the engine). While a lot of post-processing happens exclusively on the CELL I don't see why they wouldn't be able to sync 4 systems into each rendering a fourth of the image at 720p and combine them through a dev kit or whatever.

Right, but is that all that different than the upscaling I mentioned? It's not like the game disc has secret higher-res textures and such to display. Or maybe it does. Naughty Dog is a magical developer, after all.

I'm sure it'll look mind-blowing however they end up showing it off, that much seems clear.


I think they just sweeten the amazon deal.

Amazon Exclusive Pre-order Treasure Map
Pre-order "Uncharted 2: Among Thieves" and get an Amazon exclusive treasure map. This bonus video strategy reveals the secret locations of treasures hidden within the game and can be viewed on both the PS3 and PSP systems. Access codes will be sent within 10 days after the game releases. Offer good while supplies last. Must be sold and shipped by Amazon.com to be eligible.

Get a $5 Video Games Credit
Pre-order "Uncharted 2: Among Thieves" and get $5 off a future video game purchase. The promotional code will be placed directly into your Amazon.com account within 2 business days after the product ships. Offer valid when shipped and sold by Amazon.com. This offer will be extended to all existing pre-orders. Limit 1 per household. Amazon reserves the right to change or terminate this promotion at any time.

So if you combine this with the ECA discount you can get Uncharted 2 for $51.29 - $5.00 credit towards other video game purchases = $46.29.

Dont worry if you have already preordered it. Amazon says this will be extended to all preorders!

Is this info old.. then ignore it please
LaneDS said:
Right, but is that all that different than the upscaling I mentioned? It's not like the game disc has secret higher-res textures and such to display. Or maybe it does. Naughty Dog is a magical developer, after all.

I'm sure it'll look mind-blowing however they end up showing it off, that much seems clear.
Up-scaling takes native images and resizes it, making the larger image lose sharpness. Scaling it with multiple systems would keep the ikmage sharp and you would see more of the textures come through. While they probably aren't megatextures, the shader work done to skin, clothes, etc. in the game is enough to look good even when up-close to the camera.

GRRR, can someone find me the 3840x2160 image(s) of Uncharted 2? It's the only reason I am even considering this as a possibility :lol
inner-G said:
:lol this whole ad campaign has been hilarious
It is hilarious, but somewhere in the middle of that commercial, I realized it's taken Sony 3 years to get a proper marketing campaign for the ps3. FFS
BobTheFork said:
It is hilarious, but somewhere in the middle of that commercial, I realized it's taken Sony 3 years to get a proper marketing campaign for the ps3. FFS

True that... just thank the Gods they've woken up. Better late than never, eh?


Will never get tired of hearing "OH NO!" followed by a grenade icon and a single player name in the kill box.


Alex said:
Will never get tired of hearing "OH NO!" followed by a grenade icon and a single player name in the kill box.

I am pretty tired of my character somehow attempting to throw a grenade over an obstacle he's hiding behind that's two feet tall and managing to not make the throw happen. I also like how when this happens, the grenades detonate immediately despite no time having elapsed.


I never have a problem with grenades. Just try not to blind toss em.

This game does need a join-in-progress feature. We were playing this ot her team, we were doing better than em but not slaughtering them but people kept dying and getting pissed off and quitting, leaving the other team with ONE guy that we had to kill 30 times.


I still don't understand how Uncharted 1 and 2 are rated Teen.

Also, for those of you who have Uncharted 2, how are the gun fights? Are there any large areas with multiple waves of enemies? I really, really don't like the longer gun fight sections in Uncharted 1 with no check point until all the waves are done.


Zzoram said:
I still don't understand how Uncharted 1 and 2 are rated Teen.

Also, for those of you who have Uncharted 2, how are the gun fights? Are there any large areas with multiple waves of enemies? I really, really don't like the longer gun fight sections in Uncharted 1 with no check point until all the waves are done.

Nothing makes this a mature game.


Loudninja said:
Nothing makes this a mature game.

All the gun fights and the animated way that enemies show their injuries and reaction to being shot makes it pretty violent. Much more so than the enemies that don't react to bullets hitting them until they fall over because they ran out of hitpoints in other shooters.


Zzoram said:
All the gun fights and the animated way that enemies show their injuries and reaction to being shot makes it pretty violent. Much more so than the enemies that don't react to bullets hitting them until they fall over because they ran out of hitpoints in other shooters.

None of that matters do you see strong language, blood and gore, or intense violence?
Yeah, violence isn't usually a reason for an M rating, unless it's particularly gory like RE5 or Gears. Sort of troubling that violence is deemed less damaging than even mild sexual content, but that's a discussion for a thread about religious nutcases or something.


msdstc said:
Hows the ending? Does it deliver better than the first?

It has an ending. As in, it's more than just a pan into the fading sunset. It's meaty, it's emotional (depending on how into the characters you are) and it's infinitely more satisfying than the first game. It's good.


SamBishop said:
It has an ending. As in, it's more than just a pan into the fading sunset. It's meaty, it's emotional (depending on how into the characters you are) and it's infinitely more satisfying than the first game. It's good.

I squeeeed.
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