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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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regarding he ease of platforming, thats one thing i actually enjoyed about Uncharted 1. There is nothing more frustrating then missing a jump due to pressing a button a second before you should have. Especially when you are climbing a giant wall and falling means starting the entire process over again. Playing Tomb Raider underworld after playing Uncharted is almost torture. Sure it's more difficult to make jumps in Tomb Raider, but most of the time you feel its the game camera or movement limitation that makes you fall, not the direction or timing of your jump. It;s much more cinematic as well.
Zzoram said:
What is that thing? A card saying you're eligible to get a code when you pick up the game? Can I get this theme doing an in-store pre-order?
It's the PSN redeem code on the scratch off thing. They give you an Uncharted 2 PS3 box with this card in it.


I agree with Amirox. Uncharted 2's platforming/puzzles were way too simple. Give us more twitch-based platforming as was said before. Mix in a little more puzzles with the platforming. Make it so that we have to climb WAAAAYYYY over there before the door closes and if we miss it then we have to try again. Also, allow for multiple paths to get to the same destination. Uncharted's platforming was so linear and so non-nonchalant/carefree/and didnt have any sense of danger or urgency. It was a walk through the park, and most of the time we didnt even get to enjoy any kind of view. Have rotating/moving obstacles andadd some freaking danger in there! Have something that's PUSHING us forward and making us think fast. Those breakable ledges werent scary at all either! Everything about the platforming was just too simple and easy.

About ppl talking about keeping the flow going and having it all cinematic and everything and how we're missing the point because Naughty Dog didnt want the game like that. There was nothing cinematic about monkey-minded/sticky handed Drake. They may as well had just had stairs every time you had to climb somewhere. Uncharted was about 30-40% platforming...how is that missing the point? I wouldnt want a shooter where it takes 1 shot to kill every guy....way too easy.
Zzoram said:
Spare case? Awesome :D
I dunno if mine is a problem, but my preorder box cover has a slight issue.

When you have the ps3 box flat on its side with the PS3 red logo on the left, the title should be on its right side up. My Uncharted 2 preorder box is upside down. >_>;;

Anyways, I swapped it out for Burnout Paradise's greatist hits box. 8P
mr_nothin said:
I agree with Amirox. Uncharted 2's platforming/puzzles were way too simple. Give us more twitch-based platforming as was said before. Mix in a little more puzzles with the platforming. Make it so that we have to climb WAAAAYYYY over there before the door closes and if we miss it then we have to try again. Also, allow for multiple paths to get to the same destination. Uncharted's platforming was so linear and so non-nonchalant/carefree/and didnt have any sense of danger or urgency. It was a walk through the park, and most of the time we didnt even get to enjoy any kind of view. Have rotating/moving obstacles andadd some freaking danger in there! Have something that's PUSHING us forward and making us think fast. Those breakable ledges werent scary at all either! Everything about the platforming was just too simple and easy.

About ppl talking about keeping the flow going and having it all cinematic and everything and how we're missing the point because Naughty Dog didnt want the game like that. There was nothing cinematic about monkey-minded/sticky handed Drake. They may as well had just had stairs every time you had to climb somewhere. Uncharted was about 30-40% platforming...how is that missing the point? I wouldnt want a shooter where it takes 1 shot to kill every guy....way too easy.

I didn't say anyone was "missing the point." And as far as "keeping the flow" up, I was referring to moments like the bridge collapsing early on in Uncharted 1, or jumping on the rooftops as a helicopter shoots you like we saw at e3 this year. I just think that all the excitement of that helicopter scene would be lost if it popped up, shot the platform you were standing on, and you died. As far as just scaling an ordinary wall, I wouldn't mind if that was spiced up a bit, and I do like the idea of them keeping the pressure on you by putting a time limit of some sort on, or having something chase you.
Walked into Wal-Mart this morning and first thing I see is an Uncharted 2 ad playing on the many TV's they have hanging from the ceiling around the store. It's also advertised in this weeks flyer even though it's not out until next week. Nice to see I guess. This is in Canada btw.


please tell me how to take screen shots of the movies?????? and when can we watch online the movies we uploaded???
equap said:
please tell me how to take screen shots of the movies?????? and when can we watch online the movies we uploaded???
Does adding more question marks signal that you are more confused about it?


"please tell e how to take screen shots of the movies?" - confused.
"please tell e how to take screen shots of the movies??" - really confused.
"please tell e how to take screen shots of the movies???" - really really confused.
"please tell e how to take screen shots of the movies?????" - so confused that you're forgetting to breath.
equap said:
please tell me how to take screen shots of the movies?????? and when can we watch online the movies we uploaded???

You have to have your PS3 set to 720p, and it shows up in the menu.

You can send them to other PSN friends, but not view them online.


KilgoreTrout said:
You have to have your PS3 set to 720p, and it shows up in the menu.

You can send them to other PSN friends, but not view them online.
i play mine at 1080i because 720p isn't native, really ugly.

but i'll switch to 720p for this, thanks.


Dax01 said:
Does adding more question marks signal that you are more confused about it?


"please tell e how to take screen shots of the movies?" - confused.
"please tell e how to take screen shots of the movies??" - really confused.
"please tell e how to take screen shots of the movies???" - really really confused.
"please tell e how to take screen shots of the movies?????" - so confused that you're forgetting to breath.

You're so cool.


KilgoreTrout said:
You have to have your PS3 set to 720p, and it shows up in the menu.

You can send them to other PSN friends, but not view them online.
Speaking of which, I think Uncharted 2's method of taking pictures is complete trash. Makes the game look horrible. I dont think it's capturing it directly (from within the game). More like a XMB taking a screenshot.

I hate the way it looks, grab from the framebuffer plz.


Dax01 said:
Does adding more question marks signal that you are more confused about it?


"please tell e how to take screen shots of the movies?" - confused.
"please tell e how to take screen shots of the movies??" - really confused.
"please tell e how to take screen shots of the movies???" - really really confused.
"please tell e how to take screen shots of the movies?????" - so confused that you're forgetting to breath.
wut r u takling abot?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!???
All right. 2 new box arts.

Here are small previews of each one so far:


You can download them here.
Yoboman said:
How'd you do it? Crushing kicked my ass
Either they toned it down during the Trophy patch, which is unlikely, or I just played the game too much.

I think I played it six times already prior to beating crushing. I use to hold back on ammo, but I realize there's plenty of ammo around, so I do a lot of fast shooting on targets.


Yoboman said:
How'd you do it? Crushing kicked my ass

Crushing is really, REALLY hard, but repetition is king. Once you memorize what enemies you have to deal with and where they come from, you eventually figure out an order to kill them that works. I just got my Platinum today. There were a lot of hard fights, but they are all manageable with a lot of retries and a little luck.
Played with a buddy of mine last night. He totally had fun, but was like resistant the whole time sinces hes mostly a xbox live player. I asked if he thought these were the best graphics, but he said no, gears 2 still looks better? Also said the new call of duty looks better even though hes never played it. I was like whhhaaaat? and this is only multiplayer. I think there comes a point people don't realize whats going on. The motion blur and depth of field just absolutely amazes me. Plus the textures are amazing, its hard to spot a reused texture throughout all multiplayer maps and co op.


TrAcEr_x90 said:
Played with a buddy of mine last night. He totally had fun, but was like resistant the whole time sinces hes mostly a xbox live player. I asked if he thought these were the best graphics, but he said no, gears 2 still looks better? Also said the new call of duty looks better even though hes never played it. I was like whhhaaaat? and this is only multiplayer. I think there comes a point people don't realize whats going on. The motion blur and depth of field just absolutely amazes me. Plus the textures are amazing, its hard to spot a reused texture throughout all multiplayer maps and co op.

While I personally think this is the best looking game of the generation so far, I can see why someone might think Gears of War 2 looks better. Gears 2 is no slouch and is definitely at the top of the pile along with Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2.


Max said:
I thought the mouth syncing was better than that :/
The lag appears to be the biggest problem. But it actually looked pretty good from time to time, so with a little more effort I'm sure great things can be done. Better voicing also helps.

Zzoram said:
Crushing is really, REALLY hard, but repetition is king. Once you memorize what enemies you have to deal with and where they come from, you eventually figure out an order to kill them that works. I just got my Platinum today. There were a lot of hard fights, but they are all manageable with a lot of retries and a little luck.
It's not that bad. The only part in crushing that I almost gave up on was near the end of chapter 4, in the area where you find your plane in a tree. After getting the map and leaving the plane, I think eight pirates rush in at a time. Throughout the campaign on Crushing you're actually trying to prevent them from rushing towards you - as close-range enemies with backup will always kill you - but then there's eight at a time. And they won't stop before you kill them all (that's 16 headshots) or they kill you (2-3 hits to the body).

What I did is rush into them instead, killing them all with the blind fire + melee combo (the one you get a trophy for) before they can do anything. Took me a while to get it right, but I felt awesome after the fact.


PBz0r said:
It's not that bad. The only part in crushing that I almost gave up on was near the end of chapter 4, in the area where you find your plane in a tree. After getting the map and leaving the plane, I think eight pirates rush in at a time. Throughout the campaign on Crushing you're supposed to keep enemies from rushing towards you, but then there's eight at a time and they won't stop before you kill them all (that's 16 headshots) or they kill you (2-3 hits to the body).

What I did is rush into them instead, killing them all with the blind fire + melee combo (the one you get a trophy for) before they can do anything. Took me a while to get it right, but I felt awesome after the fact.
I remember being stuck in the sewer water fight for time (right before the puzzle where you have to increase the water level). Enemies dropping down from every wall and numerous columns blocking any far away shots made that place a nightmare for me.

PBz0r said:
The lag appears to be the biggest problem. But it actually looked pretty good from time to time, so with a little more effort I'm sure great things can be done. Better voicing also helps.

It's not that bad. The only part in crushing that I almost gave up on was near the end of chapter 4, in the area where you find your plane in a tree. After getting the map and leaving the plane, I think eight pirates rush in at a time. Throughout the campaign on Crushing you're actually trying to prevent them from rushing towards you - as close-range enemies with backup will always kill you - but then there's eight at a time. And they won't stop before you kill them all (that's 16 headshots) or they kill you (2-3 hits to the body).

What I did is rush into them instead, killing them all with the blind fire + melee combo (the one you get a trophy for) before they can do anything. Took me a while to get it right, but I felt awesome after the fact.

I came late into the game with gears of war 2, just beat it probably a month ago. Tons of fun and good looking but felt the gameplay got a tad bit stale towards the end. But still a GRREEEAT game none the less, graphics wise too.

I think its just mostly I come from a 3D animation degree, that I understand more of whats going into uncharted 2, more so than most people. So I am much more amazed. It is just that games on both360 and ps3 look amazing, but I can see what makes games like killzone 2 and uncharted 2 revolutionary.


Freezing said:
I remember being stuck in the sewer water fight for time (right before the puzzle where you have to increase the water level). Enemies dropping down from every wall and numerous columns blocking any far away shots made that place a nightmare for me.


I must've been stuck there for 2 hours. There are probably 6 or so encounters that I found extremely frustrating, and that was one of them. One was after the plane crash, when you drop into that clearing where the plane is in a tree. Another is I think level 13 or something, when you and Elena reach the outside part of the church in that big open area.


KilgoreTrout said:
All right. 2 new box arts.

Here are small previews of each one so far:


You can download them here.

Awesome. I'll probably stick with the merely alright official U.S. cover, but I appreciate the effort and think they turned out pretty good looking.
Freezing said:
I remember being stuck in the sewer water fight for time (right before the puzzle where you have to increase the water level). Enemies dropping down from every wall and numerous columns blocking any far away shots made that place a nightmare for me.

The trick is to kill the first three, grab the shotgun, and do one hit kills at where they spawn. 8D


Shining Sunshine said:
Either they toned it down during the Trophy patch, which is unlikely, or I just played the game too much.

I think I played it six times already prior to beating crushing. I use to hold back on ammo, but I realize there's plenty of ammo around, so I do a lot of fast shooting on targets.
Do you lineup headshots or just let loose? I've found not getting into cover but poking around often works but I rarely have time to line up headshots

AK is a lot more useful on crushing


Yoboman said:
Do you lineup headshots or just let loose? I've found not getting into cover but poking around often works but I rarely have time to line up headshots

AK is a lot more useful on crushing

Use the pistol, or any weapon with decent accuracy really, to stun your enemies if you can't reliably headshot your foes. Just locking them down with damage can buy you enough time to keep situations from getting really ugly really fast.

And like others have said, it's mostly just a matter of dying enough times on a segment until you know where you're going to get assaulted from and react accordingly.

I hope Crushing in Uncharted 2 is nothing like Crushing in the first game. I completed it, but I'd say it was more frustrating than fun ultimately. Yeah, I felt pretty good after clearing a particularly hard section, but I think that was largely relief.
Yoboman said:
Do you lineup headshots or just let loose? I've found not getting into cover but poking around often works but I rarely have time to line up headshots

AK is a lot more useful on crushing
If I could do a cheap headshot when they're just waiting around with the heads sticking out, I try for it. If it doesn't work, I unload 4 bullets into them as fast as possible.

I do a lot of waiting as well because the A.I. loves to run where you are. It makes them completely open for a gun kill, or if it's really safe, a melee attack for double ammo.


LaneDS said:
Use the pistol, or any weapon with decent accuracy really, to stun your enemies if you can't reliably headshot your foes. Just locking them down with damage can buy you enough time to keep situations from getting really ugly really fast.

And like others have said, it's mostly just a matter of dying enough times on a segment until you know where you're going to get assaulted from and react accordingly.

I hope Crushing in Uncharted 2 is nothing like Crushing in the first game. I completed it, but I'd say it was more frustrating than fun ultimately. Yeah, I felt pretty good after clearing a particularly hard section, but I think that was largely relief.

I agree. It was just infuriating. I would usually stop playing after a rough section because I would be mentally exhausted.
Shining Sunshine said:
The trick is to kill the first three, grab the shotgun, and do one hit kills at where they spawn. 8D

Actually you just never drop down to the water. Shoot who you can from the ledge. Then run alll the way back to the courtyard, then run back. All the guys will be dropped down but youll have the high ground and cover.


TrAcEr_x90 said:
Actually you just never drop down to the water. Shoot who you can from the ledge. Then run alll the way back to the courtyard, then run back. All the guys will be dropped down but youll have the high ground and cover.

That's technically glitching the game.


Zzoram said:
I agree. It was just infuriating. I would usually stop playing after a rough section because I would be mentally exhausted.

Haha yep. I'd knock out a few parts of it every couple days until I'd hit the next super frustrating section. Oddly enough, I found the later half of the game easier than the earlier sections on Crushing.

Nothing compares to that sewer (?) fight. That shit was awful. When the music cues let you know you've won, that is a damn good feeling (again, of utter relief).
TrAcEr_x90 said:
Actually you just never drop down to the water. Shoot who you can from the ledge. Then run alll the way back to the courtyard, then run back. All the guys will be dropped down but youll have the high ground and cover.
You can climb back up? The event never triggers until you land in the water.


LaneDS said:
Haha yep. I'd knock out a few parts of it every couple days until I'd hit the next super frustrating section. Oddly enough, I found the later half of the game easier than the earlier sections on Crushing.

Nothing compares to that sewer (?) fight. That shit was awful. When the music cues let you know you've won, that is a damn good feeling (again, of utter relief).

I found that as well.

Maybe it's just me, but I found that Uncharted has a very inconsistent cue for beating an encounter. With Gears of War, you can't miss the guitar riff. However, in Uncharted, there are many times when music will stop but enemies are still there, or music is still going but nothing is left alive. It confuses me and has lead me to talk into shotguns more than once. I hope Uncharted 2 is more clear with it's musical cues.


Zzoram said:
I agree. It was just infuriating. I would usually stop playing after a rough section because I would be mentally exhausted.

I'm about halfway through my Hard run and I'll probably roll that into a marathon of Crushing tonight if some of the same parts in Hard don't cause me to pull my hair out. I'll letcha know. There's at least a few sections where you're really free to play it how you want, verticality-wise. The hardest parts in the game by far are when it decides to funnel you down just one path, at which point it becomes significantly more difficult.
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