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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Only thing I don't like about the MP demo is some of the melee. I don't like how if you're hanging on a ledge you can 1 hit kill people so easily, and I don't like how the standard melee feels in MP. But other than that it's OK.


flanker22 said:
its somewhat true. ms doesnt really have many first party developers to devote all their efforts specifically for a console a game. bungie maybe but even they have moved away from ms. epic is using a pc-engine to push the 360 graphically. unlike ms sony has naughty dog which is a huge R&D asset to sony (as well as guerrilla games, team ico, PD).

also lazy is a poor word to describe game developers.

Yeah, lazy has become the universal GAF term to describe not putting in the same effort as some competitors. Guess it stuck with me. You get my point, though.


chris0701 said:
The screenshot function isn't a bad capture.

Technically it comes very close to the professional capture device like Digital Foundary used.
Well it looks horrible on my screen and other games of less graphical quality with screenshot features look better in their screens.

Lord Phol

Tried som of the EU BETA last night and even though I had no interest in the MP before, it's pretty darn addicting.
Kind of feels a bit random at times though, getting randomly 1-hit meeled by some dude spawning right behind you, random nades deaths and stuff like that. But the gameplay is fun, and from my small experience the gunplay feels better compared to the first game.

KTallguy said:
Only thing I don't like about the MP demo is some of the melee. I don't like how if you're hanging on a ledge you can 1 hit kill people so easily, and I don't like how the standard melee feels in MP. But other than that it's OK.

Also agree a bit with this.


flanker22 said:
the installing was outright ridiculous (probably on limited on the demo but still), the gameplay isnt that fun, questionable weapon balance, multiplayer play is like the standard geow but less refined, and controls/camera were too loose.
Umm, are we playing the same game? I've already put in more time than GeoW 1&2 in this multiplayer. The weapons feel great, the traversal and shooting mechanics are spot on, the multiplayer in the beta alone with unlockables already makes it more refined than GeoW. I really think Gears of War as the TPS to beat over the internet has been vastly blown out of proportion.


Shining Sunshine said:
Yeah, real life is goofy for sure.

Those Indiana Jones documentaries were pretty riveting, too.

It's okay for someone to think the art style is different. It's meant to be stylized; they say as much even in the making-of vids in the game. For those that don't understand the tone of the game, it's meant to be a pulp adventure blended with Indy sensibilities; touch chicks, high danger, some far-flung, seemingly supernatural elements thanks to lots of real-world ancient lore and a guy who rises above the normal adventurer archetype to become a proper hero with flaws or fallibility.

If anything, this game cements this as one of the pre-imminent cross-media franchises. It's so well-defined and Amy and crew have already written a script that works so damn well, I honestly don't want anyone else to handle the movie. They have an adventure movie here. They have a franchise. I promise you, after you've played throug this game, you'll understand why I just want Naughty Dog to handle the movie. It's not going to be a Wing Commander in any other sense than it's a game based on a movie with the people making the game involved.

I doubt Matthew Lillard or Freddie Prinze, Jr. will be attached. They aren't attached to, well, uh, anything anymore. Chris Roberts' touch is both powerful and swift.

[edit] Okay, I'm cross-posting this from my normal home as it's too crazy not to:

Oh what the CHRIST. I'm going through on my second playthrough and I finish off an area that's completely overwhelmed with enemies and is a major set piece for the the game. Once I've climbed into an area in the same environment (tons of snow, train, etc., etc.), it triggers a fairly major cutscene that takes probably a good five minutes if not 10 to play out and, being that I'm a douche and I've already seen this, I skip it (because I can, the game lets you).

The next area loads instantly. It's utterly different; filled with multiple characters, tons of objects that I will avoid mentioning for the sake of spoilers, a new character with dialogue, an entirely new area to run around in and explore and... there was no load screen. There was no streaming, no texture pop-in. There was a whole spoken in-game sequence. What the fuck kind of voodoo is Naughty Dog running? In fact, this is one of the better looking areas in the game; you can run up to a door and see the splinters in the wood.

This happened with absolutely nothing in the way of load times. I guess they could be pre-caching stuff as I'm getting near the end of a level, but a whole new area? Drake's model, is, in fact, totally different. What. The. Shit.
Shining Sunshine said:
The number of metacritic reviews jumped one more.

I don't know which one. Still 97 though, and I'm pretty sure it's not another 100.
gameplayer sweden. They gave it a 9. I shouldn't know this, and yet I do.

Even if it slips, it's already in the rankings for one of the greatest action adventure game of this generation and, indeed, of all time. Not to say that you're worrying about it but, if you are, I wouldn't.


SamBishop said:
Oh what the CHRIST. I'm going through on my second playthrough and I finish off an area that's completely overwhelmed with enemies and is a major set piece for the the game. Once I've climbed into an area in the same environment (tons of snow, train, etc., etc.), it triggers a fairly major cutscene that takes probably a good five minutes if not 10 to play out and, being that I'm a douche and I've already seen this, I skip it (because I can, the game lets you).

The next area loads instantly. It's utterly different; filled with multiple characters, tons of objects that I will avoid mentioning for the sake of spoilers, a new character with dialogue, an entirely new area to run around in and explore and... there was no load screen. There was no streaming, no texture pop-in. There was a whole spoken in-game sequence. What the fuck kind of voodoo is Naughty Dog running? In fact, this is one of the better looking areas in the game; you can run up to a door and see the splinters in the wood.

This happened with absolutely nothing in the way of load times. I guess they could be pre-caching stuff as I'm getting near the end of a level, but a whole new area? Drake's model, is, in fact, totally different. What. The. Shit.

Naughty Gods indeed.
I was always curious to see what ND could've done had they not been limited to the PS2's hardware last gen. Jak just looked so fuck-all awesome, I fantasized about what they could pull off with the workhorse xbox original for them to play around with.
WretchedTruman said:
I was always curious to see what ND could've done had they not been limited to the PS2's hardware last gen. Jak just looked so fuck-all awesome, I fantasized about what they could pull off with the workhorse xbox original for them to play around with.
I think Naughty Dog was one of the few to use the PS1 hardware in the PS2 for extra power. They used the PS1 processor to load next stage etc so there were no loading screen in Jak and Daxter.


WretchedTruman said:
I was always curious to see what ND could've done had they not been limited to the PS2's hardware last gen. Jak just looked so fuck-all awesome, I fantasized about what they could pull off with the workhorse xbox original for them to play around with.

They've sorta supplanted Polyphony as the single best tech-flexing dev powerhouse in the industry for me, now. The variety and scale of their projects thus far have been fairly remarkably far apart, if at least in the same very general genre. With their last game, they implemented one of the most insane texture streaming engines I've ever seen, but this... this feels impossible. If they make another game on this hardware, there will be no question that the PS3 is a tech showpiece, and along with it, they'll probably convince more than hot girlfriends that what they're seeing is a movie.

Got. Dayom.


the installing was outright ridiculous (probably on limited on the demo but still), the gameplay isnt that fun, questionable weapon balance, multiplayer play is like the standard geow but less refined, and controls/camera were too loose.

I'm not one to defend things much, I personally dont care who likes what, but I really do question if you've actually played this game.

Weapon imbalance? Plays like standard gears? Camera?

SamBishop said:
They've sorta supplanted Polyphony as the single best tech-flexing dev powerhouse in the industry for me, now. The variety and scale of their projects thus far have been fairly remarkably far apart, if at least in the same very general genre. With their last game, they implemented one of the most insane texture streaming engines I've ever seen, but this... this feels impossible. If they make another game on this hardware, there will be no question that the PS3 is a tech showpiece, and along with it, they'll probably convince more than hot girlfriends that what they're seeing is a movie.

Got. Dayom.
It seems probable that they'll work on one more project before moving on to the PS3's successor. If not, it'd be nice to see them take the roll Insomniac was gifted (burdened?) with this gen and have their next project be a launch title for the PS4.

I know that it would certainly put a kind of pressure on the company that they have yet to endure, but they're more than qualified for the job.


flanker22 said:
after watching the movies and reviews for this game it seemed like a great title. so i went to get the multiplayer demo and the whole experience just left a really bad taste.

the installing was outright ridiculous (probably on limited on the demo but still), the gameplay isnt that fun, questionable weapon balance, multiplayer play is like the standard geow but less refined, and controls/camera were too loose.

I really think many people will play though the single player campaign and after tinkering around in multiplayer for a couple weeks will go back to their usual online games.

could you please elaborate how is "the standard geow" more refined than U2 mp?
Rez said:
from what I've seen, and I've only seen the odd screenshot and the E3 footage, it looks noticeably better.

Think: the difference between KZ2 single and multi-player. Or so I've heard, I never touched the online side of KZ2.

why not?

i think the difference in uncharted2 may be slightly bigger though in online and SP..
playing some areas in the demo really weren't that great tbh.. and very little destructability


Hye here's a question...what language voice overs/subtitles does the UK version of the disc have? Or is the UK version the "all of Europe" version?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Always-honest said:

why not?

i think the difference in uncharted2 may be slightly bigger though in online and SP..
playing some areas in the demo really weren't that great tbh.. and very little destructability
It's a mix of things. I never really stick with a game long enough to build up the skill-set required to do well at the competitive multi-player, you know? It wasn't a KZ2 specific thing, I'm like that with everything. Even the online shooters I'd say I 'love', I only stuck with for a month or so (Team Fortress 2, Halo 3).

That, and as a result of living in Australia, I always seem to have the worst luck when it comes to having a nice smooth online experience.

It's nothing against the game. :)


deepbrown said:
Hye here's a question...what language voice overs/subtitles does the UK version of the disc have? Or is the UK version the "all of Europe" version?
I think it'll be English only, to limit the number of imports from the UK...


Zzoram said:
I agree. It was just infuriating. I would usually stop playing after a rough section because I would be mentally exhausted.

Man I think Crushing is just the right amount of difficult! I'm playing through it for the first time now, and I'm already on chapter 13 after only a few hours of play. I had a few instances where I had to retry - that plane part everyone is mentioning and the sewer part - but I was rarely frustrated. I knew it was because I reacted too slowly or allowed someone to come up on me. Once you know where the enemies are coming from, it's not so hard to take one or two out quickly with decent accuracy.

I don't know your play style, but I messed up the most when I got overexcited and felt there were few enough enemies I could be a little bit more dramatic with my kills, which usually led to me dying. When I just carefully watched my enemies, dropping grenades where necessary and blindfiring if they attempted approach, it is really a sound difficulty level.

I hope Uncharted 2's crushing difficulty is like this.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I see Uncharted's Crushing as the perfect 'very hard' difficulty. Really challenging, but not overly frustrating and very rewarding.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Darunia said:
I see Uncharted's Crushing as the perfect 'very hard' difficulty. Really challenging, but not overly frustrating and very rewarding.
I agree. I hope Crushing in Uncharted 2 will be similar.


SamBishop said:
They've sorta supplanted Polyphony as the single best tech-flexing dev powerhouse in the industry for me, now. The variety and scale of their projects thus far have been fairly remarkably far apart, if at least in the same very general genre. With their last game, they implemented one of the most insane texture streaming engines I've ever seen, but this... this feels impossible. If they make another game on this hardware, there will be no question that the PS3 is a tech showpiece, and along with it, they'll probably convince more than hot girlfriends that what they're seeing is a movie.

Got. Dayom.

Oh please man no more. ;) Your last few comments are killing me. That plus the wait I mean.

The MP beta was fun but the SP is where its at for me, at least for the short term.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
is there any way to get the match-making to just skip to "search for any game"? Once it gets to that point it goes pretty quickly, but as I'm never matched with Aussie's, it takes a long-ass time searching through for "optimal" or "close" games.


KTallguy said:
Only thing I don't like about the MP demo is some of the melee. I don't like how if you're hanging on a ledge you can 1 hit kill people so easily, and I don't like how the standard melee feels in MP. But other than that it's OK.

Just run up and kick that motherfucker off.


TTP said:
Funny I just did that. :D

I guess the first to press square wins in that kind of situation.
Nah, even if they're half way into their "pull down" animation...you can still kick them off. The guy on top is almost guaranteed to always win in those situations. Never be scared to just run up and kick them off.

jax (old)

I just played about 4 really awesome MP games. Lots of fun. I'm now level 12 but I gotta say, enjoyment is of course tempered by th matchmaking's refusal to match up. I had a "matchmaking session" take so long I could unload the dishwasher and it was still going. And this was after trying and trying before I thought I'd just go "do something constructive". Also put in my socks and underwear into the wash.


Please ND get the servers up and running when retail hits please.....


To the people who have capture cards and get the game. Please take LOTS and LOTS of captures. Like LOTS. It'd be a travesty not to have some sort of proper record of some of the gorgeous scenes from this game.

jax (old)

nib95 said:
To the people who have capture cards and get the game. Please take LOTS and LOTS of captures. Like LOTS. It'd be a travesty not to have some sort of proper record of some of the gorgeous scenes from this game.

please don't post them til all regions get it. If you do, I'll needs a headsup PM alerting me so I don't come in here and get spoilered. Australia gets it I think a week later.


TTP said:
Funny I just did that. :D

I guess the first to press square wins in that kind of situation.
I have yet to succeed in this endeavor when I'm the one on top (on top...hurr).

I'll need to practice some. I reiterate: The insta-kills in this game are unbelievably satisfying. It's like biting into a rib-eye.

I actually managed to drag two opponents off a ledge in the temple map. It was like an assembly line: One walked into it, then the other guy - who had seen the entire thing pan out, mind you - anxiously dashed over and repeated the mistake.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Jax said:
please don't post them til all regions get it. If you do, I'll needs a headsup PM alerting me so I don't come in here and get spoilered. Australia gets it I think a week later.


they get it on tuesday week, we get it on thursday or friday week, so it's only a few days.

but yeah, a hold off the screenshot-athon for a while would be nice. make a new thread or something, not everyone likes having their browser inundated with huge amounts of pictures of a game they just finished looking at for ten hours when all they want to do is talk about it.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
mr_nothin said:
Nah, even if they're half way into their "pull down" animation...you can still kick them off. The guy on top is almost guaranteed to always win in those situations. Never be scared to just run up and kick them off.

really? because most of the time I do this, I get pulled off. I've actually made a point of it to never get near guys on ledges anymore. I just wait for them to pull up and shoot them. I just can't handle the humiliation of getting pulled off :p


hide your water-based mammals
Hydrargyrus said:
While... in somewhere...


(It's not me)
It's from the linked post on this very page.
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