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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


Played a game of coop with my friend, played the first map on normal and it was pretty decent, can't wait to play the other maps, the sensitivity in MP seems to be way higher, actually had to lower it to adjust.

Ranger X

Wow, just started the game. I don't really have time for a full serious playthrough but boy does it start good! I love the battles, they felt better than Heavy Rain (lol).


Just finished it. Overall my favorite one in the series, if I happen to change my mind later it's going to be because of the ridiculous grenade spam. Good job, call of duty.


Just reached chapter 19 or 20, taking a break to finish it off tomorrow as not to fatigue my self. Seriously, this game has some crazy ass shit going down in terms of graphics, i am finally able to relate to the word eye-gasm. The aiming still feels "different" to UC2 but it seems as if i have adjusted to it. That gun that you receive in the beginning, looking back at it now, must have really been off in terms of aiming?

I also came to a realization that for me, UC3 is split into two parts, A and B. Part A consist of chapters 1-9 and part B chapters 10-end. Part A seems to deviate from the set formula of what i have come to expect from an Uncharted game, however, this is not to say that it is a bad thing. No, in fact, i enjoyed the exploration and scenarios quite a bit. I do however believe that part A in the game needed more time in the oven, ie more "polish". Again, i am no game designer but it seemed as if the integration of these new ideas was not seamless. I felt a bit disjointed when playing the game at first. But part B, in my opinion, seems to be returning to the set formula in place for an Uncharted game. I mean, i knew i was playing an uncharted game from the beginning, but it only started feeling like it when i hit chapter 10.

I applaud ND for involving more exploration and puzzles, i just wish it was a bit more polished. But, i can't really complain either, this game was made in less than 2 years if i am not mistaken, lol.


Reached Chapter 10, this game is so damn amazing. Sadly the sound drops keep happening :/
Don't know what to do, I even went today and returned the copy for a new one at the store and I still have the issues. Put some other games in the ps3 as well (dead space 2, dark souls) and they run just fine. Even put a movie as well and it played fine so it can't be my PS3. Entered the ND forums and there seems to be other people with similar problems...anyone else encountering this?
Beat it, and liked it considerably more than the last one mainly because I felt the writing and storytelling were way better. Way, way better. Had a far more engaging climax. Can't wait to start on Crushing.

In the end, my only problems (aside from the aiming) are some small technical hiccups; it froze on me a few times and had some sound drop out on occasion, I didn't like how some of the characters would just drop in and out of the story
like Cutter, he went largely unresolved as did Chloe, and Elena shows up around the middle but bails out

But in the end, better graphics, vastly superior story and cutscene presentation, another fantastic soundtrack, better villains, better climax, better action... it was just better to me.

Easily the best Drakes yet.


Pancho said:
Reached Chapter 10, this game is so damn amazing. Sadly the sound drops keep happening :/
Don't know what to do, I even went today and returned the copy for a new one at the store and I still have the issues. Put some other games in the ps3 as well (dead space 2, dark souls) and they run just fine. Even put a movie as well and it played fine so it can't be my PS3. Entered the ND forums and there seems to be other people with similar problems...anyone else encountering this?

What kind of sound drop ?


patsu said:
What kind of sound drop ?
The game's background music ocasionally "drops off" for a few seconds then it resumes again, it does this for a few seconds then it stops. In the seconds you stop hearing the music, if drake is standing still, he sorts of freezes into place unless i move him around, it's really weird. I thought it was my PS3 but other games seem to run fine.
I have a question about the DLC content for the game. If say I got the Asian version of the game, but I redeemed a DLC code from the Canadian PSN store (say for one of the multiplayer kickbacks), would that DLC work within the Asian version of the game?


Armoured guys that are insane bullet sponges backed up by snipers asldkfjalsdkf. What a massive difficulty leap. Extremely frustrating.


Leshita said:
I have a question about the DLC content for the game. If say I got the Asian version of the game, but I redeemed a DLC code from the Canadian PSN store (say for one of the multiplayer kickbacks), would that DLC work within the Asian version of the game?

I don't know how much this helps, but the DLC voucher and online pass from my Asian copy aren't redeemable on the US PSN.
I'm not lookin at posts here, but ill see if someone responds to this lol.

But the coolest chase scene
chasing tailbert(?) through Syria(?) running through the markets and such
is absolutely awesome. But its reallllly lacking due to it missing a ton of sounds. Like very little/none foley sounds (until you get in one of the scripted hits or smashes ect.) and the music is very weak. Like I think that could have been one of the best chase scenes in gaming if the audio was pumped up - is it just my speaker setup messing up? Or did anyone else experience this?

If someone can confirm this, I'm going to ask one of the sound designers on the game what was up with that (I know some peeps).


Beat it because I managed to find a tucked away AK47 and was able to ultra quickly take out the snipers before the armoured shotgunners got close. I swear every time I pick up a shotgun the game throws snipers or some other long range battle at me. It's just not worth it.


I'd be in the dick
Tiktaalik said:
Armoured guys that are insane bullet sponges backed up by snipers asldkfjalsdkf. What a massive difficulty leap. Extremely frustrating.
One Mag 5 headshot and they're down, even if the helmet is still on. If you don't have that knock of their helmet and go for a quick headshot. You can also put a grenade at their feet. It'll blow off all their armor and then they go down with just a couple more shots than a regular enemy.


Just finished it earlier. Loved it, but not sure if I like it more than UC2.

Though this game had an amazing soundtrack. Many more memorable songs than UC2 imo.


I'd be in the dick
Stopping at Chapter 20 was torture since I knew I was close to the end but I have a feeling the last few chapters will be long and it's 2:15 AM here. Don't want to push it past the point where I won't enjoy the endgame. Chapters 15-19 were all pretty much flawless. Great gunfights that weren't too difficult and some of the most jawdropping and artful setpieces that I've ever seen.

leng jai said:
Since when was Chloe Asian?
Elena's facial structure looks kind of Asian now too.


I'm on chapter 9 and it's been a little disappointing so far - I much prefer Uncharted 2 at this point. That game blew me away right from the start with the wrecked train setpiece and walking through the amazing looking snow. The first several chapters of this game have been very dull/slow in comparison.

The combat definitely isn't as fun as Uncharted 2 IMO. Wonky aiming and bullet sponge enemies make the gunplay tedious. It also seems like Naughty Dog added a bunch of AI annoyances just to encourage/force players to use the new gameplay mechanics they added - enemies will stupidly run right up to Drake so that you'll use the improved melee combat, you're forced to melee those big dudes, etc. And now that they've added the ability to throw back grenades, enemies seem to toss them at you constantly.

I'm hoping it picks up significantly cause right now it's making me want to play UC2 again.
Darknessbear said:
But the coolest chase scene
chasing tailbert(?) through Syria(?) running through the markets and such
is absolutely awesome. But its reallllly lacking due to it missing a ton of sounds. Like very little/none foley sounds (until you get in one of the scripted hits or smashes ect.) and the music is very weak.
I noticed this also. It was even worse in a later cutscene, no street noises etc


I'd be in the dick
Sean said:
I'm on chapter 9 and it's been a little disappointing so far - I much prefer Uncharted 2 at this point. That game blew me away right from the start with the wrecked train setpiece and walking through the amazing looking snow. The first several chapters of this game have been very dull/slow in comparison.

The combat definitely isn't as fun as Uncharted 2 IMO. Wonky aiming and bullet sponge enemies make the gunplay tedious. It also seems like Naughty Dog added a bunch of AI annoyances just to encourage/force players to use the new gameplay mechanics they added - enemies will stupidly run right up to Drake so that you'll use the improved melee combat, you're forced to melee those big dudes, etc. And now that they've added the ability to throw back grenades, enemies seem to toss them at you constantly.

I'm hoping it picks up significantly cause right now it's making me want to play UC2 again.
I thought the same until I hit chapter 12. The first part is a lot more exploration based and focused on smaller fights. It opens up a lot and ramps things up a ton later on.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Got to chapter 5, and the game is just as beautiful and captivating as I could ever hope, and a lot more unexpected stuff happens than I thought it would.

Music in chapter 2 is sublime, and the whole ch. 2 and ch. 3 are just so brilliant. You can tell someone poured their love and effort into it all. Human characters all have such brilliant quality to them, the kind of stylization Pixar has had of late, but actually even more appealing looking. Animations, both in-game and in cutscenes are industry leading stuff, as expected. Wife, who's watching me play, commented that a
chase sequence
in chapter 3 looked like a cutscene to her at times, and the control there was as tight as ever, of course. Chapter 2 was already probably better looking than anything in UC2, it all looks so warm and alive :)

I love how the treasures now are real treasures in the world :)

Aiming complaints are justified though, I wrote more about this in the other thread. There's a definite problem with diagonal angle snapping. To illustrate it, with first weapon in the game, if you move the stick down-left, approx 25-30 degrees to the left of vertical axis, aim moves almost straight downwards, with just tiniest drift to the left. This sort of thing happens similarly in other directions as well which makes aiming directions slightly unpredictable.

Minor complaint - their antialiasing system affects the text as well, and makes it a bit crappy looking. This was not the case with any SCE game that uses MLAA, so no idea why it's happening here (I know they use their own custom post process AA, but still)


time to take my meds
i "relatively" just started the game and got to
eastern france
goddamn. the graphics deliver more than ever. best
ever. I can't help but think a
MGS3 remake
in this engine would break hearts.

actually, i think every 3rd person game should hold R&D meetings with ND lol.


I found the fights with the big guys a bit repetitive, especially because they all looked the same. Some strange moments too,
when Sully magically teleports ahead when you're busy climbing stuff in the last chapters.

I kind of wished
there'd be more ocult / undead stuff at the end, and missed a real end boss. I was expecting to face off with that Jinn.

Also, some treasures don't really register well when you pick them up. You might sometimes get just the icon and no description, 5-10 sec after.
I cant believe I was actually considering not picking up this game and getting batman or Assassins instead. Wow, just wow, what a brilliant game, I think i,m at about chapter 8 and its has been warm tasty gravy from the second I clicked start campaign.

The attention to detail is face melting, the animations are sublime, and I,m not sure why everyone is hating on the aiming system its not that bad.I read about guys playing through the game in one sitting and I thought that's a little overboard, but If I didn't have to go to work I would still be sitting there playing away right now.

And people say it heats up in the last half? cant freaking wait.
Glad to hear there's better combat scenarios in the second half, because the first half is... oddly paced. Lots of puzzles, lots of chases, lots of examining, lots of fistfights, and what feels like only a handful of meaty gunfights. Also, too many pointless interactive scenes like
Drake tripping balls
, and
fighting Cutter
, stuff I won't want to do on my next playthrough.

Don't get me wrong, it's been awesome, but the game doesn't seem to flow as well as it could.
I finished the game, ready to go though again with stuff unlocked like in the first two games only to be disappointed, just artwork and movies unlocked :(
So far the single player is amazing. I have a gripe with Co-op arena though, it feels like all the weapons are really weak. It's almost comical when all three of us are emptying our entire clip into a dude only for his helmet to eventually crack. It makes those later levels impossible though, since I haven't found a gun that's really effective against them and you can't melee until you've broken their helmet. And those juggernauts. What bastards. I've emptied entire clips into the guy, hit him with my grenade, and nailed him with a rocket and he still didn't go down. I loved Co-op in the second game because you always felt you had a fighting chance. I've only spent a little time playing so far, but I'm not really getting that vibe here. Hopefully that will change.
Finished it on normal. This game has the most unbalanced combat of all three. A lot of the late game fights were not fun at all. In fact they were down right infuriating. With that said, everything else is so much better that I can't help but feel this is now the best of the series.


Posted this on another forum, just copying and pasting to save time =p

Even though I got this at the midnight launch, I started my game over so I could play the beginning when I'm not half a sleep. I've always enjoyed the characters in the series, IMO it's one of the franchise's biggest strengths, but somehow ND have improved on this aspect and now each of the characters is even more likable than before. There seems to be a more human touch in not only the way they look but also the way they act and it makes it much easier to get into the story. Speaking of the story, I'm loving it so far, more so than UC1 or UC2.

The game is the same ol' Uncharted gameplay-wise but with some refinements and additions to the contextual animation. I love how items in the environment (or the environment itself) come into play with the melee system. You can definitely feel a difference in the gunplay but it hasn't really been a bother so far. Speaking of which, I also think ND can improve in designing their encounters at some spots. The hit reaction for the enemies could be better, more often than not I'll shoot at a guy running and he'll keep running as if nothing is happening. Finally, I'd love to know who at ND thought it was a good idea to make the big thugs impervious to bullets, forcing you into a relatively lengthy and tedious fist fight.

Throughout the game, I have seen the handholding/scripting that was mentioned in the Eurogamer review. At least twice Nathan has jumped off of thin air when I pushed the jump button late and once even slightly curved mid-air when I judged an angle wrong to grab a ledge. The game is very forgiving in this sense. I've made it to Chapter 10 I believe and noticed a few other issues I'm having with the design of the game. Too often in the game, especially from the burning building on, there seems to be too many cinematic moments. The controls are taken away from you too often, and this is another area I thought UC2 did better. Really not a fan of sacrificing freedom for the "cinematic" approach, but I'm hoping it opens up a bit later on since UC2 was never this stifling.

Regarding the graphics, there does seem to be some improvement to the lighting and shadows. How each play with each other is impressive at times. I have noticed some artifacts with the lighting and jaggies with the shadows, but these moments are few and minor. It also looks like they've improved their AO, now it looks more natural and not so aggressive as it was in UC2. On top of this, you can see cascading shadows load in on pieces of the environment as you walk closer to them. They really went above and beyond with adding new animation, which is saying something for an Uncharted title. Now Nathan contextually interacts with walls, railings, etc. and the way his body reacts to the player's input is very nice thanks to some cool touches. The modeling for the characters, along with their shading, have been improved. You can also see ND's artists went to town with this game, making each area so far look distinct and believable. Haven't seen any tearing so far and the frame rate has been mostly consistent throughout, very impressed.

That said, there are some notable changes you can see. It's clear that they have implemented new streaming techniques, specifically for their textures as there have been a small number of times where the high res textures haven't loaded, leading to pop in where the high res assets take time to load, similar to many UE3 titles. I've also ran into a few spots with blurry textures, more so than I remember seeing in UC2. Unfortunately, so far, I don't think this game is quite as clean as UC2 was. They are definitely using a new AA technique (MLAA perhaps) and while it works fine on most edges, I saw a small amount of shimmering. Along with this, the technique looks to make mince-meat on thin lines in the distances, especially in high contrast areas. This can easily be seen in the area where
you're following Sully as a kid by looking in the distance in the town right before you walk up the stairs before taking Sully's wallet.
Again it's nothing major but is noticeable. The last thing I noticed is the missing motion blur. I've read people claiming it's still in the game, but I haven't seen it yet and it's a shame since I like how it was implemented in UC2 (not too heavy, but noticeable enough to make a visual impact). Hopefully this is just a bug that ND can patch up soon. Still with this said, I think the game looks great, especially due to the art. Curious to see if I'm off on any of this in the DF analysis.

I'm enjoying the game, especially the story, but so far it hasn't topped UC2 IMO.


Finally, I'd love to know who at ND thought it was a good idea to make the big thugs impervious to bullets, forcing you into a relatively lengthy and tedious fist fight.

They're not, you can kill them with your guns if you're quick enough.


jett said:
They're not, you can kill them with your guns if you're quick enough.

Really? I can understand not having enough time with the big guy behind the door in the castle, but I shot at the one in the burning building and it seemed like the bullets went right through him. =/ Died so many times at that part just because I was trying to kill him by shooting at him.
I'm up to chapter 9. Anyone else have trouble with the
globe puzzle
? I was turning that thing for 5 minutes and then gave up and came here.

So far, the game is poorly paced and the gunplay has been ruined. I'm not just talking about the aiming issue. Why don't enemies react to bullets until they die? It's so fucking jarring and I can't stand it. Also, in previous games, enemies would stay behind cover. In this one, they want to get up close and personal ALL THE TIME which makes for some awkward moments. I've run into a few bugs too.

I'm a little disappointed. :(
KageMaru said:
Really? I can understand not having enough time with the big guy behind the door in the castle, but I shot at the one in the burning building and it seemed like the bullets went right through him. =/ Died so many times at that part just because I was trying to kill him by shooting at him.
I think there are parts where you can kill them (near the End I oneshottet one with the Shotgun) and parts where they are invulnerable to your gunfire.
Played up to chapter 12, game is amazing. Got up to level 20 in multiplayer, its so frustrating. I feel Uncharted 2 on launch had less problems. So many kill for kill horsecrap and I feel like when I throws grenades its like throwing a water balloon. But when the enemy throws a grenade its a nuke. I hope they fix it quick, I have been spoiled by Gears 3 netcode. Im also annoyed about the skins that cost money, didnt I already buy these guys in UC2? Thats some BS. Im going to finish the single player by Friday. I cant wait.


KageMaru said:
Really? I can understand not having enough time with the big guy behind the door in the castle, but I shot at the one in the burning building and it seemed like the bullets went right through him. =/ Died so many times at that part just because I was trying to kill him by shooting at him.

Tryckser said:
I think there are parts where you can kill them (near the End I oneshottet one with the Shotgun) and parts where they are invulnerable to your gunfire.

You can kill him if he is far enough. He's tough though.

If you shoot him before melee, he goes down quicker.


KageMaru said:
Really? I can understand not having enough time with the big guy behind the door in the castle, but I shot at the one in the burning building and it seemed like the bullets went right through him. =/ Died so many times at that part just because I was trying to kill him by shooting at him.

Even if you don't kill them the bullets will reduce their health.


MrCookiepants said:
I'm up to chapter 9. Anyone else have trouble with the
globe puzzle
? I was turning that thing for 5 minutes and then gave up and came here.

So far, the game is poorly paced and the gunplay has been ruined. I'm not just talking about the aiming issue. Why don't enemies react to bullets until they die? It's so fucking jarring and I can't stand it. Also, in previous games, enemies would stay behind cover. In this one, they want to get up close and personal ALL THE TIME which makes for some awkward moments. I've run into a few bugs too.

I'm a little disappointed. :(

HEH, in Uncharted 1 the enemies rush even more. I like the more aggressive nature of the enemies compared to UC2, it makes the gunfights more interesting, in UC2 they truly do nothing but stick in cover. Hit reactions really are disappointing though, especially after playing something like Rage which is masterful at it. To be honest they increased animation in the wrong parts. Drake touching everything he passes nearby just looks weird and distracting anyway.


Not pure anymore!
I was in a match with an ND developer yesterday evening and he never ONCE aimed at enemies. He was blindfiring his uzi like a mad man, running around in circles, melee-ing people... :\

But I do see a lot of people aiming now, instead of sprinting to get close, running around in circles, blindfiring. Only people with Pistole hipfire which makes sense.
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