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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally

klier said:
So...Mario style platforming

What is this I don't even. Like, I really don't even

klier said:
Gears style shooting/cover

No, I like being able to climb and move around quickly during battle, I don't want to feel like a big tank shooting walking meat cubes

klier said:
Batman Arkham City style melee system

Oh jesus no, UC's melee combat gets more similar to that every iteration, making it more tedious and boring every time. I miss being able to just punch a guy out once I managed to isolate him without having to tappy-tap-tap alternating buttons while watching for the counter icon while most of the other bad guys ignore us for 15 seconds


revolverjgw said:
No, I like being able to climb and move around quickly during battle, I don't want to feel like a big tank shooting walking meat cubes
he says gears shooting/cover, not moving.


, huge fucking letdown. Why ND?
Ghost Rider enemies that you essentially have to kill twice?
Pretty lame if you ask me. I'm not even finished but U2>>U1>>>U3.. Not a GOTY contender in my book, and certainly not wroth a 10.


mrklaw said:
Did you like UC2?
Yes, and I liked UC1.
rhino4evr said:
Really? Are you just looking for attention or are you serious? I see why some people may be disappointed in a few things about the game, but giving up on it just seems like a forced reaction. The game is by no means so bad that it's not worth finishing.
No, I'm not looking for attention, I'm not saying it's bad, just not great.


If anyone needs an online pass let me know I'm selling one for $7.00 in the B/S/T thread. Paypal and it's yours.

Selling my Starhawk beta code too for $5.00 if anyone wants it.
anddo0 said:
, huge fucking letdown. Why ND?
Ghost Rider enemies that you essentially have to kill twice?
Pretty lame if you ask me. I'm not even finished but U2>>U1>>>U3.. Not a GOTY contender in my book, and certainly not wroth a 10.

Your post is going to look silly after you finish it


StuBurns said:
Yes, and I liked UC1.

No, I'm not looking for attention, I'm not saying it's bad, just not great.

Hmm... everyone has opinions, but it's weird that you liked the first 2 but didn't like this.
the few people i know that don't think it's all that great never liked it from the get-go.


PuppetMaster said:
Your post is going to look silly after you finish it
I liked them. they were an interesting change. Was actually sorta dissapointed there was no true supernatural elements in the game :(


Raonak said:
Hmm... everyone has opinions, but it's weird that you liked the first 2 but didn't like this.
the few people i know that don't think it's all that great never liked it from the get-go.
I like it, it's fine, I just like it less than the other two. I think on the criteria people use to judge 'objective' quality, it's a great game, I just personally am not having a whole lot of fun with it. I'll push on a little more though. And even if I do ultimately abandon the single player, there's still the multiplayer and the co-op for me to enjoy, so it's not like I regret buying it or anything.


zlatko said:
[If anyone needs an online pass let me know I'm selling one for $7.00 in the B/S/T thread. Paypal and it's yours.

Selling my Starhawk beta code too for $5.00 if anyone wants it.

Not cool.
I can't believe there are people who are actually dissapointed with a single player campaign this well put together. Along with Dead Space 2 and Portal 2 this is the best single player experience I've had in a game this year.


Appollowexx said:
I can't believe there are people who are actually dissapointed with a single player campaign this well put together. Along with Dead Space 2 and Portal 2 this is the best single player experience I've had in a game this year.

Uncharted 3 is the shit. It's mostly a question of considering its value as a shooter.

When a game throws dozens of enemies at you, it should offer the chance to feel ace at disposing them.


monome said:
Keep the B/S/T stuff in the B/S/T thread

Thanks junior, but I'll post stuff relevant to people purchasing this game in its OT where it's easy for people to see. People do it in plenty of other threads, and try to trade DLC pre order items in the OT's as well.


zlatko said:
Thanks junior, but I'll post stuff relevant to people purchasing this game in its OT where it's easy for people to see. People do it in plenty of other threads, and try to trade DLC pre order items in the OT's as well.



Hah! I saw this on Reddit and got a good laugh:
. Spoilers, pre-Chapter 4.


I never got why Gears Gunyplay is supposed to be better, imo it never was, even UC1 was stronger for my tastings. I went back to Gears 2 a few weeks ago and I was kinda shocked how shitty it felt after playing the UC3 beta for a while. The weapons had practically no recoil, no real feedback, the gunfights are slow, the moving is cumbersome, the enemies are total bulletsponges which don#t react to bullet impact at all. BTW, did they fix that stuff for Gears 3? o_O


Just finished it in little under 8 hours. Amazing game but I gotta say that I enjoyed Uncharted 2 more. Everyone complained about the number of enemies in encounters, ND didn't listen to them and just added more enemies. I got so very frustrated multiple times, which didn't happen with UC2. Every encounter had one or even two too many waves.

Aiming felt worse than in UC2 which made gunplay unfun. Drake also seemed to die too easily and majority of the encounters just weren't fun. Having some mixed feelings here. :/


Thrakier said:
I never got why Gears Gunyplay is supposed to be better, imo it never was, even UC1 was stronger for my tastings. I went back to Gears 2 a few weeks ago and I was kinda shocked how shitty it felt after playing the UC3 beta for a while. The weapons had practically no recoil, no real feedback, the gunfights are slow, the moving is cumbersome, the enemies are total bulletsponges which don#t react to bullet impact at all. BTW, did they fix that stuff for Gears 3? o_O

Gears 3 is definitely a better game. More improvements to movement. New cover features like mantle kicking over cover. All of the starting rifles handle differently now. Hammerburst has a tap trigger feature for faster shots, but it recoils crazy, the Retro needs to be shot in a pattern or else the recoil is insanely high, and even the OG Lancer gets benefits for accuracy if you are on cover when you are shooting it for the aim cross hair.

Enemies being bullet sponges is a toss up, because lots of new enemies were introduced, and they drop if you focus on their weak spots. In UC3 if you aren't getting a headshot on say the bigger armored enemies, then you have to fire a lot of bullets if you are out of nades. Same is true in Gears 3. They react to bullets much better in Gears 3 now on say insane where if you shoot them they will duck back down and change positions before trying to fire at you. Some enemies will try to rush you and flush you out of cover, etc.

There's notable changes that make the experience much tighter and fun. The last thing I'll say though with movement you may not see a change to that when running, but the best means of movement is snapping from cover to cover to slide in and out to make your way across a battlefield safely and in a timely manner, and here the improvements are notable to Gears veterans.


How's everyone doing multiplayer wise so far?


I'm not doing the hottest.
I finished my first runthrough yesterday and started another to clean up some combat and weapon trophs. Crushng difficulty will be afterwards. Any tips? Ive never played any of the games on the hardest difficulty before.


thuway said:
Thats awesome to hear. Remember when you said "I might not pick it up," based on other people's posts?

Yea kind of stupid. I am sure I am going to absolutely love the game. I only played 5 chapters last night (had to go to bed) but the game is incredible so far. The storytelling, the acting, the art direction, the graphics, the dialog. The way they have integrated introducing the game mechanics to the player whilst advancing the narrative. Brilliant.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Trunchisholm said:
I seriously doubt it. It's impossible they didn't notice that it was missing before the game went gold. Its absence it's most probably due to performance issues, and the same goes for their choice of an edge blurring algorithm instead of the 2X MSAA they used for U2. The PR quote doesn't mean anything, and you should hold out your breath for a patch; I don't remember any retail console games adding postprocessing effects via patches. In consoles, patches almost exclusively used for improving performance, fixing bugs/glitches and adding content, not for improving IQ.
Let's hope that's not the case. I'd like to see it enabled, even though honestly, I completely forgot it wasn't there while I was playing the game. The thing is, MB was only active in UC2 on some really fast moving objects, like for a moment when Drake drops down to hang on something or jumps over something. While walking or running it was not there at all.

On the other hand, edge blurring AA is a design choice and has been from day 1, as it frees them GPU time and about 14MB of VRAM, and works to about the same effect as selective 2xMSAA they had before..


So far I love it much more than UC1 and UC2. I cant imagine anyone liking the other two more. The story, set pieces, platforming and everything is better. This now officially challenges my fav Series of all time (God of war)
I am only at chapter 14, but I am pretty disappointed so far. I LOVE the graphics, characters, and fun story, but the game is not very fun to play. The shooting segments in the game are tedious, frustrating, and overly annoying. The AI is absolutely terrible and always seems to do something stupid that takes me out of the immersion. Kinda sad because I really enjoyed the first two games.


WebScud said:
How's everyone doing multiplayer wise so far?


I'm not doing the hottest.

What have you done? The best thing about UC's MP is that you can't look up k/d ratios so you can just focus on fun. ; ;


shintoki said:
If anyone needs an online pass code, tell me. Only requirement is you have to be a member.

Will you call me Junior if I say you're a cool dude? I already got a PSN code anyway.


PuppetMaster said:
Your post is going to look silly after you finish it

Nope. I finished it and my opinion is unchanged. It was a good, not great game. It didn't flow as well as the others, and the story is getting predictably worse. I also had issues with the sound mixing, it cut out a lot. U3 is not the standard of polish I've come to expect from ND. I found a lot of jank in this game. I had one situation where a scripted sequence didn't go right and it turned all the enemies invincible. Just a lot of awkwardness I not used to seeing in ND games.

Chapter 21 is where it hit rock bottom for me. I didn't find it particularly fun fighting those enemies... Talk about bullet sponges.. I can't imagine playing through certain sections of this game on crushing. The enemy AI in this game is so aggressive it blows up the cover system in certain situations. I think playing this game on crushing will make insanity mode in ME look like a cake walk. At least the cover system in ME holds.

8/10 in my book.. Not as fun as the others. I can't believe I'm saying this. But maybe a little too cinematic. Certain areas felt CoDish... It's still a worthwhile experience. I plan on replaying it on crushing soon. No guarantee I'll finish it, might prove to be too frustrating.
Now I like my uncharted as much as the next guy but wow :D

and come on amazon.de send my super ultra collectors edition before the weekend please I want to play it on Sunday :D


How does the multiplayer play : more like the july beta or more like the last one (speed, weapon accuracy, ...) ?

Should I create a multiplayer U3 thread and ask my question there ? lol
I stopped last night at the beginning of Chapter 14 I believe.

While this game has certainly had some crazy high points already, I feel like Naughty Dog keeps slowing things down too frequently. Extended periods of slowing down. The first two games had slower moments, which are great, and let you catch your breath. But this game has segments where you literally don't shoot a gun for nearly an hour. It also has far more puzzles than the previous two games, at least to this point in the game. Don't know if the rest of the game has any.

It just feels like they tweaked things a little too far in another direction. Pacing changes are too drawn out, puzzles are too vague with the clues, making them take longer to figure out, slowing down the pace more. Then you've got story elements that go on for a bit too long. They take the gun out of your hand often, and sometimes for long periods of time. Then they jacked up the enemies rushing you, to extreme levels at times. I'm shooting dudes, only to be forced into another fist fight, with mechanics that just aren't as engaging as I'd like them to be.

Yes, the shooting action has finally gotten crazy around Chapter 13/14, and it's awesome, but I just have this sneaking feeling they're going to take away my fun toys again soon. :/

Even with that said, this is a very good game. I'm just not so sure it's got the overall fun factor, and perfect pacing that Uncharted 2 had.
BruiserBear said:
I stopped last night at the beginning of Chapter 14 I believe.

While this game has certainly had some crazy high points already, I feel like Naughty Dog keeps slowing things down too frequently. Extended periods of slowing down. The first two games had slower moments, which are great, and let you catch your breath. But this game has segments where you literally don't shoot a gun for nearly an hour. It also has far more puzzles than the previous two games, at least to this point in the game. Don't know if the rest of the game has any.

It just feels like they tweaked things a little too far in another direction. Pacing changes are too drawn out, puzzles are too vague with the clues, making them take longer to figure out, slowing down the pace more. Then you've got story elements that go on for a bit too long. They take the gun out of your hand often, and sometimes for long periods of time. Then they jacked up the enemies rushing you, to extreme levels at times. I'm shooting dudes, only to be forced into another fist fight, with mechanics that just aren't as engaging as I'd like them to be.

Yes, the shooting action has finally gotten crazy around Chapter 13/14, and it's awesome, but I just have this sneaking feeling they're going to take away my fun toys again soon. :/

Even with that said, this is a very good game. I'm just not so sure it's got the overall fun factor, and perfect pacing that Uncharted 2 had.

nah, it doesn't slow down after 14.


anddo0 said:
The enemy AI in this game is so aggressive it blows up the cover system in certain situations.
8/10 in my book.. Not as fun as the others. I can't believe I'm saying this. But maybe a little too cinematic. Certain areas felt CoDish... It's still a worthwhile experience. I plan on replaying it on crushing soon. No guarantee I'll finish it, might prove to be too frustrating.

very much this. In my opinion it's a very engossing game, and much superior than a worthwhile experience.

But contrary to Mass Effect where i found beauty in its imperfections, I feel Uncharted 3 would have gained from a spit more polish on controls.
StuBurns said:
Yes, and I liked UC1.

No, I'm not looking for attention, I'm not saying it's bad, just not great.

As someone who would give this game a 7.5 I recommend playing through it just to experience some of the stuff at the end. The gameplay is very flawed but I think it's worth finishing.


zlatko said:
What have you done? The best thing about UC's MP is that you can't look up k/d ratios so you can just focus on fun. ; ;

That's fair. Someone on the official forums made the stats card tool. But there is competitive multiplayer, which makes the lack of a k/d ratio odd.

I was just wandering how I'm doing compared to everyone else. I was on a winning team at one of the AMC events and I wanted to know if my performance that night was a fluke. ^_^
I don't know if it's just me, but the MP seems to be playing much better than the subway beta. Aiming and hit-detection feels spot-on to me and blindfire is far less of an annoyance now.

Arne et. al., if you are reading please ignore the complaints about stopping power. Listening to these complaints is what led to 1.05 and ruined UC2 for most people. The health and stopping power is fine, it's the speed of movement that is the problem.
anddo0 said:
The enemy AI in this game is so aggressive it blows up the cover system in certain situations.

You are playing it wrong. In this game, they promote the movility of the player, instead of standing in a cover, kill all nearer guys, advance a new cover, kill all nearer guys.

In this one, people is more aggresive and they will come faster to your cover, or they will fill you with granades... but in the other way, enemy snipers are much harmless that in other uncharteds (were they kill you after 2 seconds of pointing you), and the melee and stealth system makes easier to rush to other covers even if they're guarded.

Always that I got stuck in any shooting scene was because I was not moving enough and I simply got covered and tried to kill all the guys. When I decided to move through the battlefield, the shooting became easier.


The animation in this game was otherworldly. The way drake pushes off walls and obstacles impressed me throughout the entire game.


DangerousDave said:
You are playing it wrong. In this game, they promote the movility of the player, instead of standing in a cover, kill all nearer guys, advance a new cover, kill all nearer guys.

In this one, people is more aggresive and they will come faster to your cover, or they will fill you with granades... but in the other way, enemy snipers are much harmless that in other uncharteds (were they kill you after 2 seconds of pointing you), and the melee and stealth system makes easier to rush to other covers even if they're guarded.

Always that I got stuck in any shooting scene was because I was not moving enough and I simply got covered and tried to kill all the guys. When I decided to move through the battlefield, the shooting became easier.

For the most part, even on Crushing, I could stay in cover with standard enemies advancing on me. No one is immune to blindfire at close range.


anddo0 said:
Nope. I finished it and my opinion is unchanged. It was a good, not great game. It didn't flow as well as the others, and the story is getting predictably worse. I also had issues with the sound mixing, it cut out a lot. U3 is not the standard of polish I've come to expect from ND. I found a lot of jank in this game. I had one situation where a scripted sequence didn't go right and it turned all the enemies invincible. Just a lot of awkwardness I not used to seeing in ND games.
Yeah, I don't know about a lot of jank, but there were a few instances that stood out in my mind.

- Top of the
Syria tower
, I actually reloaded the chapter because I thought my game had bugged out.
After killing the guys up top, everyone just stayed downstairs and wouldn't follow me up, and I missed the door with the triangle prompt. No dialogue either.
- The stealth issues, specifically the
cruise ship interior
section that was mentioned a page or two back. I kept trying it over and over, because it looked like there should've been a valid stealth path through there, but the guy on the left would reach his spot, turn around and just stay there. edit: the funny part is this was demo'd on fallon I think, and I swear they stealthed through that entire segment fine. maybe I'll go rewatch that
- Had issues backjumping off holds the entire game, though more in the
first half
where it's asked for more often. I actually ended up using sixaxis for those, which I don't remember resorting to in U2.

Justin Dailey said:
The animation in this game was otherworldly. The way drake pushes off walls and obstacles impressed me throughout the entire game.
It did look nice overall, but the wall push off was a bit overdone. I mean, he'd do it with every single one. Maybe that looks better than nothing, but it also looked a bit silly at times, especially when there were briefly obstacles on both sides and he holds up both arms and quickly drops them.
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