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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Huh I had no idea Uncharted was being played in that kind of thing.

It's not really, this was just a match between spectators at MLG who competed against each other. They picked the best 8 players and put them in an exhibition match. I think it's to gauge interest in having Uncharted as a competitive game. It's good to see it get that kind of exposure though.

That being said, the guy they were spectating was kinda crap. Missed like 80% of his T-Bolt shots, and got killed in most of his 1v1s.


3/5 of co-op adventures at crushing done.
the final part of london is fucking hard, all because of that dude with the super grenade, geez. then the monastery is impossibile, we arrived where you have to protect the statue. IT'S INSANE.


On my third playthrough now..I have to say, this game is buggy as hell, buggier more than I remember UC and UC2 being.

I've had bullets sail through enemies, and now that I'm playing on very easy to get treasures and other trophies, I usually shoot an enemy and then finish them off with a blow. The animation for this only works half the time. Usually Drake is punching at air and the animation of the guy dying is skipped and he ends up straight on the ground.

I've had jumps that don't register (this keeps fucking up my Survivor trophy), and on the final level
when Ubar is crumbling and you're jumping from platform to platform with Sully, at one point I got ahead of him and was jumping from platform to platform without him. That's not supposed to occur

There are many more quirks I haven't even mentioned in this post. Sometimes transitions aren't good...when running somewhere and then going to a new loaded scene sometimes I'll get a white screen for 30 seconds while the PS3 is thinking of what to do, other times black.

This game has frozen up on me 3 times.

I still love ND and the series, but this game is buggy.

Mikey Jr.

3/5 of co-op adventures at crushing done.
the final part of london is fucking hard, all because of that dude with the super grenade, geez. then the monastery is impossibile, we arrived where you have to protect the statue. IT'S INSANE.

I will never finish monastery on crushing and I bow down to anyone that does.

jax (old)

Oh, nice! What was your PSN ID?


btw started my crushing run - thought I should. The pacing issues seemed to have gone away what with not running in circles looking for shit on the ground. I just went from A--B. and it seemed really speedy. melee combat IS better with no prompt but still eh.

Then I got to the first thing you have to shoot; the lock on the door - and the reticle was wonky/weird and this coming from hours and hours of MP game - I turned off my PS3. will wait for the patch. Yup, it is that bad.


I'm pretty far into the game. In the desert now. The cargo plane and ship junkyard levels were awesome. Overall, it seems like Return of the Jedi. Solid project, but everyone remembers the one before in a better light.

It's missing that polish that dripped all over UC2. Still, the characters are great, lines are great and there are some fantastic set pieces. It just doesn't feel as tight as UC2 (not just talking about the aiming).

Still, fantastic way to spend your time and money if you own a PS3. Uncharted 3: Return of the Jedi.

after finishing uncharted 3, i don't think they should make a fourth.

I'd agree (though I'm not finished yet). They should let the IP mellow for a little while, maybe wait until next gen when they can expand on the gameplay.


after finishing uncharted 3, i don't think they should make a fourth.

I agree. I really enjoyed the game and absolutely love the series, but another one would just be overkill.

Certain aspects of the game are becoming a bit cliche at this point; the most bothersome for me being "walk into a mysterious apparently vacant place, have to shoot your way out". It's just not exciting anymore.


i'm just talking about the characters. it feels like they've completed their journeys, and anything more would just bloat the series.


I absolutely love showing this game to people who have never heard of it. I just had a group of friends watch in awe as to what was happening to them. I started at the cruise ship and their expressions were priceless. They loved the fact that it was a game and yet made them feel like they were watching a movie. When I got to the desert thats when they started to believe the hype I spread about this game.
Going through it again and knowing how it controls makes the second play through so much more awesome and cinematic. As I have said before I have no issue with aiming and love when I get outsmarted and die. I just find another way to make my way through. Its just so much fun to play. First time around I really did not like the melee, I couldn't really get the hang of it. Now Iv'e gotten the hang of it and Im doing things I didn't even know Nate could do. Mixing melee and shooting is simply awesome.There's just so many ways to approach a firefight and that is the beauty of this game. Sure the game may be linear but there's also a lot of ways to walk down that linear path.
Also I might be little spoiled but playing this game on a 60 inch plasma is incredible. This is the most beautiful game I have ever seen and played. My love for this series knows no end. I hope theres more to come.


So I have finally beaten the game...well forced myself to finish it really.
By far, my least favorite Uncharted. I don't know what exactly but I felt something just missing from the game, it didn't feel quite "right" like the first two. the aiming didn't even bother me that much it was just something off from the game. Also the game feels somewhat cheap in some parts, I felt that the game didn't give you much liberty in tackling some combat setpieces. It felt like if I didn't do certain things in order I would simply fail the part.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I absolutely love showing this game to people who have never heard of it. I just had a group of friends watch in awe as to what was happening to them. I started at the cruise ship and their expressions were priceless. They loved the fact that it was a game and yet made them feel like they were watching a movie. When I got to the desert thats when they started to believe the hype I spread about this game.
Going through it again and knowing how it controls makes the second play through so much more awesome and cinematic. As I have said before I have no issue with aiming and love when I get outsmarted and die. I just find another way to make my way through. Its just so much fun to play. First time around I really did not like the melee, I couldn't really get the hang of it. Now Iv'e gotten the hang of it and Im doing things I didn't even know Nate could do. Mixing melee and shooting is simply awesome.There's just so many ways to approach a firefight and that is the beauty of this game. Sure the game may be linear but there's also a lot of ways to walk down that linear path.
Also I might be little spoiled but playing this game on a 60 inch plasma is incredible. This is the most beautiful game I have ever seen and played. My love for this series knows no end. I hope theres more to come.

But see, my issue is that I feel like this game was made to be watched rather than played. That
cruise ship
mission is as linear and non-interesting as anything you could make me "play." The escape was a joke - only one way to go, only one set of jumps you can make, only one set of doors you can run through. Ridiculous. They seem to have a lot of "ESCAPE CERTAIN DEATH NAO!!" scenarios in this game, and all of those are going to be completely linear. Even the "linear" sections in Uncharted 2 (the tank, for instance) didn't force you down a single path all of the time. There were multiple ways to flank the bad guys in that level, you could decide how to jump from building to building, whether you wanted to take the enemies out across the street or not, etc...

Still a good game, but not great.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
What? That's so comparing uncomparable things. I mean, yes, the cruiseship escape is linear. But so is the train sequence in U2, BOTH times they make you do it. So is the entire train level (literally linear).

Also I would bet I tackled the shooting bits differently than you. Uncharted is full of linear platforming "escape" sequences. I don't see the point.

Also the tank is totes linear. You get like instakilled if you go the wrong way for too long.


This is a game that I applaud the linearity in.

I don't want to wonder if I'm going down the right hallway or staircase. I like playing it like an action movie. It's part of what makes it a great series.


But see, my issue is that I feel like this game was made to be watched rather than played. That
cruise ship
mission is as linear and non-interesting as anything you could make me "play." The escape was a joke - only one way to go, only one set of jumps you can make, only one set of doors you can run through. Ridiculous. They seem to have a lot of "ESCAPE CERTAIN DEATH NAO!!" scenarios in this game, and all of those are going to be completely linear. Even the "linear" sections in Uncharted 2 (the tank, for instance) didn't force you down a single path all of the time. There were multiple ways to flank the bad guys in that level, you could decide how to jump from building to building, whether you wanted to take the enemies out across the street or not, etc...

Still a good game, but not great.

But what else would you want to happen in that section. and what other game lets you do something like that? I mean its a game about a treasure hunter who gets into the craziest situations and survives. Hell im sure he could have just shot out a window and just jumped out but wheres the fun in that. Yeah it was linear but once again where else are you going to get that experience? Theres nothing to compare it to.
Now when talking about the tank level I completely agree but you're outside and in a village. Of course there should be multiple ways. But when in a cruise ship sinking I think the purpose is to give that sense of haste and excitement. The only goal should be is to escape not find multiple paths out of a sinking ship.


It would suck if Uncharted had some kind of boring overly huge world to wander around in and take pointless side quests. Uncharted games are great because they are incredibly tightly crafted/sequenced/paced games.

My major gripe with U3 is definitely the combat. If they fix the aiming and address some of the enemy A.I./encounter/stealth issues (is this unrealistic?), this game would definitely go up a few points in my book.


so anyway im not going to pretend that my opinion is important or even interesting, but i completed uncharted 3 yesterday and here are my thoughts:

+ graphics are good
+ characters are good
+ interesting locales
+ feature-set of moves is improved and better and stuff
+ multiplayer is good (needs some balancing and stuff)
+ music is good

- plot-line isn't as strong as uc2
- set pieces don't really relate to the story
- pacing is off ( i mean theres puzzles, platforming and fist fights to break everything up, but still feels like everything is too fast)
- the end of the game is undeveloped, the gamer suffers for being too short
- until the end you jump from location to location too disjointedly, really liked the progressive nature of uc2
- don't think it'll be replayable as uc2

i still need to play it a few times to get a proper opinion, but yeah not as good as uc2 and probably better than uc1.


Just played online for my 2 trophies...what the heck? The aiming is WAY better and more responsive in that. Is this a symptom of 2 different teams working on MP and SP?

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
What? That's so comparing uncomparable things. I mean, yes, the cruiseship escape is linear. But so is the train sequence in U2, BOTH times they make you do it. So is the entire train level (literally linear).

Also I would bet I tackled the shooting bits differently than you. Uncharted is full of linear platforming "escape" sequences. I don't see the point.

Also the tank is totes linear. You get like instakilled if you go the wrong way for too long.

For the record I didn't really enjoy the train in U2 because of how linear it is. I preferred some of the other set pieces - the crumbling building, the fight in the massive arena at the bottom of the
temple, as well as the entire village sequence.

I just think ND needs to stop trying to create spectacle at the expense of gameplay. I don't really enjoy playing a game where there is only one very specific way to get through a level. Takes away my illusion of freedom. Not to say I don't like linear games, but linear done right is enjoyable, whereas linear done wrong is not.
so anyway im not going to pretend that my opinion is important or even interesting, but i completed uncharted 3 yesterday and here are my thoughts:

+ graphics are good
+ characters are good
+ interesting locales
+ feature-set of moves is improved and better and stuff
+ multiplayer is good (needs some balancing and stuff)
+ music is good

- plot-line isn't as strong as uc2
- set pieces don't really relate to the story
- pacing is off ( i mean theres puzzles, platforming and fist fights to break everything up, but still feels like everything is too fast)
- the end of the game is undeveloped, the gamer suffers for being too short
- until the end you jump from location to location too disjointedly, really liked the progressive nature of uc2
- don't think it'll be replayable as uc2

i still need to play it a few times to get a proper opinion, but yeah not as good as uc2 and probably better than uc1.
I agree. Been a while since I popped in U2 so I can't say which I think is better, but U3 has more "epic" set pieces. Everything he grabs is falling apart and things are turning sideways and exploding more often than previous games, from what I can remember. I like that. Best graphics and gameplay/controllable animations I've ever seen, period.

Mikey Jr.

If Uncharted was only a SP game, I'd be on the fence about another Uncharted. If they did another it would be great, but if they moved on to another IP, I'd be ok with that as well.

But the MP is a huge factor for me. I love the way it plays and feels, and I would love to see how they expand on it.


Would like more depth in stealth and melee in the next uncharted.

Melee would had been more fun if i had more control of the moves i want to do.
Sweet. My U3 purchase is drawing near.

Would like more depth in stealth and melee in the next uncharted.

Melee would had been more fun if i had more control of the moves i want to do.

Melee has enough "depth" as it is, takes too fucking long when you have other dudes shooting at you, jesus christ it's a shooter ffs, stop asking for things that would fuck up the game, why can't we have nice things and just shut the fuck up and enjoy them? Things were great pre-1.5 patch U2, heck even post 1.5 patch, I don't give a fuck if people who wanted to run and gun with your precious uzis but can't do it anymore, I enjoy picking you off from 50 feet away with my pistol, now everybody has a fucking KAL and all they do is hipfire/melee, fucking lame. All the simplicity has been taken away.
Finished the game last night. Was very good, but not great like UC2 was. My big problem with the game, story-wise, was the presentation of Marlowe and the immediacy of the threat she posed should she get her hands on what she wanted. Lazaravich seemed like a much "scarier" bad guy and I really felt a need to stop him.

Except when I thought Sully had been shot, I was hell bent on killing them slowly and painfully. Then I found out it was a result of the drugged up water and I went back to "we'll stop them when we get to them". That whole Sully storyline in Ubar was great. Even when Sully "came back" I still thought it might be Talbot or a hallucination and then seeing Talbot actually where Sully was supposed to be in the main cistern part made me start freaking out again that Sully was actually dead and I had been tripping out again.

jax (old)

For the record I didn't really enjoy the train in U2 because of how linear it is. I preferred some of the other set pieces - the crumbling building, the fight in the massive arena at the bottom of the
temple, as well as the entire village sequence.

I just think ND needs to stop trying to create spectacle at the expense of gameplay. I don't really enjoy playing a game where there is only one very specific way to get through a level. Takes away my illusion of freedom. Not to say I don't like linear games, but linear done right is enjoyable, whereas linear done wrong is not.

why are you playing the game then? The train and some of the linear segments in U2 were the bomb. I appreciated all of UC2. my GOTY.

The only thing that comes @ expense of gameplay; I kind of agree with you; as I don't think they're done well is
the stupid running game
. mentioned I started on crushing? as
tiny drake
I kept running into the side walls of the first ramp. 4 times - all the while mindful that I would be doing it as I had so many problems with it the first go (about 6 times). Its a weird way to start of the game - making the gamer feel like they're not in control.

while on crushing - the 1st go; i was no longer trying to look around the
categena museum
so I didn't have to contend with all the stumbly hand touching backwards movement in that area which also lessened the frustration I experienced the first time. WHY IS HE MOVING LIKE AN IDIOT?! It helps to diminish the perception that something is wrong.
straight up the stairs to the cabinet. cutscene. whew that is over!!

and then of course; the gun control at the first lock.

so looking forward to this patch. BRING IT ND!

jax (old)

Pranay_ said:
Would like more depth in stealth and melee in the next uncharted.

Melee would had been more fun if i had more control of the moves i want to do.

I think more stealth would be nice. I kind of missed having the stealth gun from U2 and I didn't have issues with that. It felt very bond-y to play that 1st museum mission in U2.

posted earlier but they need more environmental traps in the uncharted games. you're telling me these bazillion and one locales; of such mysterious origins, and the most danger you're in is from being shot by men.
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