That might be true, but I remember UC1 enemies having this bizarre invulnerability when they were animating having been shot. Made anything but the pistol near useless, didn't it?
True as far as I could tell.
That might be true, but I remember UC1 enemies having this bizarre invulnerability when they were animating having been shot. Made anything but the pistol near useless, didn't it?
I was disappointed that the stealth in UC3 was scaled back. In UC2 it felt like I could stealth most of the encounters in the game, not so much in this game.
I just came into post my impressions about the game so far (I'm playing on Hard and am a bit into Chapter 9 now), but I just want to say that I feel the same way as you. For the record, I wasn't a huge fan of the first Uncharted, but I absolutely adore Uncharted 2 and have played it many times over. It's the only game in which I've got a Platinum Trophy. I don't recall any of the combat scenarios in that game, even on Crushing, having been nearly as frustrating as just about every single firefight thus far in Uncharted 3. I honestly don't think I've enjoyed a single combat scenario so far in this game. Each time I've died at least once or twice from dudes just running up or spawning behind me. It's annoying.
It's like the developers wanted to keep players on their toes, but the gameplay absolutely does not support that. It's extremely difficult to shoot at enemies while they are running about, but the enemies have no trouble hitting you with amazing accuracy while you try to run about for better cover.
So far the combat scenarios have turned into a memorization game for me, just like the annoying chase parts and "run-towards-the-camera" sequences. Also, the three enemy types thing is just stupid. Is it even possible to kill those big guys without melee combat? I punched one a few times in the tower in Syria, then ran some distance away and blasted him in the upper torso/head about 7 times with the AK-47, but he didn't even react to getting hit. So contrived.
That's not to say I don't like the game. It's beautiful, and I like the characters, the plot, some of the puzzles, and all of the spectacles are pretty impressive to watch unfold, but goddamn if most of the action scenarios aren't just horribly frustrating. After loving Uncharted 2, I really hope things improve.
the only thing missing in UC3 is stealth dart guns like in UC2/musuem. Maybe its me but it seems like shooting with the silenced pistol would alert enemies?? otherwise; i stealthed 2-3 areas in UC3. and had a blast doing them
That might be true, but I remember UC1 enemies having this bizarre invulnerability when they were animating having been shot. Made anything but the pistol near useless, didn't it?
It doesn't alert anyone...just don't miss.
This right here is exactly how I felt about the game. The more I play the game (doing my Crushing run now), the more I realize it is a trial-and-error game, and those are the types of games that annoy me most. For instance I've always been a massive fan of stealth games, but I never liked Splinter Cell because there was always one, and only one, way to get through each section. Same thing with Uncharted 3 - you need to memorize which enemies spawn when and where, and then take them out in "order" from most to least dangerous.
A gamer friend of mine was over this weekend and he wanted to play Uncharted 3 as he has been getting more and more excited to try it. This guy plays through Gears on the highest difficulty setting, so safe to say he knows his stuff and has been playing games for a while. He got to the chase scene inand proceeded to die 20 times because he kept running the "wrong" way. After he finished the level he put down the controller and asked to play something else. That was exactly the level where I started to get annoyed with U3. Granted I only died 3 times on my first go, but it was because I turned a corner and took 1 second to think about where I'm supposed to go next. Apparently you're not allowed to do that. Apparently you're supposed to memorize the entire damn level in order not to die.Colombia
The sad thing is, this philosophy carries through to the gunfights, and the game really suffers for it.
either way; that chase sequence was NOT that hard. hilarious how you say a hardcore GEARS head can't work out how to do it. Its like 100% linear.
probably replied to @zefah but you can easily kill the big guys with grenades or guns. I've done it.
I did it on my first try.I wonder if anyone got through that part where you run through a guy's apartment and are required to veer left behind the couch on their first attempt. That stood out as being particularly cheap to me.
It wasn't hard, but it required memorization unless you were extremely lucky or just some kind of prodigy who mystically knew the way. I probably died about five times due to taking the wrong path. It's 100% linear, but if you even take a second to realize where you need to go next, you will be caught. I wonder if anyone got through that part where you run through a guy's apartment and are required to veer left behind the couch on their first attempt. That stood out as being particularly cheap to me.
I find it surprising that people had to replay thechase so many times, I found that the game let you know exactly where to go and when.young Drake
I was disappointed that the stealth in UC3 was scaled back. In UC2 it felt like I could stealth most of the encounters in the game, not so much in this game.
the only thing missing in UC3 is stealth dart guns like in UC2/musuem. Maybe its me but it seems like shooting with the silenced pistol would alert enemies?? otherwise; i stealthed 2-3 areas in UC3. and had a blast doing them
Have you finished Uncharted on crushing? Now that's a challenge. It will make you want to rip your balls out in frustration. UC3 was a good challenge every now and then though like you say, but still the easiest of the three for me. I did die a lot the first time so it wasn't a cakewalk either but it was never too tough with the exception of a couple places. There's also simply less shootouts in the game and more "cinematic" moments than the other two.
Is it just me or did Drake break wayyyy too many necks in this game
mass murderer
Maybe no one wants this, but I'd love the option to stealth every area with the AI set up for that as well as controls a little tighter to accommodate for U4.
Crushing Co-op (Arena and Adventure) has really taken a step back from U2, due to the way the enemies behave.
Dudes just sprint through your gunfire like you're spitting marshmallows at them; explosions are about at forceful as a fart to the Brutes; guys take more bullets to the face than it takes to get their helmet off; but mostly: absolutely terrible Siege locations. Every map has at least one Siege spot where you are completely exposed from nearly all angles and you have practically no cover.
This i agree with 100%. There is something wrong with the hit detection. Your bullets disappear. It's the oddest thing ever and didn't happen like this in previous games.
I do think the stealth was placed well in UC3, but I absolutely detest the fact that being spotted immediately alerts all enemies to your position. UC2 had the same issue but I somehow found it more bothersome here. They really need to work on that.
I have not finished Uncharted 1 on Crushing, but I have played it. I would agree that Uncharted 1 Crushing is more difficult than UC3, but normal difficulty in UC3 was much more challenging than the equivalent setting in the original. UC1 is definitely more annoying than UC2 or 3, however, due to the way enemies bob around.
actually, I think the stealth post alert is more "real" than most other stealth games. sure you get spotted "oh well, i'll go back to my post/scripted routines, like I didn't see you" not 4 minutes later. They spot you, they're gung ho about killing you.
I don't really have a problem with it. you messed up? you done goofed.
actually, I think the stealth post alert is more "real" than most other stealth games. sure you get spotted "oh well, i'll go back to my post/scripted routines, like I didn't see you" not 4 minutes later. They spot you, they're gung ho about killing you.
I don't really have a problem with it. you messed up? you done goofed.
Just to add a point those big (not the armored ones) guys who like to melee can be killed with gunfire I have done it but they are obviously bullet resistant. I believe I used a shotgun multiple times.
This simply isn't true. There were only a few encounters you could really participate in stealth in and never completely.
mass murderer
I do agree about co-op arena being a step back from UC2's co-op arena. In 2, it was way more enjoyable and fun than what 3 is offering. Here's my quick rundown:Crushing Co-op (Arena and Adventure) has really taken a step back from U2, due to the way the enemies behave.
Dudes just sprint through your gunfire like you're spitting marshmallows at them; explosions are about at forceful as a fart to the Brutes; guys take more bullets to the face than it takes to get their helmet off; but mostly: absolutely terrible Siege locations. Every map has at least one Siege spot where you are completely exposed from nearly all angles and you have practically no cover.
Sure, it's beatable, but I don't find it even remotely as enjoyable as as U2 Crushing.
And I want headshots back! Give them to me ND! I know the reason they're gone is because of that stupid Hunter mode, so get rid of it -- nobody plays it anyway, and those that do only do so in hopes of getting new treasures, not because the mode is fun.
The armored guys really are ridiculous in this game, aren't they? I used 4 grenades on one in Syria last night and the guy just kept coming. It really feels like they are forcing you to kill certain enemies in specific ways. Armored guys must be eliminated by well placed head shots, big brutes must be taken down through contrived melee scenes. Annoying.
They die with two grenades, you should aim better.
So can I have more than one mod on a weapon in competitive mp?
Definitely. Easiest way to kill those motherfuckers. The hard part is when you don't have grenades. Then you aim for their head and hope for the best.They die with two grenades, you should aim better.
Is it just me or did Drake break wayyyy too many necks in this game
They die with two grenades, you should aim better.
there is the big armored guy ( the one that don't have a shotgun )..he dies with more than 2 grenades ..
Ah him. Blindfire with automatic weapons is your best strategy.
Ah him. Blindfire with automatic weapons is your best strategy.