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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


If I recall recorrectly, and we're talking about the guy with the LMG on the ship deck, I ran around avoiding his fire until a guy with an M32 Hammer appeared on the sidelines. I shot him, got the M32 and blew up the LMG guy. Maybe that was too hard, but it was fun. I thought it was the way I was "supposed" to do it.

Here's what I did on future runs: drop two grenades at him(if you have them), blindfire will kill him quickly, then pick up his machine gun and make mincemeat out of everyone else. :p

First time I beat the area your way though, and gave me a heck of a lot more trouble.


On my second playthrough and I've noticed the mini cut scenes are almost relentless. I can barely take a step without the game interrupting me and showing me what could have been more fun to actually do on my own. Sheesh.

is probably the most bland stretch of game in the whole series.

Looking forward to the second half. I'm having much more fun with the combat now that the aiming is fixed and I'm playing on Normal instead of Hard.
On my second playthrough and I've noticed the mini cut scenes are almost relentless. I can barely take a step without the game interrupting me and showing me what could have been more fun to actually do on my own. Sheesh.


I was rather annoyed by this as well during my second playthough. During the 1st half of the game the ratio of cinematics to gameplay is really unbalanced in favor of cinematics.

ship graveyard
is easily the best part of the game for me, followed by

jax (old)

On my second playthrough and I've noticed the mini cut scenes are almost relentless. I can barely take a step without the game interrupting me and showing me what could have been more fun to actually do on my own. Sheesh..

I was a bit like "aaahh ingame cutscene!!! when I wanted to get back into the gameplay. walk walk walk talk talk talk.

If I recall recorrectly, and we're talking about the guy with the LMG on the ship deck, I ran around avoiding his fire until a guy with an M32 Hammer appeared on the sidelines. I shot him, got the M32 and blew up the LMG guy. Maybe that was too hard, but it was fun. I thought it was the way I was "supposed" to do it.

the big container would move left right and I used that gap to Gmal the guy to death. Run in, shoot, run out, gap will close. wait. open. shoot. close.

These moving surfaces in UC3 are great!!!
the water, the moving platforms (flat under your feet) but swaying all over, the rocking boat; the moving cover/boxes on the boat, on the plane.
Where is any of this sort of diversity in gears?! If you really think about it; UC3 introduces a lot of dynamism to its cover based shooter. 2nd playthrough, I was like this is absolutely fucking amazing.

At target today we clearanced the Statue Bundle unit (100 dollar one) for 50 dollars. Why do I buy games at launch!

grrr. I wanted a nathan drake statue. :'(
Has singleplayer been screwed up for anyone else after the patch?

The first day I loaded up chapter 19 to try the new aiming and got to the part where you meet Salim; he rode up and right when the cutscene was supposed to trigger, his horse started galloping in place and nothing progressed. I could walk around the level, getting a few enemies to spawn, walked through some walls, saw beneath the level, exploded the gate with a grenade and ran off into the desert until I fell off the world.

Today, in chapter 4, I reached one spot and nothing in the level loaded; the geometry was still there but at a certain point the level just cut off into blackness.

Reloading the checkpoint doesn't fix anything, I had to quit out to the main menu and restart chapter 19 for it to work; and for the chapter 4 bug, I got stuck on the spinning ring until I quit the game.


I got a serious issue, but might be just me.

I use a PPPOE connection with fixed DNS primary and secondary address, which works fine, but I get strange disconnects from any game whenever a game is reset (co-op = everyone dies, deathmatch = new round). Frustrating, I cannot have my entire team die during a co-op, or my game disconnects and I don't get any experience. What am I to do?

Lots of other players disconnecting too (or are those higher level players who force quit because they want to play on crushing?).
Finished the game last night. Had to put it on the easiest mode because honestly the bullet sponges were just annoying. (plus I suck with the DS3, not my favorite controller)

I do wish there was more puzzle sections or variety to the shootouts.

Very enjoyable game though, the ending was very similar to 2 and luckily didn't have the boss battle.

I'm still amazed at how fluid the animations and dialogue are in these games. It all seems so natural.


So I just beat the game on Crushing and got my Platinum today. For some reason I found Crushing(post-patch) infinitely easier than Hard(pre-patch.) There were a couple of spots where I spent 15-20 minutes stuck fighting enemies and was fearing going through them on Crushing. Knowing what to expect and moving from cover to cover instead of just staying in one spot like I did on Hard made me enjoy the combat a great deal more. So where I thought the game was being cheap when playing on Hard made me realize that I was being bad and not taking advantage of all my options. All in all this is now my favorite one in the series.


Finished my hard run. All in all, it was very enjoyable ride, as expected. Sand, water and ship physics are realised amazingly.

Though I have really understood the eurogamer review after first few chapters already. Was it really necessary to wrestle controls out of player hands so often? U2 made playable what was previously only possible in cutscenes, and in U3 they went a bit backwards for some reason.

Now, after a little break - a crushing run in 3D. :) Shouldn't be too hard, outside of two, maybe 3 spots. We'll see.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
U2 made playable what was previously only possible in cutscenes, and in U3 they went a bit backwards for some reason.
Did they, though? A lot of the times you have control where in other games, or even in UC2, you normally wouldn't. Example that immediately springs to mind is that after being
jettisoned out of the plane, you can still navigate around in the air a bit to aim towards the crate with the parachute, and while on the crate you can move around it's surface

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Made it up to Chapter 13 last night.

Man, they didn't even try to hide the fact that enemies were spawning out of thin air in that Ship Graveyard shootout.


Did they, though? A lot of the times you have control where in other games, or even in UC2, you normally wouldn't. Example that immediately springs to mind is that after being
jettisoned out of the plane, you can still navigate around in the air a bit to aim towards the crate with the parachute, and while on the crate you can move around it's surface

The first is not true. You have no control whatsoever, in any case it doesn't really matter. The second one is kinda neat though. :p


Finished my crushing run last night. I have got to say, this is by far the easiest game in the series. Crushing felt more like hard mode to me, not that I'm really complaining, it was still pretty fun.
And then to my horror I discover that there are practically no extras in this game... I don't really want to play the multiplayer all that much so it is very disappointing that the game doesn't have the same kind of little rewards the first two had. Pretty sloppy.


ADD New Gen Gamer
The first is not true. You have no control whatsoever, in any case it doesn't really matter. The second one is kinda neat though. :p

You definitely can control it. I remember moving drake around in the air with my analogue stick.

You don't really need to though. The crate is huge, so it is pretty impossible to miss.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The first is not true. You have no control whatsoever, in any case it doesn't really matter. The second one is kinda neat though. :p
Haha, trust me, it's true! You can miss that crate if you don't aim towards it! A lot of those things don't technically really matter. That you're able to run around the crates falling out of the plane doesn't really matter. But that's the whole point - they went an extra step into letting you control him even then when they could have just packaged the moment into a completely non-interactive cutscene.
Just got through the plane sequence. Holy wow, so cool, maybe the coolest thing set piece I've ever played.

The combat though can just be so frustrating. There were times when I would die, and die, and die, from so many enemies being thrown at you, and snipers high up who would one hit kill you. On top of that guys constantly flanking you with shotguns. Sure, I get challenge, but this just wasn't fun for me. Maybe it is for other people. I've enjoyed difficult games like Far Cry 2, Halo series, the previous Uncharted games, but these scenarios felt like luck if I passed them a lot of the time, rather than me learning how to be better at the game.

Some of the platforming stuff can be frustrating as well. There are a number of times where I can't figure out where to jump, so I just jump in the general direction the game is pointing me and I magically sticky into grabbing a ladder or a ledge. Also, there were a lot of dead Drakes when I was playing through some of the chase sequences. Sounds like I had more trouble than others, but dying three or four times in those sequences really takes the cool out of it.

Having said that, through all of my issues, still having a lot of fun playing the game overall and will push through and complete it. Perhaps the main problem I have with Uncharted 3 is that Uncharted 2 was just so good.


This game was freaking hard!! Wowzers. I had to bring down the difficulty to easy :( I guess i'm a noob. Anyway, to me, kinda on par with uncharted 2 so still not my fav game this generation. That would METAL GEAR SOLID 4:GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS!

edit: My first post on neogaf! lol Merry christmas fellas :)


Hi guys, I searched an "Uncharted 3 photo-mode" thread but I did not find it, so I guess this is the right place to talk about it.

I love to take videogame screenshots, as well a billion of you out there, and I must say Uncharted 2 and 3 have one of the best Photo-Mode out there. As a game I like it, but absolutely not love it, but its screenshots-tool it's great.

Here something from Uncharted 3 (Work in progress, click for the link on my Blog)






And here something from Uncharted 2 (Almost done (click for the link to my blog)








Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Finished my crushing run last night. I have got to say, this is by far the easiest game in the series. Crushing felt more like hard mode to me, not that I'm really complaining, it was still pretty fun.
And then to my horror I discover that there are practically no extras in this game... I don't really want to play the multiplayer all that much so it is very disappointing that the game doesn't have the same kind of little rewards the first two had. Pretty sloppy.

Is there any hope they'll be patched in? All of the stat tracking and rewards were a big motivator for me in Uncharted 2. It's unfortunate that all of the cheats and cosmetic fun things seem to not have been implemented this time around.


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
I was showing U3 to my friend today and first thing he noticed and complained about was when enemy's start moving there is absolutely no hit reaction and bullets have no stopping power its like another team was responsible for enemy hit reaction and death animation and not ND


aka Mannny
Is there any hope they'll be patched in? All of the stat tracking and rewards were a big motivator for me in Uncharted 2. It's unfortunate that all of the cheats and cosmetic fun things seem to not have been implemented this time around.

Stat tracking is still in there but the cheats won't be patched in. The system that let the cheats happens kept crashing the game continuously so they took it out.


I was showing U3 to my friend today and first thing he noticed and complained about was when enemy's start moving there is absolutely no hit reaction and bullets have no stopping power its like another team was responsible for enemy hit reaction and death animation and not ND

The biggest issue with the game right here.

jax (old)

uncharted 2 MP stills look fucking fantastic still. The mappacks need to be released. Are they planning an xmas release?!

City of brass looks nice - too bad its awful to play and now no one seems to want to pick it. :)

elena UC3 vs elena UC2. Lol.

* nice blog but instead of porfolio - i'd call the galleries; well galleries. Portfolio seems to suggest you worked on the game and well, that really didn't happen - even if the description textclearly outlines what your role is.


the detail!!


uncharted 2 MP stills look fucking fantastic still. The mappacks need to be released. Are they planning an xmas release?!

City of brass looks nice - too bad its awful to play and now no one seems to want to pick it. :)

elena UC3 vs elena UC2. Lol.

* nice blog but instead of porfolio - i'd call the galleries; well galleries. Portfolio seems to suggest you worked on the game and well, that really didn't happen - even if the description textclearly outlines what your role is.


the detail!!

I agree with you, character design falls really flat this time around. Elena is so beautiful in Uncharted 2 and so... less... mature in U3 (in design, not in 'age')
I mean, maybe we can say she's ... sweeter... now? But it's not true IMHO. She's so "woman" in U2 and so teenager-ish in U3... I love her unperfect, almost big nose in U2, in the 3rd installment it's everything so... sweet and perfect it's boring.

About the "Portfolio" section... why not call it "Galleries"?

As I can find in the net:
The English word 'portfolio' has several senses or meanings. Two among them being:
1: a large, flat, thin case for carrying loose papers or drawings or maps (but also photos)
2: a set of pieces of creative work collected to be shown to potential customers or employers

Simply put: that section of my blog is there to collect and show my work, to present it to my visitors.
It's less 'straight' than galleries, but... you know... ain't a big difference :)
I was showing U3 to my friend today and first thing he noticed and complained about was when enemy's start moving there is absolutely no hit reaction and bullets have no stopping power its like another team was responsible for enemy hit reaction and death animation and not ND

Yep. Once they start moving for cover, you either dump enough shots to kill them, or land a head shot to stop them completely. It's really obvious to me, and becomes more and more apparent as the game ramps up and throws more enemies at Drake.
City of brass looks nice - too bad its awful to play and now no one seems to want to pick it. :)

City of brass suffers from an awefull balance. i've played this map , on hardcore , team objective , deathmatch .. and i never had fun ..it's a map with a lot of possibilities but it just lacks ... team balance.


At target today we clearanced the Statue Bundle unit (100 dollar one) for 50 dollars. Why do I buy games at launch!

Came here to post this, I'm glad I waited until now. It's actually cheaper than the standard edition. I was in total shock when I found that there, I wasn't even going to check the clearance area but I did for the fuck of it. ITS LIKE I WAS MEANT TO FIND THIS GAME!
City of brass suffers from an awefull balance. i've played this map , on hardcore , team objective , deathmatch .. and i never had fun ..it's a map with a lot of possibilities but it just lacks ... team balance.

The problem is the maps really leaves the player exposed from far too many angles and unless it's FFA where it's everyman for himself so you don't expect anyone to help you, we're basically looking at everybody playing things like TDM and Team Obj like it's FFA, and unless you have a good team working with you, you won't have other people covering other chokepoints so you won't get shot or meleed in the back.

You won't get team balance because a lot of people are generally douchebags, they will shoot the guy you're shooting at hoping to get the kill but not the guy shooting you in the back, that's just something you have to get used to, it happens in every game, the issue is on some U3 maps you have to have some help.


Not as deep as he thinks
Hey ND, stop pairing me up with awful team mates every single fucking time. Sigh. I literally can't have one single good match anymore. I don't expect everyone to be good at the game, but fuck i'd be lying if I don't get annoyed with scores like 2-15 in every single match I play. No matter how much I score or try, it won't matter because these players ruin it for me and everyone else. This goes for team objective too. Been having terrible luck these past few days...almost makes me want to stick exclusively to co-op.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Hey ND, stop pairing me up with awful team mates every single fucking time. Sigh. I literally can't have one single good match anymore. I don't expect everyone to be good at the game, but fuck i'd be lying if I don't get annoyed with scores like 2-15 in every single match I play. No matter how much I score or try, it won't matter because these players ruin it for me and everyone else. This goes for team objective too. Been having terrible luck these past few days...almost makes me want to stick exclusively to co-op.

I stick to TDM and honestly as long as my K/D is positive then I'm happy. I've given up on anyone in any online shooter showing any form of teamwork (unless it's something like Left 4 Dead).


Not as deep as he thinks
I really don't care for my K/D ratio that much. I'm mostly an objective player (Plunder/Team Objective) and for me: Objectives always comes first than caring about my K/D in the match. I have like 20k kills and like 14k deaths, but what is frustrating is constantly getting paired up with shitty team mates in TDM that have those scores I'm talking about. even if I score 30 kills, that isn't enough to win the match because ultimately, it's those players that ruin it. I don't necessarily mind losing in general especially when both teams are on equal ground and give it their best, but it gets irritating losing every single match because of this. Again, I don't expect people to be pros or anything, but how the fuck can you only kill 2 people for the entire match especially with Powerplays!? Here's the worst part: Some random in my team has something like 0-10 or like 1-11, and they'll stick for the majority of the match only to quit later...it's like geez...couldn't you have quit before completely fucking us over? Here's another thing: we're in the matchmaking screen and the lobby is made up of mostly high level players coupled with like 2 low level guys...when matchmaking makes up the teams, I'm always the one stuck with the low level players.

Guess I'm just ranting for a bit because I really do like the multiplayer, but lately I'm not even having fun anymore. I know the solution would be to party up and avoid all of this, but sometimes I just don't have anyone to party up with so I have to roll solo. Still, rolling solo shouldn't mean it should be this frustrating. After all, going solo is the ONLY way I'll be able to play as heroes since whenever I'm partied up, I'm always villains.

On an unrelated note:

Here's tripleWRECK and Eugenide's video review #4 of the Uncharted 3 Multiplayer titled: Kickbacks.

Some really...REALLY good stuff.

Quick boom needs to seriously be nerfed.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Made it up to Chapter 16 and I think I'm going to have to lower the difficulty from Hard. That pirate stuff was just fucking ridiculous and not in a good way. Some really cool set pieces where the enjoyment was mostly ruined by insane encounter design and enemies that pop out of thin air.

I think my main problem is that I am absolutely awful at hitting mobile opponents since the goddamn reticule slows down whenever it hovers over an enemy and that totally screws me up. Was it like this in Uncharted 2? It just sucks to be putting a certain amount of strength in my right thumb to move the reticule at a specific speed and then have it slow down suddenly when it hovers over an enemy. If they're mobile, this means that I have pretty much no chance of hitting them unless I can somehow compensate for the sudden drop in acceleration. Unfortunately, this seems to be too much for my brain.

I was showing U3 to my friend today and first thing he noticed and complained about was when enemy's start moving there is absolutely no hit reaction and bullets have no stopping power its like another team was responsible for enemy hit reaction and death animation and not ND

This, too. I'm fairly certain that I've never seen an enemy react to a bullet if they are busy doing another animation (climbing, running, scaling a rope, etc.). It's frustrating as shit.

Anyway, I am highly debating dropping this thing to Very Easy and just blazing through the rest of the story to try and salvage my enjoyment. Beautiful game, though.
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