Not as deep as he thinks
Tonight was amazing for me in the MP. I partied up with Bleach and we did Three Team Deathmatch and slaughtered everyone. We must have played about 30 matches and I think we only lost the first match we played. After that, it was pure ass kicking. Three TDM still rocks. We got accusations from people calling us campers JUST because we stuck together and worked as a team lol. I even leveled up Treasure Hunter to gold! Woot woot.
The most hilarious thing was destroying the FAL players we ran across with. In one instance we had two partied up high level players who were FAL + Fleet Foot users, and they were tearing us down. So me and Bleach decided to troll them back and switch our loudouts to the FAL ones and owned them in every single gun fight. :lol sweet motherfucking justice!
The most hilarious thing was destroying the FAL players we ran across with. In one instance we had two partied up high level players who were FAL + Fleet Foot users, and they were tearing us down. So me and Bleach decided to troll them back and switch our loudouts to the FAL ones and owned them in every single gun fight. :lol sweet motherfucking justice!