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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
So much wrong in this post, it's not even funny.

I played through that level at least 4 times on Hard and Crushing and tackled it a completely different way every time. Also, has it been proven that there is "infinite respawning" or is this just an assumption people are making?

Do not fucking tell me I am wrong... why don't you address one of my points in a way that demonstrates I am wrong.

That might actually be constructive.


So much wrong in this post, it's not even funny.

I played through that level at least 4 times on Hard and Crushing and tackled it a completely different way every time. Also, has it been proven that there is "infinite respawning" or is this just an assumption people are making?
There isn't "infinite respawning" akin to CoD as far as I know. I tackled that level two very different ways and faced the exact same enemies. What Uncharted has, are spawn triggers which forces you to go to a certain point to spawn the next wave of enemies. And this has been a problem since Uncharted 1, but has improved as you don't have to go to places that lack cover to hit the trigger.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Based on my experience playing the level the first time, and not having any idea where I was "supposed" to go, I can say with some degree of confidence that the enemies do keep coming until you progress to the top of the level...

I'd be pretty surprised to learn otherwise. Though, if true, I would admit to being wrong. I just don't think I am.

The Chef

Aspects of it were really great... the openess, the swimming. But it was heavy handed. And you can't really play it any way you want. It funnels you to a specific point. And doesn't do a very good job making it clear where that point is. And you have to get there to progress. Otherwise enemies spawn indefinitely. Often right fucking behind you, after you cleared out that very section.

One you know what to do, and how they are coming at you... it's not terribly difficult (though there's potential for some cheap deaths) and you can mess around with it a little bit.

But lets not pretend there's freedom to play it any way you want. You have to get up there to that spot or the enemies just keep coming... forever.

I consider endless respawns bad design. And in a semi tactical, cover based shooter... spawning enemies out of thin air right behind the player on a boat he just cleared is LAME.

Infinite spawns what?? I just beat the game on crushing and I played that whole section completely different this time. I flanked left and used the grenade launcher to great effect. You can absolutely approach that level from a myriad of ways


Currently on Chapter 8. Love the set pieces so far.

I see what everyone was talking about with the aiming. I feel like the aiming reticle is a lot smaller compared to U2. Forces you to be a lot more precise with your aiming, which is really difficult on consoles.


Based on my experience playing the level the first time, and not having any idea where I was "supposed" to go, I can say with some degree of confidence that the enemies do keep coming until you progress to the top of the level...

I'd be pretty surprised to learn otherwise. Though, if true, I would admit to being wrong. I just don't think I am.

No, definitely not. I've played that level a few times, clearing out everything at see level, then climbing up to the turret where a few more spawn (there's a hammer up the to use against them, in addition to the turret) and then all done.

There's definitely no infinite spawing. I remember clearing everything out, then searching for treasures.
Do not fucking tell me I am wrong...


Like I already said, I've tackled the level in several drastically different ways, as have other posters. That's all the evidence I need to prove that your statement about there being only one way to get through the level is false. Now, about your assertion that enemies spawn "indefinitely"... I'll ask again: proven fact or assumption?


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
A couple of you guys posting are stand up gaffers... who are usually spot on about stuff.

Normally I'd just agree with you guys but I played that section and fought enemies forever... so I'm still skeptical of what you're saying. I don't mean to be stubborn, and certainly do not want to slight a dev for something they doen't even deserve (especially naughty dog!!!) but I played that shit guys!
The problem I had with the boat section is that, when I did try to buckle down and pick off a few guys, invariably one of the guys would rush me from behind and engage me in melee... which is damn hard to break out of.

So I'd be standing instead of behind cover, in front of like 10 guys all shooting me in the face.




Also the alternate paths (like the far right) aren't obvious at all and I only found them after I'd already killed everyone there.

edit: I can attest to the fact that it isn't infinite respawn. I killed them all, wandered around lost for a good 20 min and then realized where I was supposed to go.

The Chef

A couple of you guys posting are stand up gaffers... who are usually spot on about stuff.

Normally I'd just agree with you guys but I played that section and fought enemies forever... so I'm still skeptical of what you're saying. I don't mean to be stubborn, and certainly do not want to slight a dev for something they doen't even deserve (especially naughty dog!!!) but I played that shit guys!

I totally respect that the section was difficult and therefore frustrating for you but there is absolutely no infinites in any section of the game let alone that part. The frustration for people seems to be just not clearly perceiving how to tackle that section. Some of us immediately got it and relished in the playground before us and others thought it was convoluted. Just proves the universal truth. Ain't no pleasing everyone.


No, definitely not. I've played that level a few times, clearing out everything at see level, then climbing up to the turret where a few more spawn (there's a hammer up the to use against them, in addition to the turret) and then all done.

There's definitely no infinite spawing. I remember clearing everything out, then searching for treasures.
Exactly. I cleared everything out on two runs, from the left and from the right (the right is infinitely easier due to power weapons) and ran out of enemies until I hit the spawn trigger on top.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Well if enemies really can be cleared out before climbing up to the turrets, then that undermines the foundation of my argument and I admit to being wrong.

Though I have to say it's somewhat begrudgingly... having just recently played through that section.

I wish I had the game next to me, to see if I could reproduce my experience...

But I concede.
I played it only once but I remember dying a bunch of times before taking out the last few enemies on top of the ships (what are those called?) and at higher ground. Once those guys died, they stopped spawning. I remember exploring the area before continuing to the trigger as well. However after a while (I took my sweet time) enemies spawned in 2's. It was pretty tame though with about a minute in between groups.
So much wrong in this post, it's not even funny.

I played through that level at least 4 times on Hard and Crushing and tackled it a completely different way every time. Also, has it been proven that there is "infinite respawning" or is this just an assumption people are making?

Infinite respawning is a fantasy in uncharted 3. i had doubts the first time i've played ..so the second time i played the levels i paid attention and i can confirm that infinite spawing is false..
There are specific actions that trigger more ennemies REGARDLESS of if the previous waves are cleared .that's all.
There are even some waves that only start once the previous one is fully cleared

i don't understand why people assume that because you cleared a room , ennemies can't appaear behind you.. in a game like uncharted where you can climb your way in various places , expecting ennemies to arrive even in place you don't expect is not a problem for me..


Uncharted 2 had at least one area with infinite spawning enemies.

Uncharted 3 has many areas that you can breeze through killing just a few guys if you go stealth; if you get detected then all hell breaks lose and you'll have to fight a lot of enemies (including one where you'll fail a checkpoint if you move forward with killing them; blergh). I didn't notice a single one with infinite waves of enemies.

section is one where you have several different ways of tackling it. It also happens that many of those ways are wrong, and you have no way of knowing them until you fail, as no one could possibly predict that the game would spawn a sponge bullet with a shotgun behind you just as you took control of that turret that seemed like such a good idea when you first saw it.

The game tries to blend the super powerful enemies of Uncharted 2 with the open arena/waves of enemies design of Uncharted 1. That combination doesn't work very well at all imo.
Just started this game (finally). I haven't downloaded any patches yet but something feels off with my aiming, feels a little harder to get clean shots. Does the NeoGAF aim settings address this? What exactly is wrong in the 1st place?
Just started this game (finally). I haven't downloaded any patches yet but something feels off with my aiming, feels a little harder to get clean shots. Does the NeoGAF aim settings address this? What exactly is wrong in the 1st place?

There is a sticky aim when the reticule gets near a badguy- it slows your aim movement down.
Yo ND, before you close up your forums please pay attention to this thread:


consider it, please!

They'll consider it for about 2 seconds.

The only customization stuff I expect in the future is DLC for the stuff we can't use, just play Co-op and look at all the different items/colors the NPC's have. Also the stuff that should have been available from the start, like the suits and leather jackets for Marlowe's goons.
And the patch fixes that?


The sticky-ness is gone, but I find that smaller movements are still far too small compared to uc1 and 2. I never felt comfortable with uc3's controls whereas 1 and 2 felt great right away (and this is coming from a primarily pc gamer who's not used to controller shooters at all.)


Im sitting here at work and all i wanna go do is play more mp dammit. i think i probably played 8 hours or so yesterday. really gonna start working on beating all of the co-op crushings, both adventure and arenas. want that star. but we (my brother and i play co-op splitscreen, and tdm often too) need a good third. oh and i lagacied not too long ago (im 36 now) so i have to re-level some boosters. i wanna knock all that stuff out before i lagacy again. im hooked.
section is one where you have several different ways of tackling it. It also happens that many of those ways are wrong, and you have no way of knowing them until you fail, as no one could possibly predict that the game would spawn a sponge bullet with a shotgun behind you just as you took control of that turret that seemed like such a good idea when you first saw it.

it's a good idea .. It is just that you have to take rocket launcher first ( below the turret )
You can also take ( stealth ) the grenade launcher to take care of it .
This guy probably spawn to prevent abuse of the turret..if you go prepared it's not that much of a treat


he's Virgin Tight™
Finally completed the game after playing in short bursts, have a quick review :p!

Visuals: Top notch... top of the line... unparallelled console-wise. Thing is amazing. The physics, the fire, the sand, characters, the goddamned textures. Really... damn.

Sound/Music: The standard Uncharted score, which is not bad. AT ALL. Very damn oood music. Repeated sounds from the past games. Amazing voice acting.

Gameplay: And this is where it all fucks up. Yes, amazing set pieces, some very damn good puzzles and just straight fun. But the gunplay is so... so weak. The enemy positioning, the enemy AI, its more like waves of bullet sponges who move around, each has 5 grenades, etc. So weak and at many points the game got frustrating. There were parts I died up to 8 times because of unfair enemy placement, etc. This is on normal, and as I've stated before I consider myself a very damn good gamer. So, yeah... game got to me a few times. The game also feels too short and the story disjointed. Marlowe was a bitch though. U3 bought nothing new to the table... NOTHING, and it felt unpolished in many spots. I am definitely disappointed.

Now don't misunderstand me, I liked the game a lot, but I'd rank it lower than U2 and maybe a little step above U1 if just for the sheer fun factor when it hits the strides. Overall, if I were to score U3, I'd give it a 7/10. This is one of those games I would usually have never paid $60 for but hey... who cares. On to the MP then.... let's see how I fare there :p!


Finished this last night. Really enjoyed it.

The one thing I will say is they finally NAILED the endgame battle. Sure, maybe it was too easy, but for once it felt like part of the game I'd been playing the last ten hours.
Finished this last night. Really enjoyed it.

The one thing I will say is they finally NAILED the endgame battle. Sure, maybe it was too easy, but for once it felt like part of the game I'd been playing the last ten hours.

It was too easy and the final level fealth really rushed. I'm betting the art director is not too happy with how this last level looks. Never mind the god awefull looking epilogue.

But i think as a whole this game is just incredible. Amazing.


Playing with randoms can be a frustrating experience at times, I am looking for some Gaffers to team up with so I can make my way eventually through coop adventure on crushing.

Add me sheeboy64


AWESOME games Master15. Playing with gaffers is so much better than damn randoms. Crushing adventure here I come dammit.
Whats this bullshit when matches get saved in the Cinema mode but don't let you edit or save them. I just had a really cool moment and I wanted to save the clip but no. This is happening a lot to me recently. I love and use the cinema mode a lot but its glitchy as hell.


Just got into
The city of Brass
on my Crushing run. I'm surprised that I'm finding it a lot easier than I was expecting. There were some sections that I was absolutely dreading playing through on Crushing (
ballroom in the boat and the airport
), but I actually beat each of them in about 3-5 tries. I have yet to reach any point that has made me frustrated, though iirc, some of the fights towards the end here may be a bitch. Still, it seems like I've been seeing a lot of complaints with the difficulty that I don't really relate to. Nothing in this game comes even close to the "looks like somebody should call a plumber," fight in Uncharted 1.


Uncharted 2 had at least one area with infinite spawning enemies.
I was trying to figure out which area you were referring to, and it suddenly came to me. It was that bullshit Nepal area with the RPG, right? If you didn't move forward, you'd face wave after wave of enemy.


Hmm, I'm drawing a blank. Which?
Right after you meet Chloe on the way to the hotel. "You've got a plan to go along with that grenade?". I distinctly remember an incredible amount of enemies when I hung back and fewer enemies when I charged forward. Of course, I could be wrong, but it is definitely the only area that I thought potentially had infinitely respawning enemies.


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
there were 2 areas with waves and waves of enemies( but not infinite re spawning)
desperate times beginning and big temple in shambala
Right after you meet Chloe on the way to the hotel. "You've got a plan to go along with that grenade?". I distinctly remember an incredible amount of enemies when I hung back and fewer enemies when I charged forward. Of course, I could be wrong, but it is definitely the only area that I thought potentially had infinitely respawning enemies.

Yeah, definitely not infinite there. I think there are about 4 waves coming from various directions.
there were 2 areas with waves and waves of enemies( but not infinite re spawning)
desperate times beginning and big temple in shambala

Ah yes,
Shambhala big room with humans and guardian
does give the appearance of infinite respawn. I only experienced this on Crushing though. If the
lose, which to me only happened on Crushing, then several sets of shotgun baddies keep coming out. I thought it was infinite -- there were enough sets of them to make it seem that way, anyway -- but even those eventually ended. Still, close enough.
Yeah, definitely not infinite there. I think there are about 4 waves coming from various directions.
First wave from the front and in the central building, second wave comes through a truck, third wave shows up at the back if you're at the truck. You can gun them down with the turret. That's what I remember.
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