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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally

The AA is horrible in brightly lit scenes. Seriously. In the level at the start when you're just walking around the museum with your diary open, the shadows cast over it are jaggy as fuck. Its embarrassing, looks like a black staircase.

What can I say? I have the game set to 1080p and I found the scenes in the museum etc spectacular. I reckon there might be something wrong with your set up. Either that or you are sitting an inch from your tv
Did this thread get bounced back from the Community or something? I didn't see it the last few days.

Looking forward to finally playing this game soon, glad they made an aiming option for us older guys too stubborn to learn new tricks.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I wish I could pay $40 on PSN and just buy the SP for these games... I really despise the MP. Every aspect of it.
Isn't that by a different company though?

Also no point advertising something that is still 2 months away you know?

Let's wait like 1-2 weeks before Vita release, most likely Golden Abyss stuff will start showing up

I think they're showing Last of Us due to the hype during VGA's and the reception afterwards + it's ND made

Listen if you enjoy UC MP great, but it really is fucking stupid that no one gets matchmaking right, it really is fucking terrible

I mean the best implementation I've seen is in Crysis 2, first 10 levels, you are locked against other < 10 leveled players, you play modes against only those levels, after that, the game still tries to balance it, but at least you get a feel, try out shit, and learn some things

I mean I played UC2 MP heavily but not after 1.04, then UC3 summer beta, then ugly UC3 subway beta
So I'm no noob in any sense
, but you can tell, there's a huge disadvantage just by selecting "find game"
Get matched against a party of 50+, who all look identical, using what the community deemed the best set-up and they just go to work

Someone needs to do tier matchmaking, Tier 1: 1-10, Tier 2: 11-25, Tier 3: 26-40, etc.
Only way you get bumped to the next tier if not enough players or if you're in a party you get mm into the highest level in your party
If you prestige, you will never get to play in tier 1-2, always tier 3+
Something like that

People always say they're not noobs but obviously it's rust setting in, in addition to the changes since the subway beta.


I think you're reading into it. :p If I remember right, Sully didn't change either. They probably just rushed over, implying that they didn't have time or were comfortable enough around her not to. Either that or they just didn't care.

Nope, they both changed clothes and Drake looked gross. I don't think there is a narrative reason for it - I think Naughty Dog just had a model for later, and then lazily just took away the scarf and the guns and said "meh, good enough."
Y'know one thing that really bothered me that I haven't seen anyone mention? Drake and Sully arrive in Yemen, Drake seeing Elena for the first time in who knows how long, and he's wearing this greasy, filthy, GROSS shirt that looks like he's already done his week-long desert adventure without changing.

Yeah, the outfit looks fine when he's got his scarf and gun straps on, but when he first shows up it's just that lame... like... pajama top, or something. Is it supposed to add to his character. "Hey, let's make it known that when Drake eats spaghetti, he gets it all over himself, cuz he's like, y'know, an ordinary guy."


Spaghetti stains add character, don't you know that?
Uncharted 3 seems to have what I like and hate the most about gaming in the same package. I love the traversal and the first fights and doing flying elbows onto enemies down below but I freaking HATE the prolonged gun fight arena sections where you have to kill 50+ guys and every enemy is a bullet sponge and can take 3+ bullets in the head. Its ridiculous. From what I gather the game is probably 15+ hours. It wouldn't have hurt if they cut that down to 8 or 10 hours and cut out all these stupid repetitive gun fights and reduced the bullet spongyness of the enemies. Gah. I really don't know who find those prolonged gun fights fun.

What can I say? I have the game set to 1080p and I found the scenes in the museum etc spectacular. I reckon there might be something wrong with your set up. Either that or you are sitting an inch from your tv

Nah. I'm anal about my TV setup and calibration so its as good of a picture you can get and I've also noticed the jaggies. But thats what you get with MLAA sometimes. Cheap/Fast AA but it can stick out in some spots. But overall the game's IQ is still fantastic.


Just started the coop in splitscreen. Gameplay is cool: nice combat scenarios, quite tense and also quite challenging on hard.

There are some things that bother me though, that are very much not like previous Uncharted games. First, there is too much choice in the first menu. There are so many bs things you can add, upgrade, tweak, whatever. Just let me pick difficulty and let's go. And don't say 'you don't have to change these things' because yes, you do have to check them when you want the best out of the game.

Then, the AI is not that good. The sometimes do not consistently attack, sometimes, they run back and forth, and sometimes out in the open. And also, it's bullshit that some guys grab you from behind and you CAN'T melee them. I hit two times in the air while such a guy was in front of me and I didn't hit him and then he grabbed me...

Also, sometimes when you could throw back a grenade you would pick u a weapon... This is SO EASY to program, why didn't they do it or patch it in already? Other things that annoy me are that sometimes settings wouldn't be remembered when you switch between menus: annoying.

This sounds like quite a rant but I do love the combat, the smart level design (well, I only played the 1st level and it's from Uncharted 2 so...) and how good everything works. EXCEPT the aiming and I wonder whether alternate aiming was switched off or something.

I think in general, the game is not as polished as it should be, and this highly surprises me having extensively played the first two (Uncharted 1 four times, Uncharted 2 two times). They were SO polished, every single centimeter was beatiful and every single mechanism worked.

I felt they spent too much time at stuff that doesn't matter (all the bs customization) and too few time in stuff that does (polishing of the gameplay).

By the way, this is a VERY first impression, only of the first level in coop. This is in no way (yet) representative of the whole game, so don't take it as such. It just surprises me to see an Uncharted-game that is not as extremely polished as the previous ones.


This is literally the only game I can play in front of non-gamers when they'll say 'please can we finish that game/movie you were playing, I want to see the end'.

Everything else they might be mildly interested in watching (eg. Portal 2) but Uncharted 3... I'm forced to keep on playing (not that I dislike that... it's just non-gamers don't quite understand how long these things take!)


Got this game for Christmas! Uncharted 1 while not perfect has a very special place in my heart and I love it. I obviously loved Uncharted 2 also for single and multiplayer. Heard a lot of mixed things about Uncharted 3, what's the general GAF consensus now after the aiming was fixed? Also is multiplayer still as fun as Uncharted 2?


Got this game for Christmas! Uncharted 1 while not perfect has a very special place in my heart and I love it. I obviously loved Uncharted 2 also for single and multiplayer. Heard a lot of mixed things about Uncharted 3, what's the general GAF consensus now after the aiming was fixed? Also is multiplayer still as fun as Uncharted 2?

Multiplayer is awesomer, thanks to increased health alone. There's people that don't like it but I don't care about those people.

leng jai

What can I say? I have the game set to 1080p and I found the scenes in the museum etc spectacular. I reckon there might be something wrong with your set up. Either that or you are sitting an inch from your tv

Yeah, no. Nothing to do with calibration at all. Replay the museum section at the start and open your journal in a spot where a shadow is cast over it.


Got this game for Christmas! Uncharted 1 while not perfect has a very special place in my heart and I love it. I obviously loved Uncharted 2 also for single and multiplayer. Heard a lot of mixed things about Uncharted 3, what's the general GAF consensus now after the aiming was fixed? Also is multiplayer still as fun as Uncharted 2?

just go into the game without any expectations.


Got this game for Christmas! Uncharted 1 while not perfect has a very special place in my heart and I love it. I obviously loved Uncharted 2 also for single and multiplayer. Heard a lot of mixed things about Uncharted 3, what's the general GAF consensus now after the aiming was fixed? Also is multiplayer still as fun as Uncharted 2?


chapters 11-22 are nonstop amazing.
^^ Actually, the game IS 8-10 hours. Not 15+.

Previous ones have seemed like 15 hour affairs to me. Its always a slog to get through the battle arenas. Especially when they start throwing in armored guards. If it is 8-10 maybe they needed to cut it down to 6-8 then.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Saying I "despise" the MP was a little harsh... it just doesn't appeal to me.

No crouching, no lean, and weird issues with shoulder switching keep me from getting into it. But I can see how some people really like it.


Oh, I just realised this will be the first Uncharted I don't platinum because you need that online pass for some trophies and I'm borrowing the game from a friend. Probably won't take the time to tackle any of the other more specific trophies with that in mind, oh well.

Great game so far, though. The only explanation for the relatively lukewarm reception the game has received is that people have a bit of franchise fatigue, because the mechanics and setpieces seem every bit as good as in the last two so far.


Oh, I just realised this will be the first Uncharted I don't platinum because you need that online pass for some trophies and I'm borrowing the game from a friend. Probably won't take the time to tackle any of the other more specific trophies with that in mind, oh well.

Great game so far, though. The only explanation for the relatively lukewarm reception the game has received is that people have a bit of franchise fatigue, because the mechanics and setpieces seem every bit as good as in the last two so far.

there are only two mp trophies: start a co-op game and start a competitive game, you could get them at your friend's house.


Need. More. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaps. Oh and some extra cool modes and multi trophies (not required for the Plat though).

Definitely need more maps and modes though. I'm not tired or anything, but lets spice it up. Need to get my Fortune Hunter's pass working out.

Edit: Extra modes should be free though.


there are only two mp trophies: start a co-op game and start a competitive game, you could get them at your friend's house.
Hm... so the online pass isn't tied to an account but to the PS3 it was activated on?

Maybe I'll go for the other trophies and get those two some other time when the opportunity presents itself (we're rarely at his place).


Need. More. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaps. Oh and some extra cool modes and multi trophies (not required for the Plat though).

Definitely need more maps and modes though. I'm not tired or anything, but lets spice it up. Need to get my Fortune Hunter's pass working out.

Edit: Extra modes should be free though.

I'm personally all for leaving the trophies as-is because when all those UC2 DLC trophies started coming out it turned my platinum into 50% or so and that looks ugly bro. >_> </OCD x 1000>
Is it me or is Yemen a really rare map? During the subway beta I played it constantly. Now it never shows up and when it does everyone always picks it by a large margin. It's a shame, its a fantastic map.

Im also dissapointed in no Xmas skins.


Also, Arne, since you're probably looking around here.

There's definitely something wrong with the in-game statistics timer. It resets every once and a while. The timer you guys have online seems right, but it seems like co-op time isn't counted. So I only have 53 hours on MP on there, but I know I'm at like 30+ hours of co-op.
I wish I could pay $40 on PSN and just buy the SP for these games... I really despise the MP. Every aspect of it.

Yeah, I'm into the SP. I still have the code for MP and am wondering if that will get me a significantly better price if I sell used. But I want to keep it just for replays.

I guess I could just sell the MP code and effectively reduce the price of my SP experience.


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
Oh, I just realised this will be the first Uncharted I don't platinum because you need that online pass for some trophies and I'm borrowing the game from a friend. Probably won't take the time to tackle any of the other more specific trophies with that in mind, oh well.

Great game so far, though. The only explanation for the relatively lukewarm reception the game has received is that people have a bit of franchise fatigue, because the mechanics and setpieces seem every bit as good as in the last two so far.

personally my problem with U3 was aiming issue and lack of hit reaction not the franchise fatigue


There is a lot of posts to look through, so what is going on with the cutscenes, they keep skipping/lagging requiring me to pause the game and give it a second so as not to be interrupted.

Any way to sort it out permanently?


Oh, I just realised this will be the first Uncharted I don't platinum because you need that online pass for some trophies and I'm borrowing the game from a friend. Probably won't take the time to tackle any of the other more specific trophies with that in mind, oh well.

Great game so far, though. The only explanation for the relatively lukewarm reception the game has received is that people have a bit of franchise fatigue, because the mechanics and set pieces seem every bit as good as in the last two so far.

The mechanics are actually measurably worse. I mean, shooting, even post patch, isn't as good as Uncharted 2, and 3 certainly has worse pacing and encounter design, not to mention that the story will really show how rushed it is, once you've beaten it.

For me it's not franchise fatigue at all, the quality just isn't here as much as Uncharted 1 and 2.

That doesn't stop it from being world class, though.


ADD New Gen Gamer
The mechanics are actually measurably worse. I mean, shooting, even post patch, isn't as good as Uncharted 2, and 3 certainly has worse pacing and encounter design.

I am curious as to your interpretation of the term 'measurable'.


I am curious as to your interpretation of the term 'measurable'.

Aiming: Occurrence of over/under aim, number of shots fired versus head shots, that sort of thing. Creating a statistic record of the average 'rating' a group of individuals whom have played both would assign to each. The last part is hypothetical, but being able to observe our own occurrences of aiming 'error' and our own experiences with tracked stats between the two games certainly isn't.

How many more instances of death due to being locked in to melee happened in uncharted 3 versus 2? Probably more.

Actually this is a point that should be made, the reason that Uncharted 3 is harder than the previous games is due to multiplayer. Naughty Dog specifically said that one of the lessons they learned with uncharted 2 was not to create a health system that was different between the single and multi. Well, they balanced the game around multiplayer, and as a result Drake takes more damage than he use to in single player. It also doesn't help that many encounters in 3 are in the same vein as the Chateau encounter with Sully from uncharted 1, namely "snipers, rockets, shotguns all at once'.
The mechanics are actually measurably worse. I mean, shooting, even post patch, isn't as good as Uncharted 2, and 3 certainly has worse pacing and encounter design, not to mention that the story will really show how rushed it is, once you've beaten it.

For me it's not franchise fatigue at all, the quality just isn't here as much as Uncharted 1 and 2.

That doesn't stop it from being world class, though.

I have just started the game, and I can't make any real comment on it in comparison with U2, except for that that graphcis already look improved. U2 set such a high benchmark. But compared to 1? Its already much more impressive...


ADD New Gen Gamer
Aiming: Occurrence of over/under aim, number of shots fired versus head shots, that sort of thing. Creating a statistic record of the average 'rating' a group of individuals whom have played both would assign to each. The last part is hypothetical, but being able to observe our own occurrences of aiming 'error' and our own experiences with tracked stats between the two games certainly isn't.

Well, to me, 'measurable' means that you are going to provide the numbers stating your case. You didn't. Things like pacing and encounter design, I also wouldn't place under the measurable category. They are more subjective issues. I was just picking on your statement a bit.

I am not about to get into an argument with you about this, because it is all pointless. But if you want my opinion, I disagree with nearly everything you said. But I am okay with you thinking the way you do, everyone has an opinion, so let's just leave it at that.


I got this for xmas. Went in with zero hype & find myself really digging the MP. It's like stuntmen playing paintball. My major niggle is that there seems to be a perk involving the dropping of a grenade upon death - the oldest perk in the book, really. It's straight up unoriginal & tired.
There is a lot of posts to look through, so what is going on with the cutscenes, they keep skipping/lagging requiring me to pause the game and give it a second so as not to be interrupted.

Any way to sort it out permanently?

oh i got that too ..but wasn't this fixed in the 1.01 update ?( never got it afterwards )
i fact everything is streamed form the blu-ray .. it's a blu ray heavy bandwitch game so maybe your drive is tired ?
Got this for christmas and played up to chapter 6 last night. Loving it. Even the GF is engrossed. It helped that the opening is set in Colombia as that's where we live. She said they even got the accents right for the people in the streets as well as regional slang words. Good work Naughty Dog.

One thing, though, why is shoulder swapping turned off by default? Why would anyone want it off?! It was chapter 5 before I first moseyed on into the options and realised I could turn it on. Such an odd decision.
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