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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
You know what really pissed me off was the Airport section

After Drake + Elena push the car and it rolls down the ramp, and you take care of the 3 guys, the next part, where all the containers are and the guys with flashlights are patrolling, of you stealth kill all of them just like I did, right at end section there are 2 of them

I used a silent pistol and maybe there was a .5 delay between the 2 headshots the alarms go off, more enemies come, no Elena in sight, and if you run up to the roof of the area, guess what? game gives you a somber not and restarts you all the way to the beginning

ND literally is trying to say NO, don't move forward for being a smart player and bypassing the battle, fight, try to live then continue along

Love how all the grenades, guns, grenade launchers are firing off and the plane is just chilling there no alarm whatsoever, and the next section becomes stealth and Elena goes be quiet... "I'm like are you fucking kidding me?"


y'all should be ashamed
Just finished it, enjoyed it while I was playing it, but now that I'm done and looking back on it I have issues with the main story. I'm sure it's all been said before, but anyways... (ending spoilers)

I can't believe it ended as yet another found-a-lost-city-now-escape-crumbling-city just like U2. That really knocked the wind out of my sails. I mean, man, talk about the safest possible route you could go in the storyline.

Really enjoyed the other bits, the lost desert scenes and such, but disappointed by the things that were mostly carbon copies of U2 (like the truck scene). There weren't too many whoa moments for me, aside from playing as young Drake-very cool surprise. Loved that backstory.

But overall it's still fun, worth the time and money, just not the huge step forward U2 was. And that's fine I guess.
Playing through the game on Crushing just emphasizes for me how awfully these combat encounters were designed. I know there's been a lot of back and forth in this thread about whether or not enemies spawn behind you. I present to you the very first fight of Chapter 15.

You start behind cover. There are two guys in front of you, and a sniper on a far balcony. You take them out, and wait for the next wave. A riot shield guy comes at you from the same direction. You kill him, and wait. Suddenly you get shot in the back and die.

Restart checkpoint. Kill the guys in front of you. Kill riot shield guy. Make mad dash to other side of the room to take cover away from the guys spawning on a balcony behind your first spot. Take them all out. More guys drop down from that location. Take them all out. Suddenly you get shot from the left side where enemies are coming out of the woodwork. You die.

Restart checkpoint. Now that you have all the spawns memorized, you can finally beat the level.

And so it goes. This game is about memorizing spawns and figuring out what is the only path you can take to beat a level. The combat in this game is awful. Not the shooting mechanics themselves, but the combat design. Horrendous.

The multiplayer saves it, but just barely, considering Uncharted is mainly a single player franchise in my eyes.

So you basically tried to camp, didn't look around and got shot? You wanted the game to keep spawning enemies right in front of you? Fuck this game, right?
Pretty much every other shooter doesn't REQUIRE you to memorize spawns to beat a level. I just played Gears of War 3 - at no point did I have to memorize spawns in order to beat it. I have finished pretty much every COD on Veteran - I never had to memorize spawns to beat the game, because even when enemies spawn, their reactions afterwards differ based on multiple factors (with the exception of COD4 and its infinitely respawning enemies). I'm also playing Resistance 3 right now - no spawn memorization required. Mass Effect 2 is not a pure shooter, but again no spawn memorization required.

In these games, when enemies spawn, you have a chance of avoiding them or knowing where they're coming from. In Uncharted 3, where enemies spawn is DIRECTLY in the line of sight of your character. So literally they will spawn and a second later they're shooting at you. This game tries so hard to make you "move" around the level that they basically force you out of cover using really cheap tactics.

This makes no sense. In all those games mentioned, enemies spawn. Now if you die, when you restart the checkpoint, those same enemies will spawn in those same areas. You now know where the enemies will be, so you have memorized their spawn point, so that you don't die again in the same spot. In all those games the enemy shoots as soon as they spot you; what is different from U3? This is what I'm not understanding. How are you not memorizing spawns in those games? It's the same shit!


Ugh, grabbed a new PS3 + UC3; played one TDM match with a party, teams are split 5-4-1 with my partner being the 1.

And for whatever reason she's actually playing a different tdm match and map. Mine ends up being 5v4 then eventually 1v4 and a few minutes later my ps3 completely locks up.

ND needs to address bullet sponge enemies in future games, and please save the "just go for head shots" talk.

You know what I really wish they would give us? Headshots back in co-op. It just seems silly pumping several bullets into a baldheaded dude, and hearing sound effects of bullets reflecting off his dome and him not dropping.
ND needs to address bullet sponge enemies in future games, and please save the "just go for head shots" talk.

They need to just do away with them, period. The only person who should be a sponge is the player controlled character on easy difficulties. It's such an old videogame convention that I think has no place in the type of game Naughty Dog is creating. It would be such a better experience if your enemies were just as "human" as Drake and moved, reacted, and got hit in appropriate fashion. The guns don't feel as dangerous as the cutscenes would have you believe when you have human enemies absorbing entire magazines.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
So you basically tried to camp, didn't look around and got shot? You wanted the game to keep spawning enemies right in front of you? Fuck this game, right?

In Crushing what do you expect?, you ain't running & gunning

Cover is essential and in that part you have only 2-3 seconds to run to the other side, and you have to do it twice
You do realize the enemies AI gets bumped flanking wise, they have pin-point accuracy, and maybe 1 burst from a raffica pistol kills you
You have to cheat a little by doing the 3rd person overlook and be behind an object but not be covered, and just protect you while you use the shoulder camera advantage to take enemies out

Seriously they added Brawlers and Juggernauts because that is the new hot shit going now in gaming and in different franchises

From Gears 3, Resistance 3, and others

Really? Uncharted needed to show in it's universe the there's goons, but then there's XL version goons twice the size, cause you know we need to match with competitors

Yeah lets have the player fight the same looking archetype looking Big dude, do the same combos on them over and over, not make it interesting for the player to either bypass by using their smarts to get out of it, or if they want go fist-a-cuffs at their own discretion


ND needs to address bullet sponge enemies in future games, and please save the "just go for head shots" talk.

The player needs a challenge!, why would they try to use smart ways to counteract the mechanics

I wish I could create my own cover, give me the option to be allowed it, some parts really could've made for a better experience

The thing that pisses me off of Crushing most is grenades, if you lob that shit perfectly and you see it land near 3+ dudes, only one will die, the game will go, Nope, you in Crushing, sorry try again, most flip, get on one knee, and the AI goes "Shake it Off!"

One funny moment I had in crushing was when the enemies ambush you in the well after you escape the spiders, a Brawler comes running and then you have to do the dance of fighting, but when he jumped down, line in sight of the double barrel shotgun I was aiming, I quickly double tapped and both connected on his head, and he just fell like a bag of bricks, made those 2 shotty armored enemies hella easy

In Normal I died a couple of time due to the prompts and enemies still shooting and hurting me while I was brawling
In Crushing first try lol get out of there, was dreading that section
In Crushing what do you expect?, you ain't running & gunning

Cover is essential and in that part you have only 2-3 seconds to run to the other side, and you have to do it twice
You do realize the enemies AI gets bumped flanking wise, they have pin-point accuracy, and maybe 1 burst from a raffica pistol kills you
You have to cheat a little by doing the 3rd person overlook and be behind an object but not be covered, and just protect you while you use the shoulder camera advantage to take enemies out

Seriously they added Brawlers and Juggernauts because that is the new hot shit going now in gaming and in different franchises

From Gears 3, Resistance 3, and others

Really? Uncharted needed to show in it's universe the there's goons, but then there's XL version goons twice the size, cause you know we need to match with competitors

Yeah lets have the player fight the same looking archetype looking Big dude, do the same combos on them over and over, not make it interesting for the player to either bypass by using their smarts to get out of it, or if they want go fist-a-cuffs at their own discretion


The player needs a challenge!, why would they try to use smart ways to counteract the mechanics

I wish I could create my own cover, give me the option to be allowed it, some parts really could've made for a better experience

The thing that pisses me off of Crushing most is grenades, if you lob that shit perfectly and you see it land near 3+ dudes, only one will die, the game will go, Nope, you in Crushing, sorry try again, most flip, get on one knee, and the AI goes "Shake it Off!"

Of course you're not running and gunning, but you've got to move! Crushing is supposed to be hard anyway, probably a tad too hard for some.
I think enemies dropping from 2-3 shots is fine, which is how it is in this game in my experience. They need to get rid of those armored dudes; theyre played out. I have no trouble with them, since once you shoot off their helmet you can just dropkick their ass, but they just seem like an artificial element of difficulty. Normal enemies die just fine.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Of course you're not running and gunning, but you've got to move! Crushing is supposed to be hard anyway.

Yes it suppose to challenge you, but you have to balance it out, you can't just go oh wells, it was supposed to be hard dummy!

You have to try to give the player the benefit of the doubt, I'm not saying, until the player presses X next wave won't come and you can catch your breath, but your not supposed to make it super frustrating that you have to go out of your way and count fucking enemies

In the Boat Hull section where the water is seeping in, I can call out all the enemies:

If you die and restart, you are out in the open, you have to quickly lunge to the back box, metal pillar, with-in that time 1/2 life is shot to hell due to the guy on the top platform
A bald dude with pistol jumps on the crates, a armored shotty dude comes barreling away, you have 5 seconds to kill him, if not, death is embracing you
Before all that you have had to killed the platform dude and the box guy, now the riot shield dude remains

You have to make him follow you or try to get him a-jarred behins an area, and shoot away, rather than kill him, now is your chance to grab the Kal ammo right in the middle in between the metal pillar box, and the Kal ammo where the dude was shooting on the boxes
Then quickly get behind the pillar, don't pick up that extra KAL ammo, now kill those 2 TAU Sniper dudes, another armored due will come with a shotty and 2 random goons, after taking care of them, you have to keep 1 alive, you you can refill your ammo/grenades that are laying around
Kill him, then 1 is on the platform, 2 goons drop down, 1 is across the ship hull with a Tau Sniper, once killed, cut-scene activates and you fall into the water

Do you really think a regular gamer, just casual or middle oriented, would enjoy this, to learn all this shit just to play the game on "Crushing"
I have finished pretty much every COD on Veteran - I never had to memorize spawns to beat the game, because even when enemies spawn, their reactions afterwards differ based on multiple factors (with the exception of COD4 and its infinitely respawning enemies).
You finished COD world at war on veteran and didn't memorize the ennemies spawns ?
What are you ? kira yamato ?
those ennemies were seeing you before you got into their line of sight and are throwing grenades accross the playing field like mickael jordan does free throws.

i have a hard time believing the bolded part then.
In these games, when enemies spawn, you have a chance of avoiding them or knowing where they're coming from. In Uncharted 3, where enemies spawn is DIRECTLY in the line of sight of your character. So literally they will spawn and a second later they're shooting at you. This game tries so hard to make you "move" around the level that they basically force you out of cover using really cheap tactics.
This only happens twice in the game ( chateau second wave after exiting the well , and ambush on the ship ) And both waves were ambushes so its perfectly normal to be ambushed..

You know what really pissed me off was the Airport section

After Drake + Elena push the car and it rolls down the ramp, and you take care of the 3 guys, the next part, where all the containers are and the guys with flashlights are patrolling, of you stealth kill all of them just like I did, right at end section there are 2 of them

I used a silent pistol and maybe there was a .5 delay between the 2 headshots the alarms go off, more enemies come, no Elena in sight, and if you run up to the roof of the area, guess what? game gives you a somber not and restarts you all the way to the beginning

ND literally is trying to say NO, don't move forward for being a smart player and bypassing the battle, fight, try to live then continue along

Love how all the grenades, guns, grenade launchers are firing off and the plane is just chilling there no alarm whatsoever, and the next section becomes stealth and Elena goes be quiet... "I'm like are you fucking kidding me?"
i did this part on crushing . got to the two guys , killed them , waited for elena , she finished her speech and i went up ( elena doesn't move unless everyone is dead ) . Cutter does the same thing in syria . He will only move when everyone is killed ( or stealth killed ) and you have to wait for the dialog to progress , otherwise it's a big no no.
(For the airport part )Also i also tried the stealth gun to kill them at first and it's not the right solution to kill them.

The thing that pisses me off of Crushing most is grenades, if you lob that shit perfectly and you see it land near 3+ dudes, only one will die, the game will go, Nope, you in Crushing, sorry try again, most flip, get on one knee, and the AI goes "Shake it Off!"
In Normal I died a couple of time due to the prompts and enemies still shooting and hurting me while I was brawling
In Crushing first try lol get out of there, was dreading that section

Grenades are 1 hit kill in crushing ( EXCEPT against brutes ) and even then don't take most than 2 grenades from the launcher to go down if it's a direct hit ).
It's adifferent story for co-op ( monastery last part for example ) where you need 12 point blank grenades to kill the big brutes .

And yeah crusing is must better because you don't have prompt to get in your way .. ( it made my market fight much more intresting )


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I did this part on crushing. Got to the two guys, killed them, waited for Elena, she finished her speech and I went up (Elena doesn't move unless everyone is dead). Cutter does the same thing in Syria. He will only move when everyone is killed (or stealth killed) and you have to wait for the dialog to progress, otherwise it's a big no no.
(For the airport part ) Also I also tried the stealth gun to kill them at first and it's not the right solution to kill them.

See that pissed me off, I mean I got through it the 3rd time on crushing, no biggie, but it was like come the fuck on, rather than reward me, you literally forcing the player to follow your lead
See that pissed me off, I mean I got through it the 3rd time on crushing, no biggie, but it was like come the fuck on, rather than reward me, you literally forcing the player to follow your lead

But the airport solution for killing those 2 dudes made sense. the 0.5 delay doesn't work , since elena isn't firing a gun with you at this point ..it made sense to kill the 2 guys at the same time to not trigger the alarm.


I knew some folks didn't like how they handled the combat, but I had no idea there's so much vitriol against.

I for one enjoyed the added challenge. Those shotgun juggernaut things It reminded me of Halo: Reach & the Elites who will come right up to you and smash me in the back of the head if I wasn't on my toes. Some may find it "cheap", but I prefer that over having the enemies simply come from only the front.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
So you basically tried to camp, didn't look around and got shot? You wanted the game to keep spawning enemies right in front of you? Fuck this game, right?

Well what did you expect me to do? After I kill the first wave you want me to jump up and start running around like a madman? I need to know where the next wave is coming from, and I would rather do that behind cover than out in the open, especially on Crushing.

The problem is, the enemies spawn RIGHT BEHIND YOU. If you didn't know this already, you're going to get killed. And this happens TWICE in this fight.

R_thanatos said:
You finished COD world at war on veteran and didn't memorize the ennemies spawns ?
What are you ? kira yamato ?
those ennemies were seeing you before you got into their line of sight and are throwing grenades accross the playing field like mickael jordan does free throws.

i have a hard time believing the bolded part then.

I said "pretty much every COD." I finished COD2, COD4, MW2 on Veteran, and I'm currently halfway through both Black Ops and MW3 on Veteran. None of those requires spawn memorization (well, maybe Black Ops a little). Since you're mainly playing through corridors, you know they're coming from the front, and you have enough strategic options of cover and power points that you don't need to memorize anything.

perineumlick said:
This makes no sense. In all those games mentioned, enemies spawn. Now if you die, when you restart the checkpoint, those same enemies will spawn in those same areas. You now know where the enemies will be, so you have memorized their spawn point, so that you don't die again in the same spot. In all those games the enemy shoots as soon as they spot you; what is different from U3? This is what I'm not understanding. How are you not memorizing spawns in those games? It's the same shit!

OK I see what you're saying. Yes, all games have spawns. The problem with U3 is these spawns will not always be in front of you. Sometimes, enemies will spawn to your side or behind you. Now, you're already involved in fighting guys in front of you, so you're not looking out for what's going on behind you. All of a sudden BAM BAM BAM you're dead because some dude spawned somewhere behind you and killed you. So you need to memorize when that dude will spawn so you can run and change your cover spot.

In other shooters, yes there are spawns, but they are generally in front of you so you're never surprised by some random assholes jumping you from a balcony behind you. So you don't need to memorize where they spawn because you can generally see them before they start shooting at you.


Are we able to load up all those special guns in our second play through? I know we were able to do so in UC2. I also can't find the skin change section.

I just finished the game on Hard and wanna clean up all the weapon specific and treasure trophies. Having the ability to spawn a gun whenever would be great. Hope they didn't remove that feature.
I said "pretty much every COD." I finished COD2, COD4, MW2 on Veteran, and I'm currently halfway through both Black Ops and MW3 on Veteran. None of those requires spawn memorization (well, maybe Black Ops a little). Since you're mainly playing through corridors, you know they're coming from the front, and you have enough strategic options of cover and power points that you don't need to memorize anything.
OK I see what you're saying. Yes, all games have spawns. The problem with U3 is these spawns will not always be in front of you. Sometimes, enemies will spawn to your side or behind you. Now, you're already involved in fighting guys in front of you, so you're not looking out for what's going on behind you. All of a sudden BAM BAM BAM you're dead because some dude spawned somewhere behind you and killed you. So you need to memorize when that dude will spawn so you can run and change your cover spot.

In other shooters, yes there are spawns, but they are generally in front of you so you're never surprised by some random assholes jumping you from a balcony behind you. So you don't need to memorize where they spawn because you can generally see them before they start shooting at you.

i can see your problem but since U2 , they don't want people to stay in cover for long . U3 you need to move , fast to not be flanked ..The only real moment where ennemies spawn can kill you and you can't move is in crushing mode.but seeing as crushing mode isn't unlocked at the start .. you have plenty of options to see what's going to happen first.

Most of the shooters place ennemies in front because you can't move that much .. Uncharted you can move a lot and fast .. Different rules applies.
I can understand that dying because you didn't see an ennemy could be frustrating but it's also up to the player to move well and fast and choose the cover spot well.

it's basicly : "why do i get ambushed when they try to ambush me or to flank me."

You call it poor ennemy placement, i say .stay alert and choose your cover spot well

Are we able to load up all those special guns in our second play through? I know we were able to do so in UC2. I also can't find the skin change section.

I just finished the game on Hard and wanna clean up all the weapon specific and treasure trophies. Having the ability to spawn a gun whenever would be great. Hope they didn't remove that feature.
it's gone Before you ask why .. the reason is that this feature made a lot of scripting bugs that they couldn't fix in time.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Are we able to load up all those special guns in our second play through? I know we were able to do so in UC2. I also can't find the skin change section.

I just finished the game on Hard and wanna clean up all the weapon specific and treasure trophies. Having the ability to spawn a gun whenever would be great. Hope they didn't remove that feature.

They got rid of all the spawning, cheats, filters, etc.


Not as deep as he thinks
Are we able to load up all those special guns in our second play through? I know we were able to do so in UC2. I also can't find the skin change section.

I just finished the game on Hard and wanna clean up all the weapon specific and treasure trophies. Having the ability to spawn a gun whenever would be great. Hope they didn't remove that feature.

They were unfortunately removed.

Where is the DLC? I'm surprised ND didn't do anything special during the holidays for the MP.
No Christmas hats. :(

That was so awesome in UC2 :(
So I'm level 75 is it worth doing legacy and starting over?, after I got FAL with accuracy my kill death in TDM is usually 4:1, but to start over I would lose that.. M9 with rapid fire is the only thing close to a FAL and you don't get that till 43?, MP is so messed up it's annoying, every time I'm doing TDM now it's me carrying the whole team, the treasures are annoying as well I got gold treasure hunter and I get loads of duplicates only completed a few legendary sets


Not as deep as he thinks
There's no point in doing the legacy unless you want some black icon for your emblem and shitty negative boosters. I guess there's the fat Talbot skin too, but I hate talbot and never pick him. Doughnut Lazarevic > Doughnut Talbot. I also don't want to lose all my hard work in leveling up ALL of my boosters just to re-do it again. I only have two more boosters to go so that all of them are gold. Scoped in Silver - 20 more Long Ranger medals to go for Gold and Let Me See.

I get your frustration with carrying the whole team. Matchmaking is complete and utter shit.


Not as deep as he thinks
I followed your tip. All The Long Ranger medals I've gotten were in The Museum. I can usually get two per match depending on the type of players I'm facing off against. I also use Bargain Gold + Paid Bargain to reduce the cost of the T-Bolt kickback by 3. I really dislike camping, but I'll make the exception to level up Scoped In. You just need a lot of patience waiting for players to go into those spots AND for The Museum to come up for vote.

It's funny too because there's players that will KNOW that you will camp in that spot over and over again, which they'll try and kill you every time they respawn. Unfortunately, they always get sniped and rarely kill me. lol

I have tried other maps to get them, but it's just impossible to get 3 consecutive kills.
Anyone down for some co-op Arena or Adventure? I haven't played in awhile, and I have the week off from work, so I would like to try some of these maps in Crushing. My PSN is perineumlick; let me know if you're from GAF if you add me.


I'm on Chapter 14, or is it 15..

Regardless, I really don't like some of the incounters on this game, there seems to be a lot of just throwing a ton of enemies in to one small section just because they can and is in no way entertaining.

I've done U1/2 on Crushing, but some of the sections on this are just down right annoying and have ended up with me having to do it over and over and over and over, and this is on normal.

Also the game way over uses enemies that are the big tough guys or guys with armour, talk about eating up bullets.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
So to my surprise I was able to make it through the airport fight on Crushing on my first try. Was definitely expecting to have to redo that fight multiple times as I remember it being a pain on Normal. I admit to getting super lucky when the two armored shotgun guys showed up - I had run through all my ammo on all my guns, and threw my last grenade at them. It hurt them, but they were still coming at me. Some dude tosses a grenade at me, so I toss it back at them, it kills them both, I take their shotguns and finish off the rest. My heart was pounding quite heavily towards the end of the fight.

It was...fun. Which I don't think I've ever felt about any of the fights in this game yet.




I did a ton of slick shit this match. It was glorious. Best moment. Taking down a guy with a t-bolt in the long hallway by the villain spawn point, a dude carrying a PAK comes around the corner while I'm still in the grey, I bolt back a bit and hide behind the wall to the left of the T-bolt spawn point, and activate my QB. He tosses a grenade, which I promptly throw right back in his face. He goes down, then two more pop up behind him and they get QB'd too.


Edit: Bunch of matches later, all day errryday.
Got my plat ... reload master was a pain to get but i abused the infinite spawn in chapter 14 to get it .

now i can wait for the dlc ( that is coming )
got it for christmas and beat it today

loved it for the most

the beginning was really slow though and the ending is kind of anti-climatic..
where was the boss battle?

the villains in this one were pretty lame

lots of great segments though


I'm in Cartagena for New Year so will snap some pics if anyone's interested? Tonight it'll probably just be my on my mobile though.


Just finished the game. I liked it overall, though I suffered some serious technical problems (such as stuttering cutscenes, and audio lag due to the autosave). The cutscene issues were cleared up by around ch.17, but the autosave problem persisted right to the end... Annoying. Also, when I loaded an autosave near the end, it was two chapters earlier... Fortunately I made a second hard save.

Still, good game.


Just finished the game. I liked it overall, though I suffered some serious technical problems (such as stuttering cutscenes, and audio lag due to the autosave). The cutscene issues were cleared up by around ch.17, but still... Annoying.

Still, good game.

Stuttering cut-scenes? Your disc might be dirty or scratched up.


I've only played a few matches of the online portion and I'm just not feeling it. I loved UC2 MP; didn't enjoy the UC3 Beta and still don't enjoy it here.


Stuttering cut-scenes? Your disc might be dirty or scratched up.

No, disc was perfect.
Dunno if it is my older model PS3 (40GB model), or the 250GB WD Scorpio Blue HDD I stuck in there (of course there is no install data for the game...), so it was... odd.
No, disc was perfect.
Dunno if it is my older model PS3 (40GB model), or the 250GB WD Scorpio Blue HDD I stuck in there (of course there is no install data for the game...), so it was... odd.
Sure you didn't get a trophy moments after the stutter? You'll usually hear the music skip, or a cutscene jitter seconds before you get a trophy. Annoys the shit outta me.


Sure you didn't get a trophy moments after the stutter? You'll usually hear the music skip, or a cutscene jitter seconds before you get a trophy. Annoys the shit outta me.

No, had nothing to do with getting trophies. I wish it were.
Honestly, I'd have to pause the game wait, and then resume, as if the game weren't being read fast enough.

I mean, it is possible it was a bad pressed disc.
Finished this earlier today. Really great game, with one little issue.

Namely, the shooting parts. Some of the shooting sections were fantastic, and I had a lot of fun. But some are really ridiculous. Enemies constantly popping up and flanking from all sides, to excessive amounts. I'm all for smart AI, but they were too aggressive and too many at a time sometimes. Having several snipers, one rocket guy and a bunch of other minions attacking at once is more frustrating than fun to me.

Other than that, the game was fantastic. Cutscenes are, as ever, marvelous. I particularly loved the one where he says "I'm sorry" to Elena. Twas a very moving moment.

I might replay on easy this time. Might make the the shittier battles more fun/bearable.


No, had nothing to do with getting trophies. I wish it were.
Honestly, I'd have to pause the game wait, and then resume, as if the game weren't being read fast enough.

I mean, it is possible it was a bad pressed disc.

I have the same problem, stuttering in almost every cutscene and sound cutting out during game play, it's pretty annoying having to pause everytime.

And this is on a 160gb Slim using the game from new I got for Christmas, I'm really not sure what the issue could be seeing as everything else plays fine on it and the disk looks perfectly fine to me, so I am also wondering if it is the disk itself.
Yeah, the bullet sponge enemies are worse in this game than the previous entries. They need to stop relying on these types of enemies to provide challenge.
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