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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally

Jesus Christ! Ever since getting the DLC the amount of 3rd Legacy 75 Stars is staggering. I'm am getting more frustrated than I have ever playing this game. Sometimes I'll do okay and manage a score of something like 17-8 and other times I'll get something like 4-8.
I am not used to this.
I really feel bad for new players who got the DLC.

Also I know people always bitch about the FAL and all and thats fine and dandy cause it deserves it, but after getting the DLC and playing I truly hate this weapon. There is no weapon diversity anymore. I played like 15 matches and I was the ONLY person who used the AK. Not to mention the FAL is beyond godlike on all of the new stages, especially the Fort.

ONE MORE THING I still hate how skeletons are practically invisible on Lost City.


Still being low level I'm hesitant to download the map pack if it means I just get matched up with all high levels that kick my ass with better weapons and boosters because the level imbalance in this game is messed up.


Still being low level I'm hesitant to download the map pack if it means I just get matched up with all high levels that kick my ass with better weapons and boosters because the level imbalance in this game is messed up.

I'm doing poorly to okay with the GMAL and gold fleet foot at 44. I managed to go 18-7 against a full team of starred 75s with FALs today. We didn't win, and I was the only one with a positive ratio on my team but I'll take it.
Jesus Christ! Ever since getting the DLC the amount of 3rd Legacy 75 Stars is staggering. I'm am getting more frustrated than I have ever playing this game. Sometimes I'll do okay and manage a score of something like 17-8 and other times I'll get something like 4-8.
I am not used to this.
I really feel bad for new players who got the DLC.

Also I know people always bitch about the FAL and all and thats fine and dandy cause it deserves it, but after getting the DLC and playing I truly hate this weapon. There is no weapon diversity anymore. I played like 15 matches and I was the ONLY person who used the AK. Not to mention the FAL is beyond godlike on all of the new stages, especially the Fort.

ONE MORE THING I still hate how skeletons are practically invisible on Lost City.

Don't hate on the FAL-SS, at least you can't run and gun with it like the M9, the problem with the AK is that it's been replaced by M9 for short-range and the reticle is too large for long range, that and the nerfed pistol made it so that people use either FAL-SS or GMAL or M9 on most maps.


Not as deep as he thinks
Don't hate on the FAL-SS, at least you can't run and gun with it like the M9, the problem with the AK is that it's been replaced by M9 for short-range and the reticle is too large for long range, that and the nerfed pistol made it so that people use either FAL-SS or GMAL or M9 on most maps.
Who the fuck would want to run and gun with the FAL? You don't need to. It's like saying you can't run and gun with the G-MAL. It's not meant to be like that at ALL. You're unstoppable with the FAL. The stopping power it has is ridiculous. 2 shots and you're slowed down like fucking crazy. It's a bullshit weapon that needs to be fucking nerfed already.

It was pretty obvious matchmaking was going to be filled with legacy players since those players are more than likely to pick up the DLC on day one. They'll be some low levels here and there, but prepare for FAL, FAL, FAL, Fleet Foot Gold, Bargain + Paid Bargain, Quick Boom, M9 + Rate of Fire from the try-hard stat quitting players in every match you get paired up.

Regarding the AK, I can't believe people are requesting that it gets a buff. It doesn't need it. It's the most balanced weapon in the entire game next to the G-MAL. Just start using it and get used to the recoil. It's a fantastic weapon that's unfortunately underrated, ESPECIALLY from the high level players. If you can't handle the recoil, use the accuracy mod on it or use the scope in mod. Experiment with different mods for the AK and you'll learn to love it.

AK > M9.

It's more powerful than the M9 too. People just side with the M9 because its recoil is so predictable and makes it easier to aim.


Not as deep as he thinks

AK has zero redeeming qualities.
Start using it and you'll see why you're wrong. It's a fantastic weapon.*

*But you won't see it because every match you'll play from now on is going to be filled with FAL players.


Also :lol @ the amount of Ping users now. God. this MP, man. Shit.


Start using it and you'll see why you're wrong. It's a fantastic weapon.*

*But you won't see it because every match you'll play from now on is going to be filled with FAL players.

I've been forced to use it every time I've gone legacy. Fuck that shit.


Not gonna lie, I like the AK more than the M9. Yes it might be a bit inaccurate/harder to handle but my stopping power feels better with it.


I remember destroying people with the AK when they had that inadvertent nerf on fleet foot awhile back. Guess people couldn't deal with it when they couldn't dance side-to-side.

Mikey Jr.

Regarding the AK, I can't believe people are requesting that it gets a buff. It doesn't need it. It's the most balanced weapon in the entire game next to the G-MAL. Just start using it and get used to the recoil. It's a fantastic weapon that's unfortunately underrated, ESPECIALLY from the high level players. If you can't handle the recoil, use the accuracy mod on it or use the scope in mod. Experiment with different mods for the AK and you'll learn to love it.

AK > M9.

Dude, no offense, but the AK is horseshit.

If the health was lower, it would be better. It sucks dicks at long range and the FAL/G-MAL beat it, and at close range, the M9/KAL-7 beats it.

It is good at nothing.

Even at medium range I wouldn't bother shooting someone unless they were coming straight at me.


Whoa! Super stoked about the Lost City map! It was one of my favorites in the OG. Is there still some kind of GAF chat set up or something? I never get to play with you guys anymore :(


^Just show up in the chat, we usually sign on there if we're playing. last I remember, you already had an invite to the chat room.

I'm outta shape...

Some quick thoughts:
-Fort and Cave are unbalanced now. Fort used to have the rocket at the bottom middle. Now that weapon is gone and one side has a sniper. The Cave, for some stupid ass reason, doesn't have a sniper at the bottom spawn anymore. Oh, and it's harder to get now too, since it's on top of the platform at top spawn.
-Lost City... All off the action now happens at the bottom level, since both snipers and the hammer spawn there now.
-Sanctuary is better all around. New climbing spots on the spawn walls, zip lines, and harder to get to the sniper. Also, no more running for the pistole weapon spawn like in UC2.

Visuals are real nice across all maps, especially Fort.
Took a month off, came back to the DLC maps and got matched up against 75's who would just chill in one spot of the map.


That and everyone, EVERYONE uses the FAL.
Dude, no offense, but the AK is horseshit.

If the health was lower, it would be better. It sucks dicks at long range and the FAL/G-MAL beat it, and at close range, the M9/KAL-7 beats it.

It is good at nothing.

Even at medium range I wouldn't bother shooting someone unless they were coming straight at me.

The AK being nerfed and the pistol being nerfed from U2 are probably the biggest mistakes ND made. The AK simply needs better accuracy because as a close-range weapon the M9 is simply far better and the AK is simply useless long-range, not enough accuracy and not enough damage to make a difference. The KAL-7 is simply ridiculous as a run-and-gun weapon, and that's all it is, makes absolutely no sense to have a weapon like that in the game when there are already two shotties in the game.

Having gotten used to the deadliness of the FAL-SS, going legacy for the second time has been painful at best.
It was pretty obvious matchmaking was going to be filled with legacy players since those players are more than likely to pick up the DLC on day one. They'll be some low levels here and there, but prepare for FAL, FAL, FAL, Fleet Foot Gold, Bargain + Paid Bargain, Quick Boom, M9 + Rate of Fire from the try-hard stat quitting players in every match you get paired up.
Pretty much.
Regarding the AK, I can't believe people are requesting that it gets a buff. It doesn't need it. It's the most balanced weapon in the entire game next to the G-MAL. Just start using it and get used to the recoil. It's a fantastic weapon that's unfortunately underrated, ESPECIALLY from the high level players. If you can't handle the recoil, use the accuracy mod on it or use the scope in mod. Experiment with different mods for the AK and you'll learn to love it.

AK > M9.

It's more powerful than the M9 too. People just side with the M9 because its recoil is so predictable and makes it easier to aim.
It's a tough choice between M9 + rate of fire & AK + scope .
Both are close and some are better in some maps than in others.

PS: i've tried the FAL and i hate it this weapon just doesn't fit my style of play
Just a heads up, the spawns on the DLC maps for 3TDM are terrible. I'm not talking about spawns in general, I mean the very first spawns of the map. It's beyond retarded.

Here's a short video I made showing the issue - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9UBBXse9XY

So yeah... Might have to wait for a patch before I can enjoy my favourite gametype again. Maps look great, though.


Is the multiplayer down for anyone else? Haven't been able to connect for a couple of hours now.

Games with an assload of gameplay changing unlocks is unbalanced? Whodathunkit?

You seem to think Killzone 2 was well balanced, that's just one of several other examples.


Is the multiplayer down for anyone else? Haven't been able to connect for a couple of hours now.

You seem to think Killzone 2 was well balanced, that's just one of several other examples.

There's supposed to be some PSN maintenance thing going on right now, that might be why.
AK DEFENSE FORCE ASSEMBLE! I think the AK is a great weapon. The two things I think are not so good about it are it's not very good at super long distances (which it shouldn't be) and the Accuracy mod pales in comparison to the Rate of Fire mod. I really don't see a difference anymore with the accuracy mod. I think the AK is a great versatile weapon though. Good damage, great up close and decent at mid range, and easy to recover from recoil. (Am I crazy that I cant stand the M9 recoil. That shit goes so far down after shooting)

Here's a short video I made showing the issue - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9UBBXse9XY

LOL! I totally agree the new maps are terribly balanced! Spawns, power weapon type and location are terrible. (Really none of the new levels even has an RPG!) The worst though is that all of the new levels are extremely heavy on camping.


Not as deep as he thinks
Dude, no offense, but the AK is horseshit.
It really isn't. It's a great gun for close combat and mid range. The reason why you probably think that is because of the recoil the gun has. Like I said before, try out different mods for it. Use Weapon Expert Level 3 (if you have it) to experiment with different ones. Usually for me, the accuracy mods don't do anything for me, but with the AK, it's extremely noticeable and helpful. I don't really use it because I know how the recoil is and can control it, but for people who have trouble, it's a great mod for the gun and you WILL notice a difference when you're aiming it. Guaranteed. The scope-in mod is also another underrated mod for the AK. The added zoom makes it so that your aim is steady, and I feel that the recoil is decreased with the added zoom. With that mod, you can take down someone from mid-range very easily. The blindfire accuracy mod is also pretty good for close-range combat because it's very accurate. And since the AK shines when you're in close range, you'll tear people up easily with it.

If the health was lower, it would be better. It sucks dicks at long range and the FAL/G-MAL beat it, and at close range, the M9/KAL-7 beats it.
The KAL beats it at close range, yes. Pretty obvious. M9 definitely doesn't beat it because the AK is stronger. If you get taken down by someone at close range while you shoot at the same time, it's because you have terrible aim (unless the other person was using the rate of fire mod for the M9). Test it out by doing a custom game and you'll see that the AK is stronger than the M9.

And of course it's going to suck at long range. It's not meant to be a long-range gun like the G-MAL, FAL, and the Dragon Sniper. That's a stupid claim, IMO. This isn't Uncharted 2 where the AK was basically kind of like a sniper rifle in the sense that you could aim it at any distance and be accurate with it.

It basically boils down to what map you're going to play in. Close-range maps like the Chateau, Desert Village, Cave, Lost City, Syria, etc...the AK will shine. Long range maps like The Museum/The Fort/Highrise it won't because there's better guns suited for those maps.

If you're a high level, it's going to be tough to main the AK when everybody is basically a FAL player and if you bought the DLC, it's even worse. You mentioned that the FAL is your favorite gun and I'm sorry you can't take down someone with 4 shots with the AK like you can with the FAL.

Yup, just confirmed, won't touch this game until FAL-SS is fixed. This is ridiculous.
Honestly, I'm close to just quitting the competitive side of the MP because of this shit. Every game I play is the same shit every match. I really hate the community of high level players in this game and since those people bought the DLC, that's all I see in every match. It's stale, it's boring, and it's bullshit. I'm tired of having to equip my cheap FAL load-out JUST so I can stand a chance in a gun fight against those party players. This should NOT be happening.

And anyone else notice how it takes LONGER to find matches now with the DLC? There's times where I spend like four minutes or more trying to find a match and there's so many instances where it finds players only to drop them right away. And even when you DO find players, sometimes the DLC maps won't appear.
LOL! I totally agree the new maps are terribly balanced! Spawns, power weapon type and location are terrible. (Really none of the new levels even has an RPG!) The worst though is that all of the new levels are extremely heavy on camping.

The spawns are beyond weird, but I think ND done a great job at changing the maps to prevent camping.
The Fort for example is a much better map now because you can climb over the walls of the bases and flush out campers. Not only that but they've prevented corner shooting from base to base by adding boxes, crates and cars in the way. It also provides some nice cover if you actually want to run around. Same for the (Ice) Cave, those added hand holds on either side of the Villains base will make flushing out the campers who hide in the sniper tunnels much easier.


Just a heads up, the spawns on the DLC maps for 3TDM are terrible. I'm not talking about spawns in general, I mean the very first spawns of the map. It's beyond retarded.

Here's a short video I made showing the issue - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9UBBXse9XY

So yeah... Might have to wait for a patch before I can enjoy my favourite gametype again. Maps look great, though.

Caught that 20-0-0 match on your page. That was pretty sweet. I think of myself as pretty darn good at that mode, but haven't pulled that feat off. Surprised they didn't at least kill each other at one point. I hadn't tried that mode (my favorite) on the new maps yet. Spawns look absolutely absurd.
AK DEFENSE FORCE ASSEMBLE! I think the AK is a great weapon. The two things I think are not so good about it are it's not very good at super long distances (which it shouldn't be) and the Accuracy mod pales in comparison to the Rate of Fire mod. I really don't see a difference anymore with the accuracy mod. I think the AK is a great versatile weapon though. Good damage, great up close and decent at mid range, and easy to recover from recoil. (Am I crazy that I cant stand the M9 recoil. That shit goes so far down after shooting)

LOL! I totally agree the new maps are terribly balanced! Spawns, power weapon type and location are terrible. (Really none of the new levels even has an RPG!) The worst though is that all of the new levels are extremely heavy on camping.

Why shouldn't it? We're not talking about a shotgun here. The AK isn't even good for long distances, let alone super long.

The problem is the inherent low accuracy of the AK holding it back, the reticle is too big, the first shot accuracy is low enough that even if you can control the recoil, you can't even try single shot long range, it's significantly less useful in any long-range situation, you're literally screwed when you're surrounded by FAL-SS or GMAL users, the AK worked in U2 because the accuracy is higher, the reticle is tighter, yes there is recoil but it's something you can control, you can pepper your shots and take someone down, you can stare someone with a sniper rifle in the eye and take him down if you're good enough, you can't in U3, the player can't do anything about shit accuracy in U3, at the same time the damage per shot doesn't really justify the level of recoil. A player can be pretty decent with it, but he can be consistently great with the FAL-SS.

Which brings us to the problem with U3: Too many weapons, too many tiers, your so-called medium-range weapons really aren't medium range, they're short-range, too many overlapping weapon ranges but some of the guns don't really cover enough ground, there's no way to balance them all, with U2 it was very clean cut, FAL was basically medium to long but you're not completely screwed up close if you're quick enough, dragon is long-range, the shotty is short-range, AK covers short to medium/long if you can control the recoil, the pistol also cover basically any range, you can survive with either the AK or the FAL or even the pistol as long as you're good with either one, they're basically all purpose weapons, you're not at a distinct disadvantage with anything other than a shotty or a dragon. There's no reason for the AK AND the M9 to both be in the game, the KAL-7 is pure run/gun/melee garbage, it's not as intimidating as the shotty and it turns to shit when you're not hip-firing.

With U3 you have one all purpose weapon, and that's the FAL-SS, and MAYBE the GMAL, and all purpose weapons have the edge on most maps. With too many slightly different guns, you end up having weapons that just aren't good in any situation.

Mikey Jr.



We are able to make running live updates to certain aspects of Uncharted 3 multiplayer and have made the follow tweaks active today. You should see your version number read as 1.03.019 now.

- The FAL-SS weapon power has been changed. It now takes five bullets to the body to kill an opponent. It previously took four bullets. It will still take three bullets to the head to take down an enemy using the FAL-SS.

- Death planes on certain maps have been changed so that map exploits are no longer functional. In other words, we’ve removed hidden tricks that were allowing players to hide and take out opponents without the possibility of return fire.

We will continue to monitor our play tests and your feedback and adjust what we can with the end goal of making your gameplay experience more enjoyable. Let us know your thoughts and we’ll keep you updated with news as any future changes roll out. See you online!

Are you happy you bastards? lol.

Is it enough for you guys? An extra bullet to kill enough to sufficiently balance the fal?



Are you happy you bastards? lol.

Is it enough for you guys? An extra bullet to kill enough to sufficiently balance the fal?

lol at that "nerf".

I was expecting weaker bullets, lower rate of fire and a smaller mag at least.



Are you happy you bastards? lol.

Is it enough for you guys? An extra bullet to kill enough to sufficiently balance the fal?
Needs to be a minimum of 6 shots to the chest before I even consider it to be balaned.

I'll find out for myself in 2hrs when this maintenance ends.


Not as deep as he thinks
Five isn't going to make a difference with it's rate of fire and it's still 3 shots to kill someone if you aim in their head.

Six would have been more reasonable for a start. At least it's something for now, but I don't forsee people moving away from it.

We'll see how it goes.


Man, when did that happen? I remember people being all pissed that we were only going to get four packs total.

Huh I don't remember that at all. It has always been 4 map packs for the FHC, originally.

Five isn't going to make a difference with it's rate of fire and it's still 3 shots to kill someone if you aim in their head.

Six would have been more reasonable for a start. At least it's something for now, but I don't forsee people moving away from it.

We'll see how it goes.

It's not gonna make a single difference. With the lag in the game everyone's technically landing 5-6 shots with that thing when they kill anyway.
I think 7 shots to the body and four to the head would be better, but for now I'll take what can I get.

I'm just waiting for the co-op treasure glitches to be fixed.


Not as deep as he thinks
It's not gonna make a single difference. With the lag in the game everyone's technically landing 5-6 shots with that thing when they kill anyway.
What I'm saying is that I would have preferred the "fix" to start at six shots to kill someone instead of five. I know six wouldn't be enough either with the rate of fire it has, but it would be better than five. I don't think I will notice any difference with five, unfortunately. But like I said, at least it's a start even though it took this long for it to come.


What would be perfect? Every other gun is already fucking useless, let's make the FAL useless too so everybody would just run and gun like mad and melee each other like idiots.

FAL user confirmed.

The M9 is awesome, a good weapon. I see a lot of skilled players using the g-mal too lately. The FAL is an unbalanced POS.
FAL user confirmed.

The M9 is awesome, a good weapon. I see a lot of skilled players using the g-mal too lately. The FAL is an unbalanced POS.

I wish I'm a FAL user right now going up against an army of fucking FAL users.

I'm using the M9 right now and I fucking hate it, it has no range, NONE, it's a piece of shit.

The FAL is a great all round weapon. If they tighten up the AK reticle it would be good.
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