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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


Not as deep as he thinks
Your bitterness is hilarious.

You got used to playing with the FAL and now that you've legacy'd and are forced to use other weapons, you're getting your ass whooped. Sorry you can't pull off bullshit scores with that overpowered weapon like you used to.

There is really nothing wrong with the M9 at all, aside from the rate of fire attachment.


Yes. M9 can make a comeback now. I've also been seeing alot of G-Mal users recently. That thing always stops me in my tracks.
Your bitterness is hilarious.

You got used to playing with the FAL and now that you've legacy'd and are forced to use other weapons, you're getting your ass whooped. Sorry you can't pull off bullshit scores with that overpowered weapon like you used to.

There is really nothing wrong with the M9 at all, aside from the rate of fire attachment.

I'm pretty sure I'll survive without the FAL but I'm not sure why they're bullshit scores when I'm using the FAL against everybody else using FAL, I would love to use the pistol had the pistol not been rendered useless.

Yes, I regret having legacied for the second time and be left with having to use shittier weapons against people who use the FAL, and instead of making the other weapons better, ND decided to nerf the FAL a tiny bit.

If you think it's so overpowered, just swear off the FAL completely.


I'm pretty sure I'll survive without the FAL but I'm not sure why they're bullshit scores when I'm using the FAL against everybody else using FAL, I would love to use the pistol had the pistol not been rendered useless.

Yes, I regret having legacied for the second time and be left with having to use shittier weapons against people who use the FAL, and instead of making the other weapons better, ND decided to nerf the FAL a tiny bit.

If you think it's so overpowered, just swear off the FAL completely.

It's less complicated to just nerf one weapon instead of buffing every other weapon in the game if balance is the main objective.
I can't believe, they nerfed the FAL a bit, and some people are outraged.. smh. All the weapons are awesome in the game seriously, even the KAL-7 in close encounters (and using it ADS, not only blindfire+melee bullshit like some people believe). If you think that you only were able to kill with the FAL before, maybe this is not your game (or maybe you need a push-to-win button -_-)
What would be perfect? Every other gun is already fucking useless compared to guns in U2, let's make the FAL useless too so everybody would just run and gun like mad and melee each other like idiots.

FAL user confirmed.

The M9 is awesome, a good weapon. I see a lot of skilled players using the g-mal too lately. The FAL is an unbalanced POS.

Thanks Jett for answering ..
Played yesterday i saw quite a lot of good G-mal users and Yes M9 is my weapon of choice.

There are other way to play than run & gun + melee.
Run & Gun is actually a very bad way to play in any team objective play right now.
Caught that 20-0-0 match on your page. That was pretty sweet. I think of myself as pretty darn good at that mode, but haven't pulled that feat off. Surprised they didn't at least kill each other at one point. I hadn't tried that mode (my favorite) on the new maps yet. Spawns look absolutely absurd.

Thanks! Although considering how we won I can't be too proud of it, it's just something I thought people might like to see. Back on Uncharted 2 I was lucky enough to be a part of a more legitimate 50 & 0 pistol and grenades match. I managed to record and edit it from every player on my teams perspective so you see all 50 kills.

As for the FAL nerf, it's a start in the right direction. On the plus side we now have a (slightly) more gradual monochroming effect when getting shot at, whereas before you suddenly went gray after a few bullets hit you.

On the downside the rate of fire was left the same, making that fifth bullet somewhat inconsequential because it spits out so many bullets so quickly.

Ideally, if I had my way I would decrease the rate of fire and keep it at 5 bullets.
Looks like I'm going co-op only in this game from now on, competitive is a joke. Can't stand it anymore, too unbalanced, too much lag, and not enough fun.

The FAL "nerf" is laughable, it's a tiny step in the right direction, but ultimately useless; I noticed no difference in getting kills and dying from it last night. With its current rate-of-fire and accuracy it should be at least 7, maybe 8 shots; or make it 6 shots and lower the RoF. It still completely outclasses nearly all guns at all ranges.

The Gmal is the second best gun and I don't see the need to alter it at all. The M9 and AK can both be improved by only tweaking one of them: either make the limb shots to kill for the AK equal to the M9 or vice-versa; currently, the M9 takes less limb shots than the AK. KAL is whatever, don't make it kick like a roided-out Mule when aiming maybe.

Aiming with both snipers still needs to be fixed. When a guy is aiming and strafing (w/o Fleet Foot) and you CANNOT track him: your shit is fucked up. FIX IT! They also need over-the-shoulder aiming back, absolutely stupid that was reverted back to the U1 way after everyone preferred the U2 style.

Fleet Foot needs to be trashed. It actually makes people worse players because they can be so overdependent on it, coupled with the lag and it's just... They'll never get rid of it though, the "accidental" nerfing that happened with 1.06(?) showed that -- with what, 90% of the people bitching and crying about it on the forums. But people really are terrible at this game, I've gotten the attention of many FF'ers and then stood absolutely still and they still miss half of their shots. Last night I was standing 5ft from a guy, he emptied his mag and had to reload to finish me off -- and he wasn't even moving!

Ultimately, all the problems with this MP stem from one simple thing: there's too much shit in the game. Oh, if we tweak this, how is it going to affect Weapon Expert? Or Fleet Foot? Or any of the other boosters? What about the Mods? And the Kickbacks?! Can't forget about those!

U2 MP was great because of its simplicity; it focused on the mechanics and made a wonderfully enjoyable experience out of them. U3 though... it focuses on "how much can we make the player 'feel awesome!'" positive reinforcement BS.
U2 MP was great because of its simplicity; it focused on the mechanics and made a wonderfully enjoyable experience out of them. U3 though... it focuses on "how much can we make the player 'feel awesome!'" positive reinforcement BS.

This is nothing but a good thing. It keeps people playing even when they are not doing good. More people are still having fun despite dying all the time. It's fresh and rewarding. I'd rather play with 50,000 players in a game that is balanced good enough than play in a game with only 5,000 people playing in a "perfect" balanced game where you struggle to get a matched started and when you do get one you always get paired against people who are way above your skill level.
This is nothing but a good thing. It keeps people playing even when they are not doing good. More people are still having fun despite dying all the time. It's fresh and rewarding. I'd rather play with 50,000 players in a game that is balanced good enough than play in a game with only 5,000 people playing in a "perfect" balanced game where you struggle to get a matched started and when you do get one you always get paired against people who are way above your skill level.

i agree with this... there some matches where i just get trashed by my ennemies but since the game reward me by doing something ( anything , really ) i still get a sense of accomplishment ...and i'm still motivated for the next game that WILL play differently .. i had a awesome time in museum 2 days ago where i just dominated the map ( without snipers ) and that came after 2 games were i just wasn't good enough ..

Mikey Jr.

Fuck it, I went back to g-mal.

Also, matchmaking seems to be better for me now anyways. Nice mix of high and mid levels. I'm guessing people have found out about the map packs? Honestly, a lot of people probably don't even know that the maps are out. There is like no advertising on the store, nor in the game, nor did FHC people get that PSN message like "a real treasure hunter".
I'm not sure how anyone can enjoy the competitive MP side of this game.(or Uncharted 2 for that matter)

I guess it's cool for that small handful of people who ignore all of the games many faults and are actually some of the better players, but not for me. There is a reason games like this just fall short in the MP of all around online gaming. THEY'RE JUST NOT THAT GOOD


I'm not sure how anyone can enjoy the competitive MP side of this game.(or Uncharted 2 for that matter)

I guess it's cool for that small handful of people who ignore all of the games many faults and are actually some of the better players, but not for me. There is a reason games like this just fall short in the MP of all around online gaming. THEY'RE JUST NOT THAT GOOD

shush you, go back to COD

No other game does multiplayer like Uncharted.


I'm not sure how anyone can enjoy the competitive MP side of this game.(or Uncharted 2 for that matter)

I guess it's cool for that small handful of people who ignore all of the games many faults and are actually some of the better players, but not for me. There is a reason games like this just fall short in the MP of all around online gaming. THEY'RE JUST NOT THAT GOOD
Even if I wasn't a UC fan, I'd still call this a stupid post. What are the 'many faults' of UC3 MP? For every one, I can name a bunch for all the other popular MP games out there.


Fleet Foot needs to be trashed. It actually makes people worse players because they can be so overdependent on it, coupled with the lag and it's just... They'll never get rid of it though, the "accidental" nerfing that happened with 1.06(?) showed that -- with what, 90% of the people bitching and crying about it on the forums. But people really are terrible at this game

I want that slower FF back too. I had my best streak of games during that period. People couldn't deal when their ability to dance around like a retard was nerfed.


shush you, go back to COD

No other game does multiplayer like Uncharted.

Have you ever written an in-depth post on why you like Uncharted's multiplayer so much? I mean, I know why I like it, but I don't think it's one of the three best multiplayers this generation...


Not as deep as he thinks
Skeleton skins are REALLY hard to see on these new maps.

And I do notice a very slight difference with the FAL nerf because there's been very minimal instances where I've managed to escape when previously, I would have died. However, it is not an ideal fix yet nor is it even close. It's a step in the right direction, but it has long ways to go before it becomes a balanced weapon. It's still pretty easy to get kills with it. Out of the games I've played yesterday, there was still FAL players, but there were some matches were it was nice and varied. Why can't ever match be like that? It's awesome when people have AK's, M9's, and G-MALs. Everyone stands a chance.

I need to post a picture of a spot in the Sanctuary which is just INCREDIBLY stupid. It's where the grenades are in the mini-houses near the bases of the heroes and villains. Basically, if you go around it in the back and try to go in the little 'hut', you CAN'T because your character will fucking jump like an idiot. It's so STUPID. The only way it'll work is if you're taking cover and climb up while in cover. WTF? See, it's little issues like these that make me hate the UC2 maps because these problems never existed in UC2.

Yesterday I kept getting the connection symbol over and over again. Anyone else have that issue? Only in the competitive side of things. Co-op was fine. I've also noticed that the lag has increased. I could tolerate it before because it wasn't that bad, but some matches yesterday...my god. So laggy. :(


There's a texture error in the central house on Lost City, kinda funny to spot that kind of thing.

Have you ever written an in-depth post on why you like Uncharted's multiplayer so much? I mean, I know why I like it, but I don't think it's one of the three best multiplayers this generation...

Uncharted MP is the only multiplayer shooter I care to play these days. There's really two main reasons I like it above others: the color and personality the game has(it really adds a lot, specially compared to the bland and ultra generic military shooters out there), and the variety the game offers in how you move through the maps. Really, the vertical traversal aspect makes it for me, and adds a huge amount of variety do the dynamics of the firefights. It also helps that you're not some brutish tank that moves slow as molasses like other third-person shooters, but a nimble, agile player that isn't glued to the ground. It all just works for me, just the feel of the basic mechanics seem right to me. In any case, it fits my tastes. Even when Uncharted 2 was radically changed with a certain patch I still held on to the MP because of how much I liked the basics. Where am I going to go to anyway, nothing else offers what I enjoy about UC.

I've never really written at length about it, but if I did I'd probably go on for a while.

Mikey Jr.

Skeleton skins are REALLY hard to see on these new maps.

And I do notice a very slight difference with the FAL nerf because there's been very minimal instances where I've managed to escape when previously, I would have died. However, it is not an ideal fix yet nor is it even close. It's a step in the right direction, but it has long ways to go before it becomes a balanced weapon. It's still pretty easy to get kills with it. Out of the games I've played yesterday, there was still FAL players, but there were some matches were it was nice and varied. Why can't ever match be like that? It's awesome when people have AK's, M9's, and G-MALs. Everyone stands a chance.

Skeles are especially hard to see on lost city. Not sure what it is. The colour? The falling snow?

And yeah, I have been seeing less fal users as well. I guess 1 more bullet extra to the body would be ideal to balance it fully?


Wow. I had never been able to get up close to Drake's character model in SP, but someone on the PS forums managed to... and holy shmokes.






So much detail.. and most of the time, you couldn't even see all of that detail in game.
They didn't have to!
Naughty Dog is amazing. O_O


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Wow. I had never been able to get up close to Drake's character model in SP, but someone on the PS forums managed to... and holy shmokes.






So much detail.. and most of the time, you couldn't even see all of that detail in game.
They didn't have to!
Naughty Dog is amazing. O_O
That looks very good. Most games don't even bother.


Problem is FAL is like the only gun that scales with player skill in that if you can rapidly tap shoot while also controlling your aiming and moving defensively, you will be best off with that gun.

I've actually picked up an AK-47 on accident, and believing I still had a FAL, fired off the gun semi-automatically at a long distance target. Gun was deadly as all hell. But it's inconvenient to use the AK-47 that way in a lot of cases.

I still plan on using FAL after the change, because I like that it's semi-automatic. It's basically like using the pistol in old Uncharted 2. And I do believe it will still be the best gun if you know what the hell you are doing in terms of the game's shooting mechanics; unless the gun is changed completely.

The problem with G-MAL is throttled in its rate of fire too much. It's not bad in larger maps.

The KAL needs to be changed completely. If people are using FAL too much the KAL is obviously way underused.

The M9 and AK-47 suit their purposes. They both have advantages over FAL in close up, spammy situations. You are crazy if you think the FAL shouldn't have a slight advantage in mid-to-long range shootouts though.

The real problem is that Uncharted 3 lets people pick their guns in their loadouts. If you only started up with the AK and the rest were pick ups, I don't think a FAL change would even be necessary.

EDIT: I just realized it's already been changed and I haven't even noticed.. lol


Uncharted MP is the only multiplayer shooter I care to play these days. There's really two main reasons I like it above others: the color and personality the game has(it really adds a lot, specially compared to the bland and ultra generic military shooters out there), and the variety the game offers in how you move through the maps. Really, the vertical traversal aspect makes it for me, and adds a huge amount of variety do the dynamics of the firefights. It also helps that you're not some brutish tank that moves slow as molasses like other third-person shooters, but a nimble, agile player that isn't glued to the ground. It all just works for me, just the feel of the basic mechanics seem right to me. In any case, it fits my tastes. Even when Uncharted 2 was radically changed with a certain patch I still held on to the MP because of how much I liked the basics. Where am I going to go to anyway, nothing else offers what I enjoy about UC.

I've never really written at length about it, but if I did I'd probably go on for a while.

The color and verticality is what makes it for me too. If the maps were just flat it would be a pretty boring ho-hum TPS online game, but just that ability to climb and jump down has made the maps and strategy so much more interesting.

You given the Assassin's Creed multiplayer a shot? It offers a lot of what you said you liked about Uncharted, minus the color, plus on the speed and traversal. Maps aren't as inspired as the best Uncharted maps though.

I initially adored it, but grew tired after finding too many games where people were just always running on rooftops despite it not being a smart tactic. They have no chance of winning this way, and unfortunately neither did I if I were assigned with killing them. Too bad too because I was really good at that game. Like, usually winning and usually by more than twice the score of second place.


Anyone else think that

The color and verticality is what makes it for me too. If the maps were just flat it would be a pretty boring ho-hum TPS online game, but just that ability to climb and jump down has made the maps and strategy so much more interesting.

You given the Assassin's Creed multiplayer a shot? It offers a lot of what you said you liked about Uncharted, minus the color, plus on the speed and traversal. Maps aren't as inspired as the best Uncharted maps though.

I initially adored it, but grew tired after finding too many games where people were just always running on rooftops despite it not being a smart tactic. They have no chance of winning this way, and unfortunately neither did I if I were assigned with killing them. Too bad too because I was really good at that game. Like, usually winning and usually by more than twice the score of second place.

I've played AssBro's MP, I was bored really because there was so little action in it. It's virtual hide and seek, it's ok if you like that but it's not for me.


Okay....soo....I know this is an Uncharted 2 question, but I think this thread is a lot more active so I think I can get away with asking:

I got the GOTY edition and downloaded all the extra stuff. Or at least I think I downloaded it. I'm actually pretty sure I downloaded everything TWICE...ugh....you can read my dilemma about that right here...so if you can help with that, that would be fantastic, too, but that's not my question. My question is that when I went into multiplayer for the first time, it said "we've noticed you don't have any DLC map packs, would you like to go to the PSN Store?". What's up with that? Why is it doing that when I downloaded some already? Or am I just mistaken and the GOTY edition doesn't actually come with any extra content like that? And does that mean the game itself doesn't actually come with any multiplayer maps to play on unless you buy some?

I'm pretty new to this kind of thing (HD multiplayer gaming) so cut me some slack....it's all a bit to take in....


Okay....soo....I know this is an Uncharted 2 question, but I think this thread is a lot more active so I think I can get away with asking:

I got the GOTY edition and downloaded all the extra stuff. Or at least I think I downloaded it. I'm actually pretty sure I downloaded everything TWICE...ugh....you can read my dilemma about that right here...so if you can help with that, that would be fantastic, too, but that's not my question. My question is that when I went into multiplayer for the first time, it said "we've noticed you don't have any DLC map packs, would you like to go to the PSN Store?". What's up with that? Why is it doing that when I downloaded some already? Or am I just mistaken and the GOTY edition doesn't actually come with any extra content like that? And does that mean the game itself doesn't actually come with any multiplayer maps to play on unless you buy some?

I'm pretty new to this kind of thing (HD multiplayer gaming) so cut me some slack....it's all a bit to take in....

Hm. Maybe you need to install them once you've downloaded them?
Why don't you try the hardcore mode.

No, Hardcore is even more unbalanced.

Skeles are especially hard to see on lost city. Not sure what it is. The colour? The falling snow?

Everyone is hard to see on Lost City, even in co-op.

It's the contrast of the snow and the now dark gray-ish environment compared to the gold of the map in U2.


Oh wow, moved to community huh? Guess I'll never post in this thread again... I never come here.


Incredibly Naive
Does anybody else have a problem with parties getting split up? often one of our members will be removed from the game... what's that about?


Does anybody else have a problem with parties getting split up? often one of our members will be removed from the game... what's that about?

Man, its been like that since the first beta. I think theres a link or a post a few pages back where someone from ND said they were aware of it and were working on a fix. but that ish was a while ago. :(


Incredibly Naive
Man, its been like that since the first beta. I think theres a link or a post a few pages back where someone from ND said they were aware of it and were working on a fix. but that ish was a while ago. :(

Pain in the ass man... have a few other videos actually of ridiculous stuff that happened in game, gotta make a compilation and upload it eventually.


Not pure anymore!
Does anybody else have a problem with parties getting split up? often one of our members will be removed from the game... what's that about?

Happens way too often, especially whenever the matchmaking finds people and then they suddenly disappear and it goes back to finding people you know someone is going to get removed. We always quit out of matchmaking and put ourselves in again whenever people flash in and out. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. :\

Also when you press the triangle button to see what your friends are doing, sometimes it would show people still playing even if they've finished the match and are in the lobby waiting for you to join. It takes ages for the game to register everything. It wasn't like that in UC2, but its not that big of a deal so I don't really mind that but getting split up and especially getting removed from the game is annoying as hell!


Not as deep as he thinks
I love that whenever there's legitimate complaints about the competitive side of things, people's answer is always "play hardcore" instead of addressing or acknowledging some of these issues. No, it's not always going to be the answer.

As far as Fleet Foot is concerned, level 3 speed is just too fast. We've touched this subject before in this very thread, but it doesn't hurt to keep bringing it up. The advantage you get with level 3 speed is ridiculous. It's almost like you're skating on ice. The "pro" arguments I've read about it is that ever since the stopping power was added in, it somehow makes fleet foot strafing irrelevant, and I always laugh whenever prevalent FF users bring that up because gets what? The stopping power also affects people who AREN'T using it, which need I remind you that the general strafing in the game is somewhat slow. Fleet Foot is by far the easiest booster to level up in the entire MP. It doesn't require much effort to level up compared to Cloaked, Scoped-In, or Weapon Expert. Boosters in general are created to give you an advantage, but it's sad that it's the one that gives you the most advantage in ANY mode you play in. Silver speed (Level 2) for Fleet Foot is good enough. You have a slight advantage over someone not using, but you're NOT skating on ice at ridiculous speed like you can with Level 3.

Since I mentioned stopping power, the stopping power for the G-MAL needs to be slightly reduced. Just slightly. The current stopping power it has is a bit too much. It's the equivalent of the stopping power from the airplanes (when they shoot you) in the Airstrip.

The servers for UC3 MP have been down for quite a while tonight, yet there hasn't been a word from ND as to why. lol
Anyone feel deathmatch in Team Objective is completely worthless?

dumbest thing in team objective really.

Man when are ND going to add new playlists to this game?? I want some sawed off or SAS only playlists, mag 5 only, snipers and rockets, etc.

Free for all objectives, 3tdm objectives, hardcore plunder/team objectives.


Not as deep as he thinks
Anyone feel deathmatch in Team Objective is completely worthless?

It's the most worthless shit ever. It does NOT belong there at ALL. And it always happens to be the deciding objective if you win 2 in a row. It needs to be removed in favor of other ones that don't show up much (Hello, Treasure Hunter).
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