Some of these trophies are tottaly nonsense.
Are they crazy ???
I believe someone in this thread has already leveled up every booster....ahahuahuaha
Yeah, I was thinking about this as well, and it shows that Naughty Dog doesn't understand why the Team Deathmatch round is so awful. With how short the TDM round is it's based mostly on luck. I've seen shit teams win TDM countless times, but that happens much less often with the other rounds.
The best solution would be to extend the TDM round, and randomize the order for everything. As tired as I get of playing TDM in round 3 all the time, it'd also be nice to play something other than Chain Reaction or King of the Hill in the first round.
Borked deathmatch as the decisive round in a close game is fucking moronic indeed. DM should just be taken the fuck out of Team Objective.