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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally

hao chi

You know I'm always down. It's just fucking awesome, man. I think you'll enjoy it a lot just for the crazy amount of TAU kills you'll see in a row. Plus, the sound the TAU makes when it fires is awesome.

Maybe if I use the TAU enough I'll finally be able to distinguish it from the Mag-5.

I hear that sound and I never know whether to run away or stand perfectly still and fire back.


Just started the game, reached the
jungle in France

The scenery on a 110" projector screen is incredible. Glad I held off playing this until after I bought a projector, because watching my brother play it on a 40" Bravia just didn't have the same wow factor. All the small details that are hard to spot on a small TV really come to live on the big screen.

Hopefully there's even better scenery to come!
Just started the game, reached the
jungle in France

The scenery on a 110" projector screen is incredible. Glad I held off playing this until after I bought a projector, because watching my brother play it on a 40" Bravia just didn't have the same wow factor. All the small details that are hard to spot on a small TV really come to live on the big screen.

Hopefully there's even better scenery to come!

There is. Near the end, game goes from "great" to "freaking amazing".


All this talk about the TAU Sniper is making me want to play with it. Even if I know I suck using anything with the word sniper on it. t_t (besides the t-bolt one :p)

Just started the game, reached the
jungle in France

The scenery on a 110" projector screen is incredible. Glad I held off playing this until after I bought a projector, because watching my brother play it on a 40" Bravia just didn't have the same wow factor. All the small details that are hard to spot on a small TV really come to live on the big screen.

Hopefully there's even better scenery to come!

Sure is. Just keep on playing and you will be amazed by some of the sceneries yet to come!

Two of them popped up on my head, but of course I won't say it. :p


Yup, pre-1.05 was the most enjoyable MP gaming experience I've ever had just from the sheer amount of fun we would have -- didn't matter if we lost either (though we hardly ever did), it was still a joy to play.

Now, both U2 & U3... uuuggh.

I think it was the cod pressure that every other MP fell to. UC2 might have been considered "bland" to people but it was striaght up fun and simple imo.
Yeeeeep, done. I'll check out the new patch but this is the worst game I've played online. Just now: shotty to the face! Oh, you survived? Elbow to the face! Still not dead? *gets hit with second elbow. *dies. Screw this shitty game.


Yeeeeep, done. I'll check out the new patch but this is the worst game I've played online. Just now: shotty to the face! Oh, you survived? Elbow to the face! Still not dead? *gets hit with second elbow. *dies. Screw this shitty game.

Don't die so much. The game is more enjoyable that way.


I'm a little over 60% through. Not very impressed. Worth finishing or is this as good as it gets?

Well, I love the franchise so I would definitely say it is worth playing through, especially considering the games are not very long and the 40% you have left to play through will only take about 3-4 hours to complete. I didn't enjoy the single player of U3 as much as U2, but it is still a great game if you like the style of game it is.


I had the same eoubts, but the last parts of the game ar the absolute peak of the Uncharted franchise.

Do you mean graphically?
otherwise I can't see how U3 topped U2. My expectations might have been too high but ultimately after the game I felt a little underwhelmed. Maybe because the way it ended with the City of Brass collapsing ala U2 it just felt too similar.

hao chi

U3's single player didn't top U2's for me either, but I wasn't disappointed. I didn't go into U3 expecting it to be better than U2, because I don't think it's fair to go into any game with the expectation that it will be better than my favorite game (even if it is the sequel).


U3's single player didn't top U2's for me either, but I wasn't disappointed. I didn't go into U3 expecting it to be better than U2, because I don't think it's fair to go into any game with the expectation that it will be better than my favorite game (even if it is the sequel).

Hey I started with the exact same way, I was like man U2 was so awesome it's going to be really hard to top that. Then the 10/10 IGN Review came out and the Launch Trailer brought my anticipation to a fever pitch:

Don't die so much. The game is more enjoyable that way.
Har har. Did you read what I wrote? Same match a SINGLE shotty blast killed me, so why did a point blank shot to the face not work? Must I record and upload the vid? It actually makes me laugh.

Nvm. Only 9 seconds of the intro :(.

Edit #2: Damnit, now I'm playing... Haha.


Har har. Did you read what I wrote? Same match a SINGLE shotty blast killed me, so why did a point blank shot to the face not work? Must I record and upload the vid? It actually makes me laugh.

Yeah, I read what you wrote. A SAS shot in close quarters is a one hit kill most of the time, but sometimes the shot doesn't hit (mostly because of player error). And yeah, uploading the video would make it easier to tell whether you screwed up or if the game glitched.
Yeah, I read what you wrote. A SAS shot in close quarters is a one hit kill most of the time, but sometimes the shot doesn't hit (mostly because of player error). And yeah, uploading the video would make it easier to tell whether you screwed up or if the game glitched.
FFS, give it up, dude. You love the game. A point blank shot to the FACE. No error.


FFS, give it up, dude. You love the game. A point blank shot to the FACE. No error.

You don't need to get so defensive. Yeah, I really enjoy this game, but I'm well aware of it's faults. Hitting a hitbox and the game not registering it is not one of them. Were you using a SAS-12 or a sawed off shotty? SAS 12= one hit kill (MOST OF THE TIME), Sawed off shotty is a two hit kill (and the blindfire accuracy for this weapon was nerfed a while ago so it isn't so easy to get kills with it).


Not as deep as he thinks
FFS, give it up, dude. You love the game. A point blank shot to the FACE. No error.
No, I think it's time YOU give it up. You've never liked the game, but you'll still play it. Derp. Just don't touch it ever again and stop your bitching. Nothing is more annoying than, "hey guys, I hate the game, but I'm still going to play it to torture myself lolz!"
You don't need to get so defensive. Yeah, I really enjoy this game, but I'm well aware of it's faults. Hitting a hitbox and the game not registering it is not one of them. Were you using a SAS-12 or a sawed off shotty? SAS 12= one hit kill (MOST OF THE TIME), Sawed off shotty is a two hit kill (and the blindfire accuracy for this weapon was nerfed a while ago so it isn't so easy to get kills with it).
I got a one hit a few kills before that instant. So... Could have been that one guy's bars/connection?


I got a one hit a few kills before that instant. So... Could have been that one guy's bars/connection?

Again, it depends on what shotgun you were using. You could have still had a one shot kill with a sawed off shotgun if the other player had taken damage before you shot him. Maybe that's why you were confused as to how the other player didn't die. Also, don't aim the shotguns.

hao chi

Hey I started with the exact same way, I was like man U2 was so awesome it's going to be really hard to top that. Then the 10/10 IGN Review came out and the Launch Trailer brought my anticipation to a fever pitch:


To be honest I'm used to reviewers over-hyping highly anticipated games in their reviews, and I don't really watch trailers for games I'm interested in other than the debut trailer (which usually doesn't really show much).
Again, it depends on what shotgun you were using. You could have still had a one shot kill with a sawed off shotgun if the other player had taken damage before you shot him. Maybe that's why you were confused as to how the other player didn't die. Also, don't aim the shotguns.
I don't aim. It's whatever shotgun is in that room on the airfield map just below the wooded area on the roof. Let me mock the game. I don't want post-mortem tips. I saw what I saw.
Thing is, I don't want to be talked down to as if I have no idea how to blind fire a shotgun straight at an opponent and not be able to mock the situation. If you know my history in this thread, you'd know that I always bitch after bad games. It's not right but there are better ways to talk me off the ledge so to speak haha.

That comment was in jest, anyway. Trying to say "stop over analyzing it". It's unfortunate that there is no video because it'd provide a good laugh. My cocky run up and "boom you're dead" and them not being dead is a hilarious thought... especially when 2 elbows take me out.
Q&A July:


1. Do you plan on eveadding Classic Mode? (Fakehound)
There are intentions of changing Hardcore mode into a gametype similar to Uncharted 2. Once 1.13 is out and done, we’ll turn our attention to this. However, we can’t promise this is going to happen. If does happen it will not have separate hit boxes.

2. Can we please have an explanation about some characters skins missing in Uncharted 3? (Luxis)
We’ve done our best to get most of the UNCHARTED universe characters into the game. The major characters in all their various outfits were given priority and then we went with the characters that we felt fit best within the world of Uncharted 3. Also re-using some of the old model texture from earlier UNCHARTED games just wouldn’t work as well. That’s why there’s no Wetsuit Elena for instance. As for Rika, well she was in Eye of Indra and just part of that world. We want Uncharted 3 to have its own unique characters and appeal too!

3. Will you ever fix the Tau "Sniper"? (tripleWRECK)
As you can see in our first patch notes for 1.13 we’ve changed some things about it. We monitor all weapons for their best playability and will continue to do so.

4. Will we see more map packs/character packs, and if so, will FHC members get a discount? (Trick_2092)
More DLC is coming but it’s not map packs. The FHC program is over so there will be no discount. However, all upcoming DLC is reasonably priced and will grant some very cool things that customize your character.

5. Any big Labs coming up anytime soon? Like totally new modes? (Shadow-Man_4)
We’ll have some experimental labs coming around the time patch 1.13 releases. Look for more details about those labs on the patch 1.13 notes on the ND blog.

6. Can we have some Special Holiday Event weekends, like Uncharted 2? (scoobycool)
We plan to have some community events for Uncharted 3 over the coming months. We’ll be sure to have details up once they’re ready. We will not, unfortunately, have events with special skins akin to Uncharted 2. The effort in getting 1.13 completed and having two teams means we need to move resources in order to make awesome stuff for the future outside of Uncharted 3.

7. What is Guerro doing in Uncharted 3 Multiplayer? Will he ever be unlocked as DLC? (fadi002)
To put it shortly: yes. We have more DLC coming. He’s one of the unlocks.

8. Will you add special weapons like the PAX G-mal, ND AK-47, ND Para 9 and others in the future? (xXGoldenArthurXx)
With the exception of the ND weapons, which we reserve for giveaways or special event, and the NDI weapons/items, which are for ND employees only, there is a way in which all other event specific multiplayer items will be available once patch 1.13 arrives, yes.

9. Will villains be added to Co Op arena? (jjjkur )
We have no plans to add villains to co-op arena at this time. Our Fort Adventure DLC does feature villains as playable.

10. Naughty Dog, why did you make multiple versions of Drake, Talbot, Sully, etc instead of only having ONE Drake, ONE Talbot, etc with more customization options? (Ketsueki_Wolf)
It’s the different between custom parts and a multiplayer skin. The multiple versions are the actual character models, a character skin. Head, torso, legs, boots, and gloves are the parts that we can customize on our models. So getting all the details we want for -- say Suited Drake -- requires an entire skin to be made. Spyder, our upcoming Make.Believe character, ended up being an entire skin as well.

11: A lot of statements about networking and matchmaking then the question----Why are these (and many more) bugs/glitches prevalent in Uncharted 2 still in Uncharted 3 when you had two full years to correct these issues? (lEvilDeadl)
There are many conditions for our network code (party and game) we reproduce with our QA process. Unfortunately, given the nature of development, not every condition can be discovered – especially for networking code. It’s a challenge for any development team but we’ll continue to investigate these issues in an attempt to track down what exactly is happening. With a variety of players in any online community comes a variety of network combinations. It’s incredibly challenging to address all these combinations given the difficulty in reproducing them in a test environment. Unless we can reproduce the issue with our QA teams, we can’t determine what exactly is happening. It’s a tricky process and while we feel we’ve done an excellent job for a number of combinations there are some that still elude us. However, we’re still trying to figure these out. They no doubt annoy our community and we can’t express how much they annoy us but we’re always working on making it work so everyone can have an enjoyable connection experience.


4. Will we see more map packs/character packs, and if so, will FHC members get a discount? (Trick_2092)

More DLC is coming but it’s not map packs. The FHC program is over so there will be no discount. However, all upcoming DLC is reasonably priced and will grant some very cool things that customize your character.

wow go fuck yourself Naughty Dog


wow go fuck yourself Naughty Dog
Probably Sony not ND at fault here. But lesson learned, I'm not going to be buying season passes again. FHC was like 4 map packs (good granted) and manly a load of reused skins from past that I'm never going to use. Not the value for money I was expecting.

They never said it but I was under the impression I was getting all future UC3 DLC with the club. Unless they did actually say that somewhere then that's on me.
Eric also said:

"We've been unable to re-produce the EULA error internally and it's happening only to limited number of people at this time.

We are working on implementing a solution for this issue should it occur again for any users. When we have details on it we'll let them be known."


I wonder how many people have to be screwed until they release 1.14 very very Soon (TM).


Not as deep as he thinks
Man, those questions were so disappointing. Lame Q&A this time around...

Their answer to previous UC2 skins not working is still a cop out and makes no fucking sense.

1.13 won't fix the EULA either? Wow if true.

Thanks for posting.


Hahahaha, they're going to charge for the new improved customization? No waaaaaay. So lame.


6. Can we have some Special Holiday Event weekends, like Uncharted 2? (scoobycool)
We plan to have some community events for Uncharted 3 over the coming months. We’ll be sure to have details up once they’re ready. We will not, unfortunately, have events with special skins akin to Uncharted 2. The effort in getting 1.13 completed and having two teams means we need to move resources in order to make awesome stuff for the future outside of Uncharted 3.

not enough people to do a free skin or two but enough people to plan their scam tactics

hao chi

2. Can we please have an explanation about some characters skins missing in Uncharted 3? (Luxis)
We’ve done our best to get most of the UNCHARTED universe characters into the game. The major characters in all their various outfits were given priority and then we went with the characters that we felt fit best within the world of Uncharted 3. Also re-using some of the old model texture from earlier UNCHARTED games just wouldn’t work as well. That’s why there’s no Wetsuit Elena for instance. As for Rika, well she was in Eye of Indra and just part of that world. We want Uncharted 3 to have its own unique characters and appeal too!

I don't and never will understand this explanation.

The major characters in all their various outfits were given priority and then we went with the characters that we felt fit best within the world of Uncharted 3.

Like Capture Trooper!
My guess is the character model looks atrocious compared to the previous game. Maybe once the comparison pics popped up on the web, ND felt a bit more reluctant to release a fairly popular female character that looked like ass compared to what fans were used to. I wouldn't doubt this.
Yea, the Skin explanation seems odd, especially with characters like Rika since (again) there is apparently new voice work already made (and credited in the game)...How is it that Wetsuit Drake worked and Elena didn't?
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