Hey guys what new item does Flynn have? I tried to check it out a few weeks ago but it kept telling me I needed to purchase him again and when I went to activate it it wouldn't let me.
He didn't get anything new.
For the longest time you could just quit when you were having a bad game and not get credit for anything that happened in the match, including kills, deaths, or even a loss.
I don't know about everybody else in his party, but FAB is also known for camping with a party in TDM quite a bit, so he'll end up with stats that don't exactly represent his skill level.
MXRIX is 5th in kills and 9th in wins. LOL.
Apparently you can get banned for boosting/farming trophies and Hunter treasure sets:
I wonder if farming treasures in Co-op Adventure (exploiting the checkpoint system to suicide and farm kickback bosses) is a bannable offense as well?
There's no way to prove someone was treasure farming unless someone you're playing with records it with a PVR.
Uncharted 3.
There really is no other explanation.