January Q&A is up:
1. Will ROF ever have a nerf? (Blooddrunk123)
We evaluate the weapon mod balance as the matches continue to roll along. We feel were in a pretty good spot with it right now.
aka we don't play this game and have no idea what we're doing
2. Will the dead body glitch ever be completely fixed? (Matthewsike1st)
We are working on this. Its something that will be fixed in a future patch. The airwalking glitch will be addressed as well.
fucking finally. so many matches have been ruined because of these
3. Do you have any technical fixes we can expect in the upcoming patch? (tack129)
Yes. Well detail them once it launches.
4. What will we expect for 2013 as of dlc? (lII-Venom-lII)
There are a slew of new character parts heading your way. Well have some information on these in the coming months.
5. In this video, TW describes my problem with aiming (and aim assist specifically) perfectly. Can please you tweak aiming? (B_Smiley)
We continue to look at ways we can tweak and improve the gameplay for multiplayer but we have reached a point at which we feel the aim assist works well for almost all players. We wont be adjusting it at this time.
uc2 aiming pls
6. Can you please explain the Matchmaking process in Multiplayer? (ironsword7)
Matchmaking goes through a series of nine steps. Each step has three criteria that must be met in order to join a game. They are geo radius, ping and rank filter. All three criteria start small and increase with each step. The second to last step searches for a game under 200 ping only and the last step has no criteria and just finds any game regardless of any criteria.
7. Will you please give us the option to install Multiplayer to hard disk? (SheenuTheLegend)
Hmmm. Good idea. Ask again in a couple of weeks. J
f2p confirmed
8. Do you plan on releasing all dlc maps for free? (Huskers1598)
Not at this time. Its possible itll happen in the future but we are releasing all our Block Mesh Lab maps for free in the Lab playlists and will continue to do so. Block Mesh Lab maps will soon be available for longer periods of time in the future. If things change well let you know.
9. How many players are still playing the multiplayer worldwide today? (FredFai)
Ballpark figures we tend to see over half a million players every month but this changes from month to month, of course.
10. Can you please make the 3rd booster trick available for the DLC skin variants? (shadowlibraboy)
We put the Easter egg of the 3rd booster trick in for the main skin because we want them to either be rare or limited but since we have so many more skins available then were thought we would were considering adding it for more skins in the future. Well let you know if we do.