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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


Not as deep as he thinks
What about deleting your saves?

And have you done that thing where you check your hard drive for errors on it? I think you hold down the power button to boot recovery mode.


What about deleting your saves?

And have you done that thing where you check your hard drive for errors on it? I think you hold down the power button to boot recovery mode.

Yeah I've deleted all my GAME Data and Save Data twice. I don't know whats going on.


Not as deep as he thinks
Maybe try connecting through the co-op tab instead of multiplayer?

Someone on the forums said that this worked for them:

Basically create an offline LAN game, disable Uncharted TV and try to connect.


Not as deep as he thinks
Party splits, kill farmers in Plunder, laggy foreign people, people that don't do the objective in Team Objective...fuck this game tonight.


Is this where you complain about the UC3 lag in multiplayer? My NAT is open, I can play BF3 just fine but I'm shooting people and they drop dead two or even three seconds after I'm done emptying my AR on them or me running inside a building and getting a sniper headshot from outside. This is getting annoying.


Is this where you complain about the UC3 lag in multiplayer? My NAT is open, I can play BF3 just fine but I'm shooting people and they drop dead two or even three seconds after I'm done emptying my AR on them or me running inside a building and getting a sniper headshot from outside. This is getting annoying.

That is the U3 experience that we have all known. It's infuriating, but I still enjoy the game and play it fairly consistently. Just one of those things that you have to learn to deal with or stop playing the game. Although, rumors are going around that U3 MP will be going F2P within the next month or two so that might help with the lag if it brings more people to the game. Who knows how long that will last though.


That is the U3 experience that we have all known. It's infuriating, but I still enjoy the game and play it fairly consistently. Just one of those things that you have to learn to deal with or stop playing the game. Although, rumors are going around that U3 MP with be going F2P within the next month or two so that might help with the lag if it brings more people to the game. Who knows how long that will last though.
Eh. ): I just bought it a few weeks ago and I'm using the online pass of a friend, I guess I'll sell/trade it, looks fun, but the lag is insanely ridiculous at times. Thanks for the reply.


Eh. ): I just bought it a few weeks ago and I'm using the online pass of a friend, I guess I'll sell/trade it, looks fun, but the lag is insanely ridiculous at times. Thanks for the reply.

The lag is really bad in this game.

The only thing I will say that I have had a similar experience with blops 2. A lot of lag and they supposedly have more dedicated servers and a much larger user base.



January Q&A is up:

1. Will ROF ever have a nerf? (Blooddrunk123)

We evaluate the weapon mod balance as the matches continue to roll along. We feel we’re in a pretty good spot with it right now.

aka we don't play this game and have no idea what we're doing

2. Will the dead body glitch ever be completely fixed? (Matthewsike1st)

We are working on this. It’s something that will be fixed in a future patch. The airwalking glitch will be addressed as well.

fucking finally. so many matches have been ruined because of these

3. Do you have any technical fixes we can expect in the upcoming patch? (tack129)

Yes. We’ll detail them once it launches.

4. What will we expect for 2013 as of dlc? (lII-Venom-lII)

There are a slew of new character parts heading your way. We’ll have some information on these in the coming months.

5. In this video, TW describes my problem with aiming (and aim assist specifically) perfectly. Can please you tweak aiming? (B_Smiley)

We continue to look at ways we can tweak and improve the gameplay for multiplayer but we have reached a point at which we feel the aim assist works well for almost all players. We won’t be adjusting it at this time.

uc2 aiming pls

6. Can you please explain the Matchmaking process in Multiplayer? (ironsword7)

Matchmaking goes through a series of nine steps. Each step has three criteria that must be met in order to join a game. They are geo radius, ping and rank filter. All three criteria start small and increase with each step. The second to last step searches for a game under 200 ping only and the last step has no criteria and just finds any game regardless of any criteria.

7. Will you please give us the option to install Multiplayer to hard disk? (SheenuTheLegend)

Hmmm. Good idea. Ask again in a couple of weeks. J

f2p confirmed

8. Do you plan on releasing all dlc maps for free? (Huskers1598)

Not at this time. It’s possible it’ll happen in the future but we are releasing all our Block Mesh Lab maps for free in the Lab playlists and will continue to do so. Block Mesh Lab maps will soon be available for longer periods of time in the future. If things change we’ll let you know.

9. How many players are still playing the multiplayer worldwide today? (FredFai)

Ballpark figures we tend to see over half a million players every month but this changes from month to month, of course.

10. Can you please make the 3rd booster trick available for the DLC skin variants? (shadowlibraboy)

We put the Easter egg of the 3rd booster trick in for the main skin because we want them to either be rare or limited but since we have so many more skins available then were thought we would we’re considering adding it for more skins in the future. We’ll let you know if we do.


Matchmaking goes through a series of nine steps. Each step has three criteria that must be met in order to join a game. They are geo radius, ping and rank filter. All three criteria start small and increase with each step. The second to last step searches for a game under 200 ping only and the last step has no criteria and just finds any game regardless of any criteria.
Bullshit, when I started playing I ended up in rooms of LV75 people who were from Germany, Australia and whatnot (I'm in bloody Mexico) with high ping and lot of lag.

Now that I'm Rank 20-21 I have played against teams of low leveled people or even newcomers, matches ended at 50-2 or something, not fair.


I just picked this game up again and have been having a lot of fun with it. I love co-op arena and co-op missions. I find I'm still too low a level to be effective against a 75 (I'm 21).

Mr. Fix

9. How many players are still playing the multiplayer worldwide today? (FredFai)

Ballpark figures we tend to see over half a million players every month but this changes from month to month, of course.

No fucking way, and that's taking those who log in just once a month into consideration. Didn't UC2 average out 30k consistently? I'm guessing it's somewhere around there.


Not as deep as he thinks
Great games tonight fellas! Had such a blast playing tonight. So many laughs. GS2, no matter how much you run, you will NEVER escape dat Mega Bomb. Lmao that was seriously the most hilarious troll of the night.

Also... Dat rocket. Hahahaha
Great games tonight fellas! Had such a blast playing tonight. So many laughs. GS2, no matter how much you run, you will NEVER escape dat Mega Bomb. Lmao that was seriously the most hilarious troll of the night.

Also... Dat rocket. Hahahaha

I let it happen just for you. <3

Exciting and fun games tonight tho! You WILL hear my voice again and you WILL like it. :3


Not as deep as he thinks
Naughty Dog, please make a TAU only lab. It would be so fucking fun.

Good games tonight. TAU only lab TO is awesome!!


Not as deep as he thinks
I like the new mesh map. It's really fun.

Edit: Had this glitch happen to me tonight:


:lol It happened in the last round of Treasure Hunter and it was effective during the whole remainder of the game. Incredible.


I like the new mesh map. It's really fun.

Edit: Had this glitch happen to me tonight:


:lol It happened in the last round of Treasure Hunter and it was effective during the whole remainder of the game. Incredible.

I want this glitch, I want it bad.


For those of you who play in parties, do you find it frustrating how often people quit out of games with you simply because they don't want to go up against a full team? I'm on the other end of the spectrum and play solo all the time and I can't stand how practically everyone on my team will quit almost as soon as the game starts just because they are afraid they are going to lose. It's even more frustrating when there are 2-3 pretty good players on my team, and we could have a very competitive match, but they decide they would rather just leave the game and find some noobs to stomp.


Not as deep as he thinks
For those of you who play in parties, do you find it frustrating how often people quit out of games with you simply because they don't want to go up against a full team? I'm on the other end of the spectrum and play solo all the time and I can't stand how practically everyone on my team will quit almost as soon as the game starts just because they are afraid they are going to lose. It's even more frustrating when there are 2-3 pretty good players on my team, and we could have a very competitive match, but they decide they would rather just leave the game and find some noobs to stomp.
Yes. You can't win on this game. If you're alone, you'll face parties all the time and you'll be stuck with noobs or people that are competent players on your team that will quit because they know they'll lose. If you're playing in a party, you will hardly ever play against another party cuz all you'll always pick up are noobs as your opponents.. In the rare event that you DO face another party and they are getting stomped, they'll quit. So fucking stupid. I don't understand the point of quitting when you are in a party.


Pattern Ring (Silver). London Undegorund, M-32 Hammer Boss.

Holy shit. You have all the Arena/Hunter treasures?

SjShane from the Naughty Dog forums might have figured out a way to make the ring drop first try. It has worked 3/3 times so far (as far as I know), so it's worth a shot if you're not having any luck. We could party up when you're both online or try sending him a friend request if you aren't friends already.


Holy shit. You have all the Arena/Hunter treasures?
Yeah. I got most of them during the rare treasure drop weekend. The rest I just farmed on my own. Strangely enough, I've had more trouble getting these than the Arena/Hunter treasures. Maybe it's because the drops are much less frequent and that's only if you manage to get far enough without using up your lives beforehand.
SjShane from the Naughty Dog forums might have figured out a way to make the ring drop first try. It has worked 3/3 times so far (as far as I know), so it's worth a shot if you're not having any luck. We could party up when you're both online or try sending him a friend request if you aren't friends already.
I've played a few matches with him in our group before. I'll send him a request.


Not as deep as he thinks
I'm playing a TDM match in London Underground's terrible train section and most of my team quit and I'm only left with one other team member. We're facing a party of 4 and it's 2 vs 5, we somehow managed to take the lead by about seven kills... When the train section ends, the Marked Man Power Play immediately begins when it's 2 vs 5. Are you kidding me.


But power plays are balanced! Even if they weren't, Naughty Dog takes game balance into account every patch and is constantly recieving feedback from the community via NeoGAF, the Official PlayStation forums, and Twitter. If there was a problem, it surely would have been fixed by now.


Lol, I think I hate marked man more than double damage. It's easy enough to hide somewhere for a minute during DD, but if you're the marked man you're pretty much fucked in certain games.

I made this same post on the ND forums, but who the fuck thought that a 5 kill advantage was enough to activate a PP? That is ridiculous. A 5 kill differential is not insurmountable, and I've played in way too many games where a team that starts off good, and is thus penalized via marked man, ends up losing by a score of like.... 50-46. Even though they had more kills than the opposing team.

It's bullshit. Power plays in general are bullshit. Exposed is the only one that I don't really care about, and that's mostly because I use cloaked in 3 of my 4 loadouts.

No less than 10 kills should activate a power play (if ND is so intent on having them in the game).


Not as deep as he thinks
What's worse is when a Power Play activates and doesn't stop after the 40 kill mark. It should automatically END. Multi Marked Man is my most hated Power Play, even beating the disgusting Double Damage one. It's the easiest Power Play to make an unfair, easy comeback within seconds. Not to mention that if you play TDM solo like me, you'll get stuck with idiot players who willingly run out into the open to hand over the other team free 3 points. I personally wouldn't mind if a 5 kill lead activates a Power Play like Exposed. That would be OK to me. But Multi Marked Man? FUCK that.


What's worse is when a Power Play activates and doesn't stop after the 40 kill mark. It should automatically END. Multi Marked Man is my most hated Power Play, even beating the disgusting Double Damage one. It's the easiest Power Play to make an unfair, easy comeback within seconds. Not to mention that if you play TDM solo like me, you'll get stuck with idiot players who willingly run out into the open to hand over the other team free 3 points. I personally wouldn't mind if a 5 kill lead activates a Power Play like Exposed. That would be OK to me. But Multi Marked Man? FUCK that.

I play TDM almost exclusively, so multi-marked man isn't something I have an issue with because I don't really know how it is implemented in OBJ. I imagine it's just as frustrating, though.

The 5 kill activation of a PP is infuriating to me. It is completely random who gets marked at the beginning of some matches. Random in the sense that you can't do anything about how good or bad your teammates will do at the beginning of a match. So many times I've had a 3-0 score, only to get marked and be 3-2 by the end of the PP. Obviously not all the time (I have a lot of Hard Target medals), but it's just one of those things that feels cheap.


Holy hell this lab is fun.

So far I've gotten a bunch of connect fours, streaks, furies, and 3 kills short of a rampant.


Not as deep as he thinks
This dodgeball lab is probably my favorite lab Naughty Dog has done. It makes this game feel entirely different and unique with the way it plays out. The concept is simple too, but it works so well for this game. I want them to continue experimenting with modes like this because honestly, I will never get bored of playing this lab and everyone who we played against tonight that were on mic could not stop praising how fun it was. Experimental labs like this that breaks out of the ordinary norm is what this game desperately needs to make it feel fresh. The potential is HUGE.

Imagine a grenade throwback volleyball type lab where you can keep throwing back the same grenade back and forth to see who can make the other team drop it to explode? Oh man that would be fucking amazing.

Amazing games tonight usual gang. I haven't had this much fun in a very long time. I was in tears too many times. God, so fun. TEAM SPYDER FTW. And the constant taunting on the fence... God. Beautiful :lol
Lately it's been taking me forever to get from selecting "play online" from the main menu to the multiplayer menu. It took a long time to connect.

Now, it just doesn't work at all and I'm kicked out back to the main menu during the "connecting" loading screen. Anyone have this problem?


New lab is insanely easy to level up slot one boosters. I got Regeneration, Endurance, Explosive Expert, and Explosive Shell Expert all leveled up to gold in about 3 hours of playing.
Lately it's been taking me forever to get from selecting "play online" from the main menu to the multiplayer menu. It took a long time to connect.

Now, it just doesn't work at all and I'm kicked out back to the main menu during the "connecting" loading screen. Anyone have this problem?

Try to connect to LAN first then reconnect online.

New lab is insanely easy to level up slot one boosters. I got Regeneration, Endurance, Explosive Expert, and Explosive Shell Expert all leveled up to gold in about 3 hours of playing.

Yep. I managed to level up Regeneration and Explosive Expert pretty quickly through this lab. EE booster + EE Paid + Drake's 3rd Booster = fun fireworks display.
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