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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


Not as deep as he thinks
DLC pool is lag central tonight. Holy shit its so bad. Let's see how the default players pool is...


City of Brass just came up for me and the matchmaking gets stuck on 1 in the countdown. This fucking game, I swear.

Desert Village froze on me again in the countdown.

Thanks for nothing, ND.

Further edit: after a good streak of matches working properly, it froze during a match. Yep, I'm done with this game for tonight. Fucking unbelievable.


And to think you wouldn't have this problem if ND knew how to program a game that wouldn't rape the disc reader/wasn't greedy as fuck and gave full MP access via the HDD to people who have already purchased the game...


Not as deep as he thinks
Just what we all wanted!!


The UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Free-to-Play launched a few weeks ago and we’ve seen a healthy uplift to our community to tune of over 350,000 downloads of the Free-to-Play client to date globally. We’re very excited to see our community grow and are stoked to keep expanding the world of UNCHARTED to as many people as possible.

To keep that momentum going, as promised, we’re making new DLC available for purchase every month until June 2013. This month we’re recognising Extraterrestrial Abductions Day – or a day around it anyway – by unveiling our Oddball-themed character parts for your UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer characters.

Why Oddball? Well, these character parts defy classification as they don’t quite fit among the numerous other parts we’ll have coming out over the next few months, and Extraterrestrial Abductions Day is a bit of an odd holiday anyway. See the images above for a glimpse of some of the Oddball parts available tomorrow.

There are many other Oddball parts available for purchase from tomorrow as well, all priced at €0.49 per item. Check out the in-game store or the PlayStation Store to see what’s available.

Our Oddball theme means that new Tournament rewards can be earned. You can earn the Gas Mask Gun and Gas Mask Shirt as Tournament rewards. If you hit the gold tier you can earn the rare British Guard Hat for Cutter as well as Raptor Mask for Drake and Dive Helmet for Talbot by achieving Platinum status. Use your tickets to enter into the weekly Tournament and unlock these items as a testament to your skills.

A full rundown of everything that’s available with our Oddball theme is over on our UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Free-to-Play page. We’ll have a bundle of all Oddball parts with an exclusive bonus item available for purchase in early April. Check it out and be sure to read our UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Free-to-Play FAQ for answers to most of your questions about the newly available UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Free-to-Play.

Log in and let’s all get a little odd! See you online!

This all makes sense in the world of Uncharted, unlike skins such as Pinkerton/Rika!


Apparently Dodgeball Lab is back, but Power Plays are active this time. :lol WAAAAAAAAAT.


Not as deep as he thinks

$2? Are you kidding me!?



Hahahaha fucking brutal.

The best part is them spending time making these hats and making them only temporarily available to like 1% of the player pool who reaches platinum and are probably using skeleton skins anyways.


Anyone here even use their Tournament tickets? I'll admit that when 1.13 came out and the system was put into place that I did want to get the Djinn, and i even bought tickets so that I could get it as early as possible. Ever since then, I couldn't have cared less about tournament mode. The only new implement that even vaguely intrigues me is Fleet Foot Platinum, and even that is not enough to get me to waist my time. I'm not even sure how it works. Is it a permanent unlock like the Djinn skin? Can you only use it when using the Djinn?


Not as deep as he thinks
Sorry GRIP, I can't answer your question. I've never spent a single tournament ticket and that includes the weekly free ones ND gives out. You should try asking that in the ND forum.


Sorry GRIP, I can't answer your question. I've never spent a single tournament ticket and that includes the weekly free ones ND gives out. You should try asking that in the ND forum.

Actually, you did. I just wanted to know if any of U3 gaf ever used there tournament tickets. The stuff about FFP and the Djinn skin wasn't really anything I was concerned about. Thanks for the response, though.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
So I ran into a problem, tried getting my trophies & play it on hard as TLOU is due soon & I can't even play the game, the game runs for a bit & "beep,beep" off goes my PS3, I had to wipe my harddrive & I really thought my PS3 was dying again, but then it was ok for a week, played TR & GOW but as soon as I put Uncharted 3 in 20 minutes later "beep,beep" again the PS3 shuts down, then I find this
since the game was released? and they haven't fixed it, thats unacceptable
and I have the UK Special Edtion & Collectors which are unplayable, ND needs to sort this out.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
ND isn't fixing any technical issues, nor do they give a shit
Thats pretty bad and they have a cheek to release a GOTY edition
I didn't know my limited edition was actually limited gameplay
Someone should get Watchdogs on them, they would fly over to the US and ask them why they selling a unusable product

Edit, you referring to some stupid MP glitch?
I talking about the SP don't work and crashes PS3's the game
is unplayable


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I was talking about any technical issue. They simply won't fix them.
Well I tweeted eric about it, its unacceptable
I take it you've had problems too?
I fucking lost all my photos because I had to reformat my Harddrive because it corrupted by HDD
But still I dont understand how they got the cheek to release the GOTY edition, I mean its not like I can buy a new PS3 as it effects all PS3's, even the superslims
although some people are lucky, I have thought maybe its something Sony has done in the PS3 FW, hence why I had no problems the first time I played it
really annoyed about that, I only have 22% trophies too
Do you think it'll break my PS3 if I keep trying to play it?

My friend suggested deleting my save file but I not sure that would cause that problem would it?, what you reckon? Start from scratch?


Not as deep as he thinks
Hooray no respawn glitch on a match I was winning. Thanks for the loss!


A team mate just went 3-21 on TDM. fuck this game's matchmaking.


Well I tweeted eric about it, its unacceptable

Oh, but it is acceptable. They're not going to fix anything and that's that. If ND won't take 10 minutes to push a UC2 patch composed of code already written (3x cash and Hammer Lab), anything that requires new code and isn't monetizable is obviously out of the question.

You could try deleting your game data and patches.

Anyways, is anyone else stoked for the next set of DLC hats? I can't wait to further express myself in the Uncharted 3 multiplayer experience!
Hooray no respawn glitch on a match I was winning. Thanks for the loss!


A team mate just went 3-21 on TDM. fuck this game's matchmaking.
Lol, you seem to have the best luck in this game. One of the main reasons I stick to FFA when going solo. Just can't trust randoms.

Or myself. Not as good as I use to be. XD


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Oh, but it is acceptable. They're not going to fix anything and that's that. If ND won't take 10 minutes to push a UC2 patch composed of code already written (3x cash and Hammer Lab), anything that requires new code and isn't monetizable is obviously out of the question.

You could try deleting your game data and patches.

Anyways, is anyone else stoked for the next set of DLC hats? I can't wait to further express myself in the Uncharted 3 multiplayer experience!
I would be if I could play the game ;-/
So I just got my first (and probably ONLY) Rampant medal, during a grenade dodgeball match. I didn't think I would actually reach it since I usually get blindsided while attempting to go on anything more than a streak (sometimes making it to Fury) during these matches and there were quite a few close calls during this match...though somehow I did it and wound up with a total score of 30-2, it would have been 30-1 but at the very last second of the match I get hit with a mega bomb.

Still, I was surprised when I made it.


Not as deep as he thinks
Congrats! I also got a rampant yesterday in the dodgeball lab as well. It's pretty hard to get there because of the constant grenades/kickbacks and possible team kills. Props.
Think I'm starting to get use to the controls again. Even won some of my FFAs tonight, and starting to love the AK-47.

So I just got my first (and probably ONLY) Rampant medal, during a grenade dodgeball match.

Congrats. I've come so close to getting a Rampant in the early days of UC3. Was always robbed of it due to time running out or I just couldn't get that last kill. Oh well, there's always UC4 right? Right?
GGs, to all the fellow GAFers I played with tonight.

The shotty, and MAG-5 lab is super fun. Probably the most fun I've had with game in awhile. Blindfire nerf, still makes for some, "LOL, WUT!?" moments in close quarters.

Even managed to spot a wild RyanardoDaVinci. Truly a rare sight on the plains of UC3 multiplayer.
Oh is that the last time you played?

How do you feel about the current blindfire mechanic?

Nope, I still play on and off since the games release. I was a blindfire user since UC2, and they nerfed it in that game too, just not to the extent of UC3. Really feels like a toss up to me most of the time. Most would say it was broken, and I would usually disagree with them if it weren't for the KAL-7.

I don't blindfire as much thanks to that, but the lab with the shotguns made me remember just how big of a nerf it was.
Like the melee the way it is now. Dodging to avoid the ol blindfire and melee combo was a nice addition. The animations for melee kills are more varied than they were in UC2.

The new kick offs when both you and an opposing player are climbing the same wall, or when you're on different sides of the same cover object, is awesome. Even have one for when you're in water.

Stealth kills are easier now due to the icon above the players head, indicating that it's a go. Never really had much luck with it in UC2. Most of the time I would get the regular melee hit, when I thought I was gonna get a stealth kill. :/

So I guess that's one thing they more or less improved. There's also very little of that "vortex" melee. In UC2 a guy would be blindfire shooting you from what seemed like a mile, and his melee would STILL connect. It's like the game saying "LOL, you're not getting away from this. :3". Still happens in UC3, but not nearly as frequent, IMO.


So I guess that's one thing they more or less improved. There's also very little of that "vortex" melee. In UC2 a guy would be blindfire shooting you from what seemed like a mile, and his melee would STILL connect. It's like the game saying "LOL, you're not getting away from this. :3". Still happens in UC3, but not nearly as frequent, IMO.

Really? It happens a lot more in UC3 for me. The melee-roll glitch doesn't help, either.
Really? It happens a lot more in UC3 for me. The melee-roll glitch doesn't help, either.

Well, I have played a lot more of UC2, than UC3. That might be influencing my opinion. Maybe connection problems. UC2 lag could get pretty horrible. I like the melee-roll glitch. Helps when you get snuck up on. I know it's saved my ass few times since I started playing again.
Just looked up what the melee roll glitch is( I thought we were talking about something different XD). Yeah, that does seem cheap. I've just been rolling out of the to dodge the first melee attack like it was intended. Didn't know you could melee, roll, then cancel out of it for a follow up attack. :/


Thanks for the constant party splits you naughty dog motherfuckers. By all means keep adding hats and stupid bullshit in an effort to swindle people out of their money and not actually fix some goddamn basic shit that's been FUCKED UP since launch.
Yeah, we need to roll together more often. The game has all of a sudden become more playable/fun for me. Not just with a team either. More of the old crew needs to comeback too.


Don't know if I'd ever play regular TDM again though. Power Plays, overtime/sudden death,(Why is that in the lab? :/) are just too stupid to deal with. Classic is fine. Wish more people would play that mode.

Went back to UC2 for a bit. The game is absolutely broken for me. I don't know if the netcode is busted, or there's massive lag comp, but it seems like I'm always a second behind. The basic gameplay is still better than UC3, but the glitchers, SA users, and bunny hoppers just ruin it. Could list a bunch of other stuff, but it would be beating a dead horse.
Went back to UC2 for a bit. The game is absolutely broken for me. I don't know if the netcode is busted, or there's massive lag comp, but it seems like I'm always a second behind. The basic gameplay is still better than UC3, but the glitchers, SA users, and bunny hoppers just ruin it. Could list a bunch of other stuff, but it would be beating a dead horse.

I still dream of a day, where we can play 1.04 U2 all-day in heaven.
Co-op is tedious. All I want is Drake's damn aviators, and gold glasses for, Eddy Raja! Getting like 3 treasures per game. Does difficulty effect the drop rate? Every time someone chooses normal, everyone leaves the lobby. :/
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