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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally



I enjoyed it more than the second.

I'll write full impressions when I'm awake. It took me alot longer than expected. Playing on normal kicked my ass :-/.


Just ordered this tonight. Can't wait for Tuesday. UC3 looks miles better than 2, which was just a good game in my book.


I'm about half way if the chapter numbers are a reasonable guide, and I'd type up my own impressions, but so far I pretty much agree with Eurogamer's comments 100%. Too much of a good thing (the insane set pieces) sometimes isn't a good thing anymore.

I would also completely agree with Eurogamer's praise, as well.

Dr. Malik

EloquentM said:
Now thats not nice. was it really that disappointing to you?
My comparison has to do with how everything is laid out. The action, set pieces, and effects are all there just like in T2, but the pacing and plot isn't well thought-out just like in T2. Plus they both have a desert :p
AniHawk said:
don't worry, there is no indiana jones 4, because temple of doom was indiana jones 0.

I heard a rumor they made a Indy movie based on 1950s sci-fi b-movies. That's silly; everybody knows Indy films are based on 1930s adventure serials!

Silly rumors


Impressions , sorry if I missed someones


The perfect Dark





Glam FM




perineumlick said:
I'm up to chapter 10, and I'm surprised so far at the low number of shootouts compared to the other 2 games, which is not a negative. Sometimes you'll come to an area and see the typical waist high rock formations or crates, and say to yourself, "Okay, here comes a firefight.", and get ready for enemies to swarm in, only they never come, and instead you find yourself scouring the area for clues to a puzzle, or hidden treasure. Definitely a nice change of pace. The shootouts still rock of course, and I've figured out what was so different with the gunplay this time out; different recoil for each weapon, and quicker enemy movements. They are all over the place, at least on Hard, and you can't just sit behind cover and spam headshots like before. They will run up behind or beside you and blast your ass, or initiate a melee confrontation. You need to keep moving, that's for sure; makes the combat more visceral and difficult. AI will do stupid shit at times, lol, and I think they use the oversized henchman melee fight mechanic to much, complete with the same basic animations over and over.

So far I will say, at about the halfway point in the game, U3 pacing is definitely more deliberate than U2's, and not as much as a rollercoaster ride, which I think will divide some fans. Some will be itching for more action, while others will appreciate the focus on exploration and puzzles. Me, I find myself enjoying the characters and their banter so much that I enjoy the lulls in action. The relationship between Sully and Drake is fleshed out more, and you actually become overly protective of Sully; I know Drake is gonna be alright, but I can't lose this old man, lol. Great stuff so far; I can't really say which one is better yet, U2 or this, but it's more Uncharted, and I am content.

Sn4ke_911 said:
The only thing i can think of when someone says UC2 is better than Uncharted 3 is that he prefers snow over sand :p otherwise i can't think of something UC2 does better.


better graphics
better story
better controls (meele system)
better animations
better everything!

Ok maybe the length. Yes UC2 is longer BUT imo Uncharted 3 has more holy shit moments.

jstevenson said:
Finished it last weekend.

You won't be disappointed

metareferential said:
Played a couple hours till chapter 8 I guess. The game is great, it's Uncharted, so you know what to expect: a visual masterpiece that plays like a rollercoaster. It also means that gameplay-wise, aside from refinements and tweaks, there aren't (at least until now) big surprises.

The melee system is slowly drifting toward an Arkham Asylum-esque battle system, which is definitely a good thing, even though the game is obviously more shooter-oriented, and enemy placement doesn't allow for an all-out melee approach.

The overall package is plain ND-style, classy and clever. The level of detail is astounding, can't wait to try it in 3d (set pieces, level design and camera placement already show how much the game is 3d-oriented).

I'm so glad Uncharted is back. It's linear and dangerously scripted at times but it always manages to put a smile on your face.

baekshi said:
I finished the game. 10/8 or 12/10
Loved every bits of it.

S1kkZ said:

-the game feels much more like an adventure or indiana jones film this time
-the shooting is (thankfully) scaled back. story, characters, locations take the center stage.
-story is much better and the characters (drake) are more believable. i never cared for drake, i couldnt even stand him as a character before. but here, he is written in a much better way (like most of the characters).
-way too much hand to hand combat. its a quciktime event, nothing more. its a shame, with a few tweaks it could have been so much better.
-some really awesome moments. your jaw will drop.
-the bad guys are much better this time.
-its more down to earth than uc2
-much more puzzles
-again some unfair bullshit torwards the end

in short: its uncharted like i always wanted it to be.

@rhino: i hated uc1, uc2 was ok (hated the story and most of the characters and didnt care for the large amount of combat and the lack of puzzles) but i really love uc3. 9/10

protonion said:
And done!

It took me 8:25 hours. 761 kills, 8500 bullets fired and 49/100 treasures found. I didn't bother looking for them (I'll do another playthrough for them), but I was surprised to see I missed so many.

The highlight for me was Chapter 20. I couldn't believe what I was playing.
And generally all the epic set-pieces will not be topped for a while.

One minor complaint I have is the AI. Sometimes enemies behaved like they didn't know what to do. I think it's because in U3 many areas are a lot more open and allow many different approaches. Maybe they game cannot handle them all well.

Easy goty so far for me.

SamBishop said:
So fine, I'll be the jerk who spoils the love-in and say that I think the gunplay is weak sauce. I'm starting the Crushing run tonight (jeebus help me), and I'll be perfectly frank: the first half is so incredible that it makes the middle feel like a slog. The shootouts in this game have lost their appeal; the controls are too clunky, the situations too unfair and I think it hurts (read: doesn't ruin) the story, which is absolutely fantastic.

I was so in love with this game... until it hit its midsection. It bogs down so much, gets so caved-in with gunplay, that it ruins the flow. At the end of the whole production (and make no mistake, this is now officially in the realm of "a movie you can play"), it just sags so goddamn much. On NORMAL I was dying and restarting so much I couldn't believe it (129 deaths, almost all of them in the middle of the game). There's something to be said for spectacle, but there's infinitely more to be said for balance and pacing. It all grinds to a halt in the middle, and though it picks up toward the end, there were parts that put the plane in the first game or the yeti-duders in the second to shame. To shame!

In the end, I loved the narrative. In fact, I feel this is the strongest, most nuanced story the series has seen yet, but man, when the actual gameplay gets in the way, you do run the risk of opening the debate of flash over substance, and this is an apt and willing subject for that debate.

For the record, I have read no reviews, and I won't until mine is done, but I have some serious issues with this game, and they are full-bore ones that place the gunplay at the center of a series that has lept so far above any other game in terms of presentation, but the game... man, the game has suffered. It just hasn't moved from its origin. Not even a bit.

Domcorleone said:
Im on chapter 12 right now, the game started getting really good around chapter 8, then the game started exceeding U2 levels. I love this chapter Im on now, im so happy i havemore chapters left! Favorite chapter so far is 2,3 and 11. mmmm 11 was so good!

sephi22 said:
- Melee combat feels like Arkham. Its not quite there but I like it more than UC2. Feels like I'm in control.

- OMG. GAF. THIS FUCKING GAME. Just know that I'm not even 20 minutes in and the game's already dropping bombs. :D :D :D

This is one game where posting spoilers in spoiler tags is a crime, even if half of us have played it. Accidentally highlighting one would be devastating.

Wario64 said:
I liked the combat, even if it's almost QTE in nature. Someone earlier mentioned it felt sorta like Batman and I agree. Not exactly like Batman but there are instances where it'll remind you of it.

I thought the game was as good as Uncharted 2, maybe slightly better. Not 10/10 better, but I really liked the game still. It's hard to compare though cause the jump from Uncharted 1 to 2 was a big jump IMO and had a lasting impression on me. I knew that it was gonna tough to follow UC2's act no matter what. But still some amazing set pieces, the story was decent, dialogue seemed much funnier this time. I don't think I laughed that much in the previous ones. I don't think this game is my GOTY though (that's still Portal 2 and I believe that game is perfection). But it's up there for sure. They did a few new things in UC3 this time and I liked what they added.

Incendiary said:
I'm getting towards the end of it, and I may be the voice of dissenting opinion, but I think I like Uncharted 2 better. U3 is an awesome game, don't get me wrong, but there haven't been a lot of "holy shit!" moments. I think it's partly because I didn't do a strong enough media blackout. People who don't know what's coming will find it amazing I'm sure, but I feel like the commercials/trailers showed off some of the best parts of the game and I already went "holy shit!" when I saw the commercial/trailer.

That being said, the visuals are absolutely incredible. Definitely the best-looking game this generation. Like, I'm in serious awe of all the lighting/animation/etc. details. The environments have blown me away and from a technical standpoint, this definitely wins hands down.

facepalm007 said:
Just finished it just a few minutes ago, 9 hour play through on hard in about 2 sittings (had to eat dinner ^-^), and enjoyed it for the most part.

Visually awesome, great sound and voice acting, and exciting from start to finish. I liked the villains in this installment more than the previous two. The final boss fight in this one is definitely my favorite of the 3, although I thought it was a bit too easy. And the puzzles were great this time around...actually had to use my brain for some of them.

But some parts (one large part in particular) felt like fillers and only used just for the set pieces. There were also times I felt frustrated with the game, primarily deaths due to grenade launchers.

I feel rather indifferent about the story, the general plot and Sully/Drake relationship pieces are great, but I wanted to know more about the villains and their personal drives and motivations (especially with how some of them react near the ending). There was also some characters who felt like MacGuffins, with no other purpose but plot/set piece conveniences. There were other unanswered questions especially in lieu of character information that was given throughout the game.

To me it didn't feel as put together as Among Thieves in terms of story and characters, but this one felt way more intense.

Personally I liked the second installment more than this one, but I definitely enjoyed this ride and will play it again.

Tryckser said:
And done, my body was not ready.

What an amazing game. I didn't thought they could get out another game as good as Uncharted 2, but they just did... Naughty God <3

Good thing I went on media blackout after the first trailer ^^

BoobPhysics101 said:
God damn.

Uncharted 3 is the most jaw-dropping console game I have ever seen, and near the very top (top 3) for best looking games of all time.

It takes something truly incredible to be played alongside Witcher 2 @ Ultra 1080p and Battlefield 3 @ Ultra 1080p and still be jaw-dropping. That's what Naughty Dog has accomplished with 2005-2006 hardware. The game is unrelentingly gorgeous and the art design/level design is unparalleled in the industry. When Naughty Dog gets ahold of PlayStation 4 and shows Uncharted 4, look the fuck out Crytek, DICE, Guerrilla et al because you guys are gonna have to work hard to keep up.

But what really sets the visuals apart is that NOTHING ELSE suffers as a result. The game isn't short-changed in frame rate, the audio is crisp, rich, and full of excellent ambient sounds, the level design isn't gimped for performance's sake, the encounters aren't weak-sauce because the graphics engine can't take the load...

Nope. It all simply works in a way that expands upon and polishes even the lofty highs Uncharted 2 established previously.

I hate to sound hyperbolic, but Uncharted 3 most likely marks the end of this console generation as the very best looking these consoles have to offer, and arguably the best gameplay this generation has seen (subjective as hell, but the heights Uncharted 3 rises to are monumental indeed.)

Bravo, Naughty Dog.

thuway said:
Just beat the game on normal. This is my personal spoiler-free review.

After spending the last 12 or so hours playing the game on Normal (Normal is quite a challenge BTW), I want to say a few things -

- Comparing Uncharted 3 to Uncharted 2 is NOT apples to apples. Uncharted 3 is a narrative based ADVENTURE with elements of shooting. Whereas, Uncharted 2 is a shooter, with elements of an adventure game.
- The story takes center stage in this game. Epic set pieces are put in (and IMO are far better than Uncharted 2's), however, your consistently reminded of the plot. I honestly feel as if they NAILED the story telling and immersion factor.
- Uncharted 3 is the closest thing to a movie in a video game since Metal Gear Solid 4. As I played the game more and more, I kept thinking back to 2008 and what Kojima-san made me feel while I played MGS4.
- The game takes you from locale to locale, expertly crafted, deeply layered, and riddled with hints of culture, passive narrative, and the inherent feeling of expansion.
- The graphics are jaw dropping, and have raised the bar once again.

This is a game you need to play.

However, I have one caveat to say to GAF -

It is best if you judge Uncharted 2 and 3 on their individual merits. Both games set to do --two different things--. Some parts of the game's are similar, but depending on what you want from a game, you might prefer one or the other.

I honestly feel like this is one of the most polarizing games released this generation.

10 out of 10 from thuway can be a 2 out of 10 from another user, nevertheless, this is a landmark in gaming, for thuway.

This is my GOTY.
Just beat it. I think it is about even with U2. The only problem is that there isn't that big step up like when 2 came out. It doesn't make 3 any less awesome, but it just didn't have that boner-inducing effect like 2 did.


Just beat the game on normal. This is my personal spoiler-free review.

After spending the last 12 or so hours playing the game on Normal (Normal is quite a challenge BTW), I want to say a few things -

- Comparing Uncharted 3 to Uncharted 2 is NOT apples to apples. Uncharted 3 is a narrative based ADVENTURE with elements of shooting. Whereas, Uncharted 2 is a shooter, with elements of an adventure game.
- The story takes center stage in this game. Epic set pieces are put in (and IMO are far better than Uncharted 2's), however, your consistently reminded of the plot. I honestly feel as if they NAILED the story telling and immersion factor.
- Uncharted 3 is the closest thing to a movie in a video game since Metal Gear Solid 4. As I played the game more and more, I kept thinking back to 2008 and what Kojima-san made me feel while I played MGS4.
- The game takes you from locale to locale, expertly crafted, deeply layered, and riddled with hints of culture, passive narrative, and the inherent feeling of expansion.
- The graphics are jaw dropping, and have raised the bar once again.

This is a game you need to play.

However, I have one caveat to say to GAF -

It is best if you judge Uncharted 2 and 3 on their individual merits. Both games set to do --two different things--. Some parts of the game's are similar, but depending on what you want from a game, you might prefer one or the other.

I honestly feel like this is one of the most polarizing games released this generation.

10 out of 10 from thuway can be a 2 out of 10 from another user, nevertheless, this is a landmark in gaming, for thuway.

This is my GOTY.


thuway said:
Just beat the game on normal. This is my personal spoiler-free review.

After spending the last 12 or so hours playing the game on Normal (Normal is quite a challenge BTW), I want to say a few things -

- Comparing Uncharted 3 to Uncharted 2 is NOT apples to apples. Uncharted 3 is a narrative based ADVENTURE with elements of shooting. Whereas, Uncharted 2 is a shooter, with elements of an adventure game.
- The story takes center stage in this game. Epic set pieces are put in (and IMO are far better than Uncharted 2's), however, your consistently reminded of the plot. I honestly feel as if they NAILED the story telling and immersion factor.
- Uncharted 3 is the closest thing to a movie in a video game since Metal Gear Solid 4. As I played the game more and more, I kept thinking back to 2008 and what Kojima-san made me feel while I played MGS4.
- The game takes you from locale to locale, expertly crafted, deeply layered, and riddled with hints of culture, passive narrative, and the inherent feeling of expansion.
- The graphics are jaw dropping, and have raised the bar once again.

Pretty much what most have been saying here and in other forums.


I'm very intrigued by the constant mentions of less firefights and more "adventuring" in this game.

And I'll be trying my best not to constantly compare it to 2.
God damn.

Uncharted 3 is the most jaw-dropping console game I have ever seen, and near the very top (top 3) for best looking games of all time.

It takes something truly incredible to be played alongside Witcher 2 @ Ultra 1080p and Battlefield 3 @ Ultra 1080p and still be jaw-dropping. That's what Naughty Dog has accomplished with 2005-2006 hardware. The game is unrelentingly gorgeous and the art design/level design is unparalleled in the industry. When Naughty Dog gets ahold of PlayStation 4 and shows Uncharted 4, look the fuck out Crytek, DICE, Guerrilla et al because you guys are gonna have to work hard to keep up.

But what really sets the visuals apart is that NOTHING ELSE suffers as a result. The game isn't short-changed in frame rate, the audio is crisp, rich, and full of excellent ambient sounds, the level design isn't gimped for performance's sake, the encounters aren't weak-sauce because the graphics engine can't take the load...

Nope. It all simply works in a way that expands upon and polishes even the lofty highs Uncharted 2 established previously.

I hate to sound hyperbolic, but Uncharted 3 most likely marks the end of this console generation as the very best looking these consoles have to offer, and arguably the best gameplay this generation has seen (subjective as hell, but the heights Uncharted 3 rises to are monumental indeed.)

Bravo, Naughty Dog.


Question guys... how much of the game can be played via coop? Can the full campaign be played coop? If not, what parts of it can?
BoobPhysics101 said:
God damn.

Uncharted 3 is the most jaw-dropping console game I have ever seen, and near the very top (top 3) for best looking games of all time.

It takes something truly incredible to be played alongside Witcher 2 @ Ultra 1080p and Battlefield 3 @ Ultra 1080p and still be jaw-dropping. That's what Naughty Dog has accomplished with 2005-2006 hardware. The game is unrelentingly gorgeous and the art design/level design is unparalleled in the industry. When Naughty Dog gets ahold of PlayStation 4 and shows Uncharted 4, look the fuck out Crytek, DICE, Guerrilla et al because you guys are gonna have to work hard to keep up.

But what really sets the visuals apart is that NOTHING ELSE suffers as a result. The game isn't short-changed in frame rate, the audio is crisp, rich, and full of excellent ambient sounds, the level design isn't gimped for performance's sake, the encounters aren't weak-sauce because the graphics engine can't take the load...

Nope. It all simply works in a way that expands upon and polishes even the lofty highs Uncharted 2 established previously.

I hate to sound hyperbolic, but Uncharted 3 most likely marks the end of this console generation as the very best looking these consoles have to offer, and arguably the best gameplay this generation has seen (subjective as hell, but the heights Uncharted 3 rises to are monumental indeed.)

Bravo, Naughty Dog.

I just came in to talk about the visuals but you summed it up perfectly Mr Boob. The game has absolutely no equal on consoles and if any of you played Gears 3 and its gorgeous campaign you know that is no easy feat but UC3 easily is in a whole other league. As Thuway said the HOLY SHIT moments are so above what you guys are even expecting. I can't wait for next week when we get a flood of impressions from everyone finally being able to play the game.


I was watching Tintin yesterday (its out in Europe) and there is a strong vibe of Uncharted from it. Especially the ludicrously over the top desert action set piece at the end.


BoobPhysics101 said:
It takes something truly incredible to be played alongside Witcher 2 @ Ultra 1080p and Battlefield 3 @ Ultra 1080p and still be jaw-dropping. That's what Naughty Dog has accomplished with 2005-2006 hardware. The game is unrelentingly gorgeous and the art design/level design is unparalleled in the industry. When Naughty Dog gets ahold of PlayStation 4 and shows Uncharted 4, look the fuck out Crytek, DICE, Guerrilla et al because you guys are gonna have to work hard to keep up.

You forgot to mention the lack of loading screens. That's some witchcraft right there. :)


isamu said:
Question guys... how much of the game can be played via coop? Can the full campaign be played coop? If not, what parts of it can?

Definitely not the full campaign, but I haven't stuck my head into co-op to say what is and isn't in there.
BoobPhysics101 said:
God damn.

Uncharted 3 is the most jaw-dropping console game I have ever seen, and near the very top (top 3) for best looking games of all time.

It takes something truly incredible to be played alongside Witcher 2 @ Ultra 1080p and Battlefield 3 @ Ultra 1080p and still be jaw-dropping. That's what Naughty Dog has accomplished with 2005-2006 hardware. The game is unrelentingly gorgeous and the art design/level design is unparalleled in the industry. When Naughty Dog gets ahold of PlayStation 4 and shows Uncharted 4, look the fuck out Crytek, DICE, Guerrilla et al because you guys are gonna have to work hard to keep up.

But what really sets the visuals apart is that NOTHING ELSE suffers as a result. The game isn't short-changed in frame rate, the audio is crisp, rich, and full of excellent ambient sounds, the level design isn't gimped for performance's sake, the encounters aren't weak-sauce because the graphics engine can't take the load...

Nope. It all simply works in a way that expands upon and polishes even the lofty highs Uncharted 2 established previously.

I hate to sound hyperbolic, but Uncharted 3 most likely marks the end of this console generation as the very best looking these consoles have to offer, and arguably the best gameplay this generation has seen (subjective as hell, but the heights Uncharted 3 rises to are monumental indeed.)

Bravo, Naughty Dog.

Wow...just what I wanted to hear. Can't wait*

*till I play it at Xmas...


isamu said:
Question guys... how much of the game can be played via coop? Can the full campaign be played coop? If not, what parts of it can?

There's a separate alternate storyline for coop which is 5 missions, I believe. Don't know how long it will take to beat but if it's the same type of missions as U2, probably 3-5 hours.


ZeroRay said:
There's a separate alternate storyline for coop which is 5 missions, I believe. Don't know how long it will take to beat but if it's the same type of missions as U2, probably 3-5 hours.

thanks :)
BruceLeeRoy said:
I just came in to talk about the visuals but you summed it up perfectly Mr Boob. The game has absolutely no equal on consoles and if any of you played Gears 3 and its gorgeous campaign you know that is no easy feat but UC3 easily is in a whole other league. As Thuway said the HOLY SHIT moments are so above what you guys are even expecting. I can't wait for next week when we get a flood of impressions from everyone finally being able to play the game.

If I were to make an analogy, I'd say Naughty Dog are the Grandmasters of Console Gaming at this point. :)

Visceir said:
You forgot to mention the lack of loading screens. That's some witchcraft right there. :)

Oh, yes.

Take everything I said above about Uncharted 3 and keep this in mind: no loads. No screens, no god damn load bar indicating load progress that goes WAY too slow, or even so fast that you wonder why they bothered with a screen at all... nope, none of that. Uncharted 3 is pushing the best looking/performing tech in the console industry right now and it's doing it all without load screens.

Remember how N64 fanboys laughed at PS1/Saturn gamers because of 'load times' etc while cartridge-based games had lightning quick loads?

Uncharted 3 is like a cartridge game - what loads?

Step it up, other developers. Uncharted 3 is going to be what everyone compares to early PS4/Xbox 3 games. It will be the equivalent of '...but can it run Crysis?' for console gaming:

"Ok, it's next-gen...

But does it surpass Uncharted 3?"


thuway said:
- Uncharted 3 is the closest thing to a movie in a video game since Metal Gear Solid 4. As I played the game more and more, I kept thinking back to 2008 and what Kojima-san made me feel while I played MGS4.
Whooooo... Now im really intrigued. I absoloutely loved MGS4. It really felt amazing playing through it. (game of the forever- for me)


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
finished it awesome game but I think U2 is better game only because you can actually aim in it :( if U3 had u2 aiming and shooting mechanics would have been a better game.
thuway said:
Just beat the game on normal. This is my personal spoiler-free review.

After spending the last 12 or so hours playing the game on Normal (Normal is quite a challenge BTW), I want to say a few things -

- Comparing Uncharted 3 to Uncharted 2 is NOT apples to apples. Uncharted 3 is a narrative based ADVENTURE with elements of shooting. Whereas, Uncharted 2 is a shooter, with elements of an adventure game.
- The story takes center stage in this game. Epic set pieces are put in (and IMO are far better than Uncharted 2's), however, your consistently reminded of the plot. I honestly feel as if they NAILED the story telling and immersion factor.
- Uncharted 3 is the closest thing to a movie in a video game since Metal Gear Solid 4. As I played the game more and more, I kept thinking back to 2008 and what Kojima-san made me feel while I played MGS4.
- The game takes you from locale to locale, expertly crafted, deeply layered, and riddled with hints of culture, passive narrative, and the inherent feeling of expansion.
- The graphics are jaw dropping, and have raised the bar once again.

This is a game you need to play.

However, I have one caveat to say to GAF -

It is best if you judge Uncharted 2 and 3 on their individual merits. Both games set to do --two different things--. Some parts of the game's are similar, but depending on what you want from a game, you might prefer one or the other.

I honestly feel like this is one of the most polarizing games released this generation.

10 out of 10 from thuway can be a 2 out of 10 from another user, nevertheless, this is a landmark in gaming, for thuway.

This is my GOTY.

BoobPhysics101 said:
God damn.

Uncharted 3 is the most jaw-dropping console game I have ever seen, and near the very top (top 3) for best looking games of all time.

It takes something truly incredible to be played alongside Witcher 2 @ Ultra 1080p and Battlefield 3 @ Ultra 1080p and still be jaw-dropping. That's what Naughty Dog has accomplished with 2005-2006 hardware. The game is unrelentingly gorgeous and the art design/level design is unparalleled in the industry. When Naughty Dog gets ahold of PlayStation 4 and shows Uncharted 4, look the fuck out Crytek, DICE, Guerrilla et al because you guys are gonna have to work hard to keep up.

But what really sets the visuals apart is that NOTHING ELSE suffers as a result. The game isn't short-changed in frame rate, the audio is crisp, rich, and full of excellent ambient sounds, the level design isn't gimped for performance's sake, the encounters aren't weak-sauce because the graphics engine can't take the load...

Nope. It all simply works in a way that expands upon and polishes even the lofty highs Uncharted 2 established previously.

I hate to sound hyperbolic, but Uncharted 3 most likely marks the end of this console generation as the very best looking these consoles have to offer, and arguably the best gameplay this generation has seen (subjective as hell, but the heights Uncharted 3 rises to are monumental indeed.)

Bravo, Naughty Dog.



daxter01 said:
finished it awesome game but I think U2 is better game only because you can actually aim in it :( if U3 had u2 aiming and shooting mechanics would have been a better game.
Indeed. Why did they have to change that?


Licorice-flavoured booze?
daxter01 said:
finished it awesome game but I think U2 is better game only because you can actually aim in it :( if U3 had u2 aiming and shooting mechanics would have been a better game.

ok that's worrying, how is it changed exactly?, what do you mean you can't aim, that sounds crazy?


IS it worth 65 euro's for single player only? Because it's only 8 hours.

I think I'll wait until it hits 40 - 30 euro's


hertog said:
IS it worth 65 euro's for single player only? Because it's only 8 hours.

I think I'll wait until it hits 40 - 30 euro's
If one game is worth full price, it's this one.

But don't you have a MediaMarkt or Saturn there ? They have it for 59.90.


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
lowrider007 said:
ok that's worrying, how is it changed exactly?, what do you mean you can't aim, that sounds crazy?
I dont know whats changed maybe its lack of auto aim or something else but crosshair does not go where I want it to go. U3 aiming reminds me of killzone 2 pre deadzone patch


Goldrusher said:
If one game is worth full price, it's this one.

But don't you have a MediaMarkt or Saturn there ? They have it for 59.90.

I believe you, since I absolutely loved UC2. But I made a deal with myself not to pay full price for games that are <20 hours.

So only RPG's, fighting games and sportgames.
I beat the game yesterday and my opinion is still the same. It's a great game but for me it is simply not as good as Uncharted 2. I already said that I didn't like the environments (except the desert obviously) as much as I did the jungle in U1 or the Himalaya in U2 but the strongest weakpoint is the story. It starts off well but in the end it's a big nothing. There are too many questions that remain unanswered. Instead of answers we get some filler which adds nothing to the story - as jett mentioned a few pages back.

Aiming felt a bit off. I never had problems shooting villains in the first two games. Weird.
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