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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


Kagari said:

Where do I go after killing everyone in the shipyard? lol

iirc, board and climb the biggest ship there and turn around, you have to do some platforming there


So many cry babies in this thread. If the gunplay had changed im sure it's because the developer thought it was suitable to the gameplay. Instead of complaining, try actually adapting to the controls. There is nothing broken about them at all.
Just finished it. It's definitely not as good as Uncharted 2.

+ Looks really fucking good
+ Some awesome set pieces, especially the cruise ship. The water and the shaking of the boat really did change the way you played that area.
+ The chases sections
+ Some really cool puzzle and I've got to praise ND for not having a lot of shootouts in the beginning of the game. Pretty gutsy.
+ Being able to retoss grenades is great.
+ I know I'll get flack for this, but I liked the combat. But then again, I thought the combat in the first two games were good too and adequate. There are some problems with it, like when you want to roll or get into cover, you might grab someone instead, which takes a while to get out of and you might get killed by all the on coming fire of surrounding enemies.
+ Some of the story beats

- Weird ass aiming controls. It doesn't feel as tight or precise as Uncharted 2
- Pacing is all kinds of wack. It's especially bothersome around the mid point of the game.
As cool as the ship set piece was, it felt completely random. And then by the end of it Drake still some how manages to wash up in Yemen.
- Some dodgy animations
- The framerate in some spots
- Some of the combat scenarios aren't as well made. The
the ship and outside of Ubar and Ubar itself with the flame heads come to mind. The stuff in Syria and the Ghost Town was great.
This is probably the most disappointing thing, everything about Uncharted 2's scenarios were crafted well. I feel like stealth isn't as useful in all the scenarios, I remember in Uncharted 2 you could take down an entire area's worth of enemies and bypass all the waves.

It's weird, I can't find a single fault about Uncharted 2. other than the final boss. It's probably the best game I've played all generation. But a lot of things bother me about Uncharted 3. Still a great game though.

rhino4evr said:
So many cry babies in this thread. If the gunplay had changed im sure it's because the developer thought it was suitable to the gameplay. Instead of complaining, try actually adapting to the controls. There is nothing broken about them at all.
I played all three games back to back. There is definitely some thing wrong with UC3's aiming. I adapted sure, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
Almost finished with the game, standout impressions so far:

- Controls are pretty fucked up, no idea why they changed the perfect system in U2. It's too cinematic, Drake stumbles like a drunk when I'm just trying to change directions. Aiming is completely fucked up - the "sticky" reticle/auto aim is absolutely horrendous. Trying to reacquire targets and fine tune shots is nearly impossible. I've gotten used to it by now, but this design choice simply baffles me.

- There are pacing issues. Some sequences simply go on far too long. I can only hold "up" on the control stick for so long before my thumb starts to ache, sorry.

- You are punished unfairly for screwing up stealth. I literally spend 10 minutes stealthing through certain areas, get spotted, then spend 20 minutes fighting/dying against wave after wave of overpowered enemies - literally feels like horde mode in Gears, and since the controls are messed up it can be tough to deal with it.

+ I really like the environments in the game, some are simply stunning and my favorite moments in the game so far have just been exploring and climbing around them.

+ I really like the weapons and their variety. Just wish I didn't have to fight the controls when aiming them.

+ I really like the melee system. It was frustrating at first but once I got the hang of it I started wrecking dudes. It's actually my preferred method of fighting since aiming is so frustrating. I love how Drake rips guns from enemies, catches ammo/weapons in midair, and tosses his weapon to a dude before knocking his lights out.

+ Grenade tossback, 'nuff said.

Overall I really like the game so far, can't comment on the story since I haven't finished yet and I want to let it play out. My biggest gripe is the controls: as an O.G. Uncharted fan, all I gotta say is WTF Naughty Dog? I used to be a goddamn HEAD SURGEON in UC1 and UC2, and player movement controlled like a dream. Please address this issue.
It was a little anti-climatic start for me. I did expect some big set piece but it was a bit tame.

The Nathan Drake
part was really cool though. Just waiting for my game to come now to really get stuck in.


RyanardoDaVinci said:
And I wouldn't be surprised if some/most/all of the DLC maps are on there, too -- the Monastery from Drake's Fortune was the background when I loaded it up last night.

Naw, that's a co-op map. They also show in the background menu.


Industry Verified
Kagari said:
FWIW, I'm not disappointed in the game. You should stop reading impressions and play for yourself.

Also, listen to Bruce!

Kagari speak the truth. who cares what anyone else thinks about the game just play it yourself already ;)


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Yay, got in some time this morning before work to finish off Uncharted 2, so I can pick up Uncharted 3 tonight.

I really don't like Shambhala at all. It's insanely gorgeous to look at, but highlights Naughty Dog's weak third person shooter design in my opinion. The encounters are messy, the monster fights are fucking atrocious, and the less said about the end boss fight the better.

Pretty pumped to dig into Uncharted 3 though, and I get to knock off at two in the afternoon surprisingly, which lines up nicely with this release.
Really disappointing to hear the impressions. Skimmed the thread and can't seem to find hour count on the game. around ten hours maybe?


ThisWreckage said:
I didn't have an ounce of trouble with the controls.

Not only is this game better than Uncharted 2, but I think it's probably my game of the generation so far.
Yep I agree not having any troubles at all.


So what happened to all the stuff we were supposed to have earned in the first beta? Emblem packs, avatars, etc. Are they available and I just do't see them?


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
EatChildren said:
Yay, got in some time this morning before work to finish off Uncharted 2, so I can pick up Uncharted 3 tonight.

I really don't like Shambhala at all. It's insanely gorgeous to look at, but highlights Naughty Dog's weak third person shooter design in my opinion. The encounters are messy, the monster fights are fucking atrocious, and the less said about the end boss fight the better.

Pretty pumped to dig into Uncharted 3 though, and I get to knock off at two in the afternoon surprisingly, which lines up nicely with this release.

I enjoyed the boss in UC2, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone else speak at all nicely about that. Just me I guess.


Kagari said:

Where do I go after killing everyone in the shipyard? lol

LOLZ I was stuck there for a really long time too.
climb one of the ship masts, near where you might think is the "end" of the level, when Drake says "I'm getting close to the end" or something to that effect.
How in the hell are people still saying this game lacks big set pieces? I really do think this is a case of people looking back on Uncharted 2 too fondly.
levious said:
I enjoyed the boss in UC2, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone else speak at all nicely about that. Just me I guess.

It was all right. To me it's a minor "meh" part at worst. To me everything from Nepal on is continuous perfection.
levious said:
I enjoyed the boss in UC2, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone else speak at all nicely about that. Just me I guess.
I thought it was kind of frustrating on Crushing but I didn't really mind the fight. I loved basically every part of Uncharted 2 and I thought the end of the game was fantastic.


Lot of people being overdramatic about it.|

I don't feel like anyone is being overdramatic, I stopped playing last night because the aiming felt broken and seriously distracted from the experience. Someone summed it up pretty good earlier, it's like there are 4 directions to the reticule, up down left and right, and that's it.

Is it possible some of our copies are having this issue and some people's copies do not? I also find it very hard to believe this was not noticed for reviews, ie the issue was not on their review copies.

Maybe it is something to do with the auto aim causing issues, can someone disable this or try the crushing difficulty. I'm playing on normal and have issues. People that say everything is fine, what difficulty are you on?


Crystal Bearer
jett said:
LOLZ I was stuck there for a really long time too.
climb one of the ship masts, near where you might think is the "end" of the level

Seriously, level is huuuuge and unlinear.


There is definitely something wrong with the aiming. No problem aiming upward, downward, left or right. But when trying to adjust my aim diagonally I feel like it tugs back a bit and sets me off. I know I didnt have this problem in U2 because I just played it recently.

Also the sudden complete removal of any type of motion blur takes away from the visual quality. That effect helped to blend animations and give that cinematic look to movement. It looks more janky without it.

Aside from that It's been enjoyable so far. Slightly less OMG than U2 but I could change my mind, not finished yet.


RedRedSuit said:
It was all right. To me it's a minor "meh" part at worst. To me everything from Nepal on is continuous perfection.

I remember dying like 30 times on that piece of shit example of garbage game design. One more death and it would've ruined the entire game for me, just like that cocksucker Radec ruined Kilzone 2 for me.
jett said:
I remember dying like 30 times on that piece of shit example of garbage game design. One more death and it would've ruined the entire game for me, just like that cocksucker Radec ruined Kilzone 2 for me.

Heh. Or RAAM in Gears.

To me the end boss of Uncharted 2 is a mini-RAAM. But because he's predictable, unlike RAAM (where there are various random elements to the fight), it's hard to care once the pattern is figured out. I mean, it's matter of getting him to run along that tree in the middle, shooting him, turning around, repeat. At first he was really annoying though.


loving the game so far but I definitely have more issues with it then I was expecting. I've had a few issues with some of the more spectacular set pieces in terms of fail states and not knowing exactly what to do, maybe I'm stupid or something but it didn't happen as much to me with Uncharted 2.

also I'm already bored with all the dudes in suits that you fight. so uninteresting. Nate vs. Agent Smith?

I just got to chapter 11 so it's probably too early to complain
SoulClap said:
Is it possible they gimped the controls to force players to use the crappy melee system more?

Seems impossible. You'd have to use blind-fire or melee anyway, since people constantly rush you. (I don't mind that. It's fine.)
Yep i mostly playing co op right now , i really had no problems with controls but as soon as i start playing the game on crushing and had aim better i start to notice it .
To makes matters worst allot of stages move about so need to be able to aim how you want .
It just feels slow and my sensitivity to max .

So i will stick with co op for now.
RyanardoDaVinci said:

Huge disappointment for someone like me, who has completed Drake's Fortune and Among Thieves 15+ times each, and has put over 400hrs into the (once great) U2 MP.


I feel sorry for any of you that think "there's nothing wrong with them," or that "on Max sensitivity they're exactly like U2." -- You guys wouldn't be able to tell the difference between swimming in a pool of water or in a pool full of molasses.

The controls are fucked and that's a fact. Do not argue: you are wrong. I'm not being a dick about this; if you say the controls are fine, you simply don't understand/can't see it -- like how some people can't see screen-tearing or framerate drops.

Why did I play DF & AT 15+ times each? Because the controls were satisfying! I was in control; if I wanted to shoot a motherfucker in the face: I'd shoot the motherfucker in the face!

Simply put: I am not in control in this shit. You can't make quick adjustments from one target to the one next to him. You can't quickly fine-tune your aim for a headshot. You can't aim in certain directions easily.

The poster that said, when you rotate your analog stick in a circle and get a square on screen is 100% right. It was the first thing I did once I could in the game and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

And even if it controlled exactly as U2, I'd still only give it an 8.5.

Pacing, and combat scenarios, are well below U2 in quality. I couldn't believe NEAR END-GAME
the fight in the sandstorm where I was getting shot by 4 guys I couldn't even see, with Gmals, 50yds away. I FUCKING LOVE IT. They can see forever in a raging sandstorm and I can't even see 15ft!

I agree, the aiming in singleplayer is atrocious. There's no way to fix it either..


Played some more today, and although the shooting isn't as good as Uncharted 2 (no idea why they would change that), I'm not having as much of an issue anymore.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
ced said:
I don't feel like anyone is being overdramatic, I stopped playing last night because the aiming felt broken and seriously distracted from the experience. Someone summed it up pretty good earlier, it's like there are 4 directions to the reticule, up down left and right, and that's it.

Is it possible some of our copies are having this issue and some people's copies do not? I also find it very hard to believe this was not noticed for reviews, ie the issue was not on their review copies.

Maybe it is something to do with the auto aim causing issues, can someone disable this or try the crushing difficulty. I'm playing on normal and have issues. People that say everything is fine, what difficulty are you on?

Even if it is something with the autoaim causing issues...you can't disable it.

SoulClap said:
Is it possible they gimped the aiming to force players to use the crappy melee system more?

I think the enemies blatantly disregarding cover and running right at you is how they're forcing that already.


ced said:
I don't feel like anyone is being overdramatic, I stopped playing last night because the aiming felt broken and seriously distracted from the experience. Someone summed it up pretty good earlier, it's like there are 4 directions to the reticule, up down left and right, and that's it.

Is it possible some of our copies are having this issue and some people's copies do not? I also find it very hard to believe this was not noticed for reviews, ie the issue was not on their review copies.

Maybe it is something to do with the auto aim causing issues, can someone disable this or try the crushing difficulty. I'm playing on normal and have issues. People that say everything is fine, what difficulty are you on?
I'm playing on hard. Which has no auto aim as far as I'm aware.

I consider this to be overdramatic. :p

RyanardoDaVinci said:

I feel sorry for any of you that think "there's nothing wrong with them," or that "on Max sensitivity they're exactly like U2." -- You guys wouldn't be able to tell the difference between swimming in a pool of water or in a pool full of molasses.

The controls are fucked and that's a fact. Do not argue: you are wrong. I'm not being a dick about this; if you say the controls are fine, you simply don't understand/can't see it -- like how some people can't see screen-tearing or framerate drops.


Either I'm playing a completely different game from some of you guys, or you're all way, way overreacting. The controls are virtually identical to UC2, and, while the aiming is slightly different (I feel like it actually has more to do with the reticle expanding so much), it's pretty damn similar to UC2 and takes like 10 minutes to adjust to. I'm popping off headshots no problem and quickly switching between targets easily...I actually just got the "5 headshots in a row" trophy last night without even specifically trying.
JB1981 said:
wow @ ryanoardo's impressions. really disappointing to here. maybe i'll just skip the game and stick with BF3 for a while
Are there legitimate complaints about the game. Absolutely. Does it ruin the game no not in my opinion at all. There are just as many people losing their collective minds while at the same time acknowledging it's issues then those that feel it ruins the experience completely. In fact the ones that feel it ruins the whole game are relatively small. My argument at least still stands for me that despite the flaws there is no better experience I have had this year


levious said:
I enjoyed the boss in UC2, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone else speak at all nicely about that. Just me I guess.

I loved it and didn't know about any negative impressions until I joined Neogaf. I can understand why people disliked it, but I thought it was a challenging and fitting end to the game.

It would be nice if someone could try and get a response (tweet) from ND on the control issue. I feel like fixing the controls to U2 levels would make the game feel so much smoother and cure the majority of issues in this thread.


KingK said:
Either I'm playing a completely different game from some of you guys, or you're all way, way overreacting. The controls are virtually identical to UC2, and, while the aiming is slightly different (I feel like it actually has more to do with the reticle expanding so much), it's pretty damn similar to UC2 and takes like 10 minutes to adjust to. I'm popping off headshots no problem and quickly switching between targets easily...I actually just got the "5 headshots in a row" trophy last night without even specifically trying.

What difficulty are you playing on?


So does anyone actually know exactly what they changed with the single player controls like to an exact degree? I mean I can tell if feels different, but I can't place exactly what makes it feel strange.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I really wonder if the aiming is seriously a glitch not everyone is getting, because there is NO WAY people can actually say it's the same as UC2 with the shit I'm seeing. I literally put the game back in and am popping headshots off and having a blast, but in 3 it's like the enemies are magnets that my reticule is repelling off of.


KingK said:
Either I'm playing a completely different game from some of you guys, or you're all way, way overreacting. The controls are virtually identical to UC2, and, while the aiming is slightly different (I feel like it actually has more to do with the reticle expanding so much), it's pretty damn similar to UC2 and takes like 10 minutes to adjust to. I'm popping off headshots no problem and quickly switching between targets easily...I actually just got the "5 headshots in a row" trophy last night without even specifically trying.

People are for sure overreacting, but that's what people do around here.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Meier said:
Thoughtful response piece on IFC (sort of a surprise in and of itself) about the backlash to the AV Club review of Drake's Reception along with the author's thoughts on the game:
It was practically indefensibly inaccurate and angry/ranty review, but the guy who wrote it is entitled to his own opinion, and people need to grow up and accept that not everyone thinks the same way as them. I have to wonder if IFC editor has a similar piece dealing with Armond White, because it's basically the same exact situation, except White is infinitely more eloquent in his sometimes equally flawed analyses.


ced said:
What difficulty are you playing on?


Papercuts said:
I really wonder if the aiming is seriously a glitch not everyone is getting, because there is NO WAY people can actually say it's the same as UC2 with the shit I'm seeing. I literally put the game back in and am popping headshots off and having a blast, but in 3 it's like the enemies are magnets that my reticule is repelling off of.
Idk, that might be possible. I just played through UC2 last week, and I haven't noticed a change in aiming anywhere close to what people are describing here. Like I said, I could definitely tell something felt a little different at first, but after 10 minutes I was completely adjusted.


Phenomic said:
So does anyone actually know exactly what they changed with the single player controls like to an exact degree? I mean I can tell if feels different, but I can't place exactly what makes it feel strange.

With my game on normal, it's like the reticule movement is only in 4 directions and has no precise movement. I will do some more testing tonight, but it also seems like the problem is worse with pistols (the silenced and .45 so far).
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