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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Multiplayer |OT| Swinging To Victory

4G is a lot faster than the average ADSL connection... NAT Type 3 might be an issue though (most cell phones don't have a real IP address).

I hope they add a tickrate slider for customs before Co-op comes out. It's not going to hurt their profits or pubs.

ps: I'd also like to see a different mode for Ranked Season 2. Maybe Plunder, since Command has Marked Man welfare. TDM camping gets annoying after a while. I'd rather sweat in an objective mode.
Away from connection discussion, anyone ever get marked while using Stealth 2 or 3? I have been occasionally, think it might be enemy players using Combat Marking (mark nearby players while downed), so seems like maybe a bug/oversight.

If anyone else noticed this, I made a note on it at ND feedback page, if you wanna vote it up so it gets noticed, go here.
What exactly did you try to accomplish with the gun control/cancer cure nonsense?
The post before my analogy literally spelled it out for you. I was agreeing with him (Stallion Dan), reiterating his point. It's not hard to figure this stuff out, man.

Before you do that, maybe I'll have to sit you down one day and explain you why further segregation can kill a niche MP game. This isn't CoD/BF/CS.
Did it kill The Last of Us? You know, the game made by the same developers, featuring very similar gameplay? Did it?

I guess you're one of those "Bow is OP/Tactical Shotty pay2win" casuals that cried for no parties, right? And when you got no parties, you still cried about brainless teammates.
That's pretty funny coming from someone who incorrectly complained about strawmanning.

I don't mind parties and I explained why and in which circumstances. I value low latency/high tickrate more than anything else. A good netcode allows me to fight against parties, even though you clearly think that's impossible. To each his own.
We all appreciate your crusade against the tickrate. I'd be more than happy playing with a higher tickrate. But as Stallion Dan said, and as I will reiterate this time in plain English: putting solo players up against a mic'ed up party is far, far, far more imbalancing than every single player playing being effected by the same tickrate.

Again, one does not need to be chosen over another. Naughty Dog can alter the netcode AND add a No Parties playlist. No one's arguing against your tickrate raving here.

But I start to wonder what game you're playing when you say that parties in Uncharted 4 "do camp a lot", and that this widespread Uncharted 4 camping is clearly due to a low tickrate.
Away from connection discussion, anyone ever get marked while using Stealth 2 or 3? I have been occasionally, think it might be enemy players using Combat Marking (mark nearby players while downed), so seems like maybe a bug/oversight.

If anyone else noticed this, I made a note on it at ND feedback page, if you wanna vote it up so it gets noticed, go here.
Apart from that, you also get marked if your sidecock gets killed.

This booster should be immune to all forms of SA.

Why does this shitty fucking game always match me against people from every fucking country on the planet except the fucking US?
Matchmaking seems to be skill/KDR-based now (SBMM).

People cry for "fairness", so ND listened to them... you can thank them for the extra dose of lag. Because it's more "fair" to play against a 1-bar warrior with the same KDR as you, than a lower/higher KDR with low latency. People just don't get it after all these years and they keep asking for more and more segregation. SMH
I stopped reading right here. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.
You "stopped reading" there because you know you have no legitimate leg to stand on.

The Last of Us is a third person shooter made by Naughty Dog that features a competitive 4 vs 4 mulitplayer component with multiple modes. It also features a No Parties playlist.

Uncharted 4 is a third person shooter made by Naughty Dog that features a competitive 5 vs 5 multiplayer component with multiple modes. But apparently it would destroy the game if it featured a No Parties playlist?

You stated that Uncharted 4 is a "niche MP game" that could be "killed" by further segregation, and that it's not "CoD/BF/CS"... but how on earth is The Last of Us not an acceptable metric to measure this? You continually sidestep this point, and it's incredibly apparent why.
You have a bad habit to misconstrue my posts on a regular basis, so I can't take you seriously.

I explained to you a few days ago that it's technically possible to add an extra 100 playlists, not just No Parties. You sidestepped it completely. I wonder why.

Just because they can add something doesn't mean they should do it. Solo/parties segregation and DLC maps killed the PS3 version of TLOU. Not my fault if you don't remember that.

No, you cannot have your cake and eat it too in niche MP games. This game is niche compared to the "big boys" (CoD/BF/CS). It's not that hard to understand this. TLOU is niche too. ND is well known for SP experiences in the gaming industry, not for their MPs (regrettably so).

And yeah, you clearly don't know what you're talking about if you think that Uncharted MP and TLOU MP have "very similar gameplay" just because both of them belong in the TPS genre.

It's like comparing Interrogation and Plunder, just because both of them are 4v4. You remind me of the people who say "don't kill downed people" in Plunder. They don't understand that the tactics/metagame differ significantly between Uncharted and TLOU. TLOU only had one (close-range) revive perk. Uncharted has 3 perks. TLOU didn't have Chintamanis or Revive packs. Saying i.e. "both of them have revives, so they have very similar gameplay" makes you look like an ignoramus.

Not to mention that even if they had similar gameplay (which they don't), Uncharted 4 seems to be losing players faster than TLOU did. Lack of content (compared to the previous Uncharted games), I guess. If UC4 MP doesn't have the necessary pool to support further segregation, what do you expect ND to do?

I also never said that parties camp because of the low tickrate. Most people don't even what a tickrate is. Yet another sign that you misconstrue my posts (I hope not on purpose). Parties camp because they know it's safe to do (few people throw El Dorados). A low tickrate helps them though (that's what I said), because they're not running around like mindless chickens (that's what most solo players do, apart from AFKers) and then they die behind cover. Low health in UC2 1.05 also helped campers. Many people didn't even know that 1.04 had higher health (not everyone reads the patch notes). They just camped because they had less deaths this way. They don't have to know about netcode technicalities to form a strategy as a party. Got it?


Not as deep as he thinks
I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing matchmaking frustrations with the new patch. My god, it's horrible.
You have a bad habit to misconstrue my posts on a regular basis, so I can't take you seriously.
I legitimately apologize if English isn't your first language, as I try not to press the issue too hard online since forums like these are multi-national, but your posts are not being misconstrued. If we're in a thread about Uncharted 4, and someone posts about wanting a No Parties mode, and you then rebut by worrying that such a mode could "kill a niche MP game", you are thus inferring that Uncharted 4 is that very niche MP game. Either that, or you're just... saying nothing. At all. It's basic comprehension.

Just because they can add something doesn't mean they should do it. Solo/parties segregation and DLC maps killed the PS3 version of TLOU. Not my fault if you don't remember that.
DLC maps was 99.9% what killed the PS3 version (excluding the Remastered release) and you full well know that. Naughty Dog full well knows that too and has owned up to it. You are completely trying to force in some big revisionist history to try and legitimize your point and you know it.

No, you cannot have your cake and eat it too in niche MP games. This game is niche compared to the "big boys" (CoD/BF/CS). It's not that hard to understand this.
So every game in existence can never have a No Parties playlist unless it sells as much as Call of Duty? That's the metric? The Last of Us sold 7 million copies on PS3 alone, but it's too niche for a No Parties playlist? Even though it had one and had a successful multiplayer mode? Any other mental gymnastics I should be aware of?

Let me ask you this: if a gaming website put up a poll asking what caused more balance issues in deathmatch, and the two options were A) Parties going up against Solo Players or B) The tickrate that every player abides by, which do you think would win?

The entire reason this debate flared up was because you posted this:

I wish people realized that we don't need stupid solo/parties segregation. :( Tickrate tweaking could fix so many things in this game...
Tickrate tweaking would not suddenly alter the balance of parties going up against solo players, despite your claims that parties in Uncharted 4 "camp a lot".

How about this as a common ground: give players the option to not join games that have parties in them? It wouldn't be perfect, as technically a party of 2 could join if 2 solo players quit, but it wouldn't segregate as much as a strict No Parties playlist since not all players would be aware that it exists (similar to the No Cross-play option in Rocket League).
I'm sorry, but your post is full of strawmans. You won't confess it, but whatever, I'll try to address all of them.

ND MP games (not SP ones) are niche games. Everyone knows that since 2009. Language has nothing to do with it.

7 million sales says nothing about the MP pool. If they had let's say 100k players in UC4 MP or TLOU MP, they'd advertise it with an in-game player count. Most people buy ND games just for the Campaign. We're talking about 90% of the sales. Why is it that hard to understand this?

Regarding polls, people need to be educated/well informed to make the right choice. How many times do I have to repeat that 99.9% of the players out there don't even know what a tickrate is? Educate/inform them first, ask them later. For all I care, they could also add a (C) option: DLC weapons. Most people would choose C, just like they cried about "pay2win" weapons in TLOU MP.

Regarding late joins, did you even read my post where I said that even parties of 2 cannot late join matches in ND MP games? This isn't Killzone Shadowfall. Only solo players can late join in ND games. Technical restriction or whatever you wanna call it.

I've even proposed a late join toggle, but you clearly missed it:

I'm sorry, but your post is full of strawmans. You won't confess it, but whatever, I'll try to address all of them.

ND MP games (not SP ones) are niche games. Everyone knows that since 2009. Language has nothing to do with it.

7 million sales says nothing about the MP pool. If they had let's say 100k players in UC4 MP or TLOU MP, they'd advertise it with an in-game player count. Most people buy ND games just for the Campaign. We're talking about 90% of the sales. Why is it that hard to understand this?



Not as deep as he thinks
Oh man, lol. You guys clearly have not played much ND MP games. The player pools are always small. uncharted 2 had a player count so you could somewhat have an idea how many active players were on. At its peak, I remember it being around 150k. Then I just remember it being less than 40k-50k like a year after its release. Uncharted 3 removed it and it's not present in UC4 at all. Now you might be saying, how could you know the player pool is small without a player count - well, I've played them more than your average player and can tell you I always ran into the same amount of people, and certain playlist outside of TDM took ages to find a match and that's searching as a SOLO player. If I was in a party and tried to find a match on team Objective, it never happened and when it did... Players would lobby quit. The dedicated community that stays playing these games are small. Can't comment on TLOU since that wasn't my cup of tea, but I can't imagine it being different.
And for what it's worth, I've played this game more solo than with a party. I still don't want a No Parties playlist, if that says anything about me. I also don't want separate 15-30-60 Hz playlists.


Not as deep as he thinks
I've gone back and forth whether I want a no party playlist since I'm also mostly a solo player, but in the end, I think I might be OK with there not being one. ND just needs to make late joining better. I don't want it to be like UC2 where if people quit, you wouldn't be able to get any team mates and were left in an unbalanced match. However, it would be cool if let's say for TDM... If people on your team quit and you're left with like 2 players, the total kill count should drop like it did for UC2. So instead of 40 to win, it could drop down to 20. Also, late joining should give you double XP or a relic bonus and more than $800. $800 is nothing against try hard parties who have already upgraded their shit. And treasures should absolutely spawn because they don't at the moment for whatever reason. At its current state, you're almost being punished for late joining, which sucks.
What kind of evidence are you asking for?

Do you really think that Uncharted MP is more successful (in terms of player count) than CoD/BF/CS/Overwatch?
It's become extremely clear that there's a barrier when it comes to communication and comprehension here. He clearly asked for evidence that 90% of people buy Uncharted 4 solely for the single player, and you replied confused and then somehow interpreted his question as a statement that Uncharted 4 MP is more popular than Call of Duty.

I'm going to wish you good luck on your campaign in improving Naughty Dog's tickrate netcode, but I'm thinking there might be some other priorities you might want to address. Or you could not address them, and continue to accuse the world of strawmanning everything you say (even if they directly quote you).

If you ever want help with any form of communication, I will legitimately help. I teach a university writing class and I'm always open to helping others improve their language and communication should they ask (that offer extends to anyone here).
Your condescension is not appreciated at all, Mikey. I could also teach you other things, but I think it's futile. You don't even understand simple stuff like solo late joining.

ND MP games don't generate as much media buzz as the "big boys". Fact. Wanna twist it? Go ahead. I don't care.
Im down to create some buzz for Uncharted's lack of servers. Is there any legitimate reason why we are using p2p? Id like to give them the benefit of the doubt
Don't try this nonsense, I never made any claims.

You did make claims, back them up or take them back.
I have the right to make educated guesses based on real life data.

More players play Overwatch than Uncharted. I don't need any numbers to back this up. Deal with it.

You guys are just mad because I don't agree with your proposal of further segregation. I bet if I told you that the UC4 MP pool is big enough to warrant more playlists, you'd eat it up in no time with no proof at all. Bunch of hypocrites.


Played 5 solo Plunder matches for a challenge. Matchmaking seemed fine (strangely).

One guy sent me a message to not cap the 3rd one... can't blame him, since this game is all about grinding (or opening up your wallet). Had to cap it though, since it was a close match (2-2). Good games overall.
Matchmaking has seemed weird for me since the update.

Before, it was all over the place. But now it seems like, instead of matching me up against people of the same skill, it's matching me up with people of lower skill.

I always see people here complaining about team mates being horrible, but I didn't have that issue very often. Most of the time they were competent enough. Now though it seems like I'm constantly being matched with the worst players.
The party/no party playlists didn't kill TLoU MP on PS3 at all. I know this because I didn't play the MP on PS3 until January 2015 and I was always able to find matches in both playlists super quick. 1.5 years after launch is more than enough time to say whether the game has been affected or not.

There were also way more than 100k players at peak for UC4. I know this because I had people on my friends list who played for 15 minutes and accumulated a score, and they ranked in the 900k's in score per minute (disregarding that the statistic was broken until it got reset a few days ago). Longevity in any game not named COD/BF/Destiny is always going to suffer. There's a reason why those games are in a class of their own, so there's no point in comparing them because they are outliers/anomalies.

The reason why ND took out the player count is because they realized that it looked low compared to COD/BF/etc, so as a matter of pride, they took it out. If I'm not mistaken, Blops 3 doesn't have a player count on consoles, at least not on PS4. It only says something like "44% of players in this playlist." The peak time to brag about player count was in 2011 with MW3 and all that jazz.

The real metric is long-term users, and we're now at the point for UC4 where the only people who are playing are long-term users, either those who like to mess around with friends or those who are trying to get to Master Rank. Either way, they are the ones who need to be pleased from here on out, and having separate playlists would go a long way to alleviate so many headaches in one fell swoop.

Yes, Naughty Dog games have niche multiplayer compared to COD/BF, but so does every other game. If 7 million people bought TLoU, and 10% of those played MP, and 10% of THOSE stayed with MP for the long haul, that's still a 70k player pool, which is robust enough to allow for a parties/non parties playlist. Even half that number, 35k, is still enough for 3,500 matches occurring simultaneously. I'm not an expert at math but with 10 minute matches, it doesn't seem like it would be an issue to find players.

For shits and giggles I will fire up TLoU on PS3 tomorrow and see how long it takes me to find a match in both party/no party playlists, if you really want me to. But I'm confident it won't take an abnormal length of time. Even so, it's been three years since release, well after the expected support for the game has ended.

And finally, statements like "Uncharted 4 seems to be losing players faster than TLOU did" are literally speculation. I could easily say the opposite. Also, comparing to Overwatch doesn't work either because that's released on three platforms. Even if you narrow it to "Overwatch on PS4 has more players than Uncharted 4," that's still disingenuous because it's MP-only so even if they sold 100k on PS4 (no clue what actual sales are), every single copy is playing MP.

At the end of the day, parties are the biggest deterrent to having a good time in any MP game. I have never heard the phrase tickrate until this thread, and while I thank tapantaola for the explanation and appreciate the discussion over these last few pages, I can tell you that while I've certainly been affected and annoyed by it, I'm far more annoyed far more frequently when I run into a full party and get absolutely destroyed because I'm playing solo with others who don't know how to revive or flank or do anything other than run around without a clue. It's a 90/10 split on what angers me. Separate playlists would solve this problem with the flick of a switch (and some coding).

Actually you know what bothers me more than tickrate issues or parties? The god-awful get-into-cover-correctly-whoops-didn't-hit-the-right-angle-I'm-dead little mini-game that happens at least twice a match. That's infuriating and where I'm gonna end my rant.


Incredibly Naive
So I've been getting saddled with absolute trash for teammates all of a sudden... Also what happened to the stats?


So, with my last match with the stupid Copperhead now over, I can officially say that I have unlocked every single weapon mod in the game.

Who else here has undertaken the challenge? I know Ryan and Somnium have. I believe Rewrite has as well.

On to hero weapons next! The Bishai and Para .45 are already there.


Not as deep as he thinks
I completed that challenge a while back lol

I'm in the getting all the hero weapons with downs challenge now! I've got all the hero weapon long range guns except the M14 Custom and now the P90. Don't count the arrowhead yet because I haven't unlocked it. ;(

For pistols, I'm missing the Bishai and pistole. Oh yeah, how could I forget about the jackal. What a POS pistol.
So, with my last match with the stupid Copperhead now over, I can officially say that I have unlocked every single weapon mod in the game.

Who else here has undertaken the challenge? I know Ryan and Somnium have. I believe Rewrite has as well.

On to hero weapons next! The Bishai and Para .45 are already there.

I got all hero weapons unlocked a while ago. Not all through gameplay, but most.


I just started using the FAL, and why did I not use this gun earlier? It's a beast at medium to long ranges. Having so much fun using it right now.

Went from the AK, which I used to run and gun with, to trying out the P-90 and the mettler, but I'm definitely going to settle in with the FAL right now.


Not as deep as he thinks
Why do I continue to get these worthless one time booster chests when I'm leveling up? I don't want this. I want relics. It's such a huge letdown to grind to the next level and get this awful chest and not get relics.
Thanks to Chronospherics, KylieDog, C4MO-WOLF and TechMemphis for the ranked games last night. We've had a great run until the last few matches.

nel e nel

Was kicking ass in my 2nd qualifier game to advance to the next rank level, and then got black screened, kicked to the main menu, and then recorded a loss. So going into my 3rd game with a 1-1 score, I of course get put on a team of other solo players against a full party that is mic'd up.


I'm not the best, but also not the worst, but god damn this fucking matchmaking in ranked TDM is piss poor.
Was kicking ass in my 2nd qualifier game to advance to the next rank level, and then got black screened, kicked to the main menu, and then recorded a loss. So going into my 3rd game with a 1-1 score, I of course get put on a team of other solo players against a full party that is mic'd up.


I'm not the best, but also not the worst, but god damn this fucking matchmaking in ranked TDM is piss poor.

Even better is when those black screen games cause you to lose 3x ranked points! Tons of fun considering how often it happens.
I decided to try and figure out how many people are actually playing this game.

I thought since the leaderboards reset (TDM, Command etc) that a good way to tell how many players the game has seen over the last 3 days (since the patch).

Significantly, I think the game is much more popular than people believe it to be. I currently see 70,000 players logged in the TDM playlist, and I haven't finished scrolling.

With other modes considered, and assuming common assumptions about the leaderboard reset are correct UC4 most likely has over 100,000 players active in the last few days.

Edit: Hit 70,000 but I'm not scrolling anymore. I don't know how many people play this game but it seems like a lot.
I decided to try and figure out how many people are actually playing this game.

I thought since the leaderboards reset (TDM, Command etc) that a good way to tell how many players the game has seen over the last 3 days (since the patch).

Significantly, I think the game is much more popular than people believe it to be. I am currently see 60,000 players logged in the TDM playlist, and I haven't finished scrolling.

With other modes considered, and assuming common assumptions about the leaderboard reset are correct UC4 most likely has over 100,000 players active in the last few days.
Some people play one match and then they ditch the game.

The only accurate metric is how many online (not even daily) players there are. Of course they're not going to disclose that, unless it's really huge.


Why do I continue to get these worthless one time booster chests when I'm leveling up? I don't want this. I want relics. It's such a huge letdown to grind to the next level and get this awful chest and not get relics.

Yeah it should definitely be a flat rate of relics per level, plus an additional one time booster chest or 150 relic vanity chest. Really odd design choice there, especially considering how stingy they are with relics. I'm 40 and still getting 100 every 3 levels which isn't much considering the play time.
Some people play one match and then they ditch the game.

The only accurate metric is how many online (not even daily) players there are. Of course they're not going to disclose that, unless it's really huge.

Most of the people had 2-4 hours played. Very very few played one match.

I imagine since it's quite a bit after launch, that most people hopping onlinedoso because they played it before the leaderboard reset and enjoyed it.

Though with 100,000+ players, if they played only playing 3 hours / day average (generous estimate) that would only mean there would be about 12k people on at any one time. That would match what I would expect for a moderately popular game.

I don't think split playlists are a good idea either way though. I'll explain my rationale for that later when I'm not working.
You don't even have to scroll. Click on the Global filter and it tells you your percentile and rank out of the total pool. Right now there's over 110k in each pool of TDM and Ranked. And since both Leaderboards got reset in the past two weeks (TDM in the past four days) this means that over 110k are still playing 2 months after launch.
You don't even have to scroll. Click on the Global filter and it tells you your percentile and rank out of the total pool. Right now there's over 110k in each pool of TDM and Ranked. And since both Leaderboards got reset in the past two weeks (TDM in the past four days) this means that over 110k are still playing 2 months after launch.

Ranked didn't get reset. But you can get a percentile for unranked? Couldn't find it.


Would rather have new modes over split playlist anyday.

On another note, I can't believe how bad some people are at plunder. I shouldn't be the only one playing the objective and still get more kills then my entire team combined...
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