So I made it to master rank, thanks to the help from an assortment of people, including Everlong, Wowbagger, Techmemphis, Baird and countless others that jumped into the party at some point or another. It wasn't exactly difficult, it just took quite a bit of time, and I haven't had too much time since I have been busy with my course, and currently moving house also. Still, I'm pleased with the hats, and we'll all be getting the ranked dab taunt at the end of the season too.
If anyone is interested in getting master themselves, if you have a KO/Down/Death ratio above 3.0, you will make it to master and once you are master, if you play with a team who are beyond 3.0, your master rank will increase indefinitely. Generally speaking, you won't lose, there are only a small handful of teams out there capable of challenging a full team of master players, and many of them will just back out before the match begins because they will not want to risk their master rank.
That brings me to the primary flaw of the games ranked system, to be honest. The fact that you can see your opponents names, and the number of them that join in, and then decide to leave causes many people to quit matches before they've even begun. I didn't even think about what was happening till a friend said he normally 'avoids parties' by backing out, and it also makes it harder for anyone that doesn't do this, as the mediocre and bad parties automatically filter themselves out when they see your team, and the only teams left are the capable and confident teams that are typically, much better players than those that shy away from the match every time they see a party of five.
It's messed up, if ND want the ranking system to mean anything they need to revise the master ranking system (it's garbage, getting S ranks and still receiving 5 points, losing 70+ on a loss) and ensure that people see who they're up against before the match has already been arranged, so that they can't leave before the match begins.
I gotta get into U4 MP soon. Its been long enough since I beat the game...but i'm surprised that you ran into people in a party but not in party chat.
There are a lot of people in this game that use in-game chat despite being in a party. Often see regular teams of 5 (as in, people who are teamed up together with the same people, frequently) who use the in-game mic system.
I guess they don't care for audio quality. Maybe it's because they're only a party of 4 not 5, so they use in-game to speak to the other team mate.