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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End |OT| You're gonna miss this ass

Was reading back through my posts in the TLOU official thread. I had so much more fun with that game (; _ ;)

One thing that stuck out to me though was this post I made in response to The Xtortionist commenting that TLOU had wonky pacing:

If that's the minority opinion, I'm there as well. "Combat section" ---> "exploration section" over and over is one kind of pacing, but it's not what I would call the best kind of pacing. It's why I feel these linear action/adventure games should rely less on combat arenas, and more on simply diversifying combat encounters. I'd much rather fight 10 enemies spread throughout an area + exploration + item management + upgrades vs. 10 enemies in one big room with everything else thrown in as bookends to the combat scenario.

But I'm still very early in TLOU, so I won't call this game out one way or another until I'm finished.

Hilarious looking back at this because that's exactly what UC4 turned out to be. Spikes of combat arenas with long exploration cooldown over and over, even more so than TLOU which actually had a number of escalating and prolonged action moments in it.

Left Behind done ruined everything. Worst timeline.

The Lamp

Just beat the game and I have a lot of thoughts on it. I want to say first that watching my friend play Uncharted 1 on his PS3 back in the day is what made me get my first job and purchase a PS3. I have all three games platinumed so I really do love this franchise, so I think what I am about to say may be the result of me just being over critical because I love the franchise so much, but I am pretty "meh" on this game. The game is beautiful, extremely well put together and enjoyable, but I have a lot of problems with it.

First let me get what I liked out of the way.
-Graphics, game is beautiful.
easter egg was fantastic
-Epilogue was fantastic
-The game has a lot less combat sections and far more "adventuring" which I actually prefer (reasons why i'll get to in a bit).
-Music is the best in the franchise. I've never been big on uncharted's Music tbh and I still don't think this games music is anything to write home about, but it'sdefinitly better than the music in any of it's predecessors imo.
-Rope was fun

Now what I disliked
No Chloe :(
No supernatural enemies at the end
-Shitty final boss (but then again it wouldn't be an uncharted game without it).
-Not that much globe trotting, and the little bit of it you do, is mostly to not very interesting locals. You spend far too much time on that damn island.
- Aside from the
car chase in Madagascar
the set pieces are a huge step down from previous games imo.

Now for my two biggest grips, the story and combat.

First the story. It felt super phoned in, and familer. Another person from Drake's past shows up, a rich douche and a mercenary leader with an infinite army are the antagonists, etc.. The story really felt lazy when it really shouldn't have had for this serie's final outing, I was excited at the butcher of Panama, and was super interested to see how he'd fit into the dynamic but
it ended up being a lie and squandered potential
. Also Sam was a very meh character. He wasn't all that interesting and the whole time I was with him, I kept wishing he was Chloe, or Sully, or Elana. Overall the story did not impress me at all, and I think it might be tied with U3 as being my least favorite.

Now my biggest issue with the game is the Combat. Oh where do I start. This is easily my least favorite aspect of the game and imo the worst combat in the franchise. Now I played it on hard my first time through so it may be a completely different experience on the easier diffulties, but there's so many odd changes that honestly feel like a regression. The list of things I didn't like
1)Switching shoulders while aiming is done by pressing X instead of just clicking the left stick. This change makes no sense to me.
2)Weapons contain too little ammo
3)You can't throw back grenades
4) Destructible cover seems good in theory, but I didn't like it.

*Now it's seem clear to me that 2-4 were intentional changes. It seems like ND really wanted you to move around during combat instead of hiding out around cover all the time, but on the higher difficulties when 2-3 bullets can kill you. This is a huuuuuge pain the ass, and ensured that I didn't enjoy a single combat encounter in the game. They all felt like annoyances to me. Now Uncharted games have always sucked on their higher difficulties but this increased focus on offense made this one the worst offender at this. Thankfully combat encounters are shorter and far fewer than past games.

5) stealth sucks. At first I was really happy that ND gave us this option but it was implemented horribly. which is disappointing considering they nailed it with TLOU. But the stealth mechanics just don't mesh well with Uncharted's more fast past, platformy combat.
6) you can't pick up ammo just by walking over it anymore. If there's a gun with the same kind of ammo as what you have equipped you have to pick it up manually pick it up. Why they decided to revert back to the way the first game had it? idk.

Overall I still enjoyed the game, but It should've been a much better experience. It still doesn't even come close to unseated Uncharted 2 as the best game in the franchise for me. Still haven't tried out the multiplayer. I enjoyed the beta so I'm assuming im going to enjoy this one as well.

This is actually hilarious to me because most of these points are things I actually liked about the game. Lol to each his own.
This is actually hilarious to me because most of these points are things I actually liked about the game. Lol to each his own.

Yeah, it's bizarre reading that post because it's almost the exact opposite of how I feel. A lot of those points are positives for me. It goes to show you that people have different expectations for games once a franchise has established itself.
This is actually hilarious to me because most of these points are things I actually liked about the game. Lol to each his own.

Yeah, it's bizarre reading that post because it's almost the exact opposite of how I feel. A lot of those points are positives for me. It goes to show you that people have different expectations for games once a franchise has established itself.

Now I'm curious, which of my dislikes did you guys like? I can understand the gameplay ones but if it's about Chloe not being int he game we'll have to fight ;)
Now I'm curious, which of my dislikes did you guys like? I can understand the gameplay ones but if it's about Chloe not being int he game we'll have to fight ;)

No supernatural enemies at the end. In my opinion i thought those aspects were the weakest parts of the past uncharted games
Reached chapter 11, I can't believe Drake just
bought a treasure at the market
I'm loving the game but I better see a lot more
in the remaining chapters.


Oh, i just remembered another thing: Please, no matter how stupidly trivial the puzzles are, stop telling us the solution before i even start looking around the room, ffs.

Enter a room with massive puzzle, and before i can even move, Drake goes something like "Oh, i bet i have to align the symbols!" or some shit.
I mean at that point just have it be a cutscene, if you're afraid people can't solve even basic riddles.

This is my biggest complain with the puzzles. I mean they're not hard, some of them can be tricky but they're not challenges that will have you give up and look for a guide on the internet and I'm fine with that because the kind of game just asks for these types of puzzles and they fit properly, but for god's sake, SHUT THE FUCK UP seriously, I was considering turning the volume down whenever I got into a puzzle because I was getting tired of hearing a "hint" (which is basically the solution) from the companion character 30 seconds into the puzzle. And I had the hints off in the menu!!! I can't even imagine how completely trivial the puzzles would become with that on. It's just absurd and probably the worst thing about the game.

Seriously, stop treating the player like a complete and utter useless braindead person, Naughty Dog, it's insulting and just a huge disservice to your game.

I forget if it's ever mentioned in this or 3 but
where does young Drake stuff take place and when/how/why do they get to Cartegena?

He's a teenager, so 14 or 15. It's never explained how or why Sam is non-existent in his life at that point though. Even Marlowe completely ignores his existence when she talks about Nathan's past despite mentioning his mother or the orphanage. Plot hole is real.


Now I'm curious, which of my dislikes did you guys like? I can understand the gameplay ones but if it's about Chloe not being int he game we'll have to fight ;)

Not being able to throw grenades back makes it so you can't camp in the same spot and pick people off with their own grenades. It makes you move around and use the environment more.
unpopular opinion: the soundtrack is top notch.

that segment in the beginning of the game was madd trippy...am I the only one who thinks this?
No supernatural enemies at the end. In my opinion i thought those aspects were the weakest parts of the past uncharted games

Yeah I know those can be pretty decisive but I always look forward to them in these games, and are a strong aspect of why I like this franchise. I was disappointed when U3 tried to half ass this aspect too but atleast from a gameplay perspective we still got them. Them being completely absent here is completely disappointing, it makes sense for the tone they where going for but it's also why I didn't like the tone of this game.
unpopular opinion: the soundtrack is top notch.

that segment in the beginning of the game was madd trippy...am I the only one who thinks this?

i really love the combat music


i wouldn't personally say the soundtrack was underwhelming it was less summer blockbuster which i think suited the game in certain spots. Plus playing with headphones is really great since the atmosphere of
worked well without a soundtrack playing.


It's funny that one of the biggest complaints about UC 1-3 is now one of the big complaints about UC4 for the opposite reason.

Now I'm curious, which of my dislikes did you guys like? I can understand the gameplay ones but if it's about
Chloe not being in the game
we'll have to fight ;)

I agree with you about
Chloe, haha.
But for example, not being able to throw back grenades and destructible cover were both great in my opinion. I also had a lot of fun with the stealth because the combat arenas are very well designed, and the enemy placement is fantastic. No matter how you look at it, stealth is merely an option if you prefer going in guns-a-blazing. I enjoyed the last boss, too. It felt like a refreshing change of pace.


So this thread is slowly turning into "everyone thinks the game is not good" right?

Time to get the hell out then, I am having too much of a good time personally


I agree with you about
Chloe, haha.
But for example, not being able to throw back grenades and destructible cover were both great in my opinion. I also had a lot of fun with the stealth because the combat arenas are very well designed, and the enemy placement is fantastic. No matter how you look at it, stealth is merely an option if you prefer going in guns-a-blazing. I enjoyed the last boss, too. It felt like a refreshing change of pace.

Being able to throw grenades back was lame. It made grenades non threatening. I'm so glad they removed that. I think if you're playing UC like a cover shooter you're doing yourself a disservice since the game is so much more fun when you're taking advantage of Drake's mobility. The combat flow in UC4 is very different compared to the previous games. It's actually quite unique for games in general. It's almost like a deadly version of hide and seek.

On a somewhat related note, I picked up the Nathan Drake collection for 15 bucks. I played up to Chapter 9ish in UC3. This game is unfortunately worse than I remembered. The story is such a jumbled mess and relies so heavily on Drake piecing things together that would literally be impossible for the player to do. Oh well. UC2 is still a ton of fun. The aiming/shooting is still maybe my favorite in the series.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Finished it. Feel like the game improved drastically when you
get to the island. From there on out, the focus is on slowly discovering what happened to the pirates, and they did that really well. It's like a (very pretty) re-imagining of Drake's Fortune. I like how the action from then on out is locked to the island and the game feels more focused because of it.

And the epilogue was great. The Druckmann trademarks are all over this.

I also agree with Timeaisis' post though. Sometimes the pacing is really off
and the slower moments feel calculated, like ch21. It's like they had a rulebook that required them to have a traversal segment after a large shootout, and they followed it to the letter.

Endo Punk

Just beat the game on hard, clocked in at 21 hours. Incredible experience, so fully realised, by its end I didn't want more; not because it was getting dull but because I felt completely content with the experience and ending, or rather [epilogue] which was beautiful and fitting.


unpopular opinion: the soundtrack is top notch.

I'm slowly warming up to what it tries to do, while actively judging Henry Jackman for objectively (overused) bad compositional attributes (i.e. staccato and legato string runs, string crossing....these things are bad)
I agree with you about
Chloe, haha.
But for example, not being able to throw back grenades and destructible cover were both great in my opinion. I also had a lot of fun with the stealth because the combat arenas are very well designed, and the enemy placement is fantastic. No matter how you look at it, stealth is merely an option if you prefer going in guns-a-blazing. I enjoyed the last boss, too. It felt like a refreshing change of pace.

I wanted to like stealth. I honestly would've preferred to play it that way, but I completely disagree about the level design stealth wise. Aside from the first instance in Italy, I thought the placement and stealth design was subpar.


Just beat the game on hard, clocked in at 21 hours. Incredible experience, so fully realised, by its end I didn't want more; not because it was getting dull but because I felt completely content with the experience and ending, or rather [epilogue] which was beautiful and fitting.

holy cow... that is the timer in the game? without cutscenes?

you must've grabbed ALL notes, journals, conversations and treasures at that time. I think i clocked the end at hr 12.


Just beat it.

I'm gonna be honest: this is the only Uncharted game I liked. I thought 2 and 3 were okay, but nothing I would say that I really enjoyed. I think this stems from the gameplay feeling way tighter, and maybe even the fact that the DS4 isn't complete garbage like the DS3.

The epilogue was great. I loved so many things about the story. Sure, I have nitpicks, but finally I think ND improved the gameplay enough to the point where it's no longer a negative. The only really glaringly negative point was the (end game spoilers)
final boss. The camera was not kind to me here. The room was very small and midway through a combo the camera would flip out and I'd take a hit or two. Was very, very frustrating.

Also, thank God for the speedrun, sharpshooter, and crushing trophy exploits. I really didn't want to play through the entire campaign again (that's just not the kind of gamer I am), so those really helped.
I agree with you about
Chloe, haha.
But for example, not being able to throw back grenades and destructible cover were both great in my opinion. I also had a lot of fun with the stealth because the combat arenas are very well designed, and the enemy placement is fantastic. No matter how you look at it, stealth is merely an option if you prefer going in guns-a-blazing. I enjoyed the last boss, too. It felt like a refreshing change of pace.

I agree about
too. I enjoy pretty much any of the other companions over Sam really.

Not that he's bad, but it was "refreshing" to get
Elena as a companion
in chapter 17. I was so sick of
hearing "Nice shot little brother."

I definitely think the other games had the better banter even though UC4 has the more well developed story.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Also, thank God for the speedrun, sharpshooter, and crushing trophy exploits. I really didn't want to play through the entire campaign again (that's just not the kind of gamer I am), so those really helped.

Just tried that and only got the speedrun trophy. Gonna try deleting game data, see if that makes a difference.
Man, I just can't get over how awesome Chapter 11's action sequence is. Looking back, I see that it was the E3 gameplay demo. I'm so glad I decided to go on a media blackout once this game was announced. The scene wouldn't have had nearly the same impact if I had seen it a year ago.

Endo Punk

holy cow... that is the timer in the game? without cutscenes?

you must've grabbed ALL notes, journals, conversations and treasures at that time. I think i clocked the end at hr 12.

I wish lol. Tried searching every nook and cranny, only managed 64 treasures, not sure about the others.


Reached chapter 11, I can't believe Drake just
bought a treasure at the market
I'm loving the game but I better see a lot more
in the remaining chapters.

Really? I'm assuming you had to pick it up more than once to do it because nothing happened when I first picked it up. :/
not interesting locales? um, okay.

Man, I just can't get over how awesome Chapter 11's action sequence is. Looking back, I see that it was the E3 gameplay demo. I'm so glad I decided to go on a media blackout once this game was announced. The scene wouldn't have had nearly the same impact if I had seen it a year ago.

posted that despite having seen it, it was incredible. That said, would have been absolutely mind blowing if I hadn't seen it. Incredible segement. Right down to the
motorbike bit with you shooting it like a mad man at the armoured truck


Was reading back through my posts in the TLOU official thread. I had so much more fun with that game (; _ ;)

One thing that stuck out to me though was this post I made in response to The Xtortionist commenting that TLOU had wonky pacing:

Hilarious looking back at this because that's exactly what UC4 turned out to be. Spikes of combat arenas with long exploration cooldown over and over, even more so than TLOU which actually had a number of escalating and prolonged action moments in it.

Left Behind done ruined everything. Worst timeline.
To be honest, Uncharted has always been what you described in your old quote. Just now more to an extreme than before.

It's okay, it's tough following up the best game in a decade. :)


Just tried that and only got the speedrun trophy. Gonna try deleting game data, see if that makes a difference.

Yeah, it's finicky. Got it though with this method.

1. Delete game data and all saves except your clear save and your profile.
2. Install game.
3. Don't install patch. Pause download.
4. Play Prologue on Crushing. Make new save. Ram 3-4 boats to trigger the auto save.
5. Quit out to main menu.
6. Chapter Select, Epilogue.
7. Beat game. Get trophy pops for crushing and speed run.
8. Patch the game. This needs to be done because encounter select isn't in version 1.00.
9. Fight enough dudes in any encounter to trigger an autosave, aim for 100% accuracy, but whatever, just get 70%.
10. Select Epilogue.
11. Beat game. Get trophy pop for sharpshooter.


So this thread is slowly turning into "everyone thinks the game is not good" right?

Time to get the hell out then, I am having too much of a good time personally

It happens to all of the "geek" franchise. I mean this in a very loving way. Let me explain.

What is happening here is like what happened to Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Its a highly enjoyable popcorn flick. Don't take it too serious, and go along for the ride. Its wonderful and a ton of fun.

Its only when you start to really drill into it you realize there are some issues...some little plot holes...and the critics start to come out now that the sound of blasters are out of your ears.

Same with Uncharted.

The opening days everyone is just enjoying the ride. Its a great video game with fun likeable characters and a compelling "Indiana Jones" feel.

Then...on come the critics after awhile that drill into it...and expose the little plot holes, etc. Its like a damn treasure hunt for a lot of them.

I would never say anything is above criticism...criticism does push the medium forward....But in the end, I hope folks remember that this video game was only meant to be a fun ride and don't pick it apart to the point one forgets why you loved playing it in the first place.


I'd be in the dick
Was reading back through my posts in the TLOU official thread. I had so much more fun with that game (; _ ;)

One thing that stuck out to me though was this post I made in response to The Xtortionist commenting that TLOU had wonky pacing:

Hilarious looking back at this because that's exactly what UC4 turned out to be. Spikes of combat arenas with long exploration cooldown over and over, even more so than TLOU which actually had a number of escalating and prolonged action moments in it.

Left Behind done ruined everything. Worst timeline.
While I personally disagree with the overall sentiment, I'm actually surprised this game is being received so well for the reasons you mentioned. The whole time playing it, I was quite surprised at the direction they took with the amount of exploration and figured a lot of people would be disappointed. Since I was on a complete blackout until I finished, I didn't really see any impressions as I was progressing.


Just finished so quick and dirty impressions but.
BCT Cross Post:
Uncharted 4 is pretty much perfect for what I wanted it to be. This is intelligently made dime store fiction. Got it's issues but yeah this is a good end for these characters.
Good end for this series if this is it.


Junior Member
4 uncharted games. 2 tomb raider games.

what's with obnoxious army dude and his/her hired goons. how fucking original.

I will give this game 7 max. tried waaay too hard to be last of us which made it less fun like the usual uncharted. some of the chapters were real snooze fest. walking sim indeed.


when UC 2+3 came out, one of the very vocal and central complaints was the
supernatural elements
. so this sudden backflip is quite amusing whenever I read it.

People HATED it.

I think it's different people complaining. Just the same as those who thought there was too much shoot bang before, but are happier now that there's more exploration and exposition in UC4, and vice versa for those that actually want more gunfights.
Just finished so quick and dirty impressions but.
BCT Cross Post:
Uncharted 4 is pretty much perfect for what I wanted it to be. This is intelligently made dime store fiction. Got it's issues but yeah this is a good end for these characters.
Good end for this series if this is it.

Yeah i don't know how many people will agree with me but this is probably one of the fewest franchises which got the ending it deserved after a trilogy or so games. I really can't think of any negative about the ending of UC4. They nailed it


tried waaay too hard to be last of us which made it less fun like the usual uncharted. some of the chapters were real snooze fest. walking sim indeed.

Spot on imo. Far too many peaceful moments and not enough action. Game is supposed to be a pulpy action film. I mentioned it reminded me of Quantum Break the way I was spoon fed combat sequences.


Yeah i don't know how many people will agree with me but this is probably one of the fewest franchises which got the ending it deserved after a trilogy or so games. I really can't think of any negative about the ending of UC4. They nailed it

My only complaint with the ending.
I think Sam got off too easy. He lied and put everyone's life at risk and no one seemed to mind. Everyone forgave him too quickly.


I had a thought on my way home from work. About Rafe and questioning just how did he turn out the way he did in the series then it all hit me.

dude is literally Shooter McGavin except for the top of his class he had the connections

The Drake brothers pretty much caused him to go crazy, from Drake just randomly not liking him, Sam running off with the info after he busted him out, Drake pretty much killing all of his hired help. I honestly can't be surprised that he went crazy like that at the end. And he gave these dudes a way out yet they said fuck it. You can compare it to how Adam Sandler in Happy Gilmore basically fucked up McGavin's "victory lap" in golf and started all of this fuckery of winning.

I'm being funny about it but it's kinda hilarious looking at that character.....Adam Sandler needs to sue Neil yall
Was reading back through my posts in the TLOU official thread. I had so much more fun with that game (; _ ;)

One thing that stuck out to me though was this post I made in response to The Xtortionist commenting that TLOU had wonky pacing:

Hilarious looking back at this because that's exactly what UC4 turned out to be. Spikes of combat arenas with long exploration cooldown over and over, even more so than TLOU which actually had a number of escalating and prolonged action moments in it.

Left Behind done ruined everything. Worst timeline.

Left Behind worked because it was a side story DLC and not a part of the main game like UC4's "Left Behind" is.
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