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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End |OT| You're gonna miss this ass

Yeah, Im kinda interested in how you feel about the game, cuz all my other niggas(Net_Wrecker, Papercuts, Xtornitionst) was like "its pretty...but this shit wack smh"

I'm waiting for you to get to the later parts of the game because aside from the set pieces, some of the quiet moments. Man, really just beautiful moments.

I'll keep you brehs updated. Definitely firmly in the "loving it" camp atm, even if I want some more hits of that sweet, sweet combat. It's not even that they're paced poorly either since they feel like nice punctuation marks to the segmented mini-adventures that the chapters feel like, it's just that they're soooooo good I want more of them.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I agree with you, and I thought Ch.17-20 were the highlight of the game because of that dynamic. They've come so far from UC1

and UC4 for comparison

and you too, you big hater <3

I like the Elena parts but 19 suuuuucks.

It takes out the interesting parts of the combat, funnels it into a tunnel, then puts in the weirdly gamey
exploding mummies
that don't fit the otherwise more grounded experience at all.

But yeah, the game in general is weird for me. I was actually really positive right after finishing it but I'm struggling to push through on a replay and I can't really dispute issues with it. Xtortion is cray if he thinks this is 3 tier though, 2&4 are waaaaay better than 1&3.
Xtortionist going too far now. You're gonna regret these posts in a few weeks. UC3 was a mess, singleplayer and multiplayer.

That game had Team Objective though.
And lots of stretches of combat, albeit poor combat.

Oh god is this the Zelda effect?



Yeah sure, UC1 especially went crazy with that arena design, but UC2 actually had a lot of smaller encounters to keep the pacing relatively high. It was a much less extreme game than this. UC4 kind of does what I'm talking about in Chapter 8 for a little while, you'll actually find these smaller groups of 3-8 guys just standing around and it keeps you on your toes. Beyond Chapter 11 though, the pace is all about extremes with the "action" part of that dynamic being incredibly short, and the downtime lasting way longer than it ever has wuithout adding much worthwhile to the formula. The only engaging platforming sequence comes when you're like 98% through the game.

Nahhhh, "wack" is too harsh. UC3 is wack. UC4 a million times better than that game, but still....

I don't really disagree with you that much on any of your points. I posted many of the same concerns you did much earlier in the thread, but for me the good definitely outweighs the bad and I still had a smile on my face for most of the journey. Definitely doesn't top The Last of Us though for me personally, but to be honest - I can't say I was expecting it to...(Been rocking the Ellie avatar since 2012...lol).

Naughty Dog is really held to some ungodly standard because if the game is just a 8/10 or even a 9/10 and not one of the best games of all time than it is seen as a disappointment by some.The biggest bummer of it all is now having to wait three years to see if Naughty Dog is going to correct the mistakes they did here or double down on the Left Behind stuff.

The only thing I disagree is the Chapter 21 thing being the only worthwhile platforming section. I enjoyed the sliding and zigzagging/jumping in Scotland and I also felt like the platforming was also fun when you were trying to avoid the flashlights in the auction heist.
UC4 gives you absolutely no reason to explore its environments other than for lame trinket treasures and boring journal entries. So most of the slower paced moments in the story just fall sort of flat.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I would prefer some sort of Rise of the Tomb Raider upgrade system here. That game is pure garbage, but AT LEAST it encourages the player to scavenge the environment for supplies and usable materials. I wouldn't mind collecting stuff to craft bigger ammo and grenade pouches. It would at least make the platforming/walking sections a lot less boring.

What? The journal entries are part of the reason the story is so good! The way all the past stories parallel with the present story was amazingly well done. I couldn't wait until I found the next journal entry.

As for the treasures, I do agree that they are a bit boring. I really wish that there was at least some sort of description for each piece. But I still think the environment is a lot of fun to explore.

Agree to disagree then, because you just point a direction and mash x. While yes I do like the rop mechanic, it's all super easy. I'm confused how people can fail those jump parts... why would you jump if he's not reaching? he reaches when you have a point you can grab, if you're dying there you're just rushing.

It's all essentially automated. It always has been so I really don't mind. I think it would be better if you were getting chased or rushed more often while doing, because then the stuff you talk about with not realizing to go or executing the timing right MIGHT be an issue as it has been with various different set pieces over the years. That being said the majority of the "slow parts" people are complaining about in this game are parts where you're not rushed, so again I don't really see how you could fail the platforming barring a glitch or being super impatient and mashing the button even moreso than usual.

Not sure you're understanding me. The mechanics and timing are very easy and forgiving obviously, but it's rarely so simple as "follow the line and press x" but uses environmental puzzles and layers and chains together the mechanics so that you have to give the pathfinding some thought.


I'd be in the dick
I'll keep you brehs updated. Definitely firmly in the "loving it" camp atm, even if I want some more hits of that sweet, sweet combat. It's not even that they're paced poorly either since they feel like nice punctuation marks to the segmented mini-adventures that the chapters feel like, it's just that they're soooooo good I want more of them.
I feel the same way

I also think that the reason the combat encounters in this game are so good is because there are fewer, they could really focus on the design.
I like the Elena parts but 19 suuuuucks.

It takes out the interesting parts of the combat, funnels it into a tunnel, then puts in the weirdly gamey
exploding mummies
that don't fit the otherwise more grounded experience at all.

But yeah, the game in general is weird for me. I was actually really positive right after finishing it but I'm struggling to push through on a replay and I can't really dispute issues with it. Xtortion is cray if he thinks this is 3 tier though, 2&4 are waaaaay better than 1&3.

I felt like that was their compromise for not having
supernatural elements
in the game.
for all of UC3's horrendous failings, at least the game hit its stride with the shipyard. I can't say UC4 ever really gets into gear.

UC4 makes me appreciate things in UC3 that I took for granted, how about that shit

Agreed. I mean 17 & 18 are fantastic, but then they follow it up with the horrendous 19. Those
exploding bodies.
The shipyard graveyard battles are great, but 21 is a useless chapter consisting of nothing but
. I did like
as a companion over Sam though.


Incredibly Naive
Not sure you're understanding me. The mechanics and timing are very easy and forgiving obviously, but it's rarely so simple as "follow the line and press x" but uses environmental puzzles and layers and chains together the mechanics so that you have to give the pathfinding some thought.

I do follow that, but I just don't see it, everything is laid out RIGHT in front of you. I guess I'm more used to this style of game or something, but there were very few parts at all, if ANY that I didn't know exactly where I had to go. Hell when you have to throw the rope the L1 button pops up on whatever the object is without looking directly at it. The grips in the wall are painfully obvious, and if there is something you're unsure of going towards the game doesn't let you just jump in to the void when wall climbing anyways.

Again though multiple people brought up one of your original points which was that you take risks on the rope and short it. I just don't see how people are doing that that aren't rushing or are missing the fact that the game tells you when you can make the jump or not.


Few points about characters, chapters and encounters.

- Epilogue legit got me teary eyed. Rest Nate you deserve the normal life.
I don't know man, he kind of murdered billions of people so he might not completely deserve it.
he does going by unchartedlogic/


Xtortionist going too far now. You're gonna regret these posts in a few weeks. UC3 was a mess singleplayer and multiplayer.

That game had Team Objective though.
And lots of stretches of combat, albeit poor combat.

Oh god is this the Zelda effect?


Oh my god it is Zelda. What the hell is happening to me. I'm started to like U3. No, Druckman, nooooooooo


Man, just finished the game. What an incredible ride. I really liked 2 but this one is an incredible experience with great pacing. Loved how you have control in some set pieces that in other games you wouldn't.

Just a quick thought, some guns felt really really like a few guns in The Order (like the mettler playing a lot like M82 Falchion) does anyone think that as well?


Incredibly Naive
Man, just finished the game. What an incredible ride. I really liked 2 but this one is an incredible experience with great pacing. Loved how you have control in some set pieces that in other games you wouldn't.

Just a quick thought, some guns felt really really like a few guns in The Order (like the mettler playing a lot like M82 Falchion) does anyone think that as well?

I guess so, but I think the gun play in this is better even though that was one of the few things the order actually did right. I thought there were a few nods to the order, like the little trinkets you could pick up and examine.


I guess so, but I think the gun play in this is better even though that was one of the few things the order actually did right. I thought there were a few nods to the order, like the little trinkets you could pick up and examine.

Yep, thought that as well. When I picked the mettler just said: Man! That's totally the M82! And I loved it on the Order cause I replayed it a few months ago.
I do follow that, but I just don't see it, everything is laid out RIGHT in front of you. I guess I'm more used to this style of game or something, but there were very few parts at all, if ANY that I didn't know exactly where I had to go. Hell when you have to throw the rope the L1 button pops up on whatever the object is without looking directly at it. The grips in the wall are painfully obvious, and if there is something you're unsure of going towards the game doesn't let you just jump in to the void when wall climbing anyways.

Again though multiple people brought up one of your original points which was that you take risks on the rope and short it. I just don't see how people are doing that that aren't rushing or are missing the fact that the game tells you when you can make the jump or not.

I'm not saying it's hard. I always know what to do and where to go, but it accomplishes it in a way that makes you feel like you're figuring stuff out for yourself which in turn makes the environments feel more treacherous and the adventure more adventures. It's tough to explain, but I think there's a big difference between the platforming in this one and the other games.
I think UC4 is better than UC3, but not by magnitudes. UC4 is just plain boring to me most of the time, and boring is probs one of the worst things a game can be.

Like, would I rather play UC3 with its higher level of engagement mixed with more frustration, or would I rather play UC4 when three quarters of the game puts me to sleep even if it's less annoying.

Honestly I think I'd rather play UC2 or TLOU and forget both UC3 and 4.

Gray Matter

Last night I had a dream that instead of the ending we got, it was just nate, Elena, sully and Sam looking over a world map while looking back at all of his adventures around the globe. That right imo, was a better than
the cliche happily ever after ending we got.


Uncharted 3 is just as good as 2.


Chloe lovers are the worst.

It is better than 2.

Drakes outfit in the desert with that scarf is so badass. Set pieces are cooler as well. And while it has a shitty bossfight (a trademark of this series) it is not as bad as 2.
Lol, you might want to stop ranting and read that again. I wasn't referring to you or anyone in particular with that statement, just throwing out my opinion regarding some of the (good) changes they made in what was discussed.

Crushing is hard as fuck later in the game, if you can beat the shipwreck yard, the section after avery's grave, the gauntlet before the shipwreck grave, or the room in Avery's mansion when you're trying to get through the blocked door on crushing by run and gunning then please post a video.
I think UC4 is better than UC3, but not by magnitudes. UC4 is just plain boring to me most of the time, and boring is probs one of the worst things a game can be.

Like, would I rather play UC3 with its higher level of engagement mixed with more frustration, or would I rather play UC4 when three quarters of the game puts me to sleep even if it's less annoying.

Honestly I think I'd rather play UC2 or TLOU and forget both UC3 and 4.

Heh. I basically said exactly this yesterday. The ratio of engaging interactivity is just higher.

I don't think Uncharted 4 is miles better than Uncharted 3 at all... I have to rethink UC3 when I get to it as I'm playing through the Remastered collection. I can say when I first played UC3 I remember having many more "moments". The shipyard, the plane, the horses etc. My "moments" in Uncharted 4 were chapter 11, beautiful sights and graphics, character relationship and the little combat arenas we had. Unfortunately, the best moments of the game don't come from inventive gameplay and thats my biggest problem with UC4.

I to think UC2 is the pinnacle of the series, but I still like UC3. Why do people hate that game again? Is it just the story?


Incredibly Naive
I'm not saying it's hard. I always know what to do and where to go, but it accomplishes it in a way that makes you feel like you're figuring stuff out for yourself which in turn makes the environments feel more treacherous and the adventure more adventures. It's tough to explain, but I think there's a big difference between the platforming in this one and the other games.

again agree to disagree then like I said. I'm fine with it the first time around and i was in all of the other games, but on subsequent playthroughs it gets a little tiring and you would like to just skip it. In the other games these sections were few and far between, but now this game is loaded with those slow moving parts... a lot of them require finding or waiting for one of those boxes to climb to the next part. It's really dull.

Again the first time through for me I'd say is better than 2, but I go back and forth on that. (for reference 2 is one of my top games all time). that being said
I'm just not a huge fan of how REAL they made it. While I love these characters, one of the things I loved was how indiana jones it was. Obviously it's ok to have character arcs and to have them mature, however at his core Nathan loved the adventure. Elena and even at times Sully just come off as so preachy- and in the real world that totally makes sense, but I also loved the dynamic of nathan and sully as explorers. They find a neat way to keep that sentiment alive with the ending, but it's simply not the same. This is a lot more serious and dark when dealing with what it is that they're doing. I always hated the complaints of ludo-narrative dissonance with all the killing, but in this game it really makes you feel like Nate is a lot more human and it makes the whole situation a lot darker. It didn't bother me perse, but I do miss the lightheartedness and fun thrilling adventure, rather than feeling like what they're doing is forced or wrong. It's conflicting for me for sure. Hell in a cutscene posted a few posts up, elena has to convince Nate to finish his mission, because she wants the treasure. I thought they were trying way to hard to hammer home the point when they were literal feet away from the biggest historical find of all time and they were all just like meh. What's more is that it's implied Sam and Sully continue the crazy adventures, yet just moments before sully is preaching about how it's not the right thing to do. I get that he doesn't have as much to live for as nate would and that's the whole point, but still you have to figure given their history, that's simply not how it would play out.
I to think UC2 is the pinnacle of the series, but I still like UC3. Why do people hate that game again? Is it just the story?

Combat is annoying because enemies frequently spawn behind Drake, shooting feels bad because enemies hardly react to bullets, the first third of the game is basically on-rails, and enemies frequently rush you down to promote melee, which can screw you because the grab escape button is also the roll button.

All that being said, UC3 has significantly longer stretches of time where I actually feel like I'm doing something compared to UC4. Barring the desert, everything post ship graveyard is pretty high octane.


The soundtrack is cool I don't get the hate

It's okay.

I never thought any of the Uncharted soundtracks were all that memorable so this is merely a side step to me.

Really the only song that did anything for me was the one when
You are in the jeep with Elena in the jungle

I feel like the soundtrack would have benefited having more instruments that felt native to the area. A more keltic sound for Scottland, a drum focused sound for Madagascar etc. Instead it's all largely the same nondescript symphonic treatment. I mean it's fine, but I'd be hard pressed to remember anything in particular.

Also not exactly fair following Gustavo.
Lol, you might want to stop ranting and read that again. I wasn't referring to you or anyone in particular with that statement, just throwing out my opinion regarding some of the (good) changes they made in what was discussed.
There's throwing out an opinion and then theres making an open call out and saying anyone criticising the design changes to encounters must be a camper and should play on easy.

if you're annoyed at not being able to kill everyone while staying behind the same cover for 30 minutes and possibly without dying a single time then I guess just play on super easy babby mode with auto-aim on.

thats weak dude
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