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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End |OT| You're gonna miss this ass


Chapter 16 here.

Am I the only one that thinks that this game is boring as hell?

The shooting sections are great (by far better than previous Uncharted) but there are not so much. Graphics are absolutely amazing, out of this world if you consider details.

But all the rest (climbing just pressing X) is so boring that I cannot play for more than half an hour without risking to fall asleep.


Chapter 16 here.

Am I the only one that thinks that this game is boring as hell?

The shooting sections are great (by far better than previous Uncharted) but there are not so much. Graphics are absolutely amazing, out of this world if you consider details.

But all the rest (climbing just pressing X) is so boring that I cannot play for more than half an hour without risking to fall asleep.

As a medical practitioner i suspect you may have an underlying problem. No game should have the consequence of potentially making one fall asleep.



Fucking finally.


Wow, they did entirely too much with the epilogue chapter. Like holy I'm gonna try tk forget this part of the game, cause it sucked.


So let me get this straight. If I play on crushing and enable infinite ammo for example, that doesn't disable trophies?

It does not, same with guns at your disposal as well as bullet time, I used those when I got stuck at some of the latter encounters.


Finally finished the game and loved it overall. I'd say it's my favorite of the series and can't wait to start second playthrough on crushing. I found the whole pirate themed plot fascinating and absolutely loved
the Guybrush Monkey Island references
. Simply brilliant.

I was mostly impressed with the amazing visuals and the stunning detailed locations. Often I just found myself breathing in the atmosphere and admiring the beautiful views. I really enjoyed the slower pace overall and loved the calmer chapters that the rest of the series were lacking
like Normal Life and Brothers Drake
. I found only couple of the shootouts toward the end a bit frustrating but didn't get at all tired of the action this time. On the contrary I think the slower pace made the action seem more effective and intense this time. I thought the gameplay had some nice variety this time and the larger open areas felt like a breath of fresh air to the series.

Really liked the ending and it actually took me by a surprise. Really liked how you were able to explore their new house and see glimpses of everyone's life during the years. I must say I was bit surprised that both Sam and Sully survived but really thought it was a fitting ending to the series.
Funnily enough I'd rank the series at the moment 4,3,2,1. They saved the best for last.

Still as much as I loved this The Last of Us remains my favorite Naughty Dog game. I think the more dramatic subject matter and themes make it a bit more memorable experience for me.

I'm replaying on Crushing right now (Chapter 12 or so) and is it so much fucking better second time around.

Turns out I completely missed about 3 combat encounters and two legit good puzzles for Treasures.

What a treat this game is.


Anyone else find it ironic that in The Last Of Us playing on Survivor greatly enhances the game play mechanics while in Uncharted it's the complete opposite? Even on hard you are pretty inhibited in what you can do and on Crushing you can basically forget doing anything fancy. Going through Crushing right now and it's just painful, stealth is especially ridiculous with how easily you're spotted from 10 years away.

Disagree here.

I felt like TloU had it's sweet spot at hard without any hints and minimal hud imo. Best balance between stealth, supplies, melee etc.
Finished it on Grounded as well. And it was bad, it became a memorization game because the encounters were super punishing.

It's just a notch below for Uncharted 4 for me, sweet spot on Normal (wish I had my first playthrough on that) and Crushing being a slog.


Debating whether to playthrough on Hard. I played through on normal & found it nicely balanced, and I'm 50/50 on whether to bother about another trophy...more likely to play through on moderate or explorer to soak in more story...

As I said elsewhere, I'm replaying on Crushing and it's great. Seems perfectly balanced up to chapter 13/14, although I hear it shits the bed a little by the end difficulty-wise.

Wow, they did entirely too much with the epilogue chapter. Like holy I'm gonna try tk forget this part of the game, cause it sucked.

O rly?

'Entirely too much'?

What's your beef, pal?


Just done with it. Is it me or the graphics just kept getting better and better? I almost lost it in the epilogue, how is that even possible.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Just done with it. Is it me or the graphics just kept getting better and better? I almost lost it in the epilogue, how is that even possible.

This game has
the most detailed and best looking home interiors. The offices, bedrooms, everything. Just insane. I couldn't believe I was stuck looking at a home office for minutes.


i dont know how to feel my feelings right now

also fuck [chapter 18(?) or late game spoilers]
when Elena played dead after that fall in the cave. I about completely lost it.
Fuck you Naughty Dog. Fuck you. My emotions aren't meant to be toyed with like that!

That's my favourite scene. It just hits so many notes.


I finished this earlier today and thought it was a great end to the series.

The combat was a lot better, but I still hate those heavily armored shotgun/machine gun guys. At least I didn't quit out of frustration like I did with uncharted 3.


Just reach Chapter
in crush difficulty (first play-through)... I've just rage Quit, this place is pure bullshit shooting session in the game... some of the previous where hard and challenging, but this one feel cheap. No way the
second wave with not checkpoint
is destroying me. I've tried using cheap trick, but i get overwhelm for no reason at the end, got spam every 8 second by freaking grenade. Tell me this is the worse moment in the game ? if there is another shooting session like this...


As I said elsewhere, I'm replaying on Crushing and it's great. Seems perfectly balanced up to chapter 13/14, although I hear it shits the bed a little by the end difficulty-wise.

O rly?

'Entirely too much'?

What's your beef, pal?

Personally, I really like the epilogue even though I didn't enjoy this game's story too much as a whole but a collegue of mine really, really dislikes the epilogue because
it's basically the end of a Disney Movie where absolutely everyone gets the happiest possible ending, no matter what happened beforehand. Especially Sam's actions don't seem to have any consequences at all for him - we see al the terrible shit he's doing during the course of the game and how he willingly endangers the lifes of those who love him for personal gain and then...the game just cuts away and everyone is happy and loves each other. We don't even get a scene of Nathan going "Hey man, you are my brother, I can't help but love you...but seriously, fuck you, lie to me and make my wife risk her life ever again and I'll break your goddamn jaw, alright?" Uncharted always lacked any sense of true consequence for any character (except of the villian, of course) and the epilogue goes all out in that regard.

I didn't mind that too much because I just don't care for Sam at all. I loved the scenes with Elena and Drake and found the ones with Sam incredibly boring so I was absolutely fine with Sam out of the picture, allowing me a few more minutes with the characters I actually care about.


Got the platinum.

Thanks for the glitched trophies, saved me time. I liked the game a lot, but I hate Crushing difficulty or Speedruns. Grabbing all treasures was pretty satisfying too.

Now to return it and get some money back.


Just reach Chapter
in crush difficulty (first play-through)... I've just rage Quit, this place is pure bullshit shooting session in the game... some of the previous where hard and challenging, but this one feel cheap. No way the
second wave with not checkpoint
is destroying me. I've tried using cheap trick, but i get overwhelm for no reason at the end, got spam every 8 second by freaking grenade. Tell me this is the worse moment in the game ? if there is another shooting session like this...

That first section in chapter
is pretty much the hardest section in the game on crushing. You'll have no problems with the rest of the game if you manage to pass it.


Finally finished the game. It is truly fantastic. Easily the best Uncharted game and one of the best action games I have ever played. It is stunningly beautiful.

I am on team
sequel. I would love to see the series continue with Cassie (I think that is the daughters name) and possibly Chloe (the female protagonist from Uncharted 2, it has been a while so I think that was her name). I don't think ND needs to make them though I would love it.

10/10 in my book.


Personally, I really like the epilogue even though I didn't enjoy this game's story too much as a whole but a collegue of mine really, really dislikes the epilogue because
it's basically the end of a Disney Movie where absolutely everyone gets the happiest possible ending, no matter what happened beforehand. Especially Sam's actions don't seem to have any consequences at all for him - we see al the terrible shit he's doing during the course of the game and how he willingly endangers the lifes of those who love him for personal gain and then...the game just cuts away and everyone is happy and loves each other. We don't even get a scene of Nathan going "Hey man, you are my brother, I can't help but love you...but seriously, fuck you, lie to me and make my wife risk her life ever again and I'll break your goddamn jaw, alright?" Uncharted always lacked any sense of true consequence for any character (except of the villian, of course) and the epilogue goes all out in that regard.

I didn't mind that too much because I just don't care for Sam at all. I loved the scenes with Elena and Drake and found the ones with Sam incredibly boring so I was absolutely fine with Sam out of the picture, allowing me a few more minutes with the characters I actually care about.

What's wrong with
things being a happy ending? If this was Hollywood, Sam would have died. What your colleague wants here is the 'Hollywood tragedy', the perennial cinematic formula where a consequence-free-but-endearing character (Sam) is set up to be killed in the end as catharsis for the main character's development. But that's not really how real life works, and it's the expectation's fault that your friend is disappointed, rather than the game's.

And you're also fundamentally misunderstanding Nate's motives with your 'fuck you, Sam' idea. Nate's not going to have a go at Sam because he, himself made the choice to do the adventure, and he's the one who followed through. The 'save Sam's life' thing was just a maguffin for him. We know Drake was actually in it for the adventure (the first chapter is even called 'The Lure of Adventure'). It wouldn't have been on-point at all for Nate to have a go at Sam, because it was just as much his fault it all happened for agreeing to go with him. Remember the scene where Nate's like "we can find this treasure!" and Sully responds "And save Sam's life?" and Nate goes "Oh, yeah, and that"? Nate was the central figure, his erroneous decisions led to this last adventure, and the game resolves that.

(sorry if anyone saw that before i edited in the spoilertag)

I'm about halfway through and I'm doing things with a lot more mobility in my crushing run than my first time through on hard. A lot more. I still feel the game rewards run and gun and just being counter-intuitively crazy as hell even on crushing.


Though I've still got that last big encounter to handle...

I have a problem with the story in the tone department. Spoilers for the whole game here and TLoU:
When Drake realizes that Sam was lying about the whole ordeal, we get to see Drake at his most vulnerable. And then Sam pushes Nate to save him from the bullet showing how he still cares for his little brother. Yet, after that little set piece, we just cut to Nate explaining how he became a Drake to Elena. What? Why?

This is a director trick also utilized in TLoU, where after a major moment the scene skips ahead to a different time period and contiinues the story from there. The difference here was that the skip in time serves TLoU in its themes as Joel and Ellie keep moving forward no matter what obstacles or events they encounter. And the skips still convey important character moments like from Winter to Spring within Ellie.

My point is that this skip forward does nothing for Uncharted 4 but jar the audience because Nate suddenly goes from bad situation to just talking with Elena. Nothing important was conveyed and it just feels like cut content or something.

This was fine.

Elena and Drake didn't get to talk anything through when
they last spoke. They had an argument. Drake barely said his piece, she barely said her piece, they walked apart.

they're no longer in a rush of adrenaline and she's tending to his wounds on a beach, and Drake has just been deeply betrayed, they get to have a real heart to heart. They're sitting there, no rush, Rafe et al probably think he's dead, and Drake tells Elena the whole story, the truth behind him and Sam. Not just some jumbled exposition he said in Madagascar.

It cuts that initial 'wake up' bit of dialogue, but it's fine. You don't need to see that.
You know exactly what happened in between and why what's happening is happening.


I need help on chapter

The first part where you get to finally fight people in this chapter, there is a turret and there is a guy with an RPG. I can't seem to stop them, what is a recommended strategy to beat them?


While I think 2, 3, and 4 are all 10s, this is my favorite. No game is without its flaws but I feel like the positives far outweigh what I would consider minor flaws here (too many box puzzles, light on MP content).

And there's a bucketload of MP content coming for free in the next year.


I need help on chapter

The first part where you get to finally fight people in this chapter, there is a turret and there is a guy with an RPG. I can't seem to stop them, what is a recommended strategy to beat them?

Gun turret guys die to one well placed grenade and RPG guys are a pain in the ass but you should prioritise them above all else. Either

1. Do the whole thing with stealth, or at least thin the crowd out enough to make it easy

2. Try to kill the RPG guy first with stealth then grenade the turret guy

3. Headshot the RPG guy first, regardless of whether in stealth or combat, then grenade the turret geuy

The Lamp

Where does Naughty Dog go from here? They could do a sequel to The last of Us, or try a new IP... maybe even something that is not a TPS.

I wouldn't mind a open world TLOU provided its more in the vein of say Shadow of the Colossus than Assassin's Creed... no map filled with icons, but rather a desolate and oppressive world that stands between you and whatever objective needs accomplishing.

They need to either do a sequel to TLOU or do a new IP. I'm kinda glad they're done with Uncharted because they clearly have a bad new tendency to design long, empty useless levels, and Uncharted gameplay is so basic and shallow that they need a new IP or something with more advanced gameplay like TLOU (crafting mechanics, better stealth and cover mechanics) to really flex their level design muscle.
I just had something spoiled for me and I'm only on chapter 10. Can somebody tell me how bad of a spoiler it is? Like is this like the most spoilery spoiler in the game?

I was watching a YouTube video of the UC4 multiplayer and in the comments somebody said something about how they hope Nate's daughter ends up being a playable character.


I just had something spoiled for me and I'm only on chapter 10. Can somebody tell me how bad of a spoiler it is? Like is this like the most spoilery spoiler in the game?

I was watching a YouTube video of the UC4 multiplayer and in the comments somebody said something about how they hope Nate's daughter ends up being a playable character.

Do you really want to know?

Yes, that's the huge spoiler.
I just had something spoiled for me and I'm only on chapter 10. Can somebody tell me how bad of a spoiler it is? Like is this like the most spoilery spoiler in the game?

I was watching a YouTube video of the UC4 multiplayer and in the comments somebody said something about how they hope Nate's daughter ends up being a playable character.

It's a huge one, not gonna lie, but there are other things in there that you haven't seen yet that may surprise you.


Just finished the game yesterday...great ride.
Am I only one who thought
while playing the epilogue how crazy-cool it would have been if ND used it as a teaser for TLOU 2

Little nitpick_
why can't we have proper bossfights in TPS and FPS games? (No, before someone metions it, Vanquish only was a small step in the right direction). I would like to see some 1 on 1 arena type of shootouts without gimmicky gameplay. The QTE-boss-fight trend is really lame. MGSV's Quiet-without-exploit-boss-fight is what I'm talking about


It was all just abit mediocre in the end. The gameplay itself is by far the worst part about the game. Shooting mechanics are pretty average. Platforming is scripted nonsense. The grappling hook doesn't really do much because you can only use it when certain conditions are met. The open levels were a hassle for the most part. The story was enjoyable when I was playing it, but I can't really say a whole lot about it now I have played it through to the end.

All just abit 'meh'.


just finished the game (Hard difficulty)...I give it an A-...I still give Uncharted 2 a slight edge...Uncharted 4 had a great story, fantastic characters, amazing dialogue and best ever console graphics but it was missing one of the staples of the series- the big action set pieces...Chapter 11 was really the only extended set piece in the game (and one of the best in any game ever)...I thought the addition of Sam was going to weigh the game down in needless backstory and flashbacks but it was actually really well done...Sam felt like an important part of Nate's story and it never felt forced (unlike the boring Uncharted 3 flashbacks)...the flashbacks to their childhood were great

the slight open world feel was a nice change and the rope gun while used a bit too much was also a nice addition...game felt really long if you explored and listened to a lot of the optional conversations...game was also quite challenging on Hard as every enemy spammed grenades constantly, destroyed your cover and were pretty aggressive...I didn't really like the ending or the Epilogue and thought it should have been more dark...I wonder if this is really the final Uncharted game or if Uncharted 5 will eventually come out...

I was expecting less of a sappy happy ending...I wanted some sacrifice, someone from the core 3 to die...I was expecting Elena to bite the dust


Maybe this was discussed to death already, but anyone feel that Elena's va doesn't really fit her appearance/persona?
I mean the lady (va)is doing a great job and adds to the charm -call me ignorant- but while typing this a UC4 let's play is running in the background and at times I would expect Elena to be an Afro-American woman from the South. Don't kill me, I'm from EU. Or is this just a very pronounced female American accent? Just curious

Edit: Lol, nevermind. Emily Rose looks like Elena but Emily's voice doesn't fit her own appearance. Shame on me, haha ;D
Maybe this was discussed to death already, but anyone feel that Elena's va doesn't really fit her appearance/persona?
I mean the lady (va)is doing a great job and adds to the charm -call me ignorant- but while typing this a UC4 let's play is running in the background and at times I would expect Elena to be an Afro-American woman from the South. Don't kill me, I'm from EU. Or is this just a very pronounced female American accent? Just curious
I don't think this has been discussed like ever, lol. She doesn't have what you would call a southern accent, it's a pretty basic and normal tone.


I don't think this has been discussed like ever, lol. She doesn't have what you would call a southern accent, it's a pretty basic and normal tone.

Ok, thanks. Funny thing is...when I learned English it took me many years to get the difference between the "sound of" American and British English. Not that this is very difficult...it just didn't click. Can any Gaf-Brits confirm that Emily Rose sounds super-American? I'm trying to expand my horizon here :D
I'm a huge Kate Bush fan and comparing her pronunciation with Emily Rose's is like dealing with two different languages,lol.


Sooooo I finally finished it. Great game.

Be warned, many hyperboles will follow

The final boss was really good, I enjoyed the ending.
The animations and the graphics of the environments really wowed me, the jungles are the best I've seen.
The rope mechanic was so much fun. I can keep swinging forever, really miss it...maybe I'll replay some scenarios because they were awesome.
Loved the set pieces, some huge spectacles for me. Even the small ones.

The combination of world class VA, awesome writing and amazing facial animations create such believable characters with impeccable chemistry between them - which puts the game on a completely different level than anything I've played (in that department).

And speaking about great VA, Troy Baker's preformance finally clicked with me...and holy shit, I think it's one of the best preformances I've ever seen. Everytime he said "little brother"...he absolutely NAILED the big brother thing at such level that I can't even see it being topped. I think after Joel and Sam and all the other roles he played, he can be classified as the best VA in gaming history, period.

To sum up, a great game, a great Unchated game too.
I had some minor issues with the seriousness and the introduction of Sam, but the whole thing grew on me to a point I don't see any issues anymore...and it ended in such a perfectly fitting way to the franchise and to the game itself.

I really can't stress enough how much they topped themselves and the whole goddamn industry with the characters on this one...Averyone should aspire to this level right now.
Just finished the game...

Slightly underwhelmed by the climax. Throughout the game, it had these amazing, small, set pieces, the characters and story were great. But compared to UC2, it felt a bit lacking at the end. In other words, it didn't feel epic enough compared to UC2.

The final boss was such a good idea by their part, it felt and played so good.

I see people complain about the rope and climbing bits, but I loved them very much. The puzzles were great as well.

Its a solid 9/10, but its not better than UC2 in my opinion.


Gold Member
Just finished. I was going to hold off posting until a second playthrough but I think it will be an interesting record to contrast when I finish that so I'll share my feelings. Thought derived from standard playthrough on 'normal'.

Overall, I feel it acts as a vehicle for mechanics and systems that will be evident in what other games ND make next. The stealth mechanics, warning indicators, grappling ropes etc. I think the open world ruined the pacing of Uncharted as a game. Previously like in UC2, the fun was in perfecting that run of stealth takedowns during traversal. Every encounter was much more measured and slow in this game because it had so many variables. You could literally spend an hour navigating one area, and that's just because you didn't want to deal with the swarm of enemies if you exposed yourself.

Talking of encounters I don't think the 'less encounters, more enemies' trade off worked at all. Especially taking into account how much more brittle you are, and the shortage of ammunition for one gun type. I think the underlying philosophy of 'large player choice' badly affected the previous philosophy of 'optimal choice' in other Uncharted games.

Tomb Raider 2013 was criticised for being a 'falling simulator', well I think UC4 has took that title for sure, as well as any others it might get. Things you could see a mile off and were repeated far too often:

- Sliding/Push back: Whether this was by 'white waves' in Malaysia, rock slides in Scotland (seriously like 90% of all scree in the world), they got old really fast;
- Time to get a crate: You see a box on wheels that you'll need to drag. It's a lot of busy work for very little pay off;
- Canned animations: Seriously too many of them, again slowing down the game.

To be positive, the scenery, environment, art style and artwork is absolutely stunning. As is the motion capture and animation work. Unparalleled and will take a lot to be beaten. Honestly, I think maybe Drake should have been given a longer break though. The influence of the more serious and gritty TLoU is evident throughout. As a result the pacing is completely wrong for this franchise and it has by far the least amount of player agency driven gameplay.

It's a bit like Sophie Ellis Bextor. Individually all the components are pretty good, but when you put them together something is just off about the complete package. The last boss fight was over-long and, like the Nadine fight, removes an established mechanic (dodge roll). I don't have a problem with idea of it, but the execution wasn't great.

The partner mechanic worked so well in TLoU because you felt obligated to protect Ellie, but because of previous 'Uncharted' games it felt like a chore dragging these ones round. They got in your way, they stuck to you, they slowed you down when in front of you rock climbing and you had to climb over them. Sure, it looked really cool at first but became tiresome. In a slow paced game, with lots of forced walking and canned animations it didn't need another hindrance.

There seems to be a largely mixed reaction to this game. However, the product is extremely polished, the story is really good, the art and graphics are fantastic - it's just a shame I didn't get a meaningful way to interact with it all. I'm not sure this is the right send off for the Uncharted franchise personally.

I liked the fact the treasures are a little harder to find, they glinted too much in previous uncharted games. I liked the pointer they took from Tomb Raider with the tool driven traversal (pick axe versus climbing spike). The puzzles I largely enjoyed, especially the light ones with the crosses but they could have been a tad more difficult but I guess 'diverse demographic audience'.

I don't think we're going to see anything of the ilk of Uncharted 2 from ND any time in the near future and when they are making storytelling games as good as TLoU they probably don't need to. I just wish they could have given Drake a better send off. The story was great, but the adventure for the player was not.


Neo Member
Is there really no way to rewatch the cutscenes? I didn't find any options for it in the Bonus Menu.

I really love to view again some nice moments, but i guess it isn't possible this time, because the all real time now, right? Or maybe they can patch it like with Uncharted 3?
Game was simply incredible, will start replaying immediately.

About the ending though:

Left me a smile getting to see Nate and Elena's kid, and that everyone is well. It's just....now I feel this emptiness. Don't know how to explain it. I realize that no matter what the ending was it would probably feel like this. I guess it's because Nate's story is pretty much over

Anyone else feel like this?
Game was simply incredible, will start replaying immediately.

About the ending though:

Left me a smile getting to see Nate and Elena's kid, and that everyone is well. It's just....now I feel this emptiness. Don't know how to explain it. I realize that no matter what the ending was it would probably feel like this. I guess it's because Nate's story is pretty much over

Anyone else feel like this?

Yeah, had to play the story three times before feeling full again and I'm still not sure, I have this feeling that every game available now is crap and don't deserve my time but I'm recovering. ^^
Game was simply incredible, will start replaying immediately.

About the ending though:

Left me a smile getting to see Nate and Elena's kid, and that everyone is well. It's just....now I feel this emptiness. Don't know how to explain it. I realize that no matter what the ending was it would probably feel like this. I guess it's because Nate's story is pretty much over

Anyone else feel like this?

Emptiness is a good feeling to have at the end of something IMO. It shows it was well done enough to actually affect you. I'd rather feel emptiness at something than so many other things.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Sam looked way cooler as a teenager. Slicked back/receding hair does him no favors.

Looked like a cooler Nate when he was young.


Just finished the game yesterday...great ride.
Am I only one who thought
while playing the epilogue how crazy-cool it would have been if ND used it as a teaser for TLOU 2

No, that would have been awful. Why are people hoping for this Uncharted-TLOU crossover?
Played chapters 1 to 10 today at my bro's place. Lovely stuff but that's exactly what I expect from this developer. I just know they will deliver top quality stuff. Awesome little details, each and every bit of foliage reacts when you touch it, not a freaking single piece of aliasing to be seen and man that impresses me so much. Loving the clean look of this game. I did not think every single chapter so far was as outstanding as the other but overall just a damn good looking game. Really digging that slow beginning, that's absolutely not a negative thing for me.

I wish we could get a Tomb Raider game looking this clean and crisp. Don't get me wrong, I think CD did an outstanding job with the Xbox One hardware with Rise of the Tomb Raider, especially the indoor locations, with the impressive lighting and overall crisp and clean look. It's however the outdoor locations where it goes wrong a little in terms of the clean look and this is where U4 just stands tall all the way. But at the end of the day what matters most is that even though they are similar games, at the same time they are very different too, each with their own strengths. I love these kind of games.

But as great as I think the game is, I DO understand why people say U2 is still the best one, of course I can't know that for sure when I am only at chapter 10,but I think I will be saying the same. 2 is hard to beat. It's also not really doing a lot of new things, but I was expecting that.


It was all just abit mediocre in the end. The gameplay itself is by far the worst part about the game. Shooting mechanics are pretty average. Platforming is scripted nonsense. The grappling hook doesn't really do much because you can only use it when certain conditions are met. The open levels were a hassle for the most part. The story was enjoyable when I was playing it, but I can't really say a whole lot about it now I have played it through to the end.

All just abit 'meh'.

Couldn't agree more. It was definitely disappointing in my opinion. I got so sick of the overuse of their tropes as the game progressed. It even becomes a joke later in the game. It looked absolutely phenomenal and the writing was excellent, but I was disappointed with the gameplay and pacing. The puzzles were a joke as well. Never thought I would say this about a ND game.
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