The series needed to grow up even if the fan base didn't.
Dude don't be like that.
Also Druckmann on set pieces for 4.
Revisiting the original games in their recent remastered form, it's striking to chart how the emphasis shifted from scripted dialogue to scripted action. The third instalment is practically a string of increasingly explosive set-pieces connected by cut-scenes. "The first three had this trajectory of going bigger and more badass," Druckmann agrees. "We didn't want to continue that trajectory. We didn't want to become a caricature of ourselves. So we said, okay set pieces are important, but how do you better tie set pieces with story so they come in at the right time to mirror some kind of personal conflict in the story?
and (@7:17)
(About set-pieces in U4) What we're trying to do is make them richer, make them more playable, give the player more options within those set-pieces. So to have a really interesting combat encounter, with a lot of different options and a lot going on, within a set-piece that is falling apart around you.
Does this sound about right Skele7on?