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Uncharted 4 street date broken as thieves steal copies

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The series needed to grow up even if the fan base didn't.

Dude don't be like that.

Also Druckmann on set pieces for 4.

Revisiting the original games in their recent remastered form, it's striking to chart how the emphasis shifted from scripted dialogue to scripted action. The third instalment is practically a string of increasingly explosive set-pieces connected by cut-scenes. "The first three had this trajectory of going bigger and more badass," Druckmann agrees. "We didn't want to continue that trajectory. We didn't want to become a caricature of ourselves. So we said, okay set pieces are important, but how do you better tie set pieces with story so they come in at the right time to mirror some kind of personal conflict in the story?


https://youtu.be/3uKia6kb1fk?t=437 (@7:17)

(About set-pieces in U4) What we're trying to do is make them richer, make them more playable, give the player more options within those set-pieces. So to have a really interesting combat encounter, with a lot of different options and a lot going on, within a set-piece that is falling apart around you.

Does this sound about right Skele7on?


Just curious since you finished the game. Is the scene from the first 60fps teaser still in of drake getting up off the ground? According to Corrine yu it was a real scene from a real gameplay level. Thanks
Edit: I know the level is still in, I'm just wondering about the cinematic.
Will look at video and tell you cant remember that video off top of my head
They did bring a city down around you at the end of 3! Yeah if the set-pieces got any larger in scale they'd become silly honestly. The cruise ship was already pushing it.

I don't need it to be crazier, I just hope that fun and sometimes over the top sense of pulpy adventure is still intact. Like I don't need monkeys in space with rapid-fire nuclear warheads, just sequences that are thrilling like the train in Uncharted 2. Reading that impression that this has been pared down is what made me feel the concern, but in hindsight my posts were on the kneejerk side of things and I acknowledge that.

I'm still pissed about the title screen though. :p
Will look at video and tell you cant remember that video off top of my head
It's this one
Don't know why but it still blows me away to this day. More than any other uncharted 4 trailer. So much detail on his face.

Also had the mood and lighting for the level changed? Here's a comparison


Thank you. If you want you could pm me some pictures of this level if its not trouble,I'm not worried too much about spoilers.
They did bring a city down around you at the end of 3! Yeah if the set-pieces got any larger in scale they'd become silly honestly. The cruise ship was already pushing it.

I forgot about that lol.
I think the set pieces going to be more interactive .
In the E3 set piece you could control the jeep which is something we could not do in 2 or 3 .
So if the others like that it should be more interesting .


Dreams in Digital
Dude don't be like that.

Actually, if you take my comment as it's meant to be taken you'll realise it's not as bad as you think. ND take risks and generally speaking those risks are welcomed but there's always those people who fear change even though they've not experienced it themselves.


For an adventure I would choose normal,
It's difficult enough but without that stress on hard.
There are plenty of encounters that on normal was still a challenge, I think hard for a first play through would spoil the adventure somewhat.

I'll load up a chapter and see what hard is like now though and come back, but my general feeling is play normal "moderate" first then go back for the real test

Playing on hard will mess with pacing as you're more than likely to get stuck. That's my current feelings anyway.

I see.. So I am assuming Normal isnt cakewalk like U2 and U3.

Thanks for letting us know this. Maybe I will start on Normal then.
I don't need it to be crazier, I just hope that fun and sometimes over the top sense of pulpy adventure is still intact. Like I don't need monkeys in space with rapid-fire nuclear warheads, just sequences that are thrilling like the train in Uncharted 2. Reading that impression that this has been pared down is what made me feel the concern, but in hindsight my posts were on the kneejerk side of things and I acknowledge that.

I'm still pissed about the title screen though. :p

I think the set piece they've shown has been as cool as any other I've seen from the series, and I can't imagine they blew their wad and shown us the best one considering how close to the chest they've played it with their marketing. But it was so dynamic and cinematic with the APC escape to jeep chase to sliding around on the rope back to a jeep chase but with enemies everywhere that you can melee then the crash then the motorcycle escape. Like even though it's not a train or a ship or a building blowing up, the whole thing is so crazy and and keeps building and building.

I still wouldn't be entirely surprised if Drake's theme plays on the menu after you beat the game.


You know what's funny? It looks like the multiplayer is more "Uncharted" than the single player.

This just happened territory. Why are you so obsessed with multiplayer, for days now? It's going online in nine or so days, you've played the beta I presume, won't squeeze much more from the good folks who've been sharing single player info with us without spoiling anything.
I think the set piece they've shown has been as cool as any other I've seen from the series, and I can't imagine they blew their wad and shown us the best one considering how close to the chest they've played it with their marketing.

Maybe I just have the home-stretch jitters. I do remember that chase looking incredibly over the top, so I'm not sure I have much, if anything to worry about except them potentially taking the main theme off the title screen-- but they'd never do anything like that. :p

Druckmann's comment about the setpieces someone posted above makes sense and it actually sounds better tbh. Obviously the crazy action is still there. I guess you could equate it to going from something cheesy/campy to something closer to a hard 80's action movie and I'm not about to complain about that shit.

Even though I sorta already did. I REPENT MOTHERFUCKERS


There are dialogue trees

I did make a note of choices, so will try different ones

Ultimately I don't know yet


About the dialouge, does your pick garner a different response?


Sam asks Nate "Where are you going?" if Drake walks out of view

Dialogue tree pops up with choices like

A. On an adventure!
B. To find some Treasure.
C. To take a piss.
D. To get carry out pizza, any suggestions?

Would Sam have different responses to each choice or would he just give a generic reply like

"Whatever, just don't take too long"

And would you ever get follow up dialouge choices to responses?

It wouls be cool if there was a bit of the Taletell forumla mixed in with traditional Uncharted. Would pretty much be the Perfect Uncharted Game.

Btw, thanks again. I really appreciate and am enjoying your impressions.


This just happened territory. Why are you so obsessed with multiplayer, for days now? It's going online in nine or so days, you've played the beta I presume, won't squeeze much more from the good folks who've been sharing single player info with us without spoiling anything.
Because the multiplayer is where I and many others will be spending the most time and having the most fun, yet we barely know anything about the multiplayer. All the other ND games have went online 1 to 2 weeks before release date, so that's why Im badgering people to see if they can get online.


I don't know guys but all the videos they've shown so far (action ones) looked crazy. I don't need even moar crazy or Looney Tunes action movies of nowadays crazy to feel like it's Uncharted.

The Lamp

Sp looks to be more mature. Thank god for that. Based druckmann

Did it need to be serious and realistic at the expense of zany adventure? I hope they strike a good balance with this. Uncharted is not TLOU, it's silly, and Uncharted 2 I felt had the perfect tone for the series.

I've been concerned about this game's tone since they unveiled Elena. Her massive disappointment in Drake's treasure hunting signals a major moral seriousness about his actions that U2 didn't care about, and U3 tried to care about, but was unconvincingly sloppy. I'm all for the game addressing more real themes, but it has to be careful about it.

I have faith that they can nail the balance, and I really hope they do, but it's one of my most real concerns: if they made U4 too broody and gritty and real at the expense of cliche zany pulp fiction. Hope not.

Note, I have not seen most spoilers so other than some jeep gifs and the tank E3 segment, I'm clueless.
Sounds like getting the Platinum will be an epic bitch, especially with that ridiculous shot accuracy trophy.

I had 76% accuracy on my second (of like, nine) playthrough of TLoU, and that's with weapon sway for most of the game and on a shitty DS3. Yes, TLoU is slower, but with the extra breathing room most UC4 encounters appear to give, the improved stealth and with some care, I don't think it will be that hard. If Explorer difficulty doesn't disable the trophy, it's going to be damn near trivial.
I had 76% accuracy on my second (of like, nine) playthrough of TLoU, and that's with weapon sway for most of the game and on a shitty DS3. Yes, TLoU is slower, but with the extra breathing room most UC4 encounters appear to give, the improved stealth and with some care, I don't think it will be that hard. If Explorer difficulty doesn't disable the trophy, it's going to be damn near trivial.

Yeah, I guess it isn't Call of Duty multiplayer. Still-- not the best shot. I'll have to exercise some care.

Did it need to be serious and realistic at the expense of zany adventure? I hope they strike a good balance with this. Uncharted is not TLOU, it's silly, and Uncharted 2 I felt had the perfect tone for the series.

I just went down this path and you do not want to fuck with this.


Did it need to be serious and realistic at the expense of zany adventure? I hope they strike a good balance with this. Uncharted is not TLOU, it's silly, and Uncharted 2 I felt had the perfect tone for the series.

I've been concerned about this game's tone since they unveiled Elena. Her massive disappointment in Drake's treasure hunting signals a major moral seriousness about his actions that U2 didn't care about, and U3 tried to care about, but was unconvincingly sloppy. I'm all for the game addressing more real themes, but it has to be careful about it.

I have faith that they can nail the balance, and I really hope they do, but it's one of my most real concerns: if they made U4 too broody and gritty and real at the expense of cliche zany pulp fiction. Hope not.

Note, I have not seen most spoilers so other than some jeep gifs and the tank E3 segment, I'm clueless.

Lol weird coincidence but I was reading this like half an hour ago. Seems relevant.

The Last of Us was, in many ways, a dramatic, emotional, and human game. How does that translate to an action-adventure game? Is Uncharted 4 going to make us cry, or are you going for a different approach entirely?

Druckmann: I think it can make you cry. I've seen focus testers cry during Uncharted 4. I've seen people not cry during it, but then I've seen people not cry during The Last of Us too. That's never the goal; the goal is to tell a story that the player can empathise with. When you tell a human story, it doesn't matter whether it's dark and people are dying and it's grounded in our reality, or if it's a more stylised reality. I'm sure there's a ton of people that cried during the last Star Wars and, to me, that's pulpy action-adventure. It has a similar tone to what we do in Uncharted. For us it was about how we get deeper into Nathan Drake and tell a more personal story.

For us, with Uncharted 4, we thought about how to bring that to the forefront, and then how do you play them in an action game? How do you build a bond with a brother you haven't seen for so long? How do you make people care about a character that isn't mentioned in the previous three games? How do you make people believe this character has always been there? These are hard challenges, but we felt like if we could pull it off, we could have a certain heart and emotional underpinning to this game, without losing the fun, lighthearted tone.

The last line in particular.
Maybe it's just me but I fail to see how the set pieces in this game are going to blow me away less then the previous ones. Maybe they'll be more steeped in realism but the E3 2015 demo was just as impressive, if not more so then anh setpiece in the prior games.

In short, I'm not worried about that, at all.

The Lamp

Lol weird coincidence but I was reading this like half an hour ago. Seems relevant.

The last line in particular.

That quote is reassuring because it seems they're at least aware of the challenge, and if there's anything I trust this Naughty Dog team to do, it's succeed at something they recognize they want to achieve.
If you read my post you would have seen that I'm still excited for the game and I'm going to make up my own mind. I'm not a fan of them taking out the music on the title screen, and by extension what the guy said about the setpieces sorta makes sense. I like for these things to be over the top, it's the foundation the series was built on.

I'm voicing concerns. Nothing more. I could completely fucking disagree with this stuff that has me a little on edge when I play it for myself.

Dude I edited my post as I didn't want to sound such an arse to you. I apologise, I didn't mean to cause offense, chill a little.
Dude I edited my post as I didn't want to sound such an arse to you. I apologise, I didn't mean to cause offense, chill a little.

Dude I'm super chill! No hard feelings. I just hope that if I do have problems with the game (when I play it!) that I'm not attacked by the mob. I think it's going to be awesome though.

edit: I've always thought Druckmann looked like a Die Hard villain/subordinate and I mean that in the nicest way possible.
Dude don't be like that.

Also Druckmann on set pieces for 4.


https://youtu.be/3uKia6kb1fk?t=437 (@7:17)

Does this sound about right Skele7on?

Holy fuck that sounds wonderful. Action movies work at their fullest potential when the action scenes occur at times when the characters are vulnerable, but we must first be able to care about the characters through good directing, writing, acting, and storytelling.

There is a reason the freeway sequence with the Joker, Batman, and Harvery Dent is so fucking effective in The Dark Knight. It's because we care, and that elevates the action to a personal level. The set pieces in the Transformer series, by comparison, just feel like an adult playing with million-dollar action figures. There is no soul, no stakes because we don't really care.

TLOU made this work in spades because Druckmann and Straley wrote and directed the absolute hell out of that game. The winter sequence is so beautiful, tense, and effective because it gives us Ellie and Joel at their most vulnerable after spending hours and hours making us care. When the gameplay marries that tension, when Ellie's horse is shot from beneath her and she tumbles down a cliffside in the snow during an attempt to lure the villains from a frail, dying Joel, we get to be in control. And the stakes are higher than ever. It might be a technically "smaller" moment, killing the goons in the snow one by one with a bow and a switchblade, but the implications behind the gameplay are monumental. This is gaming at the peak of gameplay in service of story. The entire package of TLOU achieves this better than any game I've ever played.

So if UC4 is quieter in parts with a more deliberate pace, I'm all aboard. It'll make the action mean more if we care more about the characters. It could make a routine encounter more than just a body count stat on a screen. That action could mean more than it ever has before. And this makes me very excited.

Bring on May 10th.
Any word on a soundtrack release? I want to hear it ASAP. I think Jackman is going to turn in something pretty bland compared to Edmonson but I'm hoping it's still decent.

For me it's the opposite TLOU will never be as good as UC for me .

It was too predictable and drawn out for me. More to the point, even if I thought TLOU were the best shit ever, I wouldn't want Uncharted being like it. They're two different things.


Any word on a soundtrack release? I want to hear it ASAP. I think Jackman is going to turn in something pretty bland compared to Edmonson but I'm hoping it's still decent.

It was too predictable and drawn out for me. More to the point, even if I thought TLOU were the best shit ever, I wouldn't want Uncharted being like it. They're two different things.

I recommend watching the making of videos and just listening to the music in the background. Gives a nice taste of what's to come in 4

I recommend watching the making of videos and just listening to the music in the background. Gives a nice taste of what's to come in 4


It's hard to get a feel for it while Druckmann blabbers about world domination and such. :p I mean, it sounds okay, I'm just really anxious to hear it all standalone. I like to get familiar with soundtracks first, it's just the way I've always did it and it works for me.
Yeah I was pretty bummed Greg Edmunson wasn't on this one since his scores for Uncharted are pretty iconic at this point, but I've liked what I've heard of the new score thus far. We'll see.


Perhaps you should try screaming into a pillow. I have heard it is therapeutic.

Yes, people should calm down and not jump at someone's throat for expressing concerns about the tone not being as suited to his tastes as the prequels'


It's hard to get a feel for it while Druckmann blabbers about world domination and such. :p I mean, it sounds okay, I'm just really anxious to hear it all standalone. I like to get familiar with soundtracks first, it's just the way I've always did it and it works for me.

I think they released the soundtracks of the previous games a few days before release. (may be wrong) Hopefully they do the same with this one
Dude I'm super chill! No hard feelings. I just hope that if I do have problems with the game (when I play it!) that I'm not attacked by the mob. I think it's going to be awesome though.

edit: I've always thought Druckmann looked like a Die Hard villain/subordinate and I mean that in the nicest way possible.

Dude. I'm telling you... this game still has over the top stuff. ;) it's given me the same adrenaline, oh shit moments just like other games!
Uncharted 3 and TLOU required an online/PSN pass, so they certainly didn't go online 1-2 weeks before the release date. You couldn't redeem those codes early.

Uncharted 2 and TLOU Remastered are a different story though...

Have some patience AK, this is like asking to eat your dessert before your meal. First things first! I love the MP as much as you do, but I've already played it twice, so I know what to expect (more or less) gameplay-wise.

It's the Campaign that intrigues me right now, because I haven't played a SP demo yet... not to mention that it's an excellent MP tutorial for many people. I don't expect the pool to reach its full potential until June at least (many people will have gotten their Platinum trophies by then).

I hope I'll be able to find an early copy until Thursday or Friday... *fingers crossed*
Yeah I was pretty bummed Greg Edmunson wasn't on this one since his scores for Uncharted are pretty iconic at this point, but I've liked what I've heard of the new score thus far. We'll see.

I was super bummed and on top of that Henry Jackman is pretty meh to me even in his movie scores.

Yes, people should calm down and not jump to someone's throat for expressing concerns about the tone not being as suited to his tastes as the prequels'

I agree!


Dude. I'm telling you... this game still has over the top stuff. ;) it's given me the same adrenaline, oh shit moments just like other games!

Can you comment on the music, as that is a concern for some people.

What kind of things would you guys like to see in the multiplayer?

I'd like a couple more primary weapons, and the el diablo esque gun (that wasn't in the stress test) to get a massive buff.

You are probably asking the wrong person as I never really played the UC2/3 MP, but really enjoyed the beta for 4.

I wonder how they're gonna do boss fights since Druckmann's cheeky tweet seemed to imply there was at least some sort of final boss fight. I'm hoping for some crazy shootout/swashbuckling affair where both you and the boss are rope swinging like mad across chasms or from masts of ships.

I want a David type boss fight, which utilizes the traversal mechanics from Uncharted
I wonder how they're gonna do boss fights since Druckmann's cheeky tweet seemed to imply there was at least some sort of final boss fight. I'm hoping for some crazy shootout/swashbuckling affair where both you and the boss are rope swinging like mad across chasms or from masts of ships.
Can you comment on the music, as that is a concern for some people.

I've felt the music has been fantastic. It still feels adventurous, exciting, and atmospheric. Granted I miss the Uncharted classic theme, but... I almost feel that's not there for.... reasons... lol

Also Brandon, I saw you mention your just hoping this game gives you those feels like Indiana Jones... dude this is the most Indiana Jones like game in the series yet. Especially with how much that grapple is used ;)


Uncharted 3 and TLOU required an online/PSN pass, so they certainly didn't go online 1-2 weeks before the release date. You couldn't redeem those codes early.

Uncharted 2 and TLOU Remastered are a different story though...

Have some patience AK, this is like asking to eat your dessert before your meal. First things first! I love the MP as much as you do, but I've already played it twice, so I know what to expect (more or less) gameplay-wise.

It's the Campaign that intrigues me right now, because I haven't played a SP demo yet... not to mention that it's an excellent MP tutorial for many people. I don't expect the pool to reach its full potential until June at least (many people will have gotten their Platinum trophies by then).

I hope I'll be able to find an early copy until Thursday or Friday... *fingers crossed*
Yes those games did. I thought we had this conversation already. Both UC3 and TLOU PS3 had people playing the MP a week early.

The single player is more like an appetizer that the meal ;)
Downloaded U3 on PS+, never played it but i want to get an idea of Nate and Elanas relationship as that looks to play a pretty big part in 4.

Might just put it on easy and run through it.
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