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UNCHARTED |OT| The Master Thief Collection


The last of us was a great game but Uncharted is so much more fun to play. Nathan and Sully > Joel and Ellie.




I prefer The Last of Us, but I still think Uncharted is great.
Same boat, but with everything I am hearing about uncharted 4 that game could easily surpass them both, at least in terms of gameplay. The only thing I doubt is that UC4 can have the same emotional resonance as the Last of Us so the game may not linger with me for as long. But with the Last of Us and Left behind's directors behind it I'm sure the storytelling will be a series high.
Uncharted was my favorite series last gen, so I'm obviously loving this remaster. I'm going through Drake's Fortune on Hard right now, and though it's fair for the most part, there are certain areas where it feels MUCH less forgiving. I must have died five or six times during the jeep escape sequence. All of a sudden, it felt like I could only take two shots before I died, and the enemies didn't seem to have any issue shooting me through dense forest, haha.


Beautiful screenshots guys. Great remaster. Smooth as fuck

I was playing part 1, chapter 3ish I think. Why the fuck are there so many enemies and where the fuck are they popping out of?

And why can't I sneak up on any of them without them instantly knowing where I am?

It's not that it's hard, it's just annoying lol.. The waves of bad guys and how they randomly just spawn out of no where is kind of dumb. I hope it doesn't continue when I play the sequels

I love the climbing and figuring shit out aspects. But too many enemies for no reason is turning me off from playing. :(
It's not that it's hard, it's just annoying lol.. The waves of bad guys and how they randomly just spawn out of no where is kind of dumb. I hope it doesn't continue when I play the sequels
Keep your eyes peeled during those wave encounters. Enemies often jump down from higher ground (sometimes in pairs). A well placed grenade will ruing their day. Once you know where they are coming from, get them in your sites and blast them while they are jumping down.


Beautiful screenshots guys. Great remaster. Smooth as fuck

I was playing part 1, chapter 3ish I think. Why the fuck are there so many enemies and where the fuck are they popping out of?

And why can't I sneak up on any of them without them instantly knowing where I am?

It's not that it's hard, it's just annoying lol.. The waves of bad guys and how they randomly just spawn out of no where is kind of dumb. I hope it doesn't continue when I play the sequels

I love the climbing and figuring shit out aspects. But too many enemies for no reason is turning me off from playing. :(

1 is the only one with a focus on shooting goons all the way through. 2 & 3 are better balanced. Just trudge on through 1, it's an enjoyable experience regardless of all the shoot bang.


1 is the only one with a focus on shooting goons all the way through. 2 & 3 are better balanced. Just trudge on through 1, it's an enjoyable experience regardless of all the shoot bang.
Oh ok. Thanks guys! Definitely made me happy lol


Well other than Fallout 3 and The Last of Us Uncharted was my absolute favorite from last gen, and I can confirm these games are still as good as I remember. Bluepoint did such a great job, they play so well and the quality they achieved is outstanding. Can't wait to see Uncharted 4 in all it's glory.

Haven't been able to stop playing since I got the collection. Almost through Among Thieves now.

Wish there was some MP included :( Beta needs to come soon!


Oh ok. Thanks guys! Definitely made me happy lol

The games only improve, the jump from 1 to 2 is exponential imo. Much more puzzle solving, climbing and figuring out problems in the sequels. The encounters are more fun, and the set pieces are much more impressive. Literally everything in 2 is improved lol.


The games only improve, the jump from 1 to 2 is exponential imo. Much more puzzle solving, climbing and figuring out problems in the sequels. The encounters are more fun, and the set pieces are much more impressive. Literally everything in 2 is improved lol.

Just finished Uncharted 2 for the first time, and it really is a massive improvement. If DF was a 6, AT is easily a 9. That being said, I did feel like it sadly devolves back to constant mob clearing during the last fifth of the game.


Just finished Uncharted 2 for the first time, and it really is a massive improvement. If DF was a 6, AT is easily a 9. That being said, I did feel like it sadly devolves back to constant mob clearing during the last fifth of the game.

Very true but keep in mind this game is 6 years old. I would agree that the mob clearing does get tiring. Can't wait for U4's more open approach to combat similar to The Last of Us.
I've got a bugged treasure in Uncharted 2.

Chapter 9, Carved Jade Figurine. After you lower the third blade of the giant phurba and jump from the chandelier to the walkway, you're supposed to be able to shoot it down and pick it up.

Problem is, it just keeps falling right through the floor. Can't even "catch" it by standing directly under it and mashing triangle.

Late Flag

Uncharted was my favorite series last gen, so I'm obviously loving this remaster. I'm going through Drake's Fortune on Hard right now, and though it's fair for the most part, there are certain areas where it feels MUCH less forgiving. I must have died five or six times during the jeep escape sequence. All of a sudden, it felt like I could only take two shots before I died, and the enemies didn't seem to have any issue shooting me through dense forest, haha.

I just played this section earlier today -- also on hard -- and it was noticeably harder than I remembered as well. Nothing too frustrating, but I died a couple of times, and I don't recall dying on this sequence before on anything below crushing.
Tfw you realize Brutal wasn't needed for the plat. Fuck it. 1 down 2 to go. Brutal brutal brutal brutal or as I dubed it "24 rounds to live or die in the Jungle". It certainly livedbl up to the difficulty hype. Crushing was a bit too easy on all 3 games. Needed more 1 shot deaths.


I still haven't gotten my 10% off code from pre-ordering this on PSN. Today was the day we were supposed to get it.


Holy moly. Fantastic U3 screenshots. Game looks absolutely gorgeous. Can't wait to get to it. Soony.

Another one just for you sir for not having this game yet !!:p


And here is more 6 before my gf kills me for still being awake on pc :p




And oh boy doesnt Uncharted 1 still looks beautiful?



Does anyone else think this collection looks better than The Last Of Us remastered?
Maybe it's just me but wow, the difference (graphics) between remasters of last gen games and new current gen games isn't as huge as I thought.


Does anyone else think this collection looks better than The Last Of Us remastered?
Maybe it's just me but wow, the difference (graphics) between remasters of last gen games and new current gen games isn't as huge as I thought.

Uncharted 3 yes, the rest no. This collection had far more work done on it in terms of replacing assets/textures etc. while the Last of Us was just a case of uprez everything.
I tweeted naughty dog and bluepoint about it, linking to the post. Bluepoint isn't very active on twitter though. Mostly old Titanfall stuff.
I realize how this statement sounds, but I really don't want to play UC3 until this is fixed. I'm being slightly dramatic when I say it lends itself to ruining the experience for me. At least that level.
I might get crap for this but having begun gunplay in uc2 I liked it more in uc1. Enemies seem to dodge shots in uc2 that make no sense and guns seem clunky.

Also my guns are getting stuck shooting for no reason. Is this a glitch?


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Does anyone else think this collection looks better than The Last Of Us remastered?
Maybe it's just me but wow, the difference (graphics) between remasters of last gen games and new current gen games isn't as huge as I thought.

Wait until UC4 comes out, and then say it :p


Junior Member
3 looks so so good. stunning amount of craft.

in motion drake's movement and how he reacts to the environment is noticiably last gen, but i feel that shows because ND were very ambitious and probably overreached in some respects. but without the proto efforts of stuff like the wall touching feature we wouldn't have such a refined and effective implementation of it in the last of us.

i'm also appreciative of the bold pacing decisions it makes. more than any of the games I feel it benefits from being played as a whole. it's definitely an experience that is more than the sum of its parts.


Man, I forgot how frustrating the first game can be. It feels like enemies have perfect aim even from far away with pistols. I'm gonna bump it down to easy, I don't mind missing the trophies.


I was afraid that I was having tainted memories of UC2, but nope, still by far the best game ND made last gen, & the pacing in that game is the best in any game ever.

Another thing, how the hell did I not notice that Uncharted 3 had actual good gun sounds? That's the benefit of playing them back to back I guess, but the guns don't sound like peashooters in UC3, it's a shame that enemies react to the bullets only half the time, because the sound design for the guns was a massive improvement.
Someone please help me. No way this game is THAT dark. Brightness is maxed. My TV looks fine for other games.



I can hardly see in the caves.

Edit: Something is weird... I see it fine on my PC(which is connected to the same display through HDMI.)

I have my PC video card drivers set to limited RGB so that's that...

On the second pic, the background pillar is pretty much invisible when viewed through the PS4.
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