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UNCHARTED |OT| The Master Thief Collection


That's not just any armoured dude though. There's so few of those PAK-80 guys they're more like mini-bosses.

Two or three grenades and they still go down pretty easy.

Eh I guess, just with all the new combat abilities/ new Ai etc. in UC4 I hope they at least evolve the concept of big armored dude walking slowly at the player. I'm not challenging the fact that they are easy to down, just that it isn't that enjoyable for my tastes. I like the gratification of quick kills (probably why I used to play cod so much) so for me I have much more fun fighting the generic minions.


I just don't understand why they have you climb the train in the beginning and then climb it again mid-game. Even change up the dialogue and things like that. I feel like at the time it was a huge technological advancement people wanted to show off?

What don't you understand? It was just a creative decision.

They began the game further into the story, then they brought it back to the actual beginning. The concept isn't really uncommon.
My biggest issue, and not necessarily a bad thing but more of a personal problem, is how they handled the unlocks. I get some people would like to earn them, but man, I hate trying to find the right amount of treasures. I kinda expected hopping in the shoes of Tenzin or whatever skelly of the night would replace Drake, but having to go through the game to find them and THEN use them dampens the mood.

Oh well, the skelly was found pretty early so I'll stick with him.


Now I'm back cleaning up trophies in Uncharted 1. Love seeing the enemies react to getting hit by bullets again. It had to have been a creative decision to have them not react at all in UC3, but I can't understand why.


they got weak ankles, son.

Yeah, I remember thinking "These fatasses' legs must be working extra hard holding up so much of their body weight. What if I shoot them?" Then I did and it worked!

It's also true in UC1. Although due to their lighter build in UC1, it's even easier.


What don't you understand? It was just a creative decision.

They began the game further into the story, then they brought it back to the actual beginning. The concept isn't really uncommon.

No why did they have you still go through the obstacle again after having to play through it once. Even if it was slightly shortened by like a few minutes, it's was still a waste of time.

The whole ‘days/weeks earlier' gimmick is just a cheap story telling technique and anyone using it deserves to be pushed down a flight of stairs.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
No why did they have you still go through the obstacle again after having to play through it once. Even if it was slightly shortened by like a few minutes, it's was still a waste of time.

The whole ‘days/weeks earlier' gimmick is just a cheap story telling technique and anyone using it deserves to be pushed down a flight of stairs.

You really hate that small section that much?


No why did they have you still go through the obstacle again after having to play through it once. Even if it was slightly shortened by like a few minutes, it's was still a waste of time.

The whole ‘days/weeks earlier' gimmick is just a cheap story telling technique and anyone using it deserves to be pushed down a flight of stairs.

If in medias res is punishable by death you've got a lot of literary greats to murder.


No why did they have you still go through the obstacle again after having to play through it once. Even if it was slightly shortened by like a few minutes, it's was still a waste of time.

The whole ‘days/weeks earlier' gimmick is just a cheap story telling technique and anyone using it deserves to be pushed down a flight of stairs.

Oh... well, it's still a video game, so they wanted to connect us to that moment by having us play through it again. Thankfully they made it faster and shorter.

I'm sure they won't do it again any time soon though.

Also, I'm glad they skipped J&D and gave us TLOU instead. I'm also glad they are releasing Uncharted 4 early next year. ;)
Decided to put the remaining bonus stuff in UC1 on hold and go straight to 2 anyway. Made it to Nepal, and man playing this on normal after finishing the last game on Crushing is so liberating. Especially now that I don't have to move as carefully from cover to cover and can run & gun or steel fist the occasional goon without immediate consequences.

Playing those two back to back made me realize much more immediately all the improvements that were made. Smoother traversal and climbing, actual light stealth mechanics, more ammo, better melee, grenade throwing without the visible arc. Forgot a lot about those details over the years, though I still knew it improved on just about every facet of the first title. Super anxious to keep playing more, but it is getting late and I'll save more of it for tomorrow morning.

Also another reason I was reminded of why I love 2 so much was all crazy amount of rewards you could unlock for single player. This game stuck with me so much compared to the others around release because I played the campaign over and over trying new stuff with different weapons and skins, unlocking the remaining medals and what not. And that was without touching multiplayer back in the day.


Decided to put the remaining bonus stuff in UC1 on hold and go straight to 2 anyway. Made it to Nepal, and man playing this on normal after finishing the last game on Crushing is so liberating. Especially now that I don't have to move as carefully from cover to cover and can run & gun or steel fist the occasional goon without immediate consequences.

Playing those two back to back made me realize much more immediately all the improvements that were made. Smoother traversal and climbing, actual light stealth mechanics, more ammo, better melee, grenade throwing without the visible arc. Forgot a lot about those details over the years, though I still knew it improved on just about every facet of the first title. Super anxious to keep playing more, but it is getting late and I'll save more of it for tomorrow morning.

Also another reason I was reminded of why I love 2 so much was all crazy amount of rewards you could unlock for single player. This game stuck with me so much compared to the others around release because I played the campaign over and over trying new stuff with different weapons and skins, unlocking the remaining medals and what not. And that was without touching multiplayer back in the day.

Yeah, the unlocks in Uncharted 2 at the time reminded me of the PS2 era, those unlocks were very common in the PS2 era but completely disappeared last gen, & became microtransactions this gen.

Doughnut Drake with real-time cutscenes in UC4 is going to be glorious.
New to this series came from 360. Halfway through first game. Playing on hard for some challenge and trophies. Enjoying it so far I love it. I can't wait to get to second and third games


UC2 really is the GOAT in the series. Just an incredible title that imo will be timeless. Even though I've completed it like 3-4 times on the PS3, I'm falling in love with it all over again, now with the Remaster. In-fact, it feels like it's had a new lease of life, what with the crispier, cleaner visuals and other tweaks.

Still one of my all time favourite games. The sense of adventure, pacing and fun in this franchise is tremendous. A lot of the lines and banter still give me a chuckle too.
Just started this tonight and already I'm blown away by how good Drakes Fortune looks.

Played it on PS3 a long time ago but everything just pops out and looks so much more vibrant now.

I can't wait to finish this and get started on UC2!


Uncharted 3 has some really annoying fights. I mean, all three of these games have a lot of those, but this one especially.

I think UC3 might be the pinnacle of bullet sponge for the series.


Finished Drake's Fortune tonight on Crushing. Hoping to clean up the trophies I am missing before moving onto 2. Only parts I really struggled with were the blue room and the last chapter. Some other tough spots, but nothing crazy. I went back to collect treasures on normal and it is nice to just be able to run around and do crazy stuff instead of playing so safe.

Anyway, I still really enjoy the first one. It is easy to look at what it isn't after playing the newer games, but I still think it does some nice things in its own right. A great adventure with some amazing characters. Really excited to jump back into 2 (my favorite) and 3 (been a while since I've played it so it should be a lot of fun too).


You really hate that small section that much?

No I hate having to repeat a task with no justification or reasoning behind it, they could had just shown quick flash scenes and left me back where I was at during the beginning of the game rather than have me waste all this time in some glorified technical advancement platform.

It was just a bad long term creative choice.

I understand the decision as to why to move that scene in the beginning of the game, but to have us repeat he same task again once you reach that part is stupid and pointless.
I´m playing Drakes Fortune for the first time and i´m enjoying it sooo much, already among the best TPS Games that i´ve ever played.

I´m playing it on the hardest difficulty that you can choose at your first walkthrough. Dying so , so much, it´s a real challenge. The NONEXISTENT loading times after a death make it easy to not freak out, though.

I also love how this game looks, so crisp and clear it´s not even funny.

2 complaints i want to mention:

- The Gunplay, while very entertaining, could use some more finetuning (but i bet that´s the case in Uncharted 2 and 3 )

-The Jetski sections...i now why there are in the game but i hate those sections in a game like this, just let me get back to the shooting and exploring.

Not a real complain but the enemy voices...... sooooo bad :D but i guess that´s intended.


No I hate having to repeat a task with no justification or reasoning behind it, they could had just shown quick flash scenes and left me back where I was at during the beginning of the game rather than have me waste all this time in some glorified technical advancement platform.

It was just a bad long term creative choice.

I understand the decision as to why to move that scene in the beginning of the game, but to have us repeat he same task again once you reach that part is stupid and pointless.

I think they wanted some kind of set piece at the beginning of the game so they could grab the player's attention and avoid having a 10mn cutscene followed by a slow paced action section for the first hour or so.
And afaic, i wasn't bothered by those 3 minutes it took to reclimb the train. They still were aware that it could be bothering for some people to redo it so they shortened it, changed a few cameras so it could feel a bit fresh. I don't know if they could have handled it better, but it's just a small small part of the game really.


Got the Special Edition last week, have only started to replay the first Uncharted yet. But I like it a lot. The graphics are certainly better but most of all I enjoy playing this game with a decent controller.

The Special edition was a bit underwhelming, though.


-The Jetski sections...i now why there are in the game but i hate those sections in a game like this, just let me get back to the shooting and exploring.

Variety man.

You are shooting almost every minute of the game, the jetski section was a good break, and was intense also.

I wish it had better control tho.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
No I hate having to repeat a task with no justification or reasoning behind it, they could had just shown quick flash scenes and left me back where I was at during the beginning of the game rather than have me waste all this time in some glorified technical advancement platform.

It was just a bad long term creative choice.

I understand the decision as to why to move that scene in the beginning of the game, but to have us repeat he same task again once you reach that part is stupid and pointless.

It's about 60 seconds of gameplay at most, not a 10-15 minute sequence. I can't understand why anyone would have such a strong reaction to this, especially as they go to the effort of shortening it and they change the camera angles to freshen it up a bit.


You compare this to the final mission of MGSV, which makes you repeat the entire 60 min opening frame for frame and it puts it in perspective. They didn't even bother removing the tutorial instructions, which is unbelievably lazy. I don't need to be reminded how to crawl and shoot after 50 hrs of the game.


Gold Member
I decided to fire up the PS3 version of DF to really be able to appreciate the upgrade, and holy shit. The difference is downright spectacular. Going from jaggy 720p (the AA in the original is really bad or nonexistent) at 25-30 fps (I didn't remember DF having such trouble sticking to 30 - it might even go lower than 25 fps at times) with screen tearing, to 1080p with great AA at a perfect 60 fps, is absolutely revelatory. Not to mention the upgraded textures, geometry and character models. If you just play the PS4 version in isolation you don't really appreciate this, but it really does look and feel so much better. So sharp, so clean, so smooth. I never ever want to touch my PS3 copy again.

I very much recommend trying this to anyone who wants to appreciate what a generational leap this really is. It's not at all as apparent in screenshot comparisons as when you see it in motion and also feel the difference.

Variety man.

You are shooting almost every minute of the game, the jetski section was a good break, and was intense also.

I wish it had better control tho.

I never had any trouble with those sections, they are absolutely fine IMO. It's a bit of a shame that the analog control of the jetski is gone though, that was actually useful at times in the original. No biggie though.


What Uncharted 2 did at the start of the game is so common in film and tv shows. With the scene being really short, fast, and slightly different later too, it's hard to believe that anyone could have a problem with it.


What Uncharted 2 did at the start of the game is so common in film and tv shows. With the scene being really short, fast, and slightly different later too, it's hard to believe that anyone could have a problem with it.

They shorten it when you redo it as well it skips parts of it.
No I hate having to repeat a task with no justification or reasoning behind it, they could had just shown quick flash scenes and left me back where I was at during the beginning of the game rather than have me waste all this time in some glorified technical advancement platform.

It was just a bad long term creative choice.

I understand the decision as to why to move that scene in the beginning of the game, but to have us repeat he same task again once you reach that part is stupid and pointless.

Well the justification / reasoning is to keep flow with what's happening plus not everyone plays this in 2 sittings so its a reminder for more casual players. Its also shortened to the point it takes a few mins to get through. Hardly anything to get annoyed about really.
Can someone explain the stealth mechanics to me? Like is it honestly possible to sneak your way through an area without setting off a scripted event when enemies spawn and start mowing your ass down with gunfire..lol.

Numerous times an AI would tell me not to draw any attention while approaching a new area. Roger that, thanks. Take down several enemies without a problem, yet the next guy would stand stationery while facing Drake, and will refuse to turn around or walk a route that would allow me to get to closer without alerting him.

Other than that, the Uncharted Collection has been an awesome experience so far. I can see why UC 2 is held in such high regards, the pacing and level design is second to none


Since I just beat DF on normal, will using bonus rewards like the weapons be available on crushing if I decide to do it again? I assume not.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Can someone explain the stealth mechanics to me? Like is it honestly possible to sneak your way through an area without setting off a scripted event when enemies spawn and start mowing your ass down with gunfire..lol.

The stealth mechanics are very lite. They are really only there to allow you to pick off a few enemies before the shooting breaks out. You can prioritise enemies on platforms/higher ground as they are more dangerous. You will know when you are in these situations as Drake will crouch-walk. In certain situations you can take out an entire group but even then there's usually a second group that you will have to deal with via gunfire. This only applies to UC2 and UC3, stealth is non-existent in UC1 (despite there being a trophy for stealth kills)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Can someone explain the stealth mechanics to me? Like is it honestly possible to sneak your way through an area without setting off a scripted event when enemies spawn and start mowing your ass down with gunfire..lol.

Numerous times an AI would tell me not to draw any attention while approaching a new area. Roger that, thanks. Take down several enemies without a problem, yet the next guy would stand stationery while facing Drake, and will refuse to turn around or walk a route that would allow me to get to closer without alerting him.
It is definitely possible in UC3 when the other characters tell you that it is. But it is difficult. For example, the whole airfield section in UC3 is stealth-able.
Thanks for the clarification, Markitron and Lord Error. I was just confused because many segments in Golden Abyss were possible to stealth kill enemies to pass through the area unoticed.

I kept restarting at checkpoints in UC 1 and 2 because I thought I was screwing up a "stealth" segment by relying on what minimalistic mechanics I could utilize to quietly kill the enemies. Drake should really invest in a suppressed handgun or crossbow for his next adventure...lol


Thanks for the clarification, Markitron and Lord Error. I was just confused because many segments in Golden Abyss were possible to stealth kill enemies to pass through the area unoticed.

I kept restarting at checkpoints in UC 1 and 2 because I thought I was screwing up a "stealth" segment by relying on what minimalistic mechanics I could utilize to quietly kill the enemies. Drake should really invest in a suppressed handgun or crossbow for his next adventure...lol

UC4 will have more 'stealthable' sections, so you're solid :)
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