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UNCHARTED |OT| The Master Thief Collection


After beating Drake's Fortune on Brutal, Uncharted 2 on crushing feels like easy mode, I feel like I have too much health lol.


Thank you, guys. I started UC1 on Hard, but only did the first episode, so far. So, before I'm too far in, I'm debating whether I want to try for the platinum on my first run.


Thank you, guys. I started UC1 on Hard, but only did the first episode, so far. So, before I'm too far in, I'm debating whether I want to try for the platinum on my first run.

Just play it on Crushing, it's not that hard if you are decent at shooters, the checkpoints are frequent.


The video is from 2 but someone else said they beat UC1 on Brutal.

Yeah that was me.


I wouldn't recommend doing it, it's not fun at all.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The aiming was always just one brick in a house of problems with UC3's combat. I don't know why everyone focused on that and only that. What they did to the hit reactions is as much of an issue if not worse because though they fixed the aiming in a patch (and Bluepoint continued that refinement in this collection), the AI and hit reactions are deep rooted problems that require more than just small adjustments.
I never had a problem with the AI in UC3. It was different, but they made it the way it was so that you can actually use stealth, and also so that the AI favors hand-to-hand combat (that's why they run up to you, which some find offputting). The hit reactions were a shame though. Also, they never really fixed the aiming, to be completely honest. They made the acceleration curve better, but the heavy input lag was still there just the same. It is only now in this remaster that we got the actual controls fix for UC3. It feels so much better playing it now.
Damn. I found a point in Nepal where the game seems to ALWAYS crash. If you pop out of cover in between these two pillars/statues, the game crashes. I tested it out 3 times and it always did.



Gold Member
Cool- thank you. I do want some challenge, but I want to enjoy the story, as well, because this will be my first time at the UC party.

You'll want to play the games again (unless you are a person with terrible, terrible taste), so I'd still recommend Hard for your first playthrough of all three. Then you go back to the first and do Crushing. You're still early in the game, and there are some VERY challenging/frustrating parts later on that I wouldn't want to do on Crushing my first time through. You can always lower the difficulty if you need to though, I guess.


Was the snow in the beginning of Uncharted 2 always so terrible looking when you walked through it? I remember it clumping up and making tracks and whatnot. Maybe it didn't though.
Uncharted 3 seems to have worse shooting and AI but all in all its pretty equal. Are those the common complaints? I'm almost done with it but some moments I really loved are the ship and convoy. Same as in UC2 when you're jumping from vehicle to vehicle. So awesome.


Gold Member
Was the snow in the beginning of Uncharted 2 always so terrible looking when you walked through it? I remember it clumping up and making tracks and whatnot. Maybe it didn't though.

It looked amazing on PS3. It doesn't anymore (I'm not there yet)? Have they broken that effect just like the water outside the ship in 3? :-(

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Was the snow in the beginning of Uncharted 2 always so terrible looking when you walked through it? I remember it clumping up and making tracks and whatnot. Maybe it didn't though.
Snow in UC2 was for sure the best snow that existed in any game at that time. I don't know if they messed it up in this remaster, but you're right - you were leaving the tracks in the snow by walking through it.


Uncharted 3 seems to have worse shooting and AI but all in all its pretty equal. Are those the common complaints? I'm almost done with it but some moments I really loved are the ship and convoy. Same as in UC2 when you're jumping from vehicle to vehicle. So awesome.

Coming back and playing through all three games reinforces the fact that Uncharted 2 is so much better than 3 without even mentioning the combat differences. Uncharted 2 just moves along at such a rapid pace that it is difficult to put down the controller. From Nepal onwards the game gets into such a nice flow and even with all the spectacle and all the craziness the story just keeps pushing forward. Uncharted 3 never allows you to get in that long gameplay loop with the game constantly teleporting you around and much of the spectacle feeling like it is detached from what is happening within the plot. The whole ship level, while cool, is completely pointless for example. Then there are all the story issues with
Cutter/Chloe just being tossed away in the first half and Talbot and Marlowe being only interesting on a surface level
which ultimately leave it feeling less refined and not as well rounded as Uncharted 2.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Was the snow in the beginning of Uncharted 2 always so terrible looking when you walked through it? I remember it clumping up and making tracks and whatnot. Maybe it didn't though.

I noticed it looked kinda ugly too, but I'm not sure if it's like that in the PS3 one or not. I know later you can actually see footprints when you walk and indents when you roll which wasn't happening at that section.
I noticed it looked kinda ugly too, but I'm not sure if it's like that in the PS3 one or not. I know later you can actually see footprints when you walk and indents when you roll which wasn't happening at that section.
So Bluepoint messed up the sea water AND the snow!? Hopefully it's addressed soon.
I'd recommend Hard, unless you find it too easy.

I'm playing Uncharted 2 right now on Crushing and it's definitely easier than the PS3 version. I didn't even die once in the
boss fight.

I have a suspicion that they have renamed the difficulty levels... PS4 Crushing feels more like PS3 Hard.

Does anyone remember that Uncharted 2 had a "Very Easy" difficulty? IIRC, it had auto-aim just like the new Explorer difficulty.

Brutal is probably the "new" Crushing, along with plenty of cheap moments/cheesy deaths as it seems.

Idk...I played u1 and u2 on crushing way back when and either I'm bad now or I just don't have the patience for it. It was wiping the floor wit me lol.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Nope dont know what some of you are talking about.
They did at least mess up the color of the snow dust particles that the enemy soldier is kicking up. They went with bright white which makes the clipping very obvious. The clipping is there in the PS3 version as well, but the color blends in much more, so it's not that visible. It's a small thing though, and the snow tracks effect is still there and looks the same.


They did at least mess up the color of the snow dust particles that the enemy soldier is kicking up. They went with bright white which makes the clipping very obvious. The clipping is there in the PS3 version as well, but the color blends in much more, so it's not that visible. It's a small thing though, and the snow tracks effect is still there and looks the same.
Yeah I can see that.


I was a bit wrong about the snow at the beginning of the game - https://youtu.be/K9Ee_aCchmM?t=11m37s

It looks fairly similar. The PS3 may leave the tracks a bit longer but seems nearly the same. It does look like later on the particles are brighter or something but I haven't got to that part yet.

What was messed up about the water? Which game?


After playing through all the games I decide to list my favourite set pieces in order.

1)Uncharted 2: Train

Best set piece in the series because of how much variety there is. You are jumping between carts, hopping in and out of carriages, fighting dudes, dodging signs, avoiding helicopter gun fire all while the environment around you transitions from lush jungles, to dark tunnels and through to snowy clifftops. It manages all this while pushing the narrative forward, linking you back to the very beginning of the game.

2)Uncharted 2: Cat and Mouse

The reason this section is so good is because of the sequence that comes before it. You awake in this beautiful Tibetan village after the chaos of the train and are led through by a man named Tenzin. It is a serene moment contrasting the chaos that preceded it and allows you to interact with the inhabitants and really take the environment in. Following this, you take a journey into the mountains and through cooperation form a bond with Tenzin. When you ascend to find the village under attack it makes the following events more emotionally driven than other set pieces in the series. What follows is you backtracking through the level you were just walking through but now everything is grey and destroyed and the cat and mouse aspect of the tank following you is really well designed. Also you are in full control throughout the set piece which is a huge plus.

3)Uncharted 3:Burning Chateau

Really well designed set-piece that has you fighting through a building which is falling apart around you. Like the cat and mouse sequence you have a lot of control and the aspect of more of the level opening up as the walls and structure burn down around you is really well done. Just overall has a really nice flow and the fire//smoke effects look amazing even to this day. Not much else to say.

4)Uncharted 2: Collapsing Building

Probably one of the most iconic sequences and still holds up really well. Not much to say other than I wish it was longer.

5)Uncharted 3: Plane

In terms of pure spectacle this is probably the pinnacle of Uncharted set pieces, even more so than the ship for me. The actual gameplay elements are fairly basic but boy does it look awesome hanging out of the back of a plane and then ultimately falling out and steering drake to catch the cargo and parachute down. Probably the best looking controllable sequence in any game ever.

6)Uncharted 2: Jeff the Camerman

Jeff was just an awesome guy and his death hit me really hard when I originally played the game
. I think the thing that makes the sequnece so good, other than the fact that it is story/character driven is the rain. The weather was really mirroring the mood of the characters and in itself was telling a story. Also really liked the fact that Chloe was always ahead of the player while Elena was always behind the player showing their character motivations not just through their dialogue but through the gameplay as well.

Ship (not on the list because of horrible combat rooms)
Both convoys from UC3 and UC3
The chase scenes with Talbot and and the one with young Drake
Charlie Cutter is such a great character, very funny, and I love his voice/accent too (same guy who is doing Lazarevic right ?). I wonder why they dropped him so early in UC3 (and I hope he'll come back on 4).
And, that's UC2 on Crushing completed. Even until the end things didn't delve into total bullshit. Well, aside from collision with AI partners causing me to get murdered at times, but other than that it was a very fun second playthrough.

I almost want to go straight to 3 right now and wrap up this collection, but with all the other stuff I've got at the moment I'm just swimming in games. So hard to decide.


Started Uncharted 3 and I think this game has the weakest start of the franchise. Did not find the
Young Nate
-part interesting and that
shootout in London Underground
wasn't particular exciting either.


Ok so, playing U3 now and a few things.......the remaster is glorious, though as DF pointed out, not as extensive as the U2 remaster in terms of texture improvements, but what I see is a more consistent level across the board, everything looks and feels as one. The lighting is top drawer given the age of the original. And the level object density is very high. Playing all 3 back to back it's easy to see just how ND pushed the PS3 with each game, U4 is going to be quite something. Now, the other things I notice is yes weapon sounds are much beefier and have a lovely clarity to them, but hit detection is defo a step below U1 and U2, and the A.I Is a definite step below 2 and moreso 1. As a game on the whole I find U3 the more interesting as I just prefer the locales and situations U3 throws up. Did I say U4 is going to be quite something? 8) I'm expecting a more mature game generally speaking, a bit more serious......


Charlie Cutter is such a great character, very funny, and I love his voice/accent too (same guy who is doing Lazarevic right ?). I wonder why they dropped him so early in UC3 (and I hope he'll come back on 4).

The voice actor left mid-production. That's why the story dies in the middle of the game & only picks up much later.


Ok so, playing U3 now and a few things.......the remaster is glorious, though as DF pointed out, not as extensive as the U2 remaster in terms of texture improvements, but what I see is a more consistent level across the board, everything looks and feels as one. The lighting is top drawer given the age of the original. And the level object density is very high. Playing all 3 back to back it's easy to see just how ND pushed the PS3 with each game, U4 is going to be quite something. Now, the other things I notice is yes weapon sounds are much beefier and have a lovely clarity to them, but hit detection is defo a step below U1 and U2, and the A.I Is a definite step below 2 and moreso 1. As a game on the whole I find U3 the more interesting as I just prefer the locales and situations U3 throws up. Did I say U4 is going to be quite something? 8) I'm expecting a more mature game generally speaking, a bit more serious......

Was watching a stream with Naughty Dog Technical Art Director, who said the reason they were able to make environments so much more dense in Uncharted 3 and The Last of Us was because they really started to take advantage of outsourcing for assets and props meaning more art could be created in a shorter time.
Drake had his ring around his neck in the final level of U1 and I demand this to be fixed. Loved the game beyond that though, I'm about to start 2 again for the first time in a while and I can't wait. The first thing I used to do when we got a new HDTV was play the first few levels of Uncharted 2, it looked spectacular every time.


Just platinum U1 and gonna move on to U2

Concerning the remastered i think it will extremely well done , i had forgot how much i loved playing Uncharted actually (havent played any since U3 came out)´

Cant wait to start 2 and then in March play 4 :D
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