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UNCHARTED |OT| The Master Thief Collection


I'm a fair bit into Drake's Fortune, and it annoys the shit out of me that enemies are bullet sponges. I don't remember it being this bad on PS3.

And they have this weird ability to quickly dodge head shots. I get the idea of it being reactionary, but it really looks to me like they actively know how to dodge head shots.


Completed UC1 on crushing. I remembered it way harder than it was. The biggest difficulty spike was chapter 4, then nothing you couldn't solve by pushing forward, triggering a wave, and retreating back.


Finished Drake's Fortune on Brutal.

That was terrible, boring, unfair, & poorly balanced, 90% of my deaths were because of unavoidable scripted events that you need to restart 100 times just to get lucky & all the scripted gunshots don't hit you.


Brutal looks hilariously unfun. Why would you subject yourself to that?

I don't really understand the point of releasing a mode that only 1 QA tester beat. Why didn't they just go all the way and make it so that you die from 1 shot for ultimate lulz?

The games still have cheap moments even on crushing (particularly UC1).
At Chapter 7 in my first playthrough of UC3, and like that the guns have more ummph to them. At least the automatic weapons do. Also UC3 seems a lot more puzzle heavy than the previous two game. I actually had to think hardly for the puzzle where you had to
shift the emblems on the board.
More complex than any of the previous puzzles in the UC series.
At Chapter 7 in my first playthrough of UC3, and like that the guns have more ummph to them. At least the automatic weapons do. Also UC3 seems a lot more puzzle heavy than the previous two game. I actually had to think hardly for the puzzle where you had to
shift the emblems on the board.
More complex than any of the previous puzzles in the UC series.

Good thing that Neil and Bruce said that they will keep U3 puzzle style in U4


Brutal looks hilariously unfun. Why would you subject yourself to that?

I don't really understand the point of releasing a mode that only 1 QA tester beat. Why didn't they just go all the way and make it so that you die from 1 shot for ultimate lulz?

The games still have cheap moments even on crushing (particularly UC1).

Yeah, I think I'm gonna skip Brutal in UC2 & 3, I don't want to taint my experience with those games with poorly designed difficulty levels.

Hopefully Naughty Dog avoids putting in a cheap difficulty level in UC4.


Brutal looks hilariously unfun. Why would you subject yourself to that?

I don't really understand the point of releasing a mode that only 1 QA tester beat. Why didn't they just go all the way and make it so that you die from 1 shot for ultimate lulz?

The games still have cheap moments even on crushing (particularly UC1).

This is how I feel. The games were only designed around Crushing being the max difficulty. Of course the new Brutal difficulty would be terrible. I know I sure as heck won't ever play it.
Yeah, I think I'm gonna skip Brutal in UC2 & 3, I don't want to taint my experience with those games with poorly designed difficulty levels.

Hopefully Naughty Dog avoids putting in a cheap difficulty level in UC4.

make it like Grounded Mode: hided UI, aggressive AI, limited ammo. No need to increase enemies damage.
Not a fan of the limited ammo either, Uncharted is a third person shooter & not a "survival" game like TLOU.

Not that TLoU limited ammo, enough for you to kill some guys then stealth kill the rest.
ND improve stealth mechanics that they learned in TLoU so i thought i would be a great idea.


Man, armored/riot shield enemies on brutal... I'm picturing a DS4 snapped in half.

UC3 beaten on hard. Some of the experience was tainted by the
djinn (super armor, teleport and heavy guns FOR EVERYONE!)
, snipers/grenadiers and blindside spawns galore, it basically descended to UC1 levels of bullshittery in the last few chapters. But at least it didn't
have a final boss

And yep, UC2 sure is better in every aspect. Except gun sounds. And here's hoping UC4's gameplay is less UC and more TLoU.


Not that TLoU limited ammo, enough for you to kill some guys then stealth kill the rest.
ND improve stealth mechanics that they learned in TLoU so i thought i would be a great idea.

I'm not against the idea of limited ammo in general, I'm against that idea in an Uncharted game, improvements in a franchise are great, but changing the genre completely isn't a good idea.
Man, armored/riot shield enemies on brutal... I'm picturing a DS4 snapped in half.

UC3 beaten on hard and some of the experience was tainted by the
djinn (super armor, teleport and heavy guns FOR EVERYONE!)
, snipers/grenadiers and blindside spawns galore. But at least it didn't
have a final boss

And yep, UC2 sure is better in every aspect. Except gun sounds. And here's hoping UC4's gameplay is less UC and more TLoU.

It will be a mix between 2 series: open level design/ improved stealth from TLoU and platforming/ set pieces/ gun fight in Uncharted.
The only thing i want to know now is multiplayer. Will they keep it like previous games or improve it? Can't wait for multiplayer beta :p

I'm not against the idea of limited ammo in general, I'm against that idea in an Uncharted game, improvements in a franchise are great, but changing the genre completely isn't a good idea.

Different opinions i guess :p
I always think Uncharted (at least in U2) is a dynamic TPS where stealth and standard shooting work well together.
So I never really played any of the Uncharted series on PS3... are you guys saying Crushing is a poor choice for the series? I am up to like chapter 4 of drakes fortune and was planning on sticking with crushing all the way through. Should I just sack that in?
I don't know if it's just me getting used to it, or if the encounters are designed better as the game goes on, but since I've got to the flooded citadel, UC1 has become much easier for me. Crushing difficulty of course.


So I never really played any of the Uncharted series on PS3... are you guys saying Crushing is a poor choice for the series? I am up to like chapter 4 of drakes fortune and was planning on sticking with crushing all the way through. Should I just sack that in?

I think crushing is the best difficulty but perhaps not for the first time through. In the original PS3 version you had to play through hard first before crushing unlocked.



Is there a better way through this other than shooting? I eventually got through by persevering but it was near impossible to kill guys on the other side because the view was obstructed by the hanging vines.
Is there a better way through this other than shooting? I eventually got through by persevering but it was near impossible to kill guys on the other side because the view was obstructed by the hanging vines.

This encounter was pretty easy. You shoot the first 2/3 guys from this position, then you creep over to kill the guys who are to the North-West. Best thing to do for the guy on the artillery is to use manual cover and not the auto cover. In fact this generally a great tip, the auto-cover fucks up a lot for me.


Is there a better way through this other than shooting? I eventually got through by persevering but it was near impossible to kill guys on the other side because the view was obstructed by the hanging vines.

You can hang on the ledge as you come out the water and see them easier, some do charge you though, but it's not too hard to spray them down.


You can hang on the ledge as you come out the water and see them easier, some do charge you though, but it's not too hard to spray them down.

Nah, I tried that a few times but I would die before I could get to the other side (this is on crushing btw). Often I would have to pray that I hit and killed two of the enemies that were hiding behind cover on the right before making my way across.


Ok the perfect pacing of UC2 kind of wavers a bit for me near the end. Starts getting into UC1 territory with the combat arenas and waves and waves of enemies. No to mention the heavies aren't fun to fight.

Elena's face in U2 is a big nono, U1 face was perfect. Hopefully U3's face is better.

her face was fine in OG UC2 but they kind of messed it up a bit with the lipstick. It looks weird now.

Wonderful AI.

I'm at the plane section and am planning on making a big post later, but 3 is a good deal UNDER 1 for me actually, it's such a frustrating game. I have a ton of different video clips saved I'll upload and talk about afterwards.

I'm actually eager to see where I sit on UC1 vs. UC3 after I finish a playthrough of this collection. Haven't beaten UC1 since 08 or 09 so the negatives of UC3 are much fresher in my mind, but I've still always defaulted to UC3 > UC1.


Nah, I tried that a few times but I would die before I could get to the other side (this is on crushing btw). Often I would have to pray that I hit and killed two of the enemies that were hiding behind cover on the right before making my way across.

It worked for me on Crushing. Do you know about the shooting whilst behind cover glitch? Instead of going into cover, just stand and aim, if your crosshair can go over an enemy, you can shoot them and stay behind cover, it's really useful in Crushing, Brutal would probably be impossible without it.


Uncharted 3's pacing is disappointing after playing Uncharted 2. Also what's up with enemies suddenly appearing and killing you in a split second in 3? This was a problem in 1 and 2 as well, but it happens much more frequently in 3.
I have almost finished UC1, and while it has been a good game ( I've never played it before - skipped straight to UC2 back in the PS3-days ), I am not a fan of the "obvious arena for enemies to appear in waves" -formula that gets pretty frequent near the end. But as far as the remaster goes, this game looks stunning, and I can't wait to get to Among Thieves, which is one of my favorite games ( of all time ).
Wow, makes you wonder if they playtested brutal difficulty or just gave up halfway through:

I'm of the opinion that any difficulty increase that dramatically changes what the game's combat identity is instead of enhancing it is a waste of my time. For Uncharted that's dynamic third person combat which smoothly mixes traversal, gunplay, and a little bit of melee. I wouldn't get any satisfaction from beating what's clearly an unbalanced, seemingly untested, mutated version of Uncharted 2. I'd much rather see difficulty increases in these games make the AI more dynamic and remix enemy layouts than simply increasing damage values to the point that it becomes a slower (or broken in this case) game that barely resembles Uncharted.

This is why PlatinumGames is one of the few devs that get difficulties right. They make fast and deep games that get faster and deeper the more you play them and step up in difficulty. Sure you get hit a little harder as well, but most of the increased challenge come from the fact that enemies use different tactics, move more, move faster, and are set up differently than normal or hard modes.
Naughty Dog admitted later that they made a big mistake by designing the game around set-pieces and not the actual story, it's obvious throughout Drake's Deception. All things considered, the story turned out pretty well, specially since they admitted that story was not in their top priority.

I remember them stating that they designed the story around the set pieces, but i don't remember them admitting it was a mistake. It always puzzles me though when people bring it up as if it's the exception to the rule and the first time they did that. I doubt it's uncommon for games or even action movies to weave their story beats around ideas for set pieces/gameplay mechanics. I've read a Jackie Chan autobiography over a decade ago, in which he stated the very same thing. Granted, his movies might not be the pinnacle of storytelling, but i doubt he's the only one who does it like that. I don't see the writers finishing the story first, while the game designers are sitting on their hands and after it's finished go: "Ok, how can we introduce some interesting set pieces to this?". More likely both are being done in tandem.

Now, whether that approach turns out well or not is another thing completely. I'm not arguing that aspects of it in Uncharted 3 haven't been done poorly, like
Drake conveniently washing ashore in the right spot in Yemen
, and lampshading the fact didn't make it any better. But for what it's worth i always thought the whole
Mountaineering/Heart of Ice
sequence in Uncharted 2 was as contrived as the much criticized
cruise ship detour
in Uncharted 3. Why did Drake have to go see
that random temple? Yes, "to believe", but why was that temple there, why did Schaefer's expedition go there and what was its relation to Shambhala? It was nowhere near the entrance to the city, why were the guardians protecting it? To me it felt like a contrivance to show off that big puzzle room and to get Drake out of the village, so Lazarevic's goons could attack it in the meantime, setting off the next chain of set pieces.
Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that the detour in U3 wasn't a bit out of place, and U2 is still easily my favorite, but i don't get why that U3 quote gets brought up so often, while i've never seen anyone bring up that the aforementioned U2 segment does the same.

I think what hurt the story in U3 more than the approach to set pieces was Graham McTavish getting hired for The Hobbit trilogy and leaving early into U3's production, which seems to be why they've written Chloe and Cutter out of the story so suddenly. I can only hope that the whole hubbub about Straley and Druckmann taking over for Richmond and Henning hasn't left the story in shambles and that we're not getting another stitch job. Hopefully the additional development time has been enough to alleviate that, so that the franchise (at least the Nathan Drake part of it) can go out on a strong note.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I'm actually eager to see where I sit on UC1 vs. UC3 after I finish a playthrough of this collection. Haven't beaten UC1 since 08 or 09 so the negatives of UC3 are much fresher in my mind, but I've still always defaulted to UC3 > UC1.

I was always the same but felt a little iffy on it since my memory of UC1 was basically renting it when I first got a PS3 with UC2 and blowing through it in a day to catch up and move on. But now I firmly believe it.

Though 3 had the caveat of the messy aiming, so I wasn't sure if that being gone would work in its favor or not and yeah...nope.


Gold Member
Uncharted 3 looked much better than TLOU imo, TLOU had a lot of low quality models (like the cars & some walls), UC3 was much more consistent throughout, & performed at a solid 30fps as well.

It did not, actually. UC3 has some rather noticeable drops which UC2 didn't (but UC1 did, of course). Nothing nearly as bad as TLoU, but performance did get slightly worse from UC2 to UC3. I think people have been saying that the PS4 remaster of UC3 also struggles to stick to 60 fps at times (I haven't made it to that game in the collection yet)?

I'm halfway through 3 now, which has always been my favorite, and there're so many Naughty Dog-isms I'm noticing across all four of the PS3 games. ...

Wait, what?

EDIT: Oh, you're including TLoU there?
I was always the same but felt a little iffy on it since my memory of UC1 was basically renting it when I first got a PS3 with UC2 and blowing through it in a day to catch up and move on. But now I firmly believe it.

Though 3 had the caveat of the messy aiming, so I wasn't sure if that being gone would work in its favor or not and yeah...nope.

The aiming was always just one brick in a house of problems with UC3's combat. I don't know why everyone focused on that and only that. What they did to the hit reactions is as much of an issue if not worse because though they fixed the aiming in a patch (and Bluepoint continued that refinement in this collection), the AI and hit reactions are deep rooted problems that require more than just small adjustments.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
The aiming was always just one brick in a house of problems with UC3's combat. I don't know why everyone focused on that and only that. What they did to the hit reactions is as much of an issue if not worse because though they fixed the aiming in a patch (and Bluepoint continued that refinement in this collection), the AI and hit reactions are deep rooted problems that require more than just small adjustments.

It's a nice little triangle of issues for me. The AI that runs around like a headless chicken(usually towards you), the lack of hit reactions, and the huge change to melee combat. O being grab is so damn stupid in a game that maps the same button to cover and roll. The moment ANYONE punches you, that fist fight is locked in as your only escape actually grabs and throws a guy right where you need to go. Actually fighting back is simply time consuming over how it was in the other two to accomplish the same task, which in an active firefight gets you shot down.

They never should have kept that as a move outside of those pure brawler sections.



Wonderful AI.

I'm at the plane section and am planning on making a big post later, but 3 is a good deal UNDER 1 for me actually, it's such a frustrating game. I have a ton of different video clips saved I'll upload and talk about afterwards.

Syria is one of the low points in the trilogy, it's just a frustrating level that's not really fun to play and has a ton of brain dead enemies. Luckily, from chapter 12 onwards it gets much better.


Syria is one of the low points in the trilogy, it's just a frustrating level that's not really fun to play and has a ton of brain dead enemies. Luckily, from chapter 12 onwards it gets much better.

The enemies don't react to bullets the entire game. Even in chapter 22 you'll have enemies that don't flinch at all when getting hit.
So people don't really care for the UC2 final boss, right? Just beat it on my fourth try in Crushing and think it's totally fine. Just forces you to traverse and shoot at a constant pace, while encouraging pinpoint spacial awareness. Really nothing cheap about it, and it stands out from other encounters. Not the best boss fight in gaming, but with the mechanics at work I think it's an admirable design.


The enemies don't react to bullets the entire game. Even in chapter 22 you'll have enemies that don't flinch at all when getting hit.

Yeah, it is a clear step back from the earlier games. The ai is better later on though, and the way encounters play out are more fun.


Gold Member
finished U1 on crushing it was easier than i remembered. now back to forcing myself playing MGSV chapter 2 :|

I think they might have made it easier to account for Brutal? Or maybe not, but I found Hard (I'm gonna do a Crushing run later on) easier than I remember it being back in the day. Perhaps it's just because it's so much smoother and clearer now, and therefore easier to line up shots and such.

Finished Uncharted 1 and 2 for the first time this past weekend. My one and only complaint was the jetski sections of the first game. Like, what was that? Did the original PS3 version take advantage of pressure sensitive buttons for those segments?

Yes, and I actually missed that a bit in the remaster. Still found those sections pretty easy though, I've never had any real trouble with them like some people seem to have.

Elena's face in U2 is a big nono, U1 face was perfect. Hopefully U3's face is better.

Sorry, but nope. Her U3 face is completely wrong. No idea what they did there. It's good in both 1 and 2 IMO, and looks great in 4 from what we've seen so far. But that U3 Elena... no.
Man I totally forgot about those grenade spamming idiots in UC2. The shooting sections were more fun in UC1 and UC3.
Don't get me wrong, UC2 is a fantastic game but I never understood the praise.


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
not sure how the lack of hit reaction gets through 3 years of development unless it's intentional or a planning error
I still think it is a bug because the alternative is that ND removed perfectly working hit reaction model of U1 and U2 just to fuck up the encounters in U3
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