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UNCHARTED |OT| The Master Thief Collection


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Yeah, it's not fun, I like a good challenge, but the challenge has to be fair, not this abomination.

It seems to me that it's a mode for masochists and ultra-hardcore fans and not intended to be played by 99.99% of people. The platinum not requiring this trophy speaks volumes.

I consider myself a hardcore UC fan (I'm one of the first people in the world to platinum UC1 back in the day), and I wouldn't touch that mode with a 10-foot clown pole.



He made a few good points, & then he said this:

Both Uncharted and The Last of Us are ultimately about conserving cover - or protecting yourself from exposure - peering out only to shoot or cause a ruckus.

Uncharted isn't a cover shooter, you only take cover to heal, observe the map, or to clean up the map for easier maneuverability.

I don't like the premise of the article either, The Last of Us focused on stealth because of limited resources, Uncharted doesn't have limited resources.

Thankfully, I think Bruce knows that from what we've seen & he won't turn Uncharted 4 into a TLOU clone. We've already seen shootouts, stealth, & Uncharted 3-style melee. Forcing you to stealth would be terrible. It should be a fleshed out & legitimate option to play, & from what we've seen it's exactly that. Button mashy melee in Uncharted would be bad, because he's basing that argument on the premise that Uncharted is a cover shooter, when it's not. Those things were needed in TLOU because Joel was more limited in his ability compared to Nate.


He made a few good points, & then he said this:

Uncharted isn't a cover shooter, you only take cover to heal, observe the map, or to clean up the map for easier maneuverability.

I don't like the premise of the article either, The Last of Us focused on stealth because of limited resources, Uncharted doesn't have limited resources.

Thankfully, I think Bruce knows that from what we've seen & he won't turn Uncharted 4 into a TLOU clone. We've already seen shootouts, stealth, & Uncharted 3-style melee. Forcing you to stealth would be terrible. It should be a fleshed out & legitimate option to play, & from what we've seen it's exactly that.

This is true and Uncharted combat is at it's best when it promotes this but often hunkering in one place is the best way to deal with things, especially for the average player. Luckily, things like destructible cover, more dynamic AI and removing the ability to throw back grenades should encourage more players to adapt to this playstyle without having to resort to bombarding the player.

https://youtu.be/1a2chkYgBGQ?t=560 @9:20 to 10:34

Neil and Bruce talking about this.


This is true and Uncharted combat is at it's best when it promotes this but often hunkering in one place is the best way to deal with things, especially for the average player. Luckily, things like destructible cover, more dynamic AI and removing the ability to throw back grenades should encourage more players to adapt to this playstyle without having to resort to bombarding the player.

https://youtu.be/1a2chkYgBGQ?t=560 @9:20 to 10:34

Neil and Bruce talking about this.

But that's not a problem with game design, the entire article is based on a false premise, button mashy melee worked in TLOU because you want to stay in cover & leaving cover is a risk, but it's not a risk in Uncharted because that's the way it's supposed to be played. Forced stealth is needed in TLOU because Joel's movement is very heavy & deliberate, & he can't blindfire or hipfire, so he needs to take out as many people stealthily as possible.

I'm glad they're being better at telling players that Uncharted isn't a cover shooter in Uncharted 4 though with destructible cover, even in an enthusiast forum like NeoGAF people mistake Uncharted for a cover shooter.

EDIT: "Forced stealth" is a wrong way to put it, stealth in TLOU is recommended, but not forced.


But that's not a problem with game design, the entire article is based on a false premise, button mashy melee worked in TLOU because you want to stay in cover & leaving cover is a risk, but it's not a risk in Uncharted because that's the way it's supposed to be played. Forced stealth is needed in TLOU because Joel's movement is very heavy & deliberate, & he can't blindfire or hipfire, so he needs to take out as many people stealthily as possible.

I'm glad they're being better at telling players that Uncharted isn't a cover shooter in Uncharted 4 though with destructible cover, even in an enthusiast forum like NeoGAF people mistake Uncharted for a cover shooter.

Maybe because they didn't always do a good job promoting this kind of play through intuitive design. Most players are not going to utilize all the mechanics in the game and will just find the easiest way for them complete a level. It is up to the designers to encourage people to use all of the tools at their disposal and not just resort to 'stop and pop' cover based gameplay.


Reminds me of UC3's checkpoints in the last few chapters. Figured this was gonna happen though I expected it with UC1 and 3. I'm honestly gonna hold off on the purchase until they release a patch because I was planning on doing a brutal run.

I don't think they plan to patch it, we would have heard from them by now if they were.

I hope they do though, I'm at the part where you have a shootout while hanging from the street signs, & it's a miserable experience, I think I'll just abandon it.


Maybe because they didn't always do a good job promoting this kind of play through intuitive design. Most players are not going to utilize all the mechanics in the game and will just find the easiest way for them complete a level. It is up to the designers to encourage people to use all of the tools at their disposal and not just resort to 'stop and pop' cover based gameplay.

You're partly right in that they didn't promote it very well, but that's a problem with tutorialization & not game design.

Gray Matter

Just finished UC3.

Could someone explain to me
the ring that sully have Nate at the end.

I didn't know what it meant 4 years ago and still don't today.


Just finished UC3.

Could someone explain to me
the ring that sully have Nate at the end.

I didn't know what it meant 4 years ago and still don't today.

It's his wedding/engagement ring. Earlier in the game you see Nate asking Elena why she's still wearing the ring, implying that they were engaged or married, but separated/divorced.
But for the love of Victor goddamn Sullivan, it's Sully, not Scully =PP


I beg to differ!


Interesting - I never noticed anything out of ordinary with UC1 that goes hard against what I remember playing from UC1 on PS3. What encounter are much harder now? Playing on Hard I only stumbled a but on exact same places I found to be hard before.
Zombies seemed to be harder to me, I never had any issues running through them on PS3 (and I've replayed all UCs on PS3 in Feb this year). Their AI is also behaving differently at places. Enemies in general seems to do more damage from afar - several hits even on normal from someone you can hardly see turn you into a corpse. I don't remember it being like this on PS3 - partially because I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't had even saw these guys this far in 720p. Cistern is made easier but some other encounters seemed harder to me - this maybe just a variation of AI though.

I'd try another controller first, just to be sure. I will test this tonight and tell you what I find. How about running in other directions? Are you saying you only have to push the stick all the way up to run forward, but not all the way to the left/right/back when you want to run left/right/back?
I see no point in trying other controller as UC2 is the only game I have this issue in - UC1 is fine, haven't tried UC3 yet. The controller is pretty new btw as I don't play much on PS4, UC Collection is like the third game I'm playing with this controller. Yes, this happens when you push the stick to the top to run forward. Even a slight angle means that Nate is running fine but if you move the stick from side to side then you'll notice how Nate is stumbling - playing an animation of transition from running to walking and back all the time. I'm not the only one with this issue:

AF seems to be hand-tuned for each individual texture in the game, ranging from 4-16x depending on a scene and a texture, so that makes me think it's probably as high as it can go, before the performance would start to suffer for any given scene.
Yeah, that's why I'm saying that this is an oversight as most textures are using proper AF levels but there are some places in UC2 where they've definitely used too low AF on a texture.


Zombies seemed to be harder to me, I never had any issues running through them on PS3 (and I've replayed all UCs on PS3 in Feb this year). Their AI is also behaving differently at places. Enemies in general seems to do more damage from afar - several hits even on normal from someone you can hardly see turn you into a corpse. I don't remember it being like this on PS3 - partially because I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't had even saw these guys this far in 720p. Cistern is made easier but some other encounters seemed harder to me - this maybe just a variation of AI though.

Things may seem harder or easier to you because of the 60 FPS and adjusted (for the better) aiming/shooting mechanics more likely. The AI is no different from the PS3 version, I can assure you of that, I played DF quite a lot a few years back (like 2010 and even as recent as 2011 iirc) and the AI is definitely the same.

Enemies do the same damage to you, they didn't touch how much damage Nate takes from enemies. They did touch how much damage some weapons do to enemies but not Nate. And even then, no one has taken the time to do damage comparisons between PS3 and PS4. And if there is any difference it's very minimal as the AK is still a weaker weapon than the standard pistol in DF.

In short, they didn't touch anything about the encounters for all three games aside from tweaking how much damage certain weapons do to the enemies (not Nathan Drake). There was even a recent interview (I think from Digital Foundry) that said they did not want to mess with the game's core mechanics as that would throw off how the games were originally balanced -- I'd assume that would apply to not just that but also AI and how much damage enemies do to you or how many enemy waves there are etc etc.
I'm only like 6 chapters in to UC2 and there have been like 10-12 references to ass already. I'm not complaining but I definitely don't remember it from when I played it at release. LOL.
It's easy to take for granted how good Among Thieves was/is. Pretty much everything from Nepal on is just incredible and chapters 12-15 specifically are a high water mark I don't think has been topped in an adventure game.
As soon as they mentioned they were adding this difficulty I knew it would be some serious bullshit.

Honestly I think there's a fundamental issue with higher difficulties in Uncharted that should've already been addressed. Increasing the damage you take more and more with every level you step it up to the point that the game starts to slow down is not only pretty boring, but also goes away from what Uncharted's gunplay and gameplay flow should feel like. I think "Crushing" should instead be called something like "Frantic" and should actually encourage more dynamic and risky play by introducing more capable, agile, and reactive enemies who stand toe to toe with Drake throughout the campaign. Brutal difficulty is completely the wrong direction for this kind of game.
Honestly I think there's a fundamental issue with higher difficulties in Uncharted that should've already been addressed. Increasing the damage you take more and more with every level you step it up to the point that the game starts to slow down is not only pretty boring, but also goes away from what Uncharted's gunplay and gameplay flow should feel like. I think "Crushing" should instead be called something like "Frantic" and should actually encourage more dynamic and risky play by introducing more capable, agile, and reactive enemies who stand toe to toe with Drake throughout the game. Brutal difficulty is completely the wrong direction for this kind of game.

Pretty much. After running through the trilogy again on crushing the best strategy for 90% of fights is to pick a good cover point and stick to it. Movement is heavily punished and not recommended unless it's safe and required to get a shot on someone. So the game is challenging, but plays pretty generically.


Honestly I think there's a fundamental issue with higher difficulties in Uncharted that should've already been addressed. Increasing the damage you take more and more with every level you step it up to the point that the game starts to slow down is not only pretty boring, but also goes away from what Uncharted's gunplay and gameplay flow should feel like. I think "Crushing" should instead be called something like "Frantic" and should actually encourage more dynamic and risky play by introducing more capable, agile, and reactive enemies who stand toe to toe with Drake throughout the campaign. Brutal difficulty is completely the wrong direction for this kind of game.

Agreed about the name frantic, I think that's actually a really clever way of doing it. Describe the nessisary play style of the game.

I kind of get the idea that brutal is supposed to be that way. Almost like they wanted to say "Get good, don't die. Can't continue? Start over".

Pretty much. After running through the trilogy again on crushing the best strategy for 90% of fights is to pick a good cover point and stick to it. Movement is heavily punished and not recommended unless it's safe and required to get a shot on someone. So the game is challenging, but plays pretty generically.

I feel like UC3 had units solely designed to force you out of cover and those were some of the most tricky to deal with. Heavies, shotgun stormers, Magnum snipes and a guy with grenade launcher. You have no choice but to move.


Uncharted's difficulty beyond normal is just ridiculously punishing to the point of not fun unless you've already done it before and know the layout of the enemies. Even then you have to play a game of the quick and the dead where even a fraction second of mistake is very costly. Which is why I would never recommend Crushing if you just played the game for the first time.


Uncharted's difficulty beyond normal is just ridiculously punishing to the point of not fun unless you've already done it before and know the layout of the enemies. Even then you have to play a game of the quick and the dead where even a fraction second of mistake is very costly. Which is why I would never recommend Crushing if you just played the game for the first time.

Agreed, the thrill of fun of adventure and over the top action is best shown on normal and below. It make Nathan feel so empowered as an action hero.
Uncharted's difficulty beyond normal is just ridiculously punishing to the point of not fun unless you've already done it before and know the layout of the enemies. Even then you have to play a game of the quick and the dead where even a fraction second of mistake is very costly. Which is why I would never recommend Crushing if you just played the game for the first time.
I'm not going to say it's not problematic at times on Crushing but it is really not that bad and I'm maybe slightly above average when it comes to games.

I think the biggest rule of thumb is while you shouldn't/can't get greedy, being proactive offensively helps so much. Especially UC2 where they love to have enemies move up and flank you.

I don't disagree that Crushing for a first experience is likely not that enjoyable and not the way the game is intended to be played.


I'm not going to say it's not problematic at times on Crushing but it is really not that bad and I'm maybe slightly above average when it comes to games.

I think the biggest rule of thumb is while you shouldn't/can't get greedy, being proactive offensively helps so much. Especially UC2 where they love to have enemies move up and flank you.

I don't disagree that Crushing for a first experience is likely not that enjoyable and not the way the game is intended to be played.

I don't mind the difficulty if ND had implemented a better checkpoint. I don't want to die on 2nd wave and have to repeat the 1st wave all over again. That doesn't feel rewarding to me. It feels like I'm being punished even though I already completed the 1st wave (or 2nd wave) just because I fail on the last wave of enemies.

Take out the annoying lack of checkpoints and you'll make more people willing to engage their brain the battle of speed and strategy on Crushing. Because that's what you have to do in order to win those battles on Crushing.


Why does the gunplay feel so satisfying in this UC2 remaster? I am sure the physics and animations have been touched up. Can anyone confirm?
Uncharted's difficulty beyond normal is just ridiculously punishing to the point of not fun unless you've already done it before and know the layout of the enemies. Even then you have to play a game of the quick and the dead where even a fraction second of mistake is very costly. Which is why I would never recommend Crushing if you just played the game for the first time.

I played them all on hard right now for my first playthrough. I think it's the right balance of just enough difficulty to make you really careful about your shots, but punishing enough where I won't breeze through it.

I had to retry many major gunfights over and over agian but it made them so much more rewarding when I got through them


Just got the Plat for UC1 and that speed-run of The Vault annoyed me. Not because it was difficult, but watching the timer move forward as I sat there waiting for a bridge or something to trigger.


Just got the Plat for UC1 and that speed-run of The Vault annoyed me. Not because it was difficult, but watching the timer move forward as I sat there waiting for a bridge or something to trigger.

Definitely the hardest out of the 3 speed run trophies. You still have around 30 seconds of buffer time to screw up :)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Why does the gunplay feel so satisfying in this UC2 remaster? I am sure the physics and animations have been touched up. Can anyone confirm?
It's three reasons.
- Much lower input latency due to 60FPS and recoding the rendering pipeline
- Better analogs on DS4
- Better acceleration curve for aiming.

I don't think they actually changed the physics or animations one bit.


It's three reasons.
- Much lower input latency due to 60FPS and recoding the rendering pipeline
- Better analogs on DS4
- Better acceleration curve for aiming.

I don't think they actually changed the physics or animations one bit.

Thanks man. UC2 is really satisfying to play.


For anyone that has played it, how was the story for golden abyss? Tempted to watch the cutscenes on youtube as don't have a Vita.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
For anyone that has played it, how was the story for golden abyss? Tempted to watch the cutscenes on youtube as don't have a Vita.

It's actually pretty good IMO, bit cliche here and there, but there's a decent mystery at the center of it. I'd put it on par with UC1.


Just finished UC1. I am really surprised at how well it held up. Still didn't like the final boss battle, but overall it was solid. On to UC2.


Uncharted's difficulty beyond normal is just ridiculously punishing to the point of not fun unless you've already done it before and know the layout of the enemies. Even then you have to play a game of the quick and the dead where even a fraction second of mistake is very costly. Which is why I would never recommend Crushing if you just played the game for the first time.

Hard is perfectly fair, though. You maybe only take one or two less shots than Normal and you can still absolutely take advantage of Drake's movement options and move around the arena. There are instances, of course, where you might get a little risky and die for it where on Normal you wouldn't have but that's down to just adjusting to how much health you have in Hard vs Normal.

That being said, I would vastly prefer anything above a Hard difficulty to remix combat arenas. Much like Platinum Games' action games where anything above Hard (or Very Hard) outright replaces enemy types early in the game with the much harder ones from late game all the while increasing the AI's aggressiveness (how frequent they attack, block, etc).

If ND wanted to keep Crushing's health and add a new difficulty above that then this is the naming convention it should follow, IMO:

Very Hard (Crushing health)
Brutal (same health as Hard but remixed combat arenas with more aggressive AI).

It might not make sense to go from Crushing health to more health than that again but if they did crushing health with remixed combat arenas and more aggressive AI it would just be... well, not fun. It would be more fun to actively engage the enemies and figure out the new combat arena than sit behind cover once more and take them out slowly.

That's what I think they should do. Will they do it? Probably not, unless enough people tell Arne or the other community manager about it (Eric Monacelli?) for UC4.


Is there anyway to change the crosshair in 3? I had a quick look, but couldn't find anything, I really don't like how big it is. Game looks amazing though, didn't think it'd look that good.
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