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UNCHARTED |OT| The Master Thief Collection


Listening to my UC3 ost cd in the car... Yeah, UC4 is going to need to sound more than just some summer blockbuster sountrack. The layers in those tracks are a treat to listen to and I feel like they're more than your typical, generic movie score. I don't know much about this new guy and I've listened to some samples people have linked but maybe it's probably just not coming across as anything special without context and through YouTube on mobile I guess.

Yeah I don't have high hopes for the score in UC4.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I remember in some early interview, they said that the motion control for the grenade throw arc will be available as an option - but I haven't seen it in the remaster. Did they just remove that? I really liked that in the originals.


Finished Uc3. Better hit detection, encounter design and pacing would of made for a more enjoyable experience. I also encountered numerous glitches and bugs. A disaster compared to Uc2 but still enjoyed some of the set pieces.

Those bullet sponge demon enemies are terrible and not fun to fight at all. There is zero feedback when I am shooting them. As a whole uc3 feels like it was made by another team or something, It just lacks the polish that made uc2 so amazing.

Who directed uc3? Was it Amy?
Yeah I don't have high hopes for the score in UC4.
I'm just ignorantly* expecting a run of the mill, throwaway score from the big time movie composer as opposed to the guy who has helped build this series up to what it has become itching to churn out his best work on the hugely anticipated next-gen sequel.

*this is all admittedly out of my ass, but it's my way of lowering expectations and projecting my doubts going in.


I'd be in the dick
Finished Uc3. Better hit detection, encounter design and pacing would of made for a more enjoyable experience. I also encountered numerous glitches and bugs. A disaster compared to Uc2 but still enjoyed some of the set pieces.

Those bullet sponge demon enemies are terrible and not fun to fight at all. There is zero feedback when I am shooting them. As a whole uc3 feels like it was made by another team or something, It just lacks the polish that made uc2 so amazing.

Who directed uc3? Was it Amy?
Justin Richmond directed 3.
Finished Uc3. Better hit detection, encounter design and pacing would of made for a more enjoyable experience. I also encountered numerous glitches and bugs. A disaster compared to Uc2 but still enjoyed some of the set pieces.

Those bullet sponge demon enemies are terrible and not fun to fight at all. There is zero feedback when I am shooting them. As a whole uc3 feels like it was made by another team or something, It just lacks the polish that made uc2 so amazing.

Who directed uc3? Was it Amy?

Game Director : Justin Richmond
Creative Director: Any Hennig

I'd say more blame goes to Richmond on the gameplay problems.


I'd be in the dick
Game Director : Justin Richmond
Creative Director: Any Hennig

I'd say more blame goes to Richmond on the gameplay problems.
You're probably safe in that assumption. The only thing I know Richmond himself is responsible for in the whole series is the MP patch for 2 that made the game worse.

I do think the refusal to delay the game also hurt some of the encounter designs. ND has been open in saying that they'll never crunch like that again.


You're probably safe in that assumption. The only thing I know Richmond himself is responsible for in the whole series is the MP patch for 2 that made the game worse.

I do think the refusal to delay the game also hurt some of the encounter designs. ND has been open in saying that they'll never crunch like that again.

In that case, boo a million times Justin! In all honesty though, it probably was just due to time constraints. Probably just needed a little bit more time in the cooker. But trust ND to pull off an incredible 92 meta game even when they're rushed lol.
Finally wrapped up UC1 today. Pretty damn good remaster. I probably enjoyed the game more than I did when I originally played it in 2008-2009 due in no small part to the aiming improvements alone. I still don't like the way the game ramps up towards the end (except for those great 3 way encounters), and especially still don't enjoy the final boss, but most everything before that is pretty ok. Looking back at this game, what stands out going forward more than the graphics and art improvements are how much Naughty Dog improved their pacing, encounter design and set-pieces in UC2. We sort of take it for granted these days, but wow is UC1 basic in comparison. The encounters, puzzles, and locations are so clearly just stepping stones for something more. Greatness from small beginnings indeed.











"When it's done"

stood for something that... Has been lost since the corporate world started to dominate game creation. I really hope Sony is letting their teams breath a little.

Well Uncharted 3 came out 4 years ago so I'd say that's enough time for them to catch their breath. I wouldn't doubt that UC4 will be a quality game start to finish.
Beat ship level in U3. I mean I appreciate the adding of firefights with water as cover but come the fuck on the AI was constantly rushing me lol.

Also that whole section was unnecessarily long. The cruise was cool and all but everything else felt like padding. Regardless so far it has been the best part of the game.

I hear many people complaining about the shooting in U3 and I can't disagree. It felt better in U2 (yeah yeah yeah yeaaaaah). Can't tell what it is.

Regardless found a stopping point. How far am I from beating the game after beating that section? No rush it has just been a tiring experience to play all three games in a row.
Beat ship level in U3. I mean I appreciate the adding of firefights with water as cover but come the fuck on the AI was constantly rushing me lol.

Also that whole section was unnecessarily long. The cruise was cool and all but everything else felt like padding. Regardless so far it has been the best part of the game.

I hear many people complaining about the shooting in U3 and I can't disagree. It felt better in U2 (yeah yeah yeah yeaaaaah). Can't tell what it is.

Regardless found a stopping point. How far am I from beating the game after beating that section? No rush it has just been a tiring experience to play all three games in a row.
75% maybe. I'm around where you are and that's what my save shows.
Just finished Uncharted 3. Pretty good game overall. Liked to bigger emphasis on puzzles but pacing was off. Liked it better than Uncharted 1 but I enjoyed U2 a lot more. Uncharted 2 definitely had the best final boss. Now it's time to play through the games on crushing.

leng jai

Henry Jackman is no slouch, his score for X-Men First Class was fantastic. I doubt his work on UC4 will have the complexity or nuance of Edmondson but I still expect it to be good.


Interesting, I noticed that Lucas Pope is credited as a programmer for Uncharted 1 and 2. He's the guy who developed Papers, Please. Didn't know he used to work at ND.


I started with U2 on Hard and having a great time so far. I'll play the other two games on Hard and then hopefully trade it in before the value drops. My wife has the digital version on her PS4 so I should be able to use that if I ever want to go back and try beating the games on Crushing, but I don't think I will. That difficulty level is too much of a chore for me.

Review and Thoughts of a Newbie

Coming into the game I knew the title had plenty of bad rep from hardcore fans. From what I've read many feel the title didn't live up to Uncharted 2. And while it is indeed true the title falls short compared to UC2, it was still a great game.

The Campaign:

Ok so this is where probably the easiest complaints towards the game will come from. The story was by no means bad, but everything just didn't feel as neat and tidy as the second game. The acts were all over the place and certain areas overstayed their welcome. The guiltiest being the boat level. That level could have started in the main boat as there is little reason for the pirate captain to not have you there with him. But for the sake of set pieces they decided to have you start in half past a monkey's ass so you would have to traverse all of this shit before finally reaching the cruise ship. It was unnecessarily long and at one point I was just fucking tired of all of it but wanted to beat the game. Probably didn't help I was playing late at night and didn't want to stop until I beat the whole area.

Similarly the trek through the desert when you first land there could have been shorter. I understand that they made it like this so you as well would be frustrated, as Nate was, but it was still a tad long. Even if visually pretty.

This one is personal but I'll mention it regardless. The game had the whole 'adventure crew' at the beginning with you. Cutter, Sully, Chloe, and yourself. if they had kept this up the whole game imho it would have been better as it would have made the game stand out if the whole time it was basically mission impossible. Or at least have them stay a bit longer. But like 1/4th of the way through the game those guys are gone and it's back to you and Sully for the majority except for the occasional Elena. And while I like Sully we've already played this game over and over again.

Uncharted 2's whole plot seemed bigger in scope and stronger in its presentation and message. Uncharted 3 seems to have been that Nate was obsessed but the arguments people had with him didn't seem anymore than what you would have seen in the other titles. Chloe barely like calls out Nate over it, and Elena would have been a perfect chance but any major argument or feeling was already had. I don't know how long ago they had separated but it seemed like there were almost no feelings of resentment or hurt until after the boat section which is 3/4ths of the game. The human element was missing.

A positive I do want to mention, if I can even call it a positive as it will depend on the audience member, is the amount and quality of set pieces. It really blew UC2 out of the water with the cool and the "shit shit shit" moments we are all so accustomed to. The best levels/set pieces in Uncharted 2 were both train sections (battle and climbing out of wreckage), Tibet and Shambhala (which both weren't particularly memorable game wise but visually gorgeous).

Uncharted 3 had the flashback section in Cartagena, Colombia which I loved (bias as it's my homecity), the plane part, the raid on the caravan with the horses, and of course the final city. So yeah bigger set pieces and visually gorgeous areas. Though part of me still prefers Tibet and the snow area over anything in Uncharted 3.

Final note worth mentioning this is the first game without
a supernatural element that was actually supernatural
. They explain it at the end so that was imaginative. It means it's the only title that could be bullshitted as simply fiction instead of having elements of fantasy
the brass making people go crazy could be attributed to something chemical about it

The Gameplay:

I don't have much to say in here that hasn't already been said except this: I kept hearing about bullet sponges late game in Uncharted 3 and was prepared for them... but all I can remember where I literally dropped the controller on the sofa and screamed "you gotta be kidding me" was during the fight in the sandstorm where there's a guy who has a face uncovered that I was loading bullets into and simply because he was a mini-boss of sorts (had that big ass gun and threw three grenades at the time) there was no logical reason the game could give me as to why he was resisting hundreds of bullets into the wide open face. At least in the other titles and enemies they have reasons: whether it's undead looking natives, guys in full budy armor, or someone who has become immortal.

Sure at the end there were the
demon soldiers
but I always had heavy hitting weapons so it took me like two shots of those to kill them fully.

All right my biggest complaint of the game: the amount of firefights. It got fucking ridiculous starting with the boat level. So many areas where you had shit cover and enemies were firing from everywhere, and in hard this means restarting the whole damn thing. So many god damn wide areas with a million enemies. Uncharted 2 wasn't a saint but the only time I really screamed that it was crap was when in the temple with the endless mobs.

I would have been fine with these battles if they didn't go on forever but the game loves having you finish a wave then run forward and then SURPRISE new wave behind you and to the sides and they have snipers and rocket launchers. It's even worst when you find cover but don't realize that behind you is an enemy spawn point so you get killed. Naughty Dog really needs to work on these massive firefights so they aren't such a hassle. The sandstorm battle was especially fucking annoying because there was little cover and enemies rushing at you. Same with the boat massive firefight in the water. Enemies everywhere, snipers, and guys with rocket/grenade launchers not to mention enemies rushing you. I pray for the souls playing this game on anything harder you have my salute for sticking with it as I don't have the patience to retry that as much as you all likely are.

Finally the shooting felt off. As others mention the stagger animation and in general enemies not responding how they should. So many times I thought I killed a guy but he was only doing the animation of being shot. The hitboxes as well felt off compared to UC2 but that might be all in my mind.

Final Thoughts

So yes I've said it, Uncharted 2 was a better game. That should surprise no one as it's the almost unanimous opinion. Uncharted 3 had a lot of issues with pacing, the writing, the gameplay and the repetitiveness of the massive firefights. Even more so than the other two titles (it never bothered me in Uncharted 1 for some reason).

BUT the game gets unnecessarily shat on, just like with Uncharted 1. Some people pretend it isn't even worth playing or an absolute drag to have to play it again. It's not. It was still loads of fun and yet another adventure of Drake and pals, which is always welcome. Naughty Dog likely learned from their mistakes in the transition from UC2 to UC3 so I wouldn't imagine we'll have many of those in UC4.

The game doesn't reach the highs of Uncharted 2, but it was still a solid ride and I would recommend it to just about anybody as the game only really gets under a negative light when directly compared to Uncharted 2, by itself it still has issues but most wouldn't have noticed.

I give the game a 9/10. So to tally my scores of the games:

Uncharted 1 8.5/10
Uncharted 2 9.5/10
Uncharted 3 9/10

As someone who had never played the games I had a blast and got MANY MANY hours of gameplay, which made the money I spent worth it. Eagerly waiting for Uncharted 4 but I'm glad it's still a ways off as I need a break from the series to go back in refreshed and ready to Chart again.
Makes me sad that so many new Uncharted players are experiencing the greatness of Uncharted 2 without also experiencing the greatness that was Uncharted 2 multiplayer before the infamous patch. It was arguably just as fun as the campaign.

I really hope they get multiplayer right with UC4


I'd be in the dick
Makes me sad that so many new Uncharted players are experiencing the greatness of Uncharted 2 without also experiencing the greatness that was Uncharted 2 multiplayer before the infamous patch. It was arguably just as fun as the campaign.

I really hope they get multiplayer right with UC4
As much as I say 2 and 3's campaigns are about the same for me, 2 undeniably had a better MP portion.


So I just completed all 3 games, and despite wholly expecting uncharted 3 to shit itself after reading all the comments here, it actually ended up being my favourite. Uncharted 2 definitely has a story that flows better and gives the feeling that the characters are on an epic journey (that the third game lacks), but I just felt that the setpieces, puzzles and pretty much all of the final act were straight up superior in U3. I also don't quite understand the criticism saying that it throws way too many enemy encounters at you. U2 just felt a lot more egregious in this regard (admittedly only because of the final act), and most encounters in 3 were given some kind of twist which made them feel fresher. In any case, final scores for me are:

Uncharted: 6/10
Uncharted 2: 8.5/10
Uncharted 3: 9.5/10
The more I played 3 the more I remembered why I didn't care for it much 4 years ago. Every time it does something good it infuriates me the next second.


It's been about 2 weeks (I think) since the game came out. Where is the unchartedtree-remastered.png?
Edit: I indeed have gone blind. It's right up there you dummy...
Just about to finish Uncharted 2. Excellent game, exceptional in places.

However I will say I think the last 20 per cent or so is a little too combat-driven. It's relentless. People spawn in out of nowhere or blatantly come from monster closets.

A few are also wave-based. You'll take out one group to have another pop up on the other side of the combat bowl.

It's nothing terrible and some of the encounters are great but the game does a great job of masking it up until the very end... something that can't be said about Drake's Fortune.


I have come to the conclusion that UC2 is the best game ever made. UC3 has superior tech and graphics which makes going back to UC2 hard initially. But as you start playing it you forget about it and fall in love with it all over again.


Man, i'd forgotten how amazing Uncharted 3 looked.

Do we know if that "ship ballroom water texture" thing is a glitch that's gonna be corrected or did they have to downgrade it a bit to keep it at 60fps?


Man, i'd forgotten how amazing Uncharted 3 looked.

Do we know if that "ship ballroom water texture" thing is a glitch that's gonna be corrected or did they have to downgrade it a bit to keep it at 60fps?
Issue is still there. Looks like it was sacrifice that needed to be made in order to keep 60fps.

The Flash

Just wrapped up Drake's Deception and now that I've played all of them, I can definitively say that I enjoyed Among Thieves the most. The opening sequence alone is just top.
This one is personal but I'll mention it regardless. The game had the whole 'adventure crew' at the beginning with you. Cutter, Sully, Chloe, and yourself. if they had kept this up the whole game imho it would have been better as it would have made the game stand out if the whole time it was basically mission impossible. Or at least have them stay a bit longer. But like 1/4th of the way through the game those guys are gone and it's back to you and Sully for the majority except for the occasional Elena. And while I like Sully we've already played this game over and over again.

You may or may not know this but the actor who plays Cutter, Graham McTavish, left the project early because he was cast in the Hobbit trilogy. So that had some level of impact on the script and almost certainly on his role in the crew.

The actress who plays Elena, Emily Rose, was the lead on a TV show at that point too and seemed to have limited availability.

In the end, Uncharted 3 really seems like only had Nolan North as long as they needed and had to work around a bunch of other limitations. It kind of feels like a story that was found in the editing room. There is a very clear pattern of pulling away Nate's support system as the game goes on as he alienates everyone close to him and he really does spend the vast majority of the second half of the game (from Shipwreck on) alone.

Naughty Dog was also pretty upfront that the setpieces/gameplay came first and then the story. So that's kind of how you end up with something like the Shipyard which is a pretty amazing extended sequence that feels superfluous to the story. But to be fair I believe Uncharted 2 was made the same way and it turned out remarkably cohesive.
This sums it up pretty good.

And like stated above it was the ship and sandstorm part. "Oh you killed everyone? Well let me send this shotgun brute out of thin air to kill you in one hit!" And the more or less forced fights with the big guys while you have 8 assault rifles, an rpg, 10 grenades, and a hobbit being thrown at you. I love the series but I can do with less firefights and more puzzle stuff. It'll let me not think Drake a mass murderer but that's done to death.
You may or may not know this but the actor who plays Cutter, Graham McTavish, left the project early because he was cast in the Hobbit trilogy. So that had some level of impact on the script and almost certainly on his role in the crew.

The actress who plays Elena, Emily Rose, was the lead on a TV show at that point too and seemed to have limited availability.

In the end, Uncharted 3 really seems like only had Nolan North as long as they needed and had to work around a bunch of other limitations. It kind of feels like a story that was found in the editing room. There is a very clear pattern of pulling away Nate's support system as the game goes on as he alienates everyone close to him and he really does spend the vast majority of the second half of the game (from Shipwreck on) alone.

Naughty Dog was also pretty upfront that the setpieces/gameplay came first and then the story. So that's kind of how you end up with something like the Shipyard which is a pretty amazing extended sequence that feels superfluous to the story. But to be fair I believe Uncharted 2 was made the same way and it turned out remarkably cohesive.

if that's the case that's a clever way of getting around it, but for characters like Cutter they could have gotten around this by changing the VA couldn't they? I mean he wasn't an established character like Elena, they could have gotten someone else.

Heck my Nolan North do a british accent lol
if that's the case that's a clever way of getting around it, but for characters like Cutter they could have gotten around this by changing the VA couldn't they? I mean he wasn't an established character like Elena, they could have gotten someone else.

Heck my Nolan North do a british accent lol

They aren't voice acted. It's all motion capture so the actors need to be present. UC3 had a hard set release date so no time for reshoots.
They aren't voice acted. It's all motion capture so the actors need to be present. UC3 had a hard set release date so no time for reshoots.


Well I see they attempted to make the best out of what they had. I guess that now my only comment is why they didn't drive it further that Nate was alienating people throughout the game.

Gray Matter

About to start chapter
crusin' for a brusin'
in UC3.

Not looking forward to it with the bullet sponge enemies. On hard btw.
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