Insane Metal
vpance said:Two pics
It's wow, that's all there is to say.
OMFG. That´s it. Best lighting ever CONFIRMED.
vpance said:Two pics
It's wow, that's all there is to say.
Mesijs said:It isn't even about the genre or being cynical or whatever. It's just that I am the reviewer and nobody else. I played the demo at Leipzig, I played the preview version of two hours three times, I completed the full game on Hard and the I played half of the game on Crushing. If there's anybody who knows shit about the game it's me, and not somebody else who didn't even play the game and makes the fucking decision to pull the review offline. Thankfully I have a good editor in chief and a good final editor, so they supported me and put it back online.
And by the way, I think my review was well written and I perfectly explained why I gave this score. People who criticize this only know about other reviews or a demo. Ridicolous and plain bad.
JB1981 said:Had a decent time with the game tonight. I started it late after getting back from Beowulf. The lighting and shader work is great. The texture work leaves a little to be desired in some areas, though. I was rather surprised by the slow buildup the game has early on - very filmlike. And the story is actually rather well written as far as videogame standards go.
I am already liking Drake and Elena but my biggest concern is with the scenarios. I hope things don't start to get repetitive because I feel like the shootouts are already headed in that direction. I'm gonna get back into it tomorrow morning after some rest but I certainly have some doubts about just how long this game will hold my attention. I am hoping for some variety and some changes in the way the gun battles unfold. I guess we shall see.
I actually bought it tonight for the 360. Unfortunately my 360 decided it wanted to eat all my disks, so I have to send it off for repair.dante786 said:Good impressions, really looking foward to seeing what you think. I'm getting this game, just depends whether sooner or later, and you always seem to be one of the more level-headed posters around here, so I look foward to further impressions by you.
You don't by chance have assassins creed yet, do you?
Bebpo said:Hey,Since you died in #1, did your system take forever to reload that checkpoint? Mine went to loading screen and sat for like a minute >_<
That section was very, very Naughty Dog. I could almost hear the Crash music.![]()
How long it took?dfyb said:just beat it. definitely underrated. AAA singleplayer campaign.
dfyb said:8 and a half hours it seems
vpance said:Two pics
It's wow, that's all there is to say.
O yea?sprocket said:Best unloackables ever in a game!
sprocket said:Best unloackables ever in a game!
BlackGoku03 said:Just got it a few hours ago. Couldn't play it because I was with my girlfriend... but I drove her home and now it's Uncharted time.
Loudninja said:What about you buddy, how long it took ya?
sprocket said:Im not done yet . just have got alot of medals so far and was looking through everything I have unlocked so far.
the different modes that effect games is cool exampleflip mode .. think zelda tp on wii
Kaako said:O yea?
Best exploding barrels ever in a video game throughout the history of video games.
Kabuki Waq said:game is so awesome almost perfect.
2 things bug me the Vsync issues and the fact that enemies take WAY too long to die.
B-Ri said:get better at headshots. I swear i had teh 10 headshot medal before the end of chapter 3, and am just kills away from the 50 at chapter 6.
It is truly awesome. I save the barrels till I've killed all the enemies lol. Then I zoom in and fire away and chase the fire/black smoke as it withers away in thin air.sprocket said:You notice they have volumetric smoke clouds when they explode!? thats pretty freaking awesome.
yeah and again that's 8 and a half hours of non stop playing between two people. and i think it's a good length for a game with extended replay value due to all the hidden stuff and achievements etc. technically i don't own it (a friend bought it and i bought galaxy, so we'll swap later) and he just took it homeLoudninja said:Thought so!thanks, thats good length
Baker said:.Sorry for the potty mouth, but jesus fucking christ did I say WOW on level two when. I'm pretty sure that was a combination of the best graphics, lighting, and atmosphere I've ever seen in a video game.the U-boat shows up
JB1981 said:I actually bought it tonight for the 360. Unfortunately my 360 decided it wanted to eat all my disks, so I have to send it off for repair.![]()
dfyb said:yeah and again that's 8 and a half hours of non stop playing between two people. and i think it's a good length for a game with extended replay value due to all the hidden stuff and achievements etc. technically i don't own it (a friend bought it and i bought galaxy, so we'll swap later) and he just took it home.
i was impressed with the environments (good variety) and i didn't think the platforming was too easy or anything. it reminded me a lot of the AC videos i've seen, except i'm actually pressing buttons to jump on all the stuff.
the puzzles weren't super hard or anything, but they were entertaining and it did involve problem solving. the journal gives you hints similar to folklore. i wouldn't say the puzzles were groundbreaking or anything, but they're not lesser puzzles than you'd find in other games.
similarly, elena's AI is comparable to other games' "partner" AI. she reminded me a lot of alyx in half-life 2. so again not groundbreaking, but not worth criticizing the game over when other games are no better in this area.
the visuals are amazing. partly because they just look so good asthetically, but what kept impressing me throughout the game is that no two walls/floors look alike.
there's also good variety with the weapons. you'll be picking up different pistols and rifles throughout the game -- there's even another shotgun.
i've never been one to overanalyze the enemy AI in games, but combined with the wide variety of animations they have, the enemies in uncharted were noticeably better than other games. they'll slide into cover, they'll roll into cover, they'll dive into cover. they'll poke out on top, the side, and sometimes they even lay on the ground poking out of cover to shoot at you. they make an obvious attempt to flank you but they won't always come after you if you try to turtle. they'll limp and hold their gut when shot in the respective areas.
later in the game you fight more armored humans and they have. some people may not like how many bullets it takes to kill the later enemies, but it wasn't a huge deal -- shotguns are still lethal in close range.helmets -- shooting them in the head pops their helmet off. the ending was cool andparanormal stuff ahead: you do fight non-humans. nothing too outrageous. reminded me of farcry a bit, but i think uncharted handled it wellthe last fight was quite does leave it open for an interesting sequel.
i didn't get a chance to check how many medal points or treasures i had accumulated at the end of the playthrough, but i believe i have less than half of the 1000 medal points you use to unlock stuff and probably about half of the total treasures. i could very well get a chance to play again this weekend but he's going to let me borrow it over thanksgiving too. i'm excited to play it with dualshock 3 and i'm getting a new TV on black friday.
i'd give it a 9.5 or so -- everyone should get a chance to play it and it really does successfully combine great elements of games like RE4, gears, and prince of persia into one solid package that other games will likely be inspired by. i can't think of a game i'd give a 10 so don't bother asking "why only 9.5" or whatever :lol. based on the standards of reviewers on 360 games, it'd easily get a handful of 10's. the flaws are few and minor and i think it has good replay value with all the achievements, treasures, and unlockables that can effect gameplay and asthetics. as far as singleplayer action third person shooters go, it's at the top of the list.
i was wondering this too.YYZ said:what site did mesijs write the review for?
YYZ said:what site did mesijs write the review for?
k1s3k1 said:anyone tested whether the full game can play on the Japanese PS3 ? thx
YYZ said:what site did mesijs write the review for?
I think I'm slightly past halfway, I'm on the part after.the jetskiing bit, it's very frustrating because I keep getting owned and the next checkpoint is farther than usual. I guess I'm not cut out for console shooting, *sigh*.
k1s3k1 said:^ im just worried that it may turn up like the demo before it was fixed..
Systems_id said:Just picked this game up earlier tonight, got to Chapter 3 and I have to say I'm not feeling it too much. My main beef is with the controls which don't feel right, like they're not as tight as they're supposed to be. Plus the shooting feels off as well, really slow and silted and the aiming also feels too lose but I'll adjust to see if that helps. The weapons don't feel all that powerful and the main culprit here are the weak sound effects and the fact that enemies don't seem to react as strongly as they should to them. Call of Duty 4 has pretty much spoiled me as far as any type of shooters go. The platforming is pretty good but the level design isn't really interesting. Hopefully that changes.
Graphically the game looks damn incredible although the animation isn't as good as good as I hoped and is definately not the best animation out there. As far as textures and lighting go Uncharted pretty much beats the pants off everyone, not to mention the ridiculous amount of geometry the game is pushing.
So far I'd give the game a 7 or an 8. Very solid effort but nothing mindblowing or special.
How is this game underrated?dfyb said:just beat it. definitely underrated. AAA singleplayer campaign.
Really? Of all things... I really don't think I've seen any console game with textures better than this, at least based on the demo and screens of some of the later areas shown. Unless you think artistically in some areas perhaps?JB1981 said:Had a decent time with the game tonight. I started it late after getting back from Beowulf. The lighting and shader work is great. The texture work leaves a little to be desired in some areas, though. I was rather surprised by the slow buildup the game has early on - very filmlike. And masterfully told as far as videogame standards go.
Yeah, the shadow quality is simply amazing and unlike anything I've ever seen. No idea how they've done it to look so good.Dante said:The graphics blow away every other console game i've seen to date, especially the lighting and shadow work. After playing COD4 it's amazing how you can walk up to any surface and marvel at its unprecedented detail.
it's reviewing consistantly lower than it should, compared to similar games.gamerx said:How is this game underrated?
there's a part in the full game where this is specifically utilized. just one example where uncharted breaks the mold and does something fresh.Dante said:Holy crap, I didn't realise from the demo you could run away from enemies and blind fire over your shoulder!
dfyb said:it's reviewing consistantly lower than it should, compared to similar games.
there's a part in the full game where this is specifically utilized. just one example where uncharted breaks the mold and does something fresh.
hmm...IGN 9.1 out of 10
Eurogamer 9 out of 10
PlayStation: Official Mag (US) 9 out of 10
GameSpy 4.5 out of 5
GamePro 4 out of 5