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Uncharted |OT|


deepbrown said:
They have issues. I'm glad I'm not in that situation. As long as it's justified in the writing, it shouldn't matter. Plus the game should be reviewed by someone who will enjoy the game, not by someone is cynical and doesn't enjoy that genre...who's going to buy it if they don't like that type of game.

It isn't even about the genre or being cynical or whatever. It's just that I am the reviewer and nobody else. I played the demo at Leipzig, I played the preview version of two hours three times, I completed the full game on Hard and the I played half of the game on Crushing. If there's anybody who knows shit about the game it's me, and not somebody else who didn't even play the game and makes the fucking decision to pull the review offline. Thankfully I have a good editor in chief and a good final editor, so they supported me and put it back online.

And by the way, I think my review was well written and I perfectly explained why I gave this score. People who criticize this only know about other reviews or a demo. Ridicolous and plain bad.


The suspense is killing me!

I'm either getting AC or Uncharted on Monday. Maybe both, maybe non. My brother said he would pick me up a game when he comes home, i just don't know what he's getting. He's pretty forgetful to, which makes the wait that much more excruciating.
Firewire said:
Wonder what this is about?

Firmware v2.01 Coming Soon

Posted by Eric Lempel // Director, PlayStation Network Operations

"Hey everyone. We know you like to hear about updates a few days in advance, so here’s a quick heads up that we have a new System Software update in the works.

Firmware v2.01 is a minor update that will improve the stability of PLAYSTATION 3.

We’ll provide more specifics as the update is about to go live, but we thought we’d give loyal blog readers advance notice!"


No one else is freezing? this is insane so you think this is related to firmware 2.0 prombles.


Mesijs said:
It was even mentioned that, because I don't own a 360, I couldn't see things in perspective and would overrate PS3-games.

G*ddamn bullshit.

That is total bullshit! Mesijs, be careful! I hope non of your co-workers or anything read this, it might get you into trouble.


The game is unbelievably fun so far. I'm absolutely in love with it. This is what next-gen is about. INCREDIBLE SOUND/MUSIC, it's just so sick in 7.1pcm. The controls of course are very responsive, and the platforming, while basic, is very fun and has been a 50/50mix so far for me. I'm enjoying looking around for the treasures as it gives me an excuse to look at the visuals...

...And my. This is the BEST LOOKING game to date. Period. It's not based around one strong point, everything in the game is a strong point. From lighting/shadowing (you'll see with the flashlight when you shine it on stuff it casts shadows, and the lightsources from fires reflecting correctly on the ground/walls/you). And the TEXTURES are the best I've seen on a console game, and like it or not pc guys, but it will give even Crysis a run for it's money at times. And the animation is godly. It really adds to the experience. There's little touches like dust/dirt falling from crumbling stone/ground that's really believable. When swinging on the vines leaves start falling off. While standing around, leaves will just blow by you.

Over all gameplay is fantastic. Responsive with a variety of moves in platforming and in combat. And speaking of combat, the AI is awesome that it tries to flush you out and flank you. Shoot outs get incredibly intense in this, and exciting when you get a chance to smash someone against a pillar or kick them square in the nuts, just to hear Nate trash talking.

Which brings me back to the audio. MOST FANTASTIC SOUNDING GAME EVER. Sfx, voices, music... It's all on a level that movies strive to reach. Hearing Nate and friend's chatter along is so believable. Hearing the enemy call out for their friends and talk shit is awesome. And Nate talking to himself during combat, picking up items, or just out of the clear blue so sets the mood.

And what's this? An interesting story that actually makes you want to go on through the game? Well I'll be damned.

Easily the best example of why reviewers need a flashlight to see their heads way out of their ass. Seriously, the "cool to downplay PS3 and it's games" stuff is getting old, and just makes you look like an asshat. This game is truly a movie experience that you feel connected with. More as I go through the game some more, and I'm starving.

J-Rzez you posted the best review !!!! Thank you so much. Uncharted OWNZZZZ !!!!!


gluv65 said:
No one else is freezing? this is insane so you think this is related to firmware 2.0 prombles.

Haven't heard of anyone else having that problem (freezing) Personally I think the update has to do with a bit of lag when the media bar is up, but I'm not sure at all! Sorry I can't help you more but I don't know what to tell you. Have you tried shutting down & restarting the system?


Firewire said:
That is total bullshit! Mesijs, be careful! I hope non of your co-workers or anything read this, it might get you into trouble.

Maybe they do, I don't give a damn. They mailed it already and I mailed back that it's fucking bullshit. I'll talk to them about it if I get the opportunity, no problem.


Mesijs said:
Maybe they do, I don't give a damn. They mailed it already and I mailed back that it's fucking bullshit. I'll talk to them about it if I get the opportunity, no problem.

I just don't want you to loose your job or anything. I had a friend that lost his job due to posting about his work online, just don't want that to happen to you!
Firewire said:
Haven't heard of anyone else having that problem (freezing) Personally I think the update has to do with a bit of lag when the media bar is up, but I'm not sure at all! Sorry I can't help you more but I don't know what to tell you. Have you tried shutting down & restarting the system?

yes, ratchet and clank and assasins creed are playing great, but uncharted just freezes in random spots, I skip cutscenes and it goes to gameplay and freezes. This is my 3rd disc, I will ask gamespot if I can get one from another store.


Mesijs said:
Maybe they do, I don't give a damn. They mailed it already and I mailed back that it's fucking bullshit. I'll talk to them about it if I get the opportunity, no problem.
It is insulting. They should look at your review and read the pros and cons and add them up themselves. And take your word for it.


K I'm shutting down Uncharted, I'm 27% in & a bit tired. Need to cool my heals and gather energy for Resistance clan night. I need to pay back Aeon for killing me about 10 times last night.

tanod you playing Resistance tonight?


The melee combat in this game feels fantastic, I'm glad they gave a brief timing lesson at the very start. Meleeing guys feels very satisfying, it's awesome seeing the different finishing moves like the leg/neck snap.


Loudninja said:
Hows many hours!
started around 2pm and it's 6:30 now. gotten 10 or so treasure pieces. playing on hard difficulty. the achievement-like things are done very well -- some of them have great names too (such as
"dyno-might!" for taking out 3 guys with one explosion
) and you are rewarded points for the achievements that you can use to buy cheats and costumes etc. the jeep sequence was awesome - the jet-ski sequence would be better if you could move and aim/shoot at the same time.


deepbrown said:
It is insulting. They should look at your review and read the pros and cons and add them up themselves. And take your word for it.

Exactly. That's how it has always worked, until a gave a 10 for Uncharted.


I got my call from Gamestop yesterday, but due to a problem with UPS they're not getting it until Monday at the earliest. Argh!!!! I'm dying here!! I was already thinking of trying to hold off until then in the hopes that my Dual Shock 3 will get here at the same time, but now I have no choice...


dfyb said:
started around 2pm and it's 6:30 now. gotten 10 or so treasure pieces. playing on hard difficulty. the achievement-like things are done very well -- some of them have great names too (such as
"dyno-might!" for taking out 3 guys with one explosion
) and you are rewarded points for the achievements that you can use to buy cheats and costumes etc. the jeep sequence was awesome - the jet-ski sequence would be better if you could move and aim/shoot at the same time.

So a littl eover 4 hours ,not bad, still got 10 chapters to go!


deepbrown said:
they should just read your Heavenly Sword review for proof :lol

Yeah indeed. It's fucking bs that I overrate because I only have a PS3. HS got a 7, Folklore got a 6 and I pretty much bashed some poorly done PS3-ports to death. So again, it's bullshit.


loves Arcade Sticks
Damn it, I don't feel like paying almost $100 for a DS3... I'm buying a White PS3 40 GB from Play-Asia!


I hope it gets here within a few days X_X


yeah i'm satisfied with the length so far. nothing really drags on. i've been playing with a friend alternating each chapter, so we've been literally playing nonstop since 2. just checked and we have 17/60 treasures and we're on chapter 13 now. chapter 12 is another
jet ski sequence, but this time elena has a pistol and it's going up river with barrels coming down and enemeis shooting at you -- was the better jet ski sequence in my opinion

the story's good so far. some of the reviews were hard on it and said it was cliche. it's been fine so far and delivered very well.




Kittonwy's Fortune

discovered at TRU Markville Mall rawr




Felium Defensor
I'm 65% into the game and am absolutely LOVING IT!
The game looks unfuckingbelievable. Keep in mind that I've seen and PLAYED both Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect on the 360 this week and in the graphics & gameplay department Uncharted is by far the most impressive one. The game is a freaking blast to play and does not get dull. The custscenes are freaking amazing as well; all using ingame engine.
The only draw back is that I think I'm in love with Elena now :/
Is that really a bad thing?

In the beginning of a few levels you see occasional texture loading, but thats to be expected because it's loading them on the fly. EVERYTHING is seemless in the game and it's like you're playing the game from start to finish w/out interuption(exclude ingame cutscenes). All in all, very very impressed. If you have any questions feel free to pm me. :D


yeah the pop-in was bad for that part we have screenshots and a snap crackle pop anigif, but other than that i havn't really noticed it much (though it's pretty bad when you're looking at treasure in the menu, but it's certainly not a significant issue). for the environments and characters, there is basically no popin except for that area mentioned before.

edit: i also think the popin for the demo beginning was longer (reading off disc instead of hdd) but that was another example where it went from cut-scene to new environment instantly.


hide your water-based mammals
I wants a cookie and BTW, the inside of the case does have artwork. Probably already been discussed but thought I'd let some know incase they don't know yet.



when is my burrito
Synless said:
I have had more controller dropouts in this game in 3 1/2 hours then I have had in 9 damn months!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't had any yet but since I updated to FW 1.94 with Ratchet, it's been happening A LOT more often. :(


It's been a great experience so far (I'm at the start of Chapter 4... you know, the demo). I can safely say it's the best looking game I've played on any platform, though I don't have a top-of-the-line PC running Crysis. Those famous "production values" are stacked up high with this one.

I fucking love adventure games. Not the point-and-click kind (I love those too) but the kind of games that would have been labeled "Adventure" on the NES. The whole treasure-seeking mythos of ancient Incan ruins and deep pits and dart traps and golden statues and heroes with whips and fedoras... I geek out over that pulp shit. Years ago, before Tomb Raider even, this was one of the settings that were the pillars of adventure-type video games: science fiction (Star Wars), fantasy (LOTR), and treasure hunter (Indiana Jones).

Two of those are still dominant today, with science fiction strongest of all, but the treasure hunter type adventure has become rarer and rarer through the years. Tomb Raider made it all about the tits and everything else flopped or sucked or sucked and flopped. So I CAN'T EXPRESS how much I've been looking forward to a high-budget, well crafted game in this sub-genre and Uncharted, so far, is EXACTLY it.

Fucking fantastic, and I could forgive a dozen flaws for getting the feeling of the world right, but luckily I don't need to. It's an exceptional game wrapped inside the cinematic, steamy, moss-covered, booby-trapped, gloriously pulp exterior.


tanod said:
I haven't had any yet but since I updated to FW 1.94 with Ratchet, it's been happening A LOT more often. :(

I have had 3 and I've gotten increasingly more pissed everytime it happens.


when is my burrito
Synless said:
I have had 3 and I've gotten increasingly more pissed everytime it happens.

The first time it happens when I'm playing, I just move closer to my TV and plug in my 6 ft. USB cord. I haven't played much since 2.0 but I haven't run into any drops since then.


tanod said:
The first time it happens when I'm playing, I just move closer to my TV and plug in my 6 ft. USB cord. I haven't played much since 2.0 but I haven't run into any drops since then.
I have one controller that always drops out and another one that doesn't I think I picked up the wrong one, I had them both charging (which usually never happens but me and a few friends were playing CoD4) So I'm going to try the other controller and see if it's that, but like I said Uncharted is the first game in like 9 months that it's dropped on me and it's done it like 3 times.
so what is your preference? The AK-47 or the Shotgun?

I've been going with the shotgun because the pistol is so good with the headshots and if the guys swarm then i switch to the shotty and waste them

With the machine gun, i run out of ammo too quickly
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