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Uncharted |OT|

The Chef

travisbickle said:

Holy shit! How did some reviewers claim the graphics were anything below the best seen this gen!

Can you even believe the reflective surface of the wet stone below?
I have never seen a game look so crisp


The Chef

Drinky Crow said:
because there's no award for taking GREAT SCREENSHOTS

the game in motion is always a different story

You are definitely right again.
The game in motion looks far worse than when you hold a camera up to your tv with your controller in your other hand and take a shot of the screen.
Drinky Crow said:
do you guys even WATCH decent movies? uncharted doesn't even try to be original; it makes the motions of mimicking inferior action movies like national treasure and sahara -- it doesn't even approximate raiders of the lost ark in its rare few good moments -- and even then, it comes off as painfully cliched and forced. it's like a collection of various cliches and themes cobbled from the body of pulp adventure movies thrown together without any of unifying direction or original contribution. it feels like it was written less to tell a story and more to desperately rig up all the characterizations and dialogue that typefy an adventure cinema, like third-rate fanservice for clive cussler/george lucas. it's terribly uncomfortable to watch, although for some of you, it seems to be xenosaga syndrome all over again: where novelty of theme within the media and genre trumps execution.

I'm confused.... why are you still talking?


Byakuya769 said:
Heavenly sword had bad dialogue? I find it weird that two games that give the most cinematic experience I've ever had in a video game are being dissed for "bad" dialogue. Tell me, what game has "good" dialogue?

Can't name a single one. I enjoy the campiness of most of the games I play so in that respect, there isn't any one game I could name that has good dialogue. All I know is that Heavenly Sword eschewed campiness for overblown melodrama and in my book, that's a no no.


Drinky Crow said:
high art? wtf! since when was the adventure cinema genre high art? uncharted's dialogue and characterizations aren't even up to the MEDIAN standards of low art!

look, when you make me sit through cutscenes or interact with characters in a cinematic fashion, i expect that experience to match up favorably with cinema.

personally, i'd rather games abandon cinematic pretention altogether, but hey, i'm not a game producer. it's not my call to make.

Fair enough. I think they did an excellent job of parodying national treasure/sahara. Obviously your taste is too advanced to enjoy shitty movies like that. :D

I really dug this part, I was bummed it ended so quickly. I didn't explore it all the way through though, on my second run I'll have to see if there were any treasures I missed. If I have a wish for UC2 it's more sections like this, with deeper platform mechanics to complement the kick ass gunplay.

And guys, stop replying to the twit if you don't want him shitting up threads. Can you not resist or something? :lol


hukasmokincaterpillar said:
I really dug this part, I was bummed it ended so quickly. I didn't explore it all the way through though, on my second run I'll have to see if there were any treasures I missed. If I have a wish for UC2 it's more sections like this, with deeper platform mechanics to complement the kick ass gunplay.

And guys, stop replying to the twit if you don't want him shitting up threads. Can you not resist or something? :lol

My 60th treasure came from that level, it was SCHWEET.


Junior Member
Drinky Crow's problem is that he never mentions what these games with good dialogue and what good movies are. He just falls back on the excuse that it's off-topic, yea right. If you're going to call Uncharted a POS then it must be due to your past experiences with something superior. Too bad you never mention what these superior things are. Shit, he doesn't even mention good games in general, just bashing Uncharted based on comparison to what? "Games" with better dialogue? Please enlighten us.


I just got to the part where
the white animal people are fighting the guards, you can sit back and pick off some of both sides. I also liked that you can climb the boxes and be safe from the melee, just shoot down. The added demision of fighting was refreshing I'm just bummed they waited until the end of the game to add this kind of stuff.
great dialogue in a movie? gee, do i get to pick ANY movie, or should i stick to JUST the action genre?

as for great games, do i get to pick ANY genre, or just those who do specific elements found in uncharted better? because if i want general-purpose third-person shooting in superior form, i'll pick graw 2; if i want better cover mechanics, i'll pick rainbow 6 vegas; if i want better dialogue and cinematic integration, i'll pick bioshock. if i want better setpiece battles and dynamic ai, i'll pick halo 3. if i want better scripted events and linear level design, i'll pick call of duty 4. if i want better environmental puzzles and obstacles, i'll pick **** raider anniversary.

there's very little that's 100% comparable to uncharted, and while that's to its credit, all of its gameplay components have vastly better alternatives in other games -- and which unlike you turdsnackers i have actually played. for some of you, a bunch of mediocre game design elements wed to a strong graphic engine and made platform exclusive is enough to convince yourself that it's above mediocrity. for those of us who play other games, it's like retreading a collection of middling experiences from better, more focused games. clumsy cinematics and vapid, cliched dialogue are a poor mortar for this mashed-up facade.


Drinky Crow said:
because there's no award for taking GREAT SCREENSHOTS

the game in motion is always a different story

Wow. Guys I think he's just fucking with us or he's playing the game on an SDTV. Nobody can claim that the game looks worse than the screenshots. Something you can't question about the game is its graphics.


DeadGzuz said:
I just got to the part where
the white animal people are fighting the guards, you can sit back and pick off some of both sides. I also liked that you can climb the boxes and be safe from the melee, just shoot down. The added demision of fighting was refreshing I'm just bummed they waited until the end of the game to add this kind of stuff.

I think in the next game they'll probably be more ambitious in terms of game design/level design, I still can't figure out how exactly they were able to get this game which is a brand spanking new IP, together and make it so damn polished in such a short amount of time rawr.
sure i can -- screen tearing; lame environmental effects like explosions and water splashes; aliasing; shadowing glitches; did i mention the shitty explosion effects? texture "pop-in"; when do i get to stop?

and that's not even getting into the awful models and facial animation, which is straying into the realm of art direction


flinging feces ---->
Drinky Crow said:
sure i can -- screen tearing; lame environmental effects like explosions and water splashes; aliasing; shadowing glitches; did i mention the shitty explosion effects? texture "pop-in"; when do i get to stop?

and that's not even getting into the awful models and facial animation, which is straying into the realm of art direction

I do not comprehend how someone can so negatively view Uncharted's graphics. It's really beyond the realm of reasonability.

What game looks technologically better than Uncharted? I'm serious -- I want a response to that.
i don't view them negatively. overall, they're quite good, and some scenes are downright stunning. they just didn't blow me away -- but that's the price you pay as a dedicated first-and-foremost pc gamer. they're simply not worth the mansnot drooling from your console-exclusive priapisms.

Mister D

Drinky Crow said:
sure i can -- screen tearing; lame environmental effects like explosions and water splashes; aliasing; shadowing glitches; did i mention the shitty explosion effects? texture "pop-in"; when do i get to stop?

and that's not even getting into the awful models and facial animation, which is straying into the realm of art direction

Wow, did the game rape your grandmother and put sugar in your gas tank? Now I'm starting to have doubts about wanting to buy the game. I still will since I need a shoot stuff game for PS3 and Call of Duty isn't really my thing since I suck at first person shooters. The demo seemed good looking enough on my TV so I'll definitely be checking out the full game since people said the graphics and gameplay in the demo were just a demo (see what I did there) of things to come.
dirtmonkey37 said:
I do not comprehend how someone can so negatively view Uncharted's graphics. It's really beyond the realm of reasonability.

What game looks technologically better than Uncharted? I'm serious -- I want a response to that.
:lol :lol :lol



Why do people continuously fall for this shit?
Mister D said:
Wow, did the game rape your grandmother and put sugar in your gas tank? Now I'm starting to have doubts about wanting to buy the game. I still will since I need a shoot stuff game for PS3 and Call of Duty isn't really my thing since I suck at first person shooters. The demo seemed good looking enough on my TV so I'll definitely be checking out the full game since people said the graphics and gameplay in the demo were just a demo (see what I did there) of things to come.

overall it's a good-looking game; even i won't argue that, although i think the character models are downright laughable, and the hilarious overarticulated animation (facial and overall) rings a cacophony throughout the ol' uncanny valley.
Drinky Crow said:
why ask the question if you know the answer? what is the answer, by the way?
In this thread? Lots of new people that aren't aware of the Drinky Crow I'm friends with some of the mods outside the net so I can't get banned unless I make an inapropraite joke about a murder-suicide bit.


dirtmonkey37 said:
I do not comprehend how someone can so negatively view Uncharted's graphics. It's really beyond the realm of reasonability.

What game looks technologically better than Uncharted? I'm serious -- I want a response to that.

Crysis on a $100.000 machine running quad SLI graphics cards with super hyrdo vision smooth framerate playback engine, and twin turbo/ intercooler CPU.

pretty much.
Mister D said:
Wow, did the game rape your grandmother and put sugar in your gas tank? Now I'm starting to have doubts about wanting to buy the game. I still will since I need a shoot stuff game for PS3 and Call of Duty isn't really my thing since I suck at first person shooters. The demo seemed good looking enough on my TV so I'll definitely be checking out the full game since people said the graphics and gameplay in the demo were just a demo (see what I did there) of things to come.

This guy is just messing around. It seriously is my personal goty and a lot of other peoples if you dont believe us go check its metacritic out.


Drinky Crow said:
as for great games, do i get to pick ANY genre, or just those who do specific elements found in uncharted better? because if i want general-purpose third-person shooting in superior form, i'll pick graw 2; if i want better cover mechanics, i'll pick rainbow 6 vegas; if i want better dialogue and cinematic integration, i'll pick bioshock. if i want better setpiece battles and dynamic ai, i'll pick halo 3. if i want better scripted events and linear level design, i'll pick call of duty 4. if i want better environmental puzzles and obstacles, i'll pick **** raider anniversary.

Not transparent enough. Work on it!
Opus Angelorum said:
Like all good comedians.

But like most comedians, unfortunately, I prefer Drinky's older, funnier stuff.

Drinky's posts are rapidly becoming like Woody Allen's movies, or Howards Stern's show. I'm sure there is something good still there, but you have to wade through a lot of schlock to get to it. Now, he's more of a "shock jock" type personality desperately just trying to get attention and get a rise out of people than actually bringing the funny on his own.

I thought he had finally found the little vein of gold he'd been mining for with Wii Fit, but it looks like he got distracted by us Uncharted fans instead, and he's trying too hard to create something that just isn't there. Poor Drinky, teh majik...is gone.
Drinky Crow said:
i'm always funnier when i'm on your side, of course

Not really. You are funny when you are funny.

I know your game, so I don't really care what the so-called "target" of your so-called "wrath" is.

Just bring the funny better, yuck monkey. Come on, dance...dance and entertain us!


flinging feces ---->
Drinky Crow said:
great dialogue in a movie? gee, do i get to pick ANY movie, or should i stick to JUST the action genre?

as for great games, do i get to pick ANY genre, or just those who do specific elements found in uncharted better? because if i want general-purpose third-person shooting in superior form, i'll pick graw 2; if i want better cover mechanics, i'll pick rainbow 6 vegas; if i want better dialogue and cinematic integration, i'll pick bioshock. if i want better setpiece battles and dynamic ai, i'll pick halo 3. if i want better scripted events and linear level design, i'll pick call of duty 4. if i want better environmental puzzles and obstacles, i'll pick **** raider anniversary.

there's very little that's 100% comparable to uncharted, and while that's to its credit, all of its gameplay components have vastly better alternatives in other games -- and which unlike you turdsnackers i have actually played. for some of you, a bunch of mediocre game design elements wed to a strong graphic engine and made platform exclusive is enough to convince yourself that it's above mediocrity. for those of us who play other games, it's like retreading a collection of middling experiences from better, more focused games. clumsy cinematics and vapid, cliched dialogue are a poor mortar for this mashed-up facade.

Joking around or not, you make valid criticisms in this post that I would like to address. I speant ten minutes typing a response to this post about how I agreed with many aspects of it but then something went wrong with my GAF cookies and when I clicked "submit," it forwarded me to the sign-in page. Upon pressing back to copy the essay I had written, I noticed that all of my writing was gone.

So, I will end with saying this: yes, the games you mentioned execute all of their respective "core" gameplay elements better than many others in the genre but Uncharted, like its protagonist although here in a different sense, is an "everyman" game. It does a a lot well, but nothing superb (with the exception of visuals, dialogue, and other non-game qualities). Yet, at the end of the day when the man's holding the tally sheet, you come to the realization that Uncharted really does add up to more than the sum of its parts as an exciting and well-crafted experience.
I just thought Drinky could've been funnier.

Drinky Crow said:
good story/ characters? come the fuck ON, folks. the dialogue was terrible. the sully/drake banter in the first three chapters made me turn off the sound. this was a third-rate clive cussler production equivalent. it's "sahara: the game".

He's trolling the dialog/characters/acting and the best he can come up with is a comparison to Sahara?

If I had an open "License to Troll" on GAF, I'd have at least tried a little harder. Like this:

Pristine_Crow said:
good story/ characters? come the fuck ON, folks. the dialogue was terrible. the sully/drake banter in the first three chapters made me turn off the sound. this was a third-rate Naughty America production equivalent. it's "Bookworm Bitches 47-"Yes Yes...All Over My Glasses": The Game".

Sahara ain't funny. Sahara is Penélope Cruz and Robert Cavanah. Not funny. Bookworm Bitches is teh funny. "Actors" like "Annie Cruz" and "Vic Sinister" (Thanks, IMDB!) are funny. Roll it around in your head for a while...it just sounds funny. BOOKWORM BITCHES.

If you are gonna troll, troll like a damn full-grown man.


MickeyKnox said:
I think the material is just tired at this point.
Yuh his speil is really a very bad example of how to criticise a game. Really badly written, and makes me want to shoot myself. I mean we've seen it all before, I just hate it when posters try to be like they are in the movies.


flinging feces ---->
Pristine_Condition said:
I was happy after the first hour or so of the game.

So what happened with you? Did it just click all the sudden? Or did you notice some insane details that you were missing before?

Speaking of insane details...I just discovered how I can consistently knock the helmets off the tactical guys a couple days ago. So cool.

What I'm most happy about is, I've finished the game a number of times now, a few times on Crushing even, and I'M STILL GOING BACK FOR MORE. Usually, with these narrative-based, single-player games, I'll put the game down for a while after I finish it. I haven't been able to keep Uncharted out of my PS3 for more than a day or two since I bought it, regardless of how many times I've finished it. This is really rare behavior for me, and more akin to what I do when I click with a great music album than a video game.

Well, I've had this problem with many games before: I continuously ask myself while playing the game, "Am I having fun? Am I having fun? Am I having fun now?" Yes, I'm compulsive sometimes, and this line of questioning has ruined a good portion of games for me (Resident Evil, almost Gears of War, Ratchet and Clank: ToD, and almost Uncharted). Because I focus so sharply on whether or not I'm having fun and if pushing button 'X' is making me feel 'Y' feeling to the extent to which it should, that I'm constantly yanking myself out of the experience when the game keeps trying to pull me in.


Yea the Crow's been on a downhill slide ever since the DS dog game incident. Now he's trying to throw out as much shit as possible and praying one will stick. So sad :( worse than watching a year old train wreck :`(


Wet masonry is clearly one of those surfaces that are just crammed with graphical potential. More of it (and if this means more castles / forts / ziggurats / temples - so fucking be it).


when is my burrito
Drinky Crow said:
good story/ characters? come the fuck ON, folks. the dialogue was terrible. the sully/drake banter in the first three chapters made me turn off the sound. this was a third-rate clive cussler production equivalent. it's "sahara: the game".

Sorry for being LTTP but who writes your dialogue?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
why argue with drinky?

i've found he's right more often than not and when you disagree just step aside and watch the n00bs argue for comedic value

you can't win the battle. you can't. so don't try.

this thread is prime material, too. it's a bunch of creepy nuttos obsessing over screenshots. honestly i'd troll the thread too if i didn't like uncharted so much.
Y2Kev said:
why argue with drinky?

i've found he's right more often than not and when you disagree just step aside and watch the n00bs argue for comedic value

you can't win the battle. you can't. so don't try.

this thread is prime material, too. it's a bunch of creepy nuttos obsessing over screenshots. honestly i'd troll the thread too if i didn't like uncharted so much.

Uhhhh when I was freaking out I was uhhhh I was only foolin I knew it was a big joke. haha yeah oh I am such a poon.


Junior Member
Y2Kev said:
why argue with drinky?

i've found he's right more often than not and when you disagree just step aside and watch the n00bs argue for comedic value

you can't win the battle. you can't. so don't try.

this thread is prime material, too. it's a bunch of creepy nuttos obsessing over screenshots. honestly i'd troll the thread too if i didn't like uncharted so much.
Have you seen the GT5 Prologue thread?

Some guy is pointing out grey pixels between the regular pixels. It should still be on the last page.

Drinky, that thread is a lot better than this one to get your rocks off (or you could just jerk off).
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