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Uncharted |OT|


Jeff-DSA said:
Compared to other console experiences, it's pretty bad. I think the fact that I'm on a 61" 1080p set only magnifies the issue, however. Like when I see a tear, it's in a section of the screen that's like 15 inches across.

Before I get into this, I need to say that I love the graphics. I think they are very, very, good, but they definitely have some issues. The worst issue is the tearing. Some people may not be so sensitive to it, but I think it's as bad as frame drops. Second, there are frame drops quite often. They aren't so severe that they cause big slowdown, but they cause less than buttery smooth camera pans. Also, there is some pop in when a new screen loads, but it's fairly brief. It's not as bad as what you see with the UT3 engine games, but you do see it. Finally, 90% of the time the bloom lighting looks great, but at times it's a bit much. Nathan's shirt glows at times and it just looks kinda funny. It's like a '70's dream sequence or something.

I love the game, but I think a lot of people are in danger of overhyping the graphical experience. It's very, very, good, but it's nowhere near flawless from a graphical standpoint. It's still better than most.
play on 720p not 1080i. And your first sentence is completely wrong.


hide your water-based mammals
Jeff-DSA said:
Compared to other console experiences, it's pretty bad. I think the fact that I'm on a 61" 1080p set only magnifies the issue, however. Like when I see a tear, it's in a section of the screen that's like 15 inches across.

Before I get into this, I need to say that I love the graphics. I think they are very, very, good, but they definitely have some issues. The worst issue is the tearing. Some people may not be so sensitive to it, but I think it's as bad as frame drops. Second, there are frame drops quite often. They aren't so severe that they cause big slowdown, but they cause less than buttery smooth camera pans. Also, there is some pop in when a new screen loads, but it's fairly brief. It's not as bad as what you see with the UT3 engine games, but you do see it. Finally, 90% of the time the bloom lighting looks great, but at times it's a bit much. Nathan's shirt glows at times and it just looks kinda funny. It's like a '70's dream sequence or something.

I love the game, but I think a lot of people are in danger of overhyping the graphical experience. It's very, very, good, but it's nowhere near flawless from a graphical standpoint. It's still better than most.
On consoles, I would say it's the best. Every game could be nitpicked, this one is no exception. Overall the issues are not enough to break the game. From a tech standpoint this is the new benchmark, glitches and all. By that, I mean visuals/audio/physics/animation/etc. Oh and the score is a thing of beauty.


just finished on normal and getting ready to try again on hard.

didnt pick up many treasures though only got 23 on the first run :-(

didnt see any tearing though so its not all bad.

utterly superb game but why did the devs make the end game a
horribly cliched doom3 / trigen clone thing
the rest of the game was so good


kbear said:
You got a pic of cartoon drake? i'm curious now
edit, or is that the skin in those 2 pics?
Na thats Naughty Dog Drake. I like the sleeves :D

My brother is on CoD4 right now, but when I get a chance I'll take some snaps of Cartoon Drake.

It's practically impossible to play with the next gen filter on when you are outiside. When you get hit, your screen just floods with bloom. :lol


Dave1988 said:
I have to ask Jeff; did you play Assassin's Creed? Now that's screen tearing up the butt.

Not yet, but I'm sure it will bother me there too. Certain things bug people, and tearing is just one of them for me. I'm sure for 90% of gamers it's a shrug and move on type of deal, but I cringe a tad each time I notice it.

It's a curse, not a blessing. :D

The animations are so nice in Uncharted. It's little stuff that makes all the difference too; like how Nathan puts his hand on the door frame as he passes through and very deliberately steps over and around objects. It's quite satisfying.


If you're playing a game that runs at 720p, yet you're displaying it at 1080p, you are adding artificial scaling into the equation.

Play it at 720p should give you the most natural image.


The Amiga Brotherhood
LiquidMetal14 said:
The tearing is not as bad...

I run every game I can in 1080p (System>Display, only 1080p checked), but I noticed a lot more tearing in Uncharted that way. If I set the system to 720p, I barely noticed any tearing.


I know this is ridiculously early to ask but I just cannot get enough of this game, but are we looking at a 2009 sequel?


Cedeo said:
I know this is ridiculously early to ask but I just cannot get enough of this game, but are we looking at a 2009 sequel?

I think so. I'm already looking forward to the next chapter of the Drake saga.


Here are some snaps of the unlockable models

Favourite one is Naughty Dog Drake

Cartoon Drake

Here's the problem with his back and an AK

Cartoon Drake and Elena

Sorry about the shite quality. Camera is being daft. :(


Oh my God... I just beat the game! :D


This game was the best experience I have had with a video game since, well, forever: an exhilirating thrill ride from start to... the inevitable finish. God, I wish this game didn't end. It was already hard enough to put down the controller after the credits rolled realizing that I wouldn't be able to go on that next adventure. Tears were shed, promises made, and farewells exchanged.
Why did they leave me behind? D@mn boat. D@mn television. D@mn reality. Bittersweet to the end.
Oh, how much I already miss thee. You give me such fond memories. How about we make some new ones? Hard perhaps? :D

I don't know what Naughty Dog did, but it worked. This everyman figure didn't so much as make me think, 'Oh, I'm going on an adventure with Joe Shmoe', but, rather, made me feel as if I was Nathan Drake. It just seemed... personal. Drake was a lot like me. The way he reacted, spoke, felt... it was almost freaky in a way. I found myself saying the exact same things as he did. I would be like, 'Why don't you do this...' and he would do it: the 'If I were him I would have done it like this'. He was not shy about speaking his mind. In fact, he did so often and sometimes even when the circumstance proved not to be in his favor. Sounds like something I would do.

I grew to like each of the characters. Each having a certain charm to them. I found myself caring. I wanted to know what happened next. When one was in danger, I wanted to look out for them. I wanted to keep them safe. The adventure we were on was as real to me as the very air I breathe. In our quest to find El Dorado, I felt joy, pain, loss, sadness, comfort, strife, victory, and remorse. There was no telling what new feeling I would discover next. That has never happened to me before with a videogame. Years from now, I will recall this game for its experience: its affect it had on me when playing it. Never before have I been so thoroughly immersed in a game. Congrats, ND! You guys deserve it.

There is just so much too talk about. I don't know where to begin. The story, music, art, cinematics, camera, everything was just so... so... beautiful. They all worked seamlessly well together. A perfect blend for a perfect game. It just all seemed to mesh so well. As did the gameplay. Not only was it a joy to watch, but it was a joy to play. As stated above, this is an adventure you won't want to miss. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Jump on board, if you haven't already, and experience the awesomness that is Uncharted.

Notes: (because as we all know, it is paramount to further successes) :D

+ Top quality cinematics. Had me going to the Gallery quite often.
+ Characters unrivaled in sheer depth.
+ Music sets mood of story effectively and then some... (One of the best game sountracks I have heard)
+ Camera well scripted during cutscenes; captures emotions powerfully. (During gameplay? Astonishing. No problems whatsoever. It actually helped.)
+ Loading? What loading? This is as seamless an experience as you will ever encounter.
+ Transitions are remarkably well designed. (Often times, I found myself waiting after a cutscene only to find out that Nathan was ready for me to take control. Cinematics built off the in-game engine helps. :D )
+ Level designs are something to behold. Great and creative elements offer new types of gameplay; keeping things fresh past multiple encounters.
+ Inventive solutions to platforming. Great use of objects. Nicely streamed into the environment. (Does not stick out like a sore thumb.)
+ Fun little puzzles complement the adventuring aspect. (Platforming is quite a puzzle itself sometimes.)
+ Extremely rewarding and satisfying. Constant vigilance in bettering your combat and platforming skills pay off and can get you to places that can be quite beneficial in the long run. (Great combat system that has depth in spades. Positioning matters. Smart possibilities for cover: can also be destroyed.)
+ Switching between weapons was painless and easy: intuitive. (Got to admit it is hard to part with some weapons due to the two weapons limit by category. :D But, by doing so, the element adds dozens of more layers to strategy.)
+ Luck system is extremely innovative. No health bar makes everything more realistic. Easy to tell when hurt or dying. (Gread fading effects.)
+ Unparalelled sound design. Nice, sharp, and realistic. Helps immerse the player and let's them feel actions going on around them. (You will want to crank this baby up.)
+ Animation is nice and responsive. Let's you feel in control. Exaggerated in all the right ways. Most realistic animations I have seen. You're controlling everything Nathan does! Accented motion captured segments as well (Enhanced).
+ Uncharted's voice acting and motion capturing sets the new bar for videogames. Such an auditorially appeasing cast. Rich and diverse, and full of emotion. Deliver convincing performances that adds tons of believability to characters.
+ Grenade aiming well designed. Gives feedback to the player and can be adjusted appropriately. Done with ease with motion control.
+ Brilliant use of shine coating around ammo, weapons, and treasures. Not glaringly distracting. Not too hard to find. Just right.
+ Beautiful architectures, textures, and environments. Kept up the spirit of the game wherever. Sold the story and added to the world. Great use of consistency in variety. Great use of lighting, as well: amplifies effects.
+ Context sensitive melee attacks presents a 'Got to try 'em all' mindset. Animations complement the events nicely. Satisfying and exciting.
+ Checkpoints are very user friendly. Frequently placed; helps avoid frustrating back tracking.
+ Quick Time Events are fun and engaging. Keeps player in tune to the world. Helps immersion.

Cons (I'm sure I can think of more, but for now...) :D
- The white lines around objects, characters, and environments needs to go. Gets in the way of the pretty animations.
- Sound needs to be considered for feedback. Jumping on stone, metal, glass, or wood offered no real response. Needs sound to sell environment.
- Was there really a point for the UP button on the digital pad? Could make use of a third weapon or context sensitive item (rope).
- Some enemy movements cause headshots to be defunct. Animations could also be a part of the reason. Blood would splatter, but they would not fall. [EDIT: Considered this a little more. I was wrong about this. Not so much the animation, moreover the
bucket heads
that take multiple head shots. So, not a bad thing. Just harder. :D ]
- When loading from checkpoints ammo dropped by downed enemies vanish. Only preset ammo placings are available. Throws out some of the strategy concept.
- No feedback to diverse environments. When fording streams/lakes/rivers with a current there is no pull. Makes it feel as though the current is artificial. Build some resistance into objects. Can make rocks/boulders/hills slippery if wet, and provide general resistance in the form of slower movements to show more force being used.
- Needs a saving icon. Can be remote, but just have it there so the player can know from where they have to work if things go wrong.

Thin Line (The Subjective Portion)
? Consider ripping clothing based on effects done by terrain and gunfire: snagging jeans/shirt on branches, bullet holes in clothing, and falls.
? Implement real-time dirt staining effects. Include different shades to help sell actions.
? Broaden 4D elements. Include burning cloth (leaving it darkened), staining shirts/jeans with blood, and real-time markings/cuts/bruises on skin when received.
? Show in real-time sweat and water dripping off from characters: clothing, or otherwise.
? Consider using more recoil/surface effects for when interacting with the environment. Could include a small animation of bouncing off cover when slamming into it. May also want to use tripping as a viable solution.

Favorite Moments:

o Sully getting shot. (Couldn't believe it. My, was I mad. :D )
o Eddy Raja shooting the shotgun at the jeep. (Drake and Elena's reactions matched mine perfectly.)
o Eddy Raja being cut loose by Gabriel. (Wow! What an angsty scene.)
o Francis Drake's dead body in the creature infested room. Enough said. :D
o The discovery of what El Dorado truly was. (Simply not what you would expect.)
o Navarro killing Gabriel.
o Elena finding and giving back the ring to Nathan.

o Nathan giving up on the hunt and wanting to find the boat at the harbor. The scene where Elena tries to dissuade Drake.
o Discovering those mutated Spaniards and having to fight them for the next couple stages.
o Fighting Navarro at the end. He's a good shot, and at the time I didn't know during the final phase that we were supposed to run at him and try to hit him after blowing out my cover. Provided for some truly humorous run for your life and try to hide behind awkward objects scenario. :lol

o Jeep ride! Wah-hoo!
o Rescuing Elena and Sully when all seemed lost.
o Drake and Elena hooking up in the end. (We knew it would happen. :D )
o Elena finding and giving back Drake's antique ring. That whole scene was so moving.

o Sully getting shot by Gabriel.
o Navarro being reminded of being picked up from some slum. (Just thought it was extremely cruel of Gabriel)
o Leaving Elena behind when trying to power up the generator.


First Playthrough
Play Time: 13 hours and 37 minutes (Probably longer too since I died quite a bit.)
Collected: 47/60 Treasures
Earned: 400 Medal Points

Final Words:
If you can only get one game this year, make it this one. This is an experience that cannot be missed. Everything is so well done, and, as a result, has become one of my favorite games of all time. This is just the beginning too, so make sure you make the leap so you can start from where it all began for what surely will be an amazing series. If I could sum up everything I felt for the game in one sentence it would be...

"You beautiful sonofabitch!" :lol
There is only one thing that ND need to fix for the sequel and that is the screen tearing. Even with the screen tearing (which isn't that bad) this is the best looking game I've ever seen. ND claim that Unchartered is only using 30% of the power of the PS3 and I hope they use some of that remaining 70% to turn on vsync.

Oh one more thing. Best music in a game. Ever.

Oh one more thing. Best game this generation.


Holy shit Basch, that's quite a long post you got yourself there. :lol

Agree with most of it, but about the current in water, I felt a pretty strong current in one part of the jet ski bits,
it was a mission just trying to get the damn jet ski to ride up the little waterfall things :/

Also I was pretty confused when
Sully got shot,
didnt really care for him though,
till the very end of the game. Seemed like he was gonna kill me in the first chapter :| So I thought him getting shot was for the best


bearillusion said:
There is only one thing that ND need to fix for the sequel and that is the screen tearing. Even with the screen tearing (which isn't that bad) this is the best looking game I've ever seen. ND claim that Unchartered is only using 30% of the power of the PS3 and I hope they use some of that remaining 70% to turn on vsync.

Oh one more thing. Best music in a game. Ever.

Oh one more thing. Best game this generation.

Well, I didn't notice any screen tearing or texture pop-in. So I guess I am one of the lucky ones. Everything else, I concur. :D

By the way, once I beat the game, an option comes up asking if I want to 'Play'. It then shows a picture of the 1st stage. If I press play, I carry over all the treasures and Medal Points from my first game, right? Just wanted to make sure before I get into the game again. I really want to get back into Uncharted, but Ratchet and Clank Future is calling to me. I still want to beat Resistance for the second time too (almost done). Oh, the choices. :lol Just got a whole bunch of games and should play them, but... :D

On separate note, loved the Silver Lama Treasure piece. :lol

Oh yeah, and for those that watched the 'Meet the Dogs' extra, what was with that dudes obsession with duck tape and Elmer's glue? :lol


Dibbz said:
Agree with most of it, but about the current in water, I felt a pretty strong current in one part of the jet ski bits,
it was a mission just trying to get the damn jet ski to ride up the little waterfall things :/

Yeah, I remember that. But I was thinking not as much of a pull as that one. :lol And it was mostly in reference to when on land.

Dibbz said:
Also I was pretty confused when
Sully got shot,
didnt really care for him though,
till the very end of the game. Seemed like he was gonna kill me in the first chapter :| So I thought him getting shot was for the best

You know, he did seem kind of desperate at one point. :lol At first he scared the hell out of me for
demanding we find the treasure and not be on some wild goose chase
. He was a little threatening, it seemed, at the time. But I knew, that wasn't who he truly was. :D
Funniest moment ever:

Elena: Be careful.
Nate: I'm always careful! *laughs*

*turns and hits head against archway*


:lol :lol :lol


Jeff-DSA said:
So I'm better off having my PS3 set to 720p (something my TV doesn't support natively) and let it upscale to 1080p?

Yes just think of it.

PS3 does only have horizontal scaling so for it to run Uncharted in 1080i/p it will still have to render more vertical pixels than when the game runs in 720p making it more prone to screen tearing.

And the 1080 frame buffers should also leave less RAM for the streamed content, I could personally imagine this causing more texture popups when the game with its level designs in the first place were designed only for 720p and Naughty Dog added the 1080 support in the very end due to popular demand from the 1080i only crowd.

Heh, Naughty Dog even said this on the Playstation blog; 1080i/p will cause more frame-rate issues but it's better for the 1080i only people than not being able to play the game.


Vyse The Legend said:
Funniest moment ever:

Elena: Be careful.
Nate: I'm always careful! *laughs*

*turns and hits head against archway*


:lol :lol :lol
hah yeah that bit was funny. It was so serious, then all of a sudden the tension just falls apart. It's great that ND didn't take themselves to seriously with parts like that :)
I'm pretty sure it's the streaming that for the most part that causes the tearing. I've restarted checkpoints and rotated the camera while standing still and seen some tearing but if I wait 5 to 10 seconds and test it again in the same spot it doesn't tear.

Oh one more thing. Incredible game. It's like playing a hand painted movie.


Just for good meassure:

Evan Wells | October 3rd, 2007 at 7:01 pm

Hey guys, I appreciate all of these comments. And in fact, you have just helped us out immensely. I wasn’t fully aware of how important it was for us to support 1080i. Up until earlier today we were only supporting 720p (and SD of course) but reading through these comments, it was brought to my attention the number of people who had HDTV’s but would not be able to experience Uncharted in high-def. So we immediately went to work and I’m pleased to announce here, for the first time, that we have now implemented 1080 support! Thanks for pointing this out to us, so now even more people will get to enjoy Uncharted the way it was meant to be… in glorious high definition!

Post 97

Evan Wells | October 3rd, 2007 at 7:35 pm

It will play in 1080p but it’s software scaled to help out those with 1080i sets, so if you have a 1080p TV you’ll still want to play it in 720p (which it will default to).

And yes, our game runs at 30FPS.

Post 103

Evan Wells | October 3rd, 2007 at 9:23 pm


You don’t have to worry… if your PS3 is set to support 720p, Uncharted will select that mode over 1080i (we thought of that issue). If you really want to play it in 1080 instead of 720p (not recommended if you set supports 720p), you can switch off 720p in the XMB.

Post 112


Basch said:
Well, I didn't notice any screen tearing or texture pop-in. So I guess I am one of the lucky ones. Everything else, I concur. :D

I'm running the game in 720p and I haven't noticed any tearing yet. I did notice one case of texture pop-in at the beginning of the game that I believe was actually during a cinematic (which was weird). Maybe it wasn't a cinematic, but the level was pretty much an empty canvas, then one layer of textures popped in, then another more detailed level and that was it. After that I haven't noticed anything off in the game. Then again, tearing has never been something that I've found too noticeable.


andycapps said:
I'm running the game in 720p and I haven't noticed any tearing yet. I did notice one case of texture pop-in at the beginning of the game that I believe was actually during a cinematic (which was weird). Maybe it wasn't a cinematic, but the level was pretty much an empty canvas, then one layer of textures popped in, then another more detailed level and that was it. After that I haven't noticed anything off in the game. Then again, tearing has never been something that I've found too noticeable.
Yeah this happens to me now and again. It's like when a totaly new level is loaded the textures load layer by layer.

Didn't bother me too much though.


WOW Basch thx for the review, i was going to get it later but after reading your review i will get it. Sounds like an experience that shouldn't be missed
I'm like 50% into the game, and though I'm loving it and I think it's probably the most impressive game I've seen this gen so far graphics-wise, it still has some flaws. Like the other day I got stuck between a rock and a builing or something and couldn't get out of there, I had to wait till they killed me to restart the area. Also, I think it could be more balanced. Some areas are a little like "okay, let's just put a bunch of bad guys here and yeaa... we got a scene!". But overall, besides some minor graphical flaws (and the fact that many cutscenes aren't realtime... I WANT MY CUTSCENES IN REAL TIME!!) the game's just jaw-dropping. I love the animation.


ichigo kurosaki said:
I'm like 50% into the game, and though I'm loving it and I think it's probably the most impressive game I've seen this gen so far graphics-wise, it still has some flaws. Like the other day I got stuck between a rock and a builing or something and couldn't get out of there, I had to wait till they killed me to restart the area. Also, I think it could be more balanced. Some areas are a little like "okay, let's just put a bunch of bad guys here and yeaa... we got a scene!". But overall, besides some minor graphical flaws (and the fact that many cutscenes aren't realtime... I WANT MY CUTSCENES IN REAL TIME!!) the game's just jaw-dropping. I love the animation.

The cut scenes are all in-engine, if that's what you mean, but they're not rendered in real time. I believe they're pre-recorded for the purposes of loading in the background, plus you're able to pause or skip them. A-ok with me if they're in-engine and pre-rendered, but I'm able to skip them and get to the action. I never skip anything the first time through, but afterwards, it comes in handy.
ichigo kurosaki said:
I'm like 50% into the game, and though I'm loving it and I think it's probably the most impressive game I've seen this gen so far graphics-wise, it still has some flaws. Like the other day I got stuck between a rock and a builing or something and couldn't get out of there, I had to wait till they killed me to restart the area. Also, I think it could be more balanced. Some areas are a little like "okay, let's just put a bunch of bad guys here and yeaa... we got a scene!". But overall, besides some minor graphical flaws (and the fact that many cutscenes aren't realtime... I WANT MY CUTSCENES IN REAL TIME!!) the game's just jaw-dropping. I love the animation.

I just started playing it yesterday and I agree on pretty much everything you said except my biggest issue is the enemies. I've seen RE zombies take less bullets than the guys in this game. I know they want to reward headshots but no human can get unloaded on with a machine gun or shotty and still be standing to duck behind cover. The enemies soaking up bullets have lead to so much frustration with this game. Other than that I love it, definitely the best PS3 game I've played (R&C still in sleeve).


HOLY cow this game is good looking currently on level 11, the jet ski level has been the best looking level for me so far.

The art in this game is unbelievable


LiquidMetal14 said:
It gets more balanced as you progress. And the game keeps you on your toes as to when the next gun fight will be. Some are obvious, like when you enter a big open plaza like area. And others are from left field. It strikes a good balance. I will admit the first 4 chapters were fun because of the exploration and mystery involved. It picks up nicely later on.
Finally finished the game yesterday at 2:00 am, and oh boy, it was really awesome. After i got past chapter 6 the game really became extremely well balanced between shooting an exploration. Lots of awesome moments, excellent graphics (especially the indoor levels). The most beautiful looking game i have played this year.

Spaniard mutants part was totally unexpected, wtf Naughty Dog, in those parts i felt like i was playing Silent Hill with all those mutants chasing me, really awesome Naughty Dog. Also, the part in which you have to fight both soldiers and mutants at the same time was really intense

On the graphics department, i didn't noticed the tearing or slowdown a lot. What i really had a problem with was the Texture pop in. Sometimes it seemed that the game didn't had enough time to stream the textures of a new section and upon your arrival you would notice everything looking bland, lacking shadow maps. For example, at the end of the Jet Ski level, when you go to the monastery, when i arrived there, the scenery started poping up everything.

Also, in that level in which you have different paths with Roman Numbers, that was the last time i saved before again yesterday night, and when i loaded the game, the little plates with the numbers didnt have numbers, just the empty play. I went WTF! for a moment, but then the textures loaded without any problems.

Definitely a GOTY candidate, game was extremely good, albeit a little short, but at least in the same lenght as God of War. I clocked in 8 hours and 20 minutes, 34 treasures and 440 reward points. Will replay it again in higher difficulty setting as well as play it in spanish this time around.


2real4tv said:
HOLY cow this game is good looking currently on level 11, the jet ski level has been the best looking level for me so far.

The art in this game is unbelievable

I just finished the jet ski level last night.. Simply incredible, I don't get all the hate for the jet ski driving and then having to stop to fire.. It would have been a little better to be able to shoot while driving, but it's not a huge deal breaker for me. But yeah, my wife and our best friend were actually watching me play this part and were getting into it.

Also, this game sounds incredible with some old (7 or 8 years) speakers I had at my parent's house that I found when I went down there for Christmas. Some Yamaha 3 way speakers that have 8 inch woofers in them, just makes this soundtrack sound so good with my surround system. It may be the best videogame music I've ever heard, it's definitely on a level or exceeding most Hollywood soundtracks.


Vyse The Legend said:
Funniest moment ever:

Elena: Be careful.
Nate: I'm always careful! *laughs*

*turns and hits head against archway*


:lol :lol :lol

Ha ha, yes. I remember that part. I was a little surprised Elena and Sully didn't snigger. My friends all laughed out loud when I walked into a lamp post couple of years ago while talking serious matters with them. XD

The happiest moment in this game has to be the last scene
where Sully didn't die and showed up with a boatload of treasure. His debt will probably be all gone. Well, one of his most vicious debtors was dead anyway.

The most nasty scene is the
Spaniard room. Fighting them is like gambling. Even if I gain an upper hand now; in the long run... I'll lose. So I always run for the exit as soon as possible

andycapps said:
I just finished the jet ski level last night.. Simply incredible, I don't get all the hate for the jet ski driving and then having to stop to fire.. It would have been a little better to be able to shoot while driving, but it's not a huge deal breaker for me.

Same here. I actually liked the jetski levels, especially the last one.


so the tearing that some are seeing is due to forcing the game into a unsupported res?

self inflicted whining ftl.

on the jetski sections did anyone else just travel very slowly ignoring the transport but acting more like a tactical shooter?


Suckin' dicks since '66
Dibbz said:
Here are some snaps of the unlockable models

Favourite one is Naughty Dog Drake

Cartoon Drake

Here's the problem with his back and an AK

Cartoon Drake and Elena

Sorry about the shite quality. Camera is being daft. :(

That is some legendary stuff right there man with the cartoon drake if Nauthy Dog wanted to keep making fun of next gen they should of had a space bald marine drake with 10 inch thick armor!


andycapps said:
I just finished the jet ski level last night.. Simply incredible, I don't get all the hate for the jet ski driving and then having to stop to fire.. It would have been a little better to be able to shoot while driving, but it's not a huge deal breaker for me. But yeah, my wife and our best friend were actually watching me play this part and were getting into it.

I didn't get it either. I thought it was fine. You can shoot while your driving, though, if I remember right. Although, I gave up on that method because of the waves of barrels that threatened my pretty speedy craft. :D Elena has pretty good aim too. I don't remember how I did it, but I either pressed or held the R1 Button to get something similar to an auto-aim function. I think it only works on the closest targets.

Did anybody else fall in love with the sound of the Grenade Launcher. That thing was a beast. I loved how if the grenade went off by you you would get a deafening effect that ended in a shriek. Kept me on my toes for sure. :D
prelude514 said:
Just got my DS3! Once it's done charging, it'll be time for another play through on crushing. :D

Oh man I would love to have a DS3 everywhere I go online their sold out.

And BASCH great review so happy you finally got a chance to get through this.

Oh and on a unrelated note how absolutely bad ass is that last jetski part where you go through
the cave and come out and there is just a hint of moonlight and you see twinkling fireflys everywhere and the music kicks in with that creepy muuuuuwahhhh wahhhh wahhhh waaaaaaa...
So fricken awesome.

And yes this is the first game to force me to try and replicate a orchestral score with m's,w's and a's.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Oh man I would love to have a DS3 everywhere I go online their sold out.

And BASCH great review so happy you finally got a chance to get through this.

Oh and on a unrelated note how absolutely bad ass is that last jetski part where you go through
the cave and come out and there is just a hint of moonlight and you see twinkling fireflys everywhere and the music kicks in with that creepy muuuuuwahhhh wahhhh wahhhh waaaaaaa...
So fricken awesome.

And yes this is the first game to force me to try and replicate a orchestral score with m's,w's and a's.

Really? http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-zl-49-en-70-2act.html Seems to be instock.

Going through my first play through of the game, on chapter 10 I believe, very good game so far.


hide your water-based mammals
BruceLeeRoy said:
Oh man I would love to have a DS3 everywhere I go online their sold out.

And BASCH great review so happy you finally got a chance to get through this.

Oh and on a unrelated note how absolutely bad ass is that last jetski part where you go through
the cave and come out and there is just a hint of moonlight and you see twinkling fireflys everywhere and the music kicks in with that creepy muuuuuwahhhh wahhhh wahhhh waaaaaaa...
So fricken awesome.

And yes this is the first game to force me to try and replicate a orchestral score with m's,w's and a's.
tHATS RIGHT, I just ordered mine 2 days ago. Super fast processing, it was shipped yesterday. Bear in mind that I ordered late Tuesday but when I got up on Wednesday it was already shipped. Cannot wait to play this with DS3 power. And even when I checked on my status yesterday the white one was in stock.


BruceLeeRoy said:
And BASCH great review so happy you finally got a chance to get through this.

Didn't want it to be a review, but I guess it sounds like one. I just wanted to give my impressions and ideas for what I felt went right and wrong with the game. I felt compelled to. Don't know why. Only the very best in videogames brings this out. I can nitpick my favorite games forever. :D Just a habit I have. I wish Naughty Dog had a jstevenson. The discussions alone would be quite enthralling. It would be interesting to have an insider's look.

BruceLeeRoy said:
Oh and on a unrelated note how absolutely bad ass is that last jetski part where you go through
the cave and come out and there is just a hint of moonlight and you see twinkling fireflys everywhere and the music kicks in with that creepy muuuuuwahhhh wahhhh wahhhh waaaaaaa...
So fricken awesome.

And yes this is the first game to force me to try and replicate a orchestral score with m's,w's and a's.

I too thought that part was incredibly wicked. I loved those little touches. Its moments like these where you can see how all the individual parts of development came together, providing a tight experience. Makes me want to yell on top of a mountain. Too bad there are none in little old Sioux Falls, South Dakota. :D

Multiplayer Idea

By the way, I had this idea for a multiplayer component in Uncharted. Now before anybody goes up in arms with me, I did not include that as a con for the game. I did not think it was necessary. Matter of fact, I thought Uncharted was a more complete package than most other games. Great bonuses. But I had this idea. It has been circulating in my head for the past couple of weeks. And now that I have played the game. I think it would work wonderfully with it.

The idea stems from the concept of treasure hunting. I thought what if we could take the dynamism from the Singleplayer component and transfer it over to Multiplayer. What would make it over in the translation? I came down to several key features. One, we would include many voice clippings from the actual actors/actresses. This would help accentuate the adventuring aspects of the Singleplayer component. It would also keep a human degree to the characters. Two, allow all main characters to be available; possibly each with unique advantages as well. This will give the player the chance to be the bad a$$ Gabriel, cunning Navarro, or the resourceful Elena Fisher. Lastly, I would incorporate the familiar set pieces from the Story and include new maps filled with the same quality platforming that give the player an unlimited amount of possibilities for combat.

Okay, now that we got the idea, how is it supposed to work? Well, as of now you can have an all against all deathmatch, so to speak, where the goal is to find the treasure. But beware, there could be many traps laying in wait for you. Matter of fact, you can set them yourselves. Want to cut access to an area that was covered by bridge? Hack away at it. Ever wanted to use those spring spikes grafted to the trees? Get building. Want to cover pits with foilage to cloak its malice? Scatter branches,leaves, and bamboo appropriately. I feel there could be a lot done here.

But if that wasn't enough for you, how does a team deathmatch sound where you and your team will be tasked with either infiltrating a harbor warehouse to steal goodies or protect them. Vehicle wars may run rampant in this stage as I plan for it to be quite extensive. Steal the treasure yet? Well that's only the beginning. You will need to drag the lump of fortune to a ship so that it may transport it to a safe location. But the journey will be rather perilous as the harbor has access to dozens of small speedy boats that can easily catch up to the slow wave breaker. They will be able to board and sabotage the ship as well. If the ship gives, you will have to make the journey by foot. Feel like the harbor has been overrun? Send a scout. He/she will go to a secret lair to fly them an airplane that can relocate the treasure if need be. Many strategic locations will be placed throughout the map.

Promising? Its an idea. Thought I would work on it some more. Develop it a bit, and then start cracking down and pumping this baby out through the UnrealED offered by Unreal Tournament III: the editor. It may take a while. But I have resolve. Wanted to know if I should follow through with it. Is it a good idea? What do you guys think? :D Suggestions?


Koojay said:
Really? http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-zl-49-en-70-2act.html Seems to be instock.

Going through my first play through of the game, on chapter 10 I believe, very good game so far.

Oh man, I think I just found what I'm getting with some of my Christmas money, I was thinking about getting another game, but I'd rather have one of these... Question being now if I want to order this and wait to finish Uncharted until I receive it....
I don't think I can wait
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